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Haiyan Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Haiyan Zhang Works 37 ,And Comedy 12 ,Feature 10 ,Costume Drama 9 ,Romance 8 ,Family drama 4 ,Youth drama 3 ,情景3 ,Suspense 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Ancient mythology 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Campus drama 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Myth play 1 ,Action 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Urban emotion 1 ,家庭教育类情景喜剧1 ,Love 1 ,经典1 ,Thriller 1 ,Net play 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Countryside 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Short 1 ,Terror 1 ,Child 1 。

Works Index

Haiyan Zhang Filmography(37)


封神演义 (TV)[2019]


殷商末年, Zhou Wang 无道,荒淫度日,听信奸佞费仲谗言,欲将冀州侯苏护之女 Su DaJi 占为己有,遂派大军压境,讨伐冀州以夺取妲己,不想妲己已被 Hu Yao 所附,丧失心智,助纣为虐。在妲己的煽动下, Zhou Wang 杀文害武,斩妻杀子,聚敛民财,苦害生灵,与此同时,西伯侯姬昌勤于政事,善施仁德,西岐国力日渐强大。元始天尊见朝歌城已被妖孽所控,断定殷商气数已尽,决定派遣 Jiang ZiYa 下山辅佐姬昌伐纣。 Jiang ZiYa 垂钓磻溪,得文王相聘,后又听闻 Yang Jian 生来带有蕴藏神力之天眼, Jiang ZiYa 深知此人一念成佛,一念成魔,故收 Yang Jian 为徒,启发他的善良和正义,并引导 Yang Jian 加入伐商大军。在文王驾崩后,其子 Ji Fa 继位,成为周武王。武王拜 Jiang ZiYa 为相父, Jiang ZiYa 正式辅助武王,起兵讨伐商纣。面对 Zhou Wang 、妲己、 Shen GongBao 组成的邪恶力量, Jiang ZiYa 、 Yang Jian 与雷震子、哪吒等五行上将团结一致,联手与妖邪势力作战。最终,西岐战胜朝歌,商纣江山倾覆,武王登基, Jiang ZiYa 自此位列仙班。

长官传奇 (Movie)[2019]


一千多年前开发安溪第一人 Liao Yan ( Jungle 饰)率民除暴,招集流民,开垦山地,布施教化,建设桑梓的传奇人生,歌颂了廖长官清正廉洁、爱民如子、勤政务实的高尚品德。

那年夏天有风吹过 (TV)[2019]


故事从2005年刚刚考上重点高中的 Bai YiHan 开始,青春期的女孩被学霸 Lin XingZe 所吸引,在闺蜜 Zhou XiaoYu 的帮助下, Bai YiHan 希望客厅通过一系列事情引起 Lin XingZe 的认可,最后虽然 Bai YiHan 没有得到 Lin XingZe 的欣赏和认可,却已引起他的注意,与此同时,从国外转学而来的 Yang TianRan 与 Bai YiHan 相识,同班同学 Chen SiYu 也被 Zhou XiaoYu 所吸引,在漫长的青春岁月里, Bai YiHan 与 Lin XingZe 、 Yang TianRan 三人产生纠葛的情愫, Chen SiYu 和 Zhou XiaoYu 的加入,也使得三人的关系变得迷离,当青春年少的时光逝去,成年的他们,命运又走向了不同的结局。


God come back (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Apocalypse" tells the story of business Zhou Wang era, the gods vacancies, the world goblin miscellaneous office, chaos. Yang Jian mortal teenager, in an encounter with the fox demon eyes open unexpectedly. Ten thousand years fox demon possessed in the name of the Savior's maid Xiao E, created a generation of demon Fei "Su DaJi." Since then, Zhou Wang has set up a gun torture system to kill the ministers and lead the Shang dynasty to a collapse quickly. Yuan Shizun decided to make a divine plan by war with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. His three disciples - Jiang ZiYa, Shen GongBao and Jade Ding live down to the mountains. Jiang ZiYa after suffering, finally to the boundless world, adjuvant Zhou Wang Road. Shen GongBao became demon world leaders, in order to fight for the gods and Jiang ZiYa launched a long struggle. Yudding Real Human Rescues Humanity Cultivation Yang Jian, Yang Jian But when the heart is stubborn, eventually accomplishes the mission unexpectedly by dedication to Da Ji love. When the King of War defeat, demon immortal World II battle, the two eventually go. Yuan Shizun said the truth of the two gods list, Shen GongBao refused to accept, cast his own sea. Jiang ZiYa eventually become the god of the people, the two will be one, equitable distribution of the God of Heaven, and the world belongs to human control & nbsp ;. "Gods Come Back" is a costume fairy tale drama jointly produced by Mango Television, China Media Group (Beijing) Co., Ltd., CCTV, Sanshang Media and China TV Drama Production Center, and is produced by Luo Jin, Likun Wang, Bo Zhang, Deng Lun, Collin Chou, Dujuan He, Yitian Hai, Hewei Yu, Jing Hu starring.

TheGods (TV)[2016]

Feature: Shang Wang era, heaven and earth god vacancies, the world Simon monster, chaos. Yang Jian mortal teenager, in an encounter with the fox demon eyes open unexpectedly. Ten thousand years fox demon possessed in the name of the Savior's maid Xiao E, created a generation of demon Fei "Su DaJi." TV drama "God" role picture King since then set the gun torture torture, kill ministers, making the rapid ruled Shang Dynasty collapse. Yuan Shizun decided to make a divine plan by war with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. His three disciples - Jiang ZiYa, Shen GongBao and Jade Ding live down to the mountains. Jiang ZiYa after suffering, finally to the boundless world, adjuvant Zhou Wang Road. Shen GongBao became demon world leaders, in order to fight for the gods and Jiang ZiYa launched a long struggle. Yudding Real Human Rescues Humanity Cultivation Yang Jian, Yang Jian However, when the heart is stubborn, she finally accomplished her mission accidentally with the attachment of her own love. When the King of War defeat, demon immortal World II battle, the two eventually go. Yuan Shizun said the truth of the two gods list, Shen GongBao refused to accept, cast his own sea. Jiang ZiYa eventually become the god of the people, the two will be one, fair distribution of the god of heaven, and the world belongs to human control.

TheRightMistake (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Gong Nan (Xiaoshenyang), who has always had an extremely bad fortune and has done nothing very badly, has been criticized for being a victim of a dream lover's death by hearing of the abduction and swindling of unscrupulous Sa MoYeFu (Li Chengru) Oral marriage and racking their brains, pressing for money Qin ZhaoMei (Tian Liang ornaments) composed of "adorable looking for women," the duo, went to Singapore overwhelmingly, would like to lend a nation a try, started their fortune dream. From the beginning of the plane, the two "funny than" jokes all the way, the turmoil, in order to make money and even dig up the idea of ​​digging roads to antique shops robbery, it is ironic. After experiencing the "Casino Storm," two unlucky eggs were involved in an antiquarian robbery and thus formed a tie with Dong DaShan (Jordan Chan), a wealthy businessman from the South Seas. Gong Nan met the mysterious "goddess" Yan Qi (Lynn Hung ornaments), although the goddess of his dreaming has been elusive, does not prevent him and Dong DaShan launched a fierce "Goddess" battle, the original mediocre Gong Nan also lead Singapore in the dramatic changes in life ......

Soul Ferryman 2 (TV)[2015]

Feature: Eye of the flesh, dull unknown, see not far from the past, see before the see, see no see darkness. The world seen in the human eye stills is not a conclusive existence. Some people's eyes, can see others can not see. Orphan Xia DongQing has a pair of special eyes, his eyes, can see the ghost, see the beings of another world. With this pair of eyes, he has seen the world's love and sorrow, pursuit and yearning; because of these eyes, he met the "soul ferry man" Zhao Li and beautiful and kind Nv Hai Wang Xiao Ya, Holly almost fell in love with her. However, as they suddenly appeared, Zhao Li and Wang Xiaoya disappeared in the holly life at the same time. A year later, Holly admitted to a graduate student, surrounded by a friend, his face with a smile, he is an ordinary student, no one knows his secret, no one knows his distinctive eyes. Holly could not find the convenience store that used to be the soul inn, it seems as if it had never existed before. No one knew that college girl named Wang Xiao, nor did a ghost met Zhao Li's soul ferry. But Zhao Li's farewell words still in my ears: "When the moon turns red, I will go back to find you stills." On the day the moon turned red, Zhao Li did not come back, but Wang came back. Xiao Ya again appeared in front of holly, identity has become a nine days Xuannv. At this moment, Zhao Li was seriously injured and was lying unconsciously in a mental hospital. Xuannv and Holly rescued Zhao Li, who was detained by evil spirits, and the three met again. Zhao Li bought a villa by the sea, so the strange journey with laughter and tears reopened. They met the mysterious girl with the descendants of the goddess; the laborers who fell into disrepair; the writer who became addicted to writing the best-selling book; the infatuated woman who pursued the marriage of his ancestors; the Nanhai mermaid who had conceived the deceased; and the shadow of evil was on their side When hiding now, Japanese Wraith has been lurking in China, eyeing the earth of China. Where the good and evil are out of place, when the good and the evil are fighting, the only way to cultivate a kindheartedness is to break through all kinds of evil. Why gods of people admire willing to stay in the world, the Kunlun and the underworld and how wearing a mysterious veil, the holly body also hidden what amazing secrets, the story has been opened with the road to explore the mystery of both yin and yang, the universe to pursue the prehistoric Source.

Empty nest grandpa (TV)[2015]

Feature: People often say that "every family has this book", and Zhou Family this, but many years of widow Zhou KaiQi talked about the twilight love, the object turned out to be their own nanny Liu XiNa. It is a good thing to tell that the old man has a companion to take care of, but the two daughters of Zhou KaiQi do not think so. Originally a few years ago, Zhou photo demolition, the house was assigned to a 200-square-meter house, two daughters that the nanny Liu XiNa is good for his father, at every direction is directed at the house, want to occupy Zhou's property. Two irreconcilable people can not fall in love. In order to defend their father and house, the two daughters quickly entered the state of alert, but did not want the old father's trust in Liu XiNa to make things that could have been easier to solve. What led to the trust of his father more than her own daughter, what is the reason for the nanny in this "battle" prevailed? Two daughters repeatedly defeated in the contest, but also gradually realized something - this battle, fighting is the feeling. The most important thing for the father is not the house but the companionship.

Educated youth family (TV)[2015]

Feature: After returning to the city, educated youth Song DaJiang desperately pursues money because of the distress of life and the defeat of marriage. After experiencing complex emotional entanglement, Chen YueQing, a female educated youth, formed a partnership and adopted an abandoned baby to form an "educated youth family." The couple ignored the education of his son Qiao Sheng, spoiled grandmother Qiao Sheng gradually degenerated. In order to save his son, Song DaJiang hid everyone from implementing the "False Bankruptcy" plan and went beyond his borders to go bankrupt. Chen YueQing sold the only wedding ring and son put the pie stand for livelihood. Qiao Sheng suddenly changed his mind after a radical change in the family environment. After experiencing various setbacks, his life trajectory has finally changed. Song DaJiang, a startup in Shenzhen, has become a famous entrepreneur. Just as the family reunited, the rural girl Zhu XiaoFang appeared, searching for her son who had been missing for more than two decades. She kept saying: Qiao Sheng, an abandoned baby, was her own son to Song DaJiang. A period of dusty years of educated youth was unveiled, lying in the heart of Song DaJiang also finally solved the complex, youthful years of condensation of affection again in the educated youth rising, sublimation.

Mi Li forward (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Mi Li Moves Forward" tells the story of Mi Li, a fashion buyer after 80, dancing with company boss Qian ZhiPeng at a fashion reception but was mistaken by Qian ZhiPeng's wife Ding AiJia for being Qian Zhi Peng's junior. After Qian ZhiPeng divorced Ding AiJia, Mi Li was scolded for wearing a junior hat, and Mi Li felt grievances. Qian Kang, son of Qian Zhi Peng, will also point her finger at her. In order to clarify her infamy, the impulsive decision to marry Meng Hui, Mi Li unexpectedly encountered a car accident on the way of her permit, and the culprit of the accident was Qian Ding's uncle Ding Yong. Ding Yong ran away, Meng Hui was unconscious in the hospital. Mi Li Efforts to Make Up for Efforts to Make Money for Meng Hui. And Qian Kang caught Uncle Ding Yong to surrender. Qian Kang gradually found out in her relationship with Mi Li that she was in fact a good, good girl, fell in love with her, and pursued her with her mother's pressure. In the end, they won happiness with the best of the people and Mi Li took off It's a terrible thing to do and to spread gossip. Use real facts & nbsp ;.

Village official (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The play tells the story of a 22-year-old freshman Sun HaoRan in every possible way to become a "village official", facing a lot of pressure came to the remote and backward work, but in the challenge to regain self, harvest Growing inspirational story. Due to misunderstandings, Sun HaoRan challenged the authority of village chief Tian SanYou when he entered the village and was neglected. Sun HaoRan refused to admit defeat, teeth decided to give it a try to prove that the power of this village official! He was awed by numerous difficulties, waged war with all kinds of people, seized fake chemical fertilizer dealers for peasants, transferred urgently needed harvesters from other provinces through the Internet, and got the villagers' recognition. Sun HaoRan has taken over the village rogue Ge Erwang et al. And made them their own helpers. They have made great efforts to develop the village of Nankok and make every household in Nankokh through electricity and water and demolish the dwelling to build a new home. Sun HaoRan also launched the "Happy Organic Pig Breeding Program" and "Nancun Village" candied wealth creation plan. Through his unremitting efforts, it finally made Nancun a famous village for the construction of new socialist countryside.

My doctor husband (TV)[2014]

Feature: Liang HongMing and Zou Qin were a couple who found her job after graduation. Even after she led her wife to a miscarriage, her life dropped into a downturn, defeating Beijing in the playwright's capital, and her wife returned to her hometown in the provincial capital A normal university. However, the gap between Liang HongMing, a natural born gentleman, and his wife, Zou Qin, has become increasingly different. With the addition of "small" Tian Heng, he has to face the inner struggle at home. Liang HongMing was crowded out of school by her department director. She often quarreled with her at home and was confronted by Li Le, a young and pretty schoolgirl. She insisted on compromise, love or hate, and many contradictions and confusions In front of him But often at a crucial time, Liang HongMing has held his moral bottom line. Zou Qin, who has experienced twists and turns in her life and emotions, has understood her husband's actions and Tian Heng, a friend sent to prison by Liang Hongming, has finally regretted it. After various transformations such as teachers, deputy editors of publishing houses and civil servants of Education Bureau, Liang HongMing also found his own spiritual destination, harvesting love and happiness full of autumn.

lets get married (TV)[2013]

Feature: Let's Get Married tells the story of Hai-Bo Huang Gao Yuanyuan Breakthrough Performance Yang Tao, the manager of a four-star hotel lobby, was still single at the age of thirty-two due to a wounded feeling. Guo Ran, a 36-year-old divorced registration clerk at the marriage registry, has made him a typical victim of marriage. Peaches and Guo Ran reluctantly met with friends. Unexpectedly, both of them actually left a good impression on each other. Heart has just been closed for a long time just opened, peaches found Guo Ran is a fear of marriage, she angrily evacuated. Peach face the reality, resolutely devoted to the blind army. Peach blind date move stimulated Guo Ran, he did her best to successfully peach the blind date again and again, but they still can not get married under the determination. Guo Ran's parents know the reason for their son's fear of marriage, began to reflect on their marriage, Guo Ran also a new understanding of marriage. After a few dealings with Guo Ran, the peaches gained a comprehensive understanding of Guo Ran and regained their confidence in the marriage. Finally, a lover eventually married.

TheSilentWar (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The mysterious 701 unit was specially set up to monitor the enemy units - Guo XingZhong is the leader of 701, and Shen Jing is one of the staff, but because of her family background, she is always alone. Wu Chang is responsible for arresting the listener after he has identified the enemy. He Bing is a street bully, a blind person who has extraordinary hearing ability and makes a living. On October 8, 1951, 701 suddenly discovered that all the enemy units were completely disappeared. The only explanation was that the enemy specialists launched a new launch channel and therefore needed excellent interception personnel, so 701 sent Zhang XueNing to Shanghai to find the tune Lecturer Luo SanEr. Zhang arrived in Shanghai and found that the real tuner is a blind but has special skills, He Bing, He Bing "Please" to 701, I hope he can serve the new China, but just when he was brought into the car, Luo SanEr saw the appearance of Zhang XueNing and laid a foundation for the death of Zhang XueNing later. He Bing help 701 found all the enemy's radio station, but also found his beloved girl, and married her, Zhang XueNing also invited doctors cured for He Bing eyes. However, in a snooping, He Bing's mistakes led to Zhang XueNing sacrifice. He was grieved, blinded his eyes again and again in a rainy night, but at the same time his hearing became sensitive again and regained the enemy's radio for 701. About the fifties of last century, the war mantle stretched, the enemy intertwined, the mysterious organs related to national destiny "701" into an unprecedented crisis, to reverse the situation, is actually an unknown from the private blind, because he, War situation suddenly reversed, around this amazing man launched a series of soul-stirring story.

Old man refueling (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Magazine director of the advertising department of the old million that the former director of the job after he could get promoted to director, did not expect it was a young man Li Hang to pre-empted. And this person is still his daughter's best boyfriend. Two people became incompatible with each other, called each other at work hard, confused little daughter made very distressed, and later prospective father and quasi-son-in-law in the mutual contest slowly recognized each other, began to cooperate and made in cooperation A certain achievement, at this time, an advertising magazine magazine flawed, resulting in one person must be responsible for the matter, the old man resolutely assumed responsibility to leave, did not expect Li Hang learned that after the incident, Leaving a resignation letter, he believes he still needs experience, so the initiative to leave the position of director of the old million, the elderly Wanru became the director, and to continue its efforts.

Contentment (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Contentment" tells the story of the early widowed Sun MaMa for the marriage of three beautiful darlings worry. Big-son-in-law as an official, the second son-in-law as a boss, except that the three-year-old son is a taxi driver, Sun MaMa somewhat disdain for three son-in-law. To this end, the mother-in-law with the stubborn upright three-son began a decade-long "war." Three daughters in order to prove that they did not marry the wrong person, do everything possible to allow three son-in-law to learn computer science English, but the third son-in-law is not a big device, which makes three daughters very disappointed, the relationship between husband and wife lights up red. Just at this time, the eldest daughter and the second daughter's home have been major changes in succession, Sun MaMa could not withstand the heavy blows, sudden cerebral hemorrhage paralyzed in bed. Three-year-old son in three years, meticulously serve Sun MaMa, for her pensioner. Mother wife and son-in-law produced a thick human truth. Sun MaMa was widowed early, a man who worked hard to pull the three flower-like daughter grew up, the three daughters her hope of later life, so her extravagant marriage to the three daughters. When an accountant's eldest daughter, Sun Fei, was married to Zheng Qi, a political official, Zhao Yun, the lawyer's second daughter, was married to Zhao QiLong, a business executive, but her third daughter, Sun Qian, married Li Qiong, which makes Sun MaMa greatly annoyed. Sun MaMa believes that "the big-son-in-law and the second-in-law both have a pair of hands grabbing gold and silver, while the third son-in-law is a pair of handcuffs that catch the urine". So tenacious, foolhardy mother-in-law with temper stubborn words do not turn between the three son-in-law began for ten years of "no war of no smoke." Rich and powerful big son-in-law, two son-in-law mother-and-wife scramble honor, spending big bucks, which makes Sun MaMa big son-in-law, two loving plus; and the three son-in-law belong to the working class, although also filial, but because of the cash-strapped, The things that honor their wife and mother are naturally clumsy. In addition, Sun MaMa does not like her three sons-in-law. Therefore, her three-son-in-law is exceptionally cold-hearted. Sun Qian, the third daughter, was not satisfied with his mother and two brother-in-law's contempt for their husband. To prove that he did not marry the wrong person, Li Qiong gave up her job as a taxi driver. She earned a living for her and offered Li Qiong a computer and English tutoring Class, let him study hard, in the future more than big brother and second brother-in-law. Li Qiong in order to fight the tone, save life to learn hard training. However, because the foundation is too thin, learning computer knows little about, even more ignorant of English, which carries a heavy mental burden. Sun Qian's study supervision and supervision over her husband have goneverned even some fascists: they are not allowed to go to bed after they fail to complete their studies, and they are not even allowed to enter the house outside the main entrance. Although Sun MaMa upset three sons, but distressed three daughters, often carrying three sons-in-law to her daughter to eat and drink. Seeing three sons and daughters did not study hard, she was also distressed, with her mouth still accusing third son-in-law. Three in-laws Li Qiong can not stand the tremendous mental stress, began to wear his head tired learning, and occasionally secretly chatting on the Internet, which makes Sun Qian disappointed, the relationship between husband and wife lights up red. Huo Da, a Hong Kong-based businessman, falsified himself in the hope that Sun Qian and Li Qiong will end an unequal marriage. In order to marry Sun Qian, Li Qiong re-locked himself in the house to study or even "head beam, cone piercing," the result of a serious illness.Sun Qian see her husband doing his best, but the ability is indeed limited, they do not have the heart to persecute her husband, let Li Qiong got up a taxi driver, the couple returned to a plain but loving life. Just at this moment, the big-son-in-law transcended her love affair and wanted to divorce her eldest daughter Sun Fei. Sun MaMa did her best for her elder daughter and failed to reconcile her eldest daughter with her older son-in-law. Sun Yun, the second daughter of a lawyer, volunteered to help give advice to his elder Sun Fei in order to give his elder daughter a share of the property after the divorce. He temporarily transferred the common property of Sun Fei to Sun Yun under the name of Sun Yun. Grand daughter and husband divorced, Sun MaMa lost a "long grasp of gold caught the silver hand" son, she was angry and sad. However, something even more serious happened: when her eldest daughter, Sun Fei, was going to let her sister, Sun Yun, assign her property, she found her property was sold by her sister. Zhao QiLong second uncle borrowed heavily because of debt, the second Sun Yun will be his sister Sun Fei property made gambling money, hoping to "turn the fish", the result lost. Second daughter Sun Yun from no information, I do not know death. The eldest daughter, Sun Fei, could not afford to be deceived by her own sister and mentally disturbed. Sun MaMa can not afford continuous mental shock, paralysis of sudden cerebral hemorrhage in bed. In order to cater for the paralyzed Sun MaMa, the third daughter Sun Qian and the third son Li Qiong, Li Qiong said that Li Qiong did not make as much money as a taxi driver by taxi and that Sun Qian's wage income and development prospects were better than Li Qiong. So I hope Li Qiong resigned again as a taxi driver to concentrate on Sun MaMa. Li Qiong was unhappy, but for a beloved wife, kind-hearted Li Qiong took filial piety first. For three years, he treated his wife and mother thoroughly, urging mother-in-law to urinate while shouting at Sun MaMa: Your past ability to go, get up and then hit me yeah, curse ah you say, in the end is that your two long grasp gold hand-in-hand son-in-law useful ah, or my long grasp catch feces urine Son-in-law useful ah, "Sun MaMa no longer able to fight with the son-in-law, but blinking eyes kept crying. On the 64th birthday of Sun MaMa, she was clean and quiet, leaving her buttocks free of bedsores. Sun Qian hugged Li Qiong and cried, "My husband, thank you, you're the best husband in the world." Li Qiong shed tears on her mother's grave before regretting it and did not do anything with her mother-in-law for ten years Smoke war, now, the war is over forever. He cried and cried, "Mom, I'm sorry for you." This is his first shout for ten years, but her mother-in-law has not heard it.

LuoJingDeYingBi (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Produced by: Henan Film and Television Production Group Company The film tells a little girl Angel dedicated to find a coin falling into the sewer, to clarify the young man Sun Zhiming was falsely accused of the fact that the truth revealed in the social life of greed The hypocritical side will have an impact on the next generation and harm the good virtues of promoting truth, goodness and beauty in the society and will play an active role in helping the majority of primary and secondary students to form a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values.

Whos there? (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Returned from the United States to study bud, smoothly into a fashion magazine, became a popular fashion magazine editor. She is very direct way of working, coupled with speaking directly and mixed with English regardless of the face of others, so recruited subordinates dissatisfaction and private complaints. Occasionally, at the opportunity, Lei encountered in the cafe from the northeast university students Xi, Xi rapid speed of speech, weird and aggressive language to engage in any search for Lei Lei, Lei mood is very depressed, to find the same bedroom with college Girlfriends friends Qi shopping window to relax, to return to China this period of life and work on the ill-suited to Ki, but did not recruit Ki do not understand and asked Lei is not a Chinese, the two quarrels. Depressed colleague Chen, showing understanding of Bud, after he graduated from college in Beijing with a Beijing account, worked hard in Beijing, bought a set of affordable housing and affordable car, a typical affordable man. Looking for a beautiful Beijing girl Shan as his wife, although the morning deep love with Shan, but Shan on the morning is not very satisfied, marriage inherent Shan sense of vanity and superiority so that she often said morning did not afford, no money, no taste , No mood. But also can not speak fluent Beijing dialect, in front of outsiders will give her shame, so looking for a variety of reasons do not want to have children for the morning. Inferiority is about to graduate to Xi Lei Lei magazine interview, Xi thought before the offended Lei Lei will lose this job, anyway, during the interview process is very relaxed and confident, unexpectedly got most graduates A dream job, and became a subordinate to Lei. Xi happy to call a friend Qian, Qian also found a job but also to solve the Beijing account, which gives Xi some loss, when Xi's high school classmate Xi came to Beijing and found a job in Beijing and become Beijing People work hard. Xi is still his usual northeast story, often laughing joke at work, Lei looking for Xi talk, asked Xi Xi speak Mandarin, Xi questioned Lei not only in Mandarin but also mixed with English, the two quarrel, morning advised Xi do not work Middle and leadership quarrel because of this kind of thing. Because of this, Lei and Chen gradually realized the necessity of speaking Putonghua at work, and realized that no matter where you are from, the Chinese are ultimately Chinese.

WoJiaZaiNaLi (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Returned from the United States to study bud, smoothly into a fashion magazine, became a popular fashion magazine editor. She is very direct way of working, coupled with speaking directly and mixed with English regardless of the face of others, so recruited subordinates dissatisfaction and private complaints. Occasionally, at the opportunity, Lei encountered in the cafe from the northeast university students Xi, Xi rapid speed of speech, weird and aggressive language to engage in any search for Lei Lei, Lei mood is very depressed, to find the same bedroom with college Girlfriends friends Qi shopping window to relax, to return to China this period of life and work on the ill-suited to Ki, but did not recruit Ki do not understand and asked Lei is not a Chinese, the two quarrels. Depressed colleague Chen, showing understanding of Bud, after he graduated from college in Beijing with a Beijing account, worked hard in Beijing, bought a set of affordable housing and affordable car, a typical affordable man. Looking for a beautiful Beijing girl Shan as his wife, although the morning deep love with Shan, but Shan on the morning is not very satisfied, marriage inherent Shan sense of vanity and superiority so that she often said morning did not afford, no money, no taste , No mood. But also can not speak fluent Beijing dialect, in front of outsiders will give her shame, so looking for a variety of reasons do not want to have children for the morning. Inferiority is about to graduate to Xi Lei Lei magazine interview, Xi thought before the offended Lei Lei will lose this job, anyway, during the interview process is very relaxed and confident, unexpectedly got most graduates A dream job, and became a subordinate to Lei. Xi happy to call a friend Qian, Qian also found a job but also to solve the Beijing account, which gives Xi some loss, when Xi's high school classmate Xi came to Beijing and found a job in Beijing and become Beijing People work hard. Xi is still his usual northeast story, often laughing joke at work, Lei looking for Xi talk, asked Xi Xi speak Mandarin, Xi questioned Lei not only in Mandarin but also mixed with English, the two quarrel, morning advised Xi do not work Middle and leadership quarrel because of this kind of thing. Because of this, Lei and Chen gradually realized the necessity of speaking Putonghua at work, and realized that no matter where you are from, the Chinese are ultimately Chinese.

Dream of Red Mansions (TV)[2010]

Feature: 87 version of "A Dream of Red Mansions" stills Gusu Renren Qing Lane within the gourd temple lived a poor student named Jia YuCun, he was subsidized by township officials Chen Shih Hsin, went to Beijing to test, the Jinshi, made the officer. Only because he was corrupt, not the previous year was leather officer. He came to Yangzhou and made a curtain call to Lin RuHai, a salt censor, to teach Lin DaiYu. A year later, Lin RuHai's wife passed away and Lin Dai Yu escorted by Jia YuCun to Rongsong, Kyoto. Jia YuCun therefore got the help of Uncle Dai's Jia Zheng, and within two months, he was reinstated as Jinling should Tianfu, since then, the official Yun Hengtong. Jia Jia is a prominent aristocrat in Kyoto, Rong House, Ningguo two sites. After Daiyu lived in Rongguo House, her grandmother, Jia Mu, loved her very much and lived closely with her cousin Jia BaoYu. They stayed together at night and played together during the day. Shortly after, Xue YiMa took Xue BaoChai with her son and daughter State. Xue BaoChai is older than Jia BaoYu and has a gold lock that paired with the gemstone of the jade. When she went to Jiajia everywhere, she was not as proud as Daiyu, so she soon got the likes and dislikes of the Jia government. Daiyu is very distressed, often with the mouth of Baoyu, secretly sad tears. Yuanchun go home pro, thanks to the provincial farewell named "Grand View Garden", also gave the name of the park premises, and called the gems and sisters moved into the Grand View Garden. Grand View Garden, Jia Fu from top to bottom honors, enjoyment, but the economic situation has become worse. On the surface of life in Grand View Garden is very calm, sisters all day poems and paintings, quiz ridiculous, in fact the crisis: Maid of honor and disgrace jumped himself to death; Jia BaoYu unwilling to make career articles, was his father Jia Zheng's responsibility; Wang XiFeng hate hate illness; You ErJie was forced to swallow gold suicide. Xing, Mrs. Wang Er and then listen to his words, the Grand View Plaza wantonly copied some, since Qunfang diaspora, Grand View Garden a depression, gem can not help but from time to time you sigh sad. Nanan County expedition was captured, Nan AnTaiFei reliance on the spring as a prostitute, instead of the dignitaries and pro. Geum sent goodbye to the spring, and was ordered by his father Jia Zheng to visit the West Sea along the son of something, unexpectedly on the way theft, whereabouts unknown. Daiyu smell this letter, crying rupture of liver and intestines, the increasing weight, eventually failed to wait until the gem came back, tears and death. After Daiyu died, Bao Yu and Bao Chai were married. However, there was only one Lin sister in the meaning of gem. Jia was finally defeated by political opponents because of the official battlefield. Jia was copied. Wang XiFeng and Jia BaoYu were jailed. Jia Mu died in the fight, from then on Jia full collapse, falling stream of fireworks, Xifeng's daughter Qiao sister married civilians did ordinary peasant women. Once the peak bell Ming dynasty home, an instant dumping buildings, only get "the vast expanse of the earth really clean." (Some stills source)

Iron teeth copper teeth Ji XiaoLan 4 (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Ji XiaoLan 4" tells Du XiaoYue to turn over his husband He Wenyuan, aka Ke Yun in the troupe singing some stills, and returned to the capital. At the beginning, Ji XiaoLan and Qian Long who were kept in the dark also gradually saw some clues. He Shen was afraid that things in Gansu came to light and managed to get rid of Ke Yun. When he assailed Ke Yun, Qian Long suddenly shot Save, but also Keyun received the palace, the last Ke Yun also been recognized as Queen Wong daughter dry. In order to find evidence, Ke Yun lived in Hefu and the result was misleading He Shen's assailant, revealing his identity and being locked in prison by Qian Long. Ji XiaoLan to allow Qian Long to release Du XiaoYue, Satsuki was instructed by Ji XiaoLan to go to Gansu province ...

Legend of Chu LiuXiang (TV)[2007]

Feature: Crescent Legend: southeast coast of the pirates often pirate invasion, the court appointed a middle-aged and elderly woman known as Du XianSheng eliminate the bandits, but the Kou River thieves and other gradually be settled, a more powerful Pirates of the history of the king did not Rise. Scoop king history said that only the daughter of the court envoy jade princess married to him as a truce condition. Chu LiuXiang intervened in this incident by accidentally saving the princess's father's father. The Du XianSheng Chu LiuXiang this side of the new biography, the designated Hu TieHua escort Crescent Princess to the thieves cave. Noodles spread, flowers aunt found Huang sick husband, Hei ZhuGan, Yuan Lei assassination of the king of history. Jiao Lin entrusted Chu LiuXiang to find her daughter she had never met before, and only knew that her daughter had a crescent birthmark. Chu LiuXiang received the sign of Hu TieHua's distress and went to the tree house for Hu TieHua. In the tree house, Hu TieHua was a painter of four women, but their layout was seen through by Chu LiuXiang and they escaped. Hu TieHua was invited to escort Princess Jade Sword and Shi Tianwang, Chu LiuXiang decided easy to follow. Chu LiuXiang found a female ninja in the inn Ying Zi, Xue ChuanXin to Ying Zi to discuss the woman in the box, who knows the box was Chu LiuXiang pre-emptive take away, the box turned out to be Jiao Lin's daughter. Chu LiuXiang handed the box to Wanxing Escort He Yulin custody, to find Hu TieHua. See Hu TieHua out of danger, Chu LiuXiang go back to find He Yulin, only to find a dead body and sitting on the box Xue ChuanXin. Chu LiuXiang came to Yujian Villa and did not expect Du XianSheng turned out to be a woman. Later she learned that Princess Yujian was not only the daughter of Jiao Lin but also the daughter of Du XianSheng, the former wife of Jiao Lin. The original coastal area along the southeast coast often pirates piracy harassment, the court sent a special envoy to the identity of rivers and lakes, contact the Quartet hero, to deal with bandits, the envoy's daughter was also booked as a princess, Du XianSheng is one such. Du XianSheng clear the shore, King of history dominate the sea, the two potential is over. Japanese pirates also hope that the two sides Rush, sit income harvest. Hu TieHua realized that Chu LiuXiang wanted someone to deal with the king of history. Chu LiuXiang was assassinated by the Ninja Spring Thunder Iraqi, who committed suicide in the midst of an unchanging routine. Shi TianZhai lured Chu LiuXiang to kill Shi Tian Wang with money but was rejected by Chu LiuXiang. In conversation with Ying Zi, Chu LiuXiang learned that Shi Tian Wang had taken Shi TianZhai's concubine, so Ying Zi would steal the princess of Jade Emperor Sword. Ying Zi actress princess maid Hong children, the princess out of Yu Jian Villa. Bai YunSheng used Chu LiuXiang's old acquaintance as bait, with Chu LiuXiang see the history of the King. Two Generals Panther because fear Jiangya Princess pet, sent four Tian Tian assassination protect the princess Hu TieHua, and Shi Tianwang sent to protect the princess Bai YunSheng also been plot. Leopard Ji asked Chu LiuXiang to choose between the three items of treasure, food and water, and Bai YunSheng. Chu LiuXiang unexpectedly chose Bai YunSheng, who was on the verge of death. Chu LiuXiang successfully arrived at the fishing village where the king of history was. Who knows the king of history turned out to be exactly the same seven people, even Chu LiuXiang did not start the opportunity. The marriage between the king of history and the princess of jade sword was held as scheduled. In the fishing village by the sea, Chu LiuXiang learned that Princess Jade Sword had already cut off the head of history king!Chu LiuXiang suddenly realized that can kill the king of history only King's wife, this is why the princess jade sword must marry the true purpose of the king of history. Legend of a ghost romance: a wise Chu LiuXiang met a life never encountered before, the most absurd, the most bizarre, the most mysterious, but also the most terrible thing. He never believed that this happened in the world. The original two pairs of Wulin family lovers forced to flee their parents forced marriage, pretend to exchange the soul after a serious illness in order to seek peace and love of people together. Chu LiuXiang made it clear at the end and gave them blessings. Chu LiuXiang (Biography of Zhang Zhiyao) "in the play of" The Rebel of the Dead "in the East meets with the modern western detection technique. It seems complicated and turbulent. In fact, it is only the natural desire of human beings. Several pairs of young men and women take the initiative to fight for love and marriage, very anti-feudal breath, Chu LiuXiang here, it seems like pulling the red line "moon." Chu LiuXiang visits his friend Zuo QingHou and learns that Zuo QingHou's daughter Zuo MingZhu is seriously ill, and even the doctor Zhang Jianzhai can not be cured. Soon after Zuo MingZhu died, Zuo QingHou heartbroken. However, Zuo MingZhu suddenly resurrected that night, resurrected Zuo MingZhu claiming to be the daughter of Mrs. Jin Gong, but also the use of Mrs. Jin Gong's home martial arts "Kitty Hawk." When Shi Yin was found in Chu LiuXiang in ShiJiaZhuang, she had just passed away and the furnishings in her boudoir were exactly the same as described by Zuo MingZhu. Chu LiuXiang was discovered by Hua JinGong and Xue HongHong inadvertently as Ye Shenglan seducing Shi Yin. Xue YiRen invited Chu LiuXiang to visit his sword room. Chu LiuXiang revealed her intention was to trace the occupational assassins that appeared a few years ago and suspect Xue YiRen, the leader who now lives on top of her. Shi Xiuyun revenge for the sister to find opportunities to assassinate Xue Bin, Xue Bin often come to snatch the news because her sister dying. Coincidentally, Shi Fengyun's death time and Shi Yin, Zuo MingZhu's death time is almost the same, and the second day hurried burial, the person who handle Shixiu Yun's uncle. In Shifeng Yun's tomb, a teenager is wearing plutocrats kneeling in the tomb crying, this person was actually Xue Bin's book lean sword, the original Shifeng Yun Zhang Zhiyao version of "Chu LiuXiang New Biography" still lover actually reliance sword. Black people suddenly stabbed Chu LiuXiang, Chu LiuXiang with pollen posing ecstasy Hong deceived people, but he was seriously injured, was here after two small flowers saved. Chu LiuXiang let beggar help him find the whereabouts of Ye Shenglan. Three more hours, Chu LiuXiang dig Shifeng Yun's grave found actually actually empty. Shi Xiuyun found lying in the coffin of Shi Yin turned out to be his sister, it is her uncle to replace the body of her sister Shi Yin. In Tsing Yi Lane, Ye Shenglan and Shi Yin were seized by Chu LiuXiang. Shi Yin used Shi Fengyun's body to pretend to cheat and die with the help of Liang Ma and escape her engagement with her second son, Xue Jihuang. Chu LiuXiang accidentally found Xue XiaoRen loaded crazy, and is the best cold-blooded killer in the world. Xue XiaoRen plain revealed, angry to Chu LiuXiang shot. Xue YiRen suddenly appeared, admitting that he is the leader of the assassin organization, just because of their own retirement, need extra money to maintain their livelihood. Xue XiaoRen In order to protect his brother committed suicide.Chu LiuXiang with Zuo MingZhu arrived Xue XiaoRen practice before the cabin, and has long been waiting here Xue Bin meet. Xiao TuZi recognized Xue Bin and Zuo MingZhu once met and gave him the money. Zuo MingZhu do not recognize the face, face Escape met Shi Yin real. The truth, in order to escape marriage and eloquence, Xue Bin find Shi Fengyun body posing as Shi Yin, Shi Yin and Ye Shenglan escape. Zuo MingZhu pretend Shi Yin, escaped marriage with the help of the doctor Zhang Jianzhai. Chu LiuXiang exposes the secret and completes two pairs of lovers. Chu LiuXiang fell in love with Shi Xiuyun, but eventually ended with Shi Xiuyun's departure. Bat legend: Chu LiuXiang and Hu TieHua tracking Huashan School Master Wu Mei dock, but suffered in the river plot, young Ding Feng and Master Mei Mei leave with the ship. "Quick Web" Zhang San stole the pearls from Jin LingZhi's head and led Jin LingZhi to kill him. In fighting, Jin LingZhi even resorted to the Huashan School's secret "Breeze Thirteen" Sword Act. Ding Feng Wu Gong Qi Gao, who is also a number of peerless martial arts, but happens to refer to the deer as a horse, rescue for Jin LingZhi, "Breeze style" as Emei sent "Cattail Sword Act," and Jin LingZhi seems to Ding Feng heart has Dread, all this makes Chu LiuXiang very curious. Several Fung Mei help people were killed. After investigation, Hu TieHua considered that several Bangzhong were killed by the strong bow of Wuwei Yang. Chu LiuXiang was aware of the fact that someone deliberately made a decision to help Fung Mei to help Wuwei Yang and Wuwei Yang must have been poisoned. Behind the scenes, Chu LiuXiang and others just needed to prove Wuwei Yang was still alive. His deep-seated demeanor, Astounding Chu LiuXiang, Hu TieHua came to Sanhe upstairs, and Wu Weiyang, who was found dead by Chu LiuXiang, was also present. Dragon help gang main cloud from the dragon and Wuwei Dong SanNiang Yang war, was killed on the spot. Dragon to help comply with the wishes of their helpers, read the letters in public, the contents of the letter was actually the two mergers, Wuwei Yang for the Lord. On top of the ship, everyone went to the sea looking for gold cave, ugly appearance Miles Miles also accompanied apprentice white candles. There are six coffins placed in the warehouse, turned out to be unwittingly placed before the voyage, meaning there are eight of ten people on board to die. Deck helm to the Flying Man has disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood. The next day, the vast sky disappeared, the six sailors are also one by one cinnabar palm strange death, people tracing a long time still fruitless. Ying Miles, hook long toast to ease the atmosphere, did not expect Dingfeng drunk actually poisoned. Chu LiuXiang said the poison was smeared on the glass when the crowd was in a hurry. When Hu TieHua think the murderer is Ying Wanli, Ying Wan showed his true identity, the god of white clothes, the best in the world to capture the "Condor" Miles, hook long is the real Jiang Yang bandit. Chu LiuXiang found a straight passage through the cargo hold, where Ding Feng's coffin was empty and he drank the "flight" wine cheat. Beside the other coffins, the names of these people have already been engraved on them, and Chu LiuXiang concluded that the length of the hook and Ding Feng are collusive. At this point the water tank on the ship has been pierced, Ding Feng want to thirst for everyone. Hook long left the box is puzzling, who knows there was explosives, the ship blew up, six people can only sit in a coffin to escape.According to Chu LiuXiang's judgment, six people were living on an island. Chu LiuXiang et al. Conclude that Ding Feng killed the vast sky by resorting to his vessel. The unified two gang Wuwei Yang is only a fickle easy to cloud the dragon from the dungeon has been given hint. The real Wuwei Yang and Yun from the dragon together, have been killed, the Yangtze River basin from Ding Feng to grasp. The map of the cloud leaving from the dragon was recognized by Jin LingZhi, which is a map of Pinnacle Cave, also known as Bat Island. Chu LiuXiang After going through this series of inexplicable things, go to Bat Island for answers. Who knows more conspiracy conspiracy, more shady behind the scenes, numerous mist behind the truth was Chu LiuXiang, who gradually unveiled the original original villager Yuan SuiYun undisputed Hill smart and studious, quite good qualifications, but unfortunately due to illness Blind, so in order to search for wealth, set up a trading site in the island of bats, specializing in rivers and lakes can not buy a variety of products. There is no curiosity, there is no wine pool Lin, but there are more than these things are precious. In order to ensure the secrecy of the transaction, the cave is not allowed to have a little light, which is undoubtedly beneficial to his late childhood "Bat Son" Yuan SuiYun beneficial, but unfortunately, the matter was Chu LiuXiang found clues, so Hu TieHua Buddy came to the island, revealing the true face of Yuan SuiYun. Yuan SuiYun martial arts high, could kill Chu LiuXiang et al, but his lover Jin LingZhi like Hu TieHua, so to protect the crowd safe, Jin LingZhi design and Yuan SuiYun die, the weird bat island since then ceased to exist. Legend of Peach: There is a mysterious family martial arts, no one knows where they come from. They believe in a kind of gods and religions, the selected woman as a virgin, must be devoted to the family and religion, can no longer have a mortal life. Wanfu Wanshou Park coincides with the death of Aunt Jin, Hu TieHua drunk, Chu LiuXiang rescue Ai Qing. To thank Chu LiuXiang's rescue, Ai Qing and Chu LiuXiang met each other more and gave him 500 silver. At this point out of a female back rockery, named Zhang JieJie. Chu LiuXiang was assassinated by Ai Hong, sister of Ai Qing in the small shop. Three more hours, Chu LiuXiang Wanfu Wanshouyuan in the back garden to see Ai Qing is not, but Zhang JieJie. Zhang JieJie pointed him to Ai Qing's position and reminded him to pay attention to the earrings. Ai Qing wants to kill Chu LiuXiang, but heartbroken. A hand appeared in the window, Chu LiuXiang chased out and realized he was counting, returned to the house found Ai Qing disappeared, but also left a broken hand. Xia Qing decorated Zhang JieJie Chu LiuXiang frequently plot, Cheng Gong Tuo Po, Bo DanFu father and daughter, pub Lao BanNiang, have been Chu LiuXiang 11 resolved. Zhang JieJie With Chu LiuXiang Looking for the owner of the mysterious arm, Chu LiuXiang enters a high wall and enters the room of the girl, who acknowledges she is the behind-the-scenes assailant to Chu LiuXiang. Suddenly a burst of gong sound outside the room, the room was surrounded by Jin SiYe. Jin SiYe is Miss King's father, Chu LiuXiang said he is among other people's trap. Jin SiYe do not believe, and Chu LiuXiang fight, but can not help but Chu LiuXiang nothing. Jin SiYe admits that her daughter is about to die, and her illness can not be cured until she is married. Zhang JieJie accidentally left, Chu LiuXiang looking for unsuccessful.While Chu LiuXiang did not do anything, a Hei YiLaoYu appeared unexpectedly. When she learned of Chu LiuXiang's determination to find Zhang JieJie, she instructed Chu LiuXiang to seek out the altar in the cave. Chu LiuXiang was taken to the altar, where Hei YiLaoYu, who gave him advice, appeared here. At a crucial moment, Chu LiuXiang untied the acupuncture points and set off the mask of the goddess to teach the goddess, and found that the saint actually was his dream of Zhang JieJie. The original Hei YiLaoYu is the mother of Zhang JieJie, all the previous arrangements for her. According to the doctrine of Mai teach, as a saint Zhang JieJie no love the right to marry, in order to avoid his daughter embarked on the loneliness of the previous generation crazy old way, Hei YiLaoYu fancy Chu LiuXiang, step by step with the beauty "Please enter the urn" , Designed to love Chu LiuXiang and Zhang JieJie, and to allow Chu LiuXiang to remove the mask of God from the altar to gain the approval of the tribe. A month later, Zhang JieJie became pregnant. Chu LiuXiang decided to take the ladder in order to take his wife and children out of the dead cave. Chu LiuXiang's character is always most interested in fresh, dangerous and exciting things. Although he has given birth to Peach Blossoms, Chu LiuXiang's character has been repeatedly robbed. True love, false love, tenderness, net, all this make Chu LiuXiang difficult to extricate themselves. This time Chu LiuXiang is more like a "mortal" than a "hero." He talks about a real love. He is not only in love but even married and has offspring. "Peach Legend" peach, refers to a brilliant smile like peach Zhang JieJie, while metaphor Chu LiuXiang's peach blossom, and their love story peach robbery. The three levels of peach blossom images unfold in sequence, culminating respectively in Chu LiuXiang's euphoria and the last two deaths.

My Chou Niang (TV)[2007]

Feature: Wang DaChun (Hongen Jiang), a young man who works in the city, lost his father's love since childhood and worked hard to pull him big by his mother Aster (Zhang Shaohua). But spring has a difficult heart to human suffering, his mother looks ugly, which not only made him feel ashamed, but also affected his love. Therefore, in the process of falling in love with or even marrying his favorite girl Zhao XiaoXu (Liu Yifei), he always claimed that both parents died and even the wedding ceremony did not want their mother to attend. Just at the wedding, Chou Niang suddenly came to the wedding scene. Afraid of revealing Wang DaChun hiding Zhao XiaoXu, Chou Niang described as "asking the way," leaving Chou Niang outside the wedding hotel. Chou Niang, who knew the truth, despaired of all his pain and left his car accident unexpectedly. Photo by Zhang Shaohua Bumped into a business owner of Chou Niang Li JianPing rescued Chou Niang, but mistakenly thought that Chou Niang was his long-lost mother, just homeless Chou Niang received in his luxury villa. Chou Niang concealed the truth from Li JianPing, and she never imagined that Li JianPing's luxury villa just happened to be one street from Wang DaChun's newlyweds. Unable to find Chou Niang's Wang DaChun inadvertently found his mother lived in the opposite villa, and his own across the window, he was pleased and scared, secretly crying Chou Niang do not go home, temporarily in Li JianPing live Let him slowly infiltrate Zhao XiaoXu and try to return Chou Niang to his new home one day earlier. Chou Niang helplessly had to live in Li JianPing home. Li JianPing's nanny Jin Lan makes things difficult for Chou Niang and Chou Niang, but she uses her tolerance and kindness to transform Jin Lan, influencing Li JianPing and his wife Xu QianQian to make her an outsider Like the elderly up and down.

There are children 4 (TV)[2007]

Feature: The story of "Family with Children 4" takes place in a reintegrated family. Both Xia DongHai, my father, and Liu Mei, my mother, are very concerned about their children's education. Three children have children 4 TV series stills, the eldest daughter Xia Xue suffered a college entrance examination defeat, after a fruitless fight after the start, back to school, become a college student. The rascal son Liu Xing is now "always ready for the college entrance examination," a high school student, Xia Yu, is the fifth grade primary school children. The fourth part of "Family with Children" focuses on college students' love, adolescent rebellion, children's psychological problems & nbsp ;.

Have children 3 (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Having Children 3" tells the story of three children who have grown up one after another. Xia Xue wanted to test Tsinghua University. She did not pass the third test and did not find a job. She chose to repeat the test, which triggered a series of contradictions. The original good girl, after experiencing the entrance exam, became a "problem" juvenile, competing cosmetic surgery, busy interview, and the human family with water and fire.

Do not get bean curd improper dry food (TV)[2006]

Feature: Village re-election it! Guo Yue Village all the rage extraordinary. Liu YouCai, the old village chief in charge of several decades of running for a handsome seal, dismissed his will and dismissed his horse in order to completely change Guo Yucun's chronic disease of chronicity and backwardness. For a time, the village chief Da-yong imaginary, attracted the whole village from top to bottom heroic desires ... most do not want to be the mayor of Zhao XiFu; who would not think he would be the village chief Zhao XiFu; wholeheartedly only live a stable life afraid to turn their heads Zhao XiFu; legendary wealthy Guo Yucun's richest man Zhao XiFu ... overnight overnight from his own nourishments of the old village chief Liu YouCai eyes from all over the village anxiously waiting for men and women, In the eyes, saw the "days drop any person in Sri Lanka also." Do not take the bean bag improper dry food movie stills most want to become the village head Zhao Fa; the most likely to become the village head Zhao Fa; into the city from business for many years to know what "hype" Zhao Fa; claiming to run a number of enterprises to solve the country Zhao Fa, an expert on the issue of laid-off tax issues ... He returned to the sea for many years in his hometown, not only brought back the confidence that the mayor of the campaign will surely win but also gave a gift of richness to the young and old man in advance - Dr. Yamamoto, a purebred Japanese agricultural scientist, And his great invention - the rooster ate eggs, hens a crowed "magic chicken feed." Hi Fuyuan thought that the village head was Zhao Fa, but under the worst news, Xi Fu eventually became the village chief. Xi Fu Fu took office after the incident took one thing, but Zhao XiFu Yuezhanyueyong, came up with a variety of ways to resolve a variety of difficult things, and ultimately Bean Bag Village, led the rich rich people led the way the rich people, bean bags into dry food ...

The best matchmaker in the world (TV)[2006]

Feature: Since ancient times, tens of thousands of Chinese medicine practitioners have actually popped a really incapable of doing this. The wonderful stills, but the odd woman who became the best matchmaker in the world, is the spicy matchmaker Song ShuangShuang. Song ShuangShuang originally housed in Qingzhou City Wells, to sell Cuihua for the industry, actually running back and forth, the income is only for subsistence, can be extremely ordinary. What's worse, she's still a big tongue that does not even talk. Her husband is an excuse for trying it out repeatedly. Zheng WanJun, who has never met her sincerely, gave up on her own and took the responsibility to support her family. She usually indulged in gambling and squandered both hard-earned money . And both are grateful to Zheng WanJun do not give up her looks ordinary, talking stupid, willing to marry her as a wife, so on Zheng WanJun, according to no objection. After her husband exams the fame and fortune, climb another tall branch, put both to rest. In ancient times, a woman who had been absent was discredited and almost never married again. In order to livelihood, both choose the matchmaker this line. At the beginning of his career, both of them were ridiculed and distracted by Tang DanDan, an industry overlord. However, as they have been rolling for years at the bottom of society, they have both gained insight into human nature and gradually gained public praise. Although Tang DanDan around has been to make the bad, this natural stumble Song ShuangShuang or go through hardships, break a world, from "Qingzhou first media" into "the first media in the capital", and finally even got "the best matchmaker in the world" Reputation. Secondly, she most hated the scholar, because abandoning her husband is a scholar, so she has a class hatred of smelly nine. As long as she works as a literary man, she wants to sabotage or try her best to extort money. She is the kind of ugly, inner Huo hot people, relying on a mouth to go the horizon, invincible in the men's array. Until one day, she met a real man, a man she tempted, but the doctor called Le LianCheng happens to be a "smelly nine." She had taken her as a disciple, and she wanted her to never remarry for a lifetime, so she treated her as her daughter. Which think of this female apprentice, often do not listen to her control, to start the media, full of loopholes, she painstakingly to teach Xiar tricks, XiEr all anti-. What made her more unbearable was that she was very smart and very popular with guests. She was much more than Maid of the Maid. She was unable to hold her face, making her clash with Xi'er and became a habit The drama of a feeling line. But she absolutely did not expect, she vowed not to marry again, but to help her complete life-long matchmaker, it is her disciples cultivated out of hand. Speaking of Huai Xi Er's life experience, it is more standard "three-dimensional Eve", both mysterious and complex. Debut at the debut, she claims to be the ruin of the family, civil and civil servants and women. In the chase of her imperial benevolent mouth, she is a tyrant evasive maiden, heinous court tyrant. However, under some inducement, she transformed again and became the Secret History of the Secret of the Secret Palace in the Great Wall, thus ending the persecution of the fallen princess. However, after careful examination, her seniority in life can actually be higher than today's Huang Di, are eligible to order Sannomiya Hospital, seventy-two concubines.However, all this also brought a lingering nightmare to her and those around her, involved Song ShuangShuang and others in a long-held palace dispute, and experienced a wave of overwhelming waves .

Love Insurance (TV)[2006]

Feature: Tang TianShou loves to detective novels since childhood, addicted to detective dreams, so do not do business without success, until his fiancee march to escaped marriage, painful, decided to re-man. With the help of his brother-in-law Zhong Zhihou, Tang TianShou joined Haiya Life Insurance as one of the most disgraceful "super pull" love insurance "stills insurance". The first day of work, Tian Shou will break the office number of unmarried love affair, one of which is brother-in-law and his assistant Zhu Yan. More surprisingly, Tian Shou discovered that Tong XinYuan, once the victim of festivals, turned out to be a spicy hand insurance renegade officer of Haiya Life Insurance Co., Ltd., and his fiancé Zhong Ren, who missed the invitation, indirectly led to a wishful marriage over. "The right or wrong," the title really worthy of the name, colleagues are all Tianshou hate, but because of the relationship between Chi Chou episode may not. Along with Tianshou into the company, there is a famous "insurance elite" Gao Ming! Gao Ming, who is "above the top", loves Tong XinYuan by mistake and finds the woman he can handle. Gao Ming into the company, the success of the company up and down the company from his awe, worship times. And Tianshou just want to be a profitable salesman, but suffered the cold, after a hard work to do a policy. The difference between the two people is obvious, but they are not only business competitors, but also emotionally, as Tian Shou and his wish to go closer, gradually showing a rival situation. Tianshou and wish are both involved in a bizarre insurance homicide - Tianshou's first client, wishful friend Ma Lichu strangely killed. Hi detective Tianshou because itchiness and wish together dry, only to find a little bit of dignity everywhere. In the survey, Tien Shou and his wish continually provoked incidents, Gao Ming is often the wrong couple to become two "victim" to deal with unexpected situations. Gao Ming like the wish, he made sacrifices willing to wish! However, in the middle with a Tushou, Jun was only a bully to do wedding clothes, so Gao Ming anger. Zhihou can not see Tianshou's "mess with things," earnestly advised him, wholeheartedly to help him with little success, but also confused his haggard. Zhihou's sense of responsibility and practical Zhu Yan more obsessed with him, but Zhihou I do not know why, always avoid her. In the face of pressure from all parties, Tianshou and the desire to work together to find out the truth of the case - killing Ma Lichu was saved by life, life for many years Mary Lolita lover! Tianshou let everyone admiration. Chi thick worry, but also feel comfort. The two of the first "cooperation", the wish is really concerned about Tianshou, so that Tianshou mistakenly like to own heart, so this silly boy often show his true love, but attentive and dedication. Not only can not overlook Gao Ming, is the wish of former fiance Zhongren also can not see gone. "I do not get other people do not want to get it!" Zhong Ren exhausted all means tried to restore the wish of the heart. One is a former fiancé, Zhongren has a solid background; one is innocent and kind, in order to be able to put down all the feelings of life; one is wise and steady, handsome and successful. The advantages of three men together is a perfect man.However, Zhongren's flower heart, Tianshou improper, Gao Ming's high above all is aversion to disgust. Have a typical OL's wish for a time do not know what to do. Chung Ren heart flutter in the recovery and wishful feelings on the cause of being victimized, suddenly impoverished. Zhong Ren experienced the ups and downs of life, realizing that the domineering son's temper has always brought too much regret to his life. His former glory was given to him by his family background, and his life has been being directed. So he wants to leave and go back to a place where no one knows him and hold his own destiny. The departure of Zhong Ren makes the wish inspired: the matter is very important and the spirit is also very important, but it is hard to have both the fish and the bear's paw. A woman is looking for a safe life, so her choice began to favor Gao Ming, but she is always not as natural as Gao Ming when she faces Gao Ming. Wish to feel more and more confused. In Tianshou, Gao Ming, between wishes: Gao Ming thinks that since the wish has taken over himself, he has been born out of shape and above all else in his work; he can not stand Gao Ming's career and habit of getting along with Tianshou more; Tianshou illusion wish more and more like myself, inadvertently created a lot of him and his wish gossip wind; Gao Ming and because of wish and Teng Shou go too dry eat vinegar. Three people misunderstand constantly. In Haiya's office, with the "ambiguous" relationship between Zhiku and Zhu Yan, there was frequent scandal and overflowing with the sky. Tian Shou, Gao Ming, wish three people not only in the feelings of a group of paste, to the work is a group of paste. Tianshou determined to bury the insurance sales business, but Zongsun bizarre insurance case did not miss Tianshou, leaving Tianshou repeated and wish, Gao Ming met. Tianshou, hope both help each other, but also because of personality differences with each other. Gao Ming often want to create trouble Tanshou, but because of his wish, coupled with the good fortune Tianshou, always overwhelming to help both. Tianshou time and time again, "half push" to participate in different insurance case, he found that insurance can really help people, but many people are using insurance mercenary, "This is wrong!" Experienced time honed, Tenso has gradually Into a philosophy, there are ideal insurance salesman. Tianshou began to focus on insurance sales, happened to wish to investigate a case of construction insurance companies involved and Tianshou talk about employee insurance companies are the same. Knowingly wish to investigate very hard, Tianshou unmistakably put aside work to help make a wish. But I do not want to see Tianshou abandoned main business, so two people think of a reversal of identity, from Tianshou when the insurance reimbursement, the wish of the insurance salesman try it. Gao Ming in order to impress his wish, even take the initiative to put down the shelf please help. A "insurance Infernal Affairs" start! On the one hand, on the one hand, secretly investigating; on the other hand, Tian Shou acted as the crappy non-voting member in front of the manager of the company and secretly sought to collect the evidence of manager's cheating of insurance premiums; Gao Ming Then make up for two loopholes in service. Because Gao Ming and Tianshou rival reason, every key issue always because of "emotional engagement" and full of festivals.As soon as it was about to find out the truth, Tien was mysteriously disappeared because of Gao Ming's "helping out" exposure. Can not find Tianshou, an unprecedented burst of desire, "overbearing" and Gao Ming had a big fight! Wish to reveal the truth, only to find that they really like the day of life. Gao Ming though not intending to make Tien Shou trouble, but can not find the rival Tianshou, he was sad. They give up prejudices, together to find Tianshou. After numerous difficulties, finally found Tianshou trapped in the dark room of the construction company. The original Tian Shou discovered the evidence of confessed to the manager for personal gain, just want to report, but was looking for a chance to capture the days of the manager. See Tianshou manager to destroy their own good deeds, actually under the wrath of secretly kill Tianshou. Close call, anxious rush rush rescue. Teng Shou has been on the verge of death when he hopes to find Tian Shou. Wish on the dying Tianshou take care of every possible way. Love touched the sky, Tianshou actually be lucky to survive. Gao Ming knew that it was impossible to win Tinshou in the love market, and Tinsou agreed in the insurance industry. Two men who do not know each other, turn enemies into friends. Experiencing this case to make Tianshou more understand the meaning of insurance - silently stay behind friends as friends, to assume a responsibility for their life. Tianshou really like to start selling insurance. Tianshou looked to find the direction of life, Zhihou extremely moving. Zhu Yan's dedication to his love, but also to stubborn Zhi Zhi touched. Zhiku frankly avoided Zhu Yan because he did not fulfill his promise to the first wife Tianzhu, and now he has got what he wants and naturally wants to let go of his feelings. Zhihou, Zhu Yan has a lover married.

Have children 2 (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Having Children 2" uses a reorganized family as a platform for the story. The protagonist Xia DongHai, who accompanied her ex-wife to work in the United States, returned home after her divorce with her 7-year-old son Xia Yu and reunited with her growing daughter, Xia Xue, before marrying Liu Mei, head nurse of a major hospital. Liu Mei also divorced with a son named Liu Xing. The main story of the play takes place in this special family. Liu Mei, the mom and sister, is an emotionally adorable but ridiculously lame mother who is an emotional bond that maintains her family. She is impatient and in high spirits. She has troubled her children because she often does not understand her. Dad Xia DongHai open-minded, enthusiastic, dependent on western enlightenment-style education methods. The eldest daughter, Xia Xue, is sly and sensitive, often doing whimsical, shocking behavior. Xia Yu, the youngest son, lively and energetic, has a strong sense of personal responsibility and is a pistachio at home. Based on the original characters, the second part of "Family with Children" added two more family stories, adding more social elements to the drama. The performance of the drama is still all the problems of children's growth in family life, such as learning, friends, honesty, love, interest, conflict of ideas and other issues of general concern. The famous comedian Song Dandan in the play continues with the 3 big children and adulterated law, endless conflicts and the resulting variety of interesting stories for the audience to laugh.

YouFangHaoHaoZhu (Movie)[2005]

Feature: However, this harmonious and harmonious situation has not been maintained for how long, because Lin Han's bathroom often wish to see my family began to appear discordant notes dissonant. I wish Lin find a solution to the problem, did not expect a very strong principle of Lin Han said the house leak is a residential property business, because the owners have come in before they have to pay the housing maintenance fund. Liu Yong property staff heard that it is Lin Han, are not willing to take the edge. Because in the property view, Lin Han is the district "problems" most people, light to the property to mention, have no less than seven or eight. Therefore, the property of people at Lin is at arm's length. Property is not willing to take care of Lin Han, but could not stand the witch's "struggle." In the wish to reflect the strong sister, the property manager Zheng Yong with Liu Yong to see the situation, put forward a solution to do waterproof again. Re-waterproofing involves construction costs, property hope I wish to persuade Lin Han, the cost of sharing between Lin and Zhu sister. I wish to find the solution proposed by Lin Han negotiable property, but was Lin Hanyuan refused, the reason is that every owner to buy a house have to pay the housing maintenance fund, the maintenance must be responsible for the property. Not only that, Lin Han also come up with renovated housing Times reported that the property agreed to the renovation construction program. Around to solve the problem of housing leaks, Lin Han said that the property should be responsible for the property and refused to leave, a wishing sister sandwiched between the property and Lin Han at a loss. Angrily, by the property joke, will Lin a paper sued in court, although Lin Han wish in front of my sister to ensure that leakage is not resolved before, I did not take a bath in the bathroom. I wish the sister's choice, ignited Lin Han plot property has long been lurking, so that Lin Han almost loss of control in front of property owners in the abuse of property. Just as the white-hot dispute began to cool down as Xiao Bao found Lin's tutoring home, Lin's girlfriend bathed in a new house and renewed the "war" between Lin Han and Zhu Jie. This time, the police station was alarmed because the two sides moved too much. When the police station came to mediate the barriers and contradictions between Lin Han and Zhu Jie, he helped the Lin Han see the house and the community elevator workers to find the newlywed lover who likes to work as a decoration worker. Leakage problem, so that from the police station back to Lin Han and wish my sister embarrassed in the resumption of good neighborly days.

The first child has a home (TV)[2004]

Feature: Xia DongHai, who had accompanied her ex-wife to work in the United States, returned home after her divorce with a 7-year-old son, Xia Yu, and reunited with Xia Xue, a daughter who grew up in China. Later, Liu Mei, head nurse of a large hospital, got married and Liu Mei also divorced with a son named Liu Xing. The main story of the play takes place in this special family. The common features of Xia DongHai and Liu Mei are caring and caring about children's growth. They hope to "integrate" their love and wisdom and cultivate the next generation of happy life. The siblings who live under the same roof, though of different origins and different age groups, can get along as if they were their own. However, due to the different living environment of the three people, so they have a very different personality and hobbies, so the dispute is inevitable. Sometimes the three are united and join hands to tackle difficult parents, sometimes fighting each other for their own rights.

Waiting room story (TV)[2002]

Feature: "Waiting Room Story" is a sitcom-type drama directed by Inada in 2002. Background of the story In the northeast region, a few years later, the small town of Jichun has undergone tremendous changes. It has become a famous tourist city in Northeast China. It has expanded its original station and built a new station. Most of the protagonists in the main waiting hall relocated to the new station, leaving only the older workers Liu DaMing and Wang XiuHua. The story of the waiting room The railway station is the main channel for people to integrate social life, and the station is the hub of the railway, waiting room is a small rest in the journey of life, the play as the starting point, set the waiting room An art vehicle that selectively brings together all men, women and children in the society and tells them all kinds of stories. Its view from the small station toward a colorful social arena, in a unique and spacious space to represent all aspects of contemporary life, the story has occurred, is happening and possible combination of actual conditions. Railway workers, people's police, waiters, tourists, blind people and other people in small waiting rooms, showing different cultures, different personalities, with different living conditions one by one in the immediate space, but extended to the community Up and down the fun story. Waiting room is a small world of rivers and lakes, inevitably mixed, quite a mixed bag, its unique flow and variability is likely to be a hotbed of crime, so the play is more legal education and advocacy of the dual content of spiritual civilization. Through the special window of "Waiting Room", all living beings in society have comedy and introspective comedy that is both appealing and intriguing.

Big house door (TV)[2001]

Feature: Qing Emperor Guangxu six years (1880) in the spring, the capital of the most famous drug shop Baicao hall "White House," the mansion door, two little grandmother Bai WenShi gave birth to a boy, it is strange that this child is born will not cry, the more playing the more laughing His grandfather named Bai MengTang named Bai JingQi. Bai YingXuan, who was found guilty of damaging Zhan Wangfu by Da GeGe, was hit by a broken horse carriage and killed by two horses. Bai MengTang daughter Bai YaPing frightened, missed the accidentally killed one year-old son, uncle Guan ShaoYi put it back to her parents, the White House offended. Five years later, Bai YingYuan inadvertently killed the second daughter of Zhan WangYe. When Zhan WangYe fell to the ground and Baizu Hall was sealed, Bai YingYuan was asked to die in the death penalty and was fortunate enough to face the death penalty Prisoners Yan Ye and Zhu Shun were rescued, replaced by a surname of a prisoner surnamed Han, Bai YingYuan away from the horizon. Bai MengTang died, the family power to the daughters of the two daughters at the end of death Bai WenShi, Bai YingYuan's wife Bai YinShi heard that her husband was executed and hanged himself to death. An eye-opener, Bai JingQi, who reached the age of seven and reached the age of school, was born with a nasty grudge and went out of his way to three private teachers. Finally, he was surrendered by the newly recruited teacher, former ZSK Army Officer Ji ZongBu, Pharmaceutical talent. Bai WenShi has gradually restored the vitality of the past, and Bai YeYuu has done a good job of doing something, colluding with foreigners, and has taken the property and secret recipe of the White House. Growing up and fell in love with the little girl Huang Chun, she did not know that she was the illegitimate daughter of Guiwu and Da GeGe of Zhan Palace, and was unanimously opposed by her family. In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing and Sanye Yingyu became a traitor. In the process of burning, killing and robbing, his own relative Bai YaPing was gang-raped by German devils. Bai JingQi, however, was full of hatred against the invading forces and became friends with an anti-Japanese Japanese army called Tian Mu. In order to avenge his teacher Ji ZongBu, Bai JingQi killed a German soldier and even wound up a disaster. Under the threat of Sanye Ying-woo, Bai WenShi had to evacuate Jing Qi and her pregnant Huang Chun. Jing Qi Huang Chuang wife to work in battles in Jinan, work hard, set a career, but because of the courtesan Yang JiuHong inexplicable emotional entanglement, offended the Admiral adults, was a big prison, after the Church Sister Bai YuFen rescued. At this time, the capital of White House is also a twists and turns, knowing that Yingyuan escape rogue Rogue Han RongFa, mixed with white house blackmail, infuriating Ying Xuan Erye. Bai JingQi returned to Beijing to funeral ancestor, angered Han RongFa and expelled from the house, burying the curse. Yang JiuHong with her daughter Jia Li also rushed to the capital, but was Bai WenShi prostitutes born contrary to rules contrary to the door, Bai JingQi had to be placed outside the house, Bai WenShi designed by Huang Chun and Bai YaPing nine red daughter Jia Li cheat in the hands, Yang JiuHong unbearable decided to return to Jinan. The impoverished Wu BeiLe learns that his illegitimate daughter was married to Bai JingQi and then finds her relative in Bai Fu and is rejected by Bai JingQi and Huang Chun. Wu BeiLe furious with collusion of rogue Han RongFa, find out the whereabouts of Bai YingYuan jailed the same year, Dali Temple took the lead, the son of Ying Park son Bai JingYi into prison, thanks to the prison leader Zhu Shun save rescued, Wu BeiLe reborn, eventually making Bai JingQi recognize the father-in-law.Yang JiuHong is pregnant again. Bai WenShi is not allowed to return to Ji'nan in order to leave a baby born soon. Bai JingQi first violated her mother's life and secretly left Yang JiuHong. In 1911 the Qing dynasty dilapidated, the Great House Gate dwindled in warlord turmoil, the white children were unscrupulous, the son of Bai JingQi Bai JingYe squandered, under the instigation of the three master Bai YingYu, done a bad thing. White Housekeeper Wang XiGuang, this is the palace eunuchs, actually concealed King Qi married three-bedroom wife. Bai WenShi hard support, arranged for the children one by one the rear. In 1921, while Bai JingQi was self-reliant, Wu BeiLe remained under Jing Qi's door and doing his worst was actually hijacked by his son Huang Li into the country and killed when he was living in Da GeGe. Yang JiuHong again into Beijing into a new home, seeing her daughter grow up, but only recognized her grandmother does not recognize the mother deeply buried the seeds of hatred. Bai WenShi seventieth birthday that daughter Bai YuTing thirtieth unmarried, was to fancy a play Wan XiaoJu, denounced Bai YuTing, Yu-ting though not afraid to resist, but always infatuation does not change. Bai WenShi eventually died of overworked work and left the world. The mansion house held a grudge up and down, even the dogs and cats all wear filial piety. However, Bai WenShi left a will at the end of his life, but he did not allow Yang JiuHong to bring filial piety. Yang JiuHong landless, ruined filial service. White House Bai WenShi funeral for the whole family, the heat of the day, seriously ill Huang Chun and Bai YaPing actually died in the funeral. Bai WenShi again before the girl Huai Hua Xu Jing Qi as a concubine, the Greater House even more days of peace. Has been crush on Wan XiaoJu's Bai YuTing due to secular prejudices, the door difference can not finally do so, actually under King Qi's marriage, and Wan XiaoJu photo line wedding gift, and live together for a long time without photos. Due to the legacy left by Bai WenShi, Jia Li always hated her mother Yang JiuHong, who in revenge had designed to deceive her daughter into a deeper hatred. After the September 18 Incident, the northeastern medicinal materials were banned. The old Bai Ru hall lost its supply and faced a crisis. Yang JiuHong actually disguised himself as a man's clothing. Although she was in the northeast, Huai Hua has been brought around with him to prevent falling pet, but unexpectedly Bai JingQi house and girl Li XiangXiu repaired, Yang JiuHong regrets, will be a room of anger, full of jealousy in Huai Hua body, resulting in Huai Hua Cantilever beam suicide, Bai JingQi provoke a lawsuit. Bai JingQi's housekeeper, Wang XiGuang, was evil and was finally overrun. It was dismissed by Bai JingQi and therefore resented it. Seeing that there was enough opportunity, she went down the drain and sent Bai JingQi into a big prison. Witty show up and down the circus, eventually rescued Bai JingQi, so Bai JingQi determined to marry Xiangxiu. Incident of July 7, Bai ZhanYi Bai ZhanYuan participated in the anti-Japanese organization of the Communist Party, and White House became the focus of attention of the invading army. Bai JingQi refused to cooperate with the Japanese army was forced to hid Xiang Xiujia, and finally decided to violate the rules will be Xiangxiu continued string of strings, was immediately opposed by the entire tribe, Show married. The Japanese army forced Wang Qi, a traitor, to persecute Jing Qi as the director of the Pharmaceutical Association, and threatened to kill him. Bai JingQi resolutely refused to do any traitors and worried that Chang Sun Zhanyuan would suffer and could not be freed.At this time, Bai YingYu, who has been hurt by the Japanese army for 80 years, came forward as president and denounced the Japanese at the inaugural meeting to publicize anti-Japanese and martyred martyrs. At this point, the Great White House door involved in the vigorous anti-Japanese torrent.

Iron teeth copper Ji Ji XiaoLan (TV)[2001]

Feature: The first story took place during the reign of Emperor Qian Long in the Qing Dynasty, when the surface of society showed a peaceful and prosperous scene and was claimed by the Manchus as the so-called Kang and Qian Dynasties. However, the superficial peace and prosperity of the people can not hide any deep-seated contradictions intensified day by day. How to clear those who misrepresent themselves and balance the problems of monarch and minister are all put before Qian Long, the ruler of the ruling party. Qian Long is a dictatorial ruler of middle age who is good at lawsuit, good at great powers, and who knows very well the techniques of power. He quite can take advantage of the bachelor Ji XiaoLan just stick to justice, impartiality and law enforcement of selfless character for their own work, but also especially appreciate the Minister of military, household Shang He begging for mercy, but life is flattering art. Ji XiaoLan and He Shen, on the other hand, are the enemies who have been out of step with each other for years and who are diametrically opposed to each other and who oppose each other as political opponents. So around these three people, it produced a scenes of people can not help but laugh, or long sigh of tragedy and comedy. The second piece, "Ji XiaoLan 2" consists of five unit stories, "Department Roads Odd Case," "Book Soul," "Yuan Bao Traced," "Inside and outside the Court," and "Love and Affair." In this drama, the confrontation between Ji XiaoLan and He Shen intensified. "Bureau odd cases" about He Shen imaginary in the name of recruitment, but in fact gathered money, Ji XiaoLan exposed the scandal ills. In Qian Shu, Qian Long (Zhang Tielin) is going to revise Sikuquanshu and appoint Ji XiaoLan as chief comprador. As a result, He Shen is jealous and secretly implicates Yan RuYu (Yili Ma) in his side, waiting for revenge. "Ingot mystery" around the home to swallow the Treasury silver two. The struggle between good and evil, both inside and outside the hospital, and the sorrows and sorrows of the heroines of "Love and Affair" are even more impressive. The third part of the capital is not calm, because the arrival of Jiangnan girl Lu became more not calm. This woman won the favor of Qian Long, temporary residence in Ji House. A fear of the harem to know about this matter, and secondly, I feel this person is not simple, so Ji XiaoLan heartbroken day by day. He Shen had known this person is the Han official Lu Runtai's daughter, his father framed by the uncle, injustice died, the conspirator is He Shen himself. In order to exterminate the roots, designed to trap land girl. Queen also secretly stalled. Unexpectedly, the murder of He Shen cousin Chang Si, alerted Qian Long. Empress Paul Guogu, caught Lu family threatened Qian Long. But do not want to be Ji XiaoLan accidentally discovered and rescued. At the same time he gradually cracked Lu family grievances. No country retreat has committed suicide, Guo Shen Shen dangerous danger. Tai Hou met Lu Piniang, recognized her as the dry daughter, instead of Satsuki, living in Ji House. Part IV "Ji XiaoLan" The fourth part is divided into five units, each unit is unique. Comic figures, humorous dialogue, hilarious bridges, exciting plots and thought-provoking stories will not only allow the audience to regain memories of "Ji XiaoLan," but also give everyone a To different past surprises.

Detective in Kyoto (TV)[1997]

Feature: The "Kyoto Detective" tells the story of late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. There was a detective named Zhang Ruishan, who was active in Beijing and Tianjin and had the reputation of China's Holmes. This public nickname Zhang MiHu was not only superhuman but also witty, Has a perfect martial arts, his chivalrous, straightforward, humorous, implicit deep, due to dissatisfaction with the official corruption, the dark circles of law, decided to abandon the official home, and often walk in Beijing and Tianjin, at that time, it is the Qing Dynasty The era of destruction, the social contradictions are very sharp, the value of new schools rise, restless people, inside and outside the court, civil market, all kinds of criminal cases after another, a big case of sensation, to expose the corruption of the officialdom, In the time of chaos, Zhang Ruishan embarrassed Chennai to find himself in the aftermath of one death after another. Together with a group of young men and women who like him, He XiaoTian and Qi MengGu founded the first Kyoto Visit the Bureau, speak for the world, defend for the weaker, with his supernatural power opened a complicated and mysterious case .....

The Dream Of Red Mansions (TV)[1987]

Feature: 87 version of "Dream of Red Mansions" stills Gusu Renren Qing Lane within the gourd temple lived a poor student named Jia YuCun, he was Zhen YuanYuan subsidized township, went to Beijing to test in the Jinshi, made the officer. Only because he was corrupt, not the previous year was leather officer. He came to Yangzhou and made a curtain call to Lin RuHai, a salt censor, to teach Lin DaiYu. A year later, Lin RuHai's wife passed away and Lin Dai Yu escorted by Jia YuCun to Rongsong, Kyoto. Jia YuCun therefore got the help of Uncle Dai's Jia Zheng, and within two months, he was reinstated as Jinling should Tianfu, since then, the official Yun Hengtong. Jia Jia is a prominent aristocrat in Kyoto, Rong House, Ningguo two sites. After Daiyu lived in Rongguo House, her grandmother, Jia Mu, loved her very much and lived closely with her cousin Jia BaoYu. They stayed together at night and played together during the day. Shortly after, Xue YiMa took Xue BaoChai with her son and daughter State. Xue BaoChai is older than Jia BaoYu and has a gold lock that paired with the gemstone of the jade. When she went to Jiajia everywhere, she was not as proud as Daiyu, so she soon got the likes and dislikes of the Jia government. Daiyu is very distressed, often with the mouth of Baoyu, secretly sad tears. Yuanchun go home pro, thanks to the provincial farewell named "Grand View Garden", also gave the name of the park premises, and called the gems and sisters moved into the Grand View Garden. Grand View Garden, Jia Fu from top to bottom honors, enjoyment, but the economic situation has become worse. On the surface of life in Grand View Garden is very calm, sisters all day poems and paintings, quiz ridiculous, in fact the crisis: Maid of honor and disgrace jumped himself to death; Jia BaoYu unwilling to make career articles, was his father Jia Zheng's responsibility; Wang XiFeng hate hate illness; You ErJie was forced to swallow gold suicide. Xing, Mrs. Wang Er and then listen to his words, the Grand View Plaza wantonly copied some, since Qunfang diaspora, Grand View Garden a depression, gem can not help but from time to time you sigh sad. Nanan County expedition was captured, Nan AnTaiFei reliance on the spring as a prostitute, instead of the dignitaries and pro. Geum sent goodbye to the spring, and was ordered by his father Jia Zheng to visit the West Sea along the son of something, unexpectedly on the way theft, whereabouts unknown. Daiyu smell this letter, crying rupture of liver and intestines, the increasing weight, eventually failed to wait until the gem came back, tears and death. After Daiyu died, Bao Yu and Bao Chai were married. However, there was only one Lin sister in the meaning of gem. Jia was finally defeated by political opponents because of the official battlefield. Jia was copied. Wang XiFeng and Jia BaoYu were jailed. Jia Mu died in the fight, from then on Jia full collapse, falling stream of fireworks, Xifeng's daughter Qiao sister married civilians did ordinary peasant women. Once the peak bell Ming dynasty home, an instant dumping buildings, only get "the vast expanse of the earth really clean." (Some stills source)

XinYueChuanQi (TV)[1982]

Feature: Crescent Legend: southeast coast of the pirates often pirate invasion, the court appointed a middle-aged and elderly woman known as Du XianSheng eliminate the bandits, but the Kou River thieves and other gradually be settled, a more powerful Pirates of the history of the king did not Rise. Scoop king history said that only the daughter of the court envoy jade princess married to him as a truce condition. Chu LiuXiang intervened in this incident by accidentally saving the princess's father's father. The Du XianSheng Chu LiuXiang this side of the new biography, the designated Hu TieHua escort Crescent Princess to the thieves cave. Noodles spread, flowers aunt found Huang sick husband, Hei ZhuGan, Yuan Lei assassination of the king of history. Jiao Lin entrusted Chu LiuXiang to find her daughter she had never met before, and only knew that her daughter had a crescent birthmark. Chu LiuXiang received the sign of Hu TieHua's distress and went to the tree house for Hu TieHua. In the tree house, Hu TieHua was a painter of four women, but their layout was seen through by Chu LiuXiang and they escaped. Hu TieHua was invited to escort Princess Jade Sword and Shi Tianwang, Chu LiuXiang decided easy to follow. Chu LiuXiang found a female ninja in the inn Ying Zi, Xue ChuanXin to Ying Zi to discuss the woman in the box, who knows the box was Chu LiuXiang pre-emptive take away, the box turned out to be Jiao Lin's daughter. Chu LiuXiang handed the box to Wanxing Escort He Yulin custody, to find Hu TieHua. See Hu TieHua out of danger, Chu LiuXiang go back to find He Yulin, only to find a dead body and sitting on the box Xue ChuanXin. Chu LiuXiang came to Yujian Villa and did not expect Du XianSheng turned out to be a woman. Later she learned that Princess Yujian was not only the daughter of Jiao Lin but also the daughter of Du XianSheng, the former wife of Jiao Lin. The original coastal area along the southeast coast often pirates piracy harassment, the court sent a special envoy to the identity of rivers and lakes, contact the Quartet hero, to deal with bandits, the envoy's daughter was also booked as a princess, Du XianSheng is one such. Du XianSheng clear the shore, King of history dominate the sea, the two potential is over. Japanese pirates also hope that the two sides Rush, sit income harvest. Hu TieHua realized that Chu LiuXiang wanted someone to deal with the king of history. Chu LiuXiang was assassinated by the Ninja Spring Thunder Iraqi, who committed suicide in the midst of an unchanging routine. Shi TianZhai lured Chu LiuXiang to kill Shi Tian Wang with money but was rejected by Chu LiuXiang. In conversation with Ying Zi, Chu LiuXiang learned that Shi Tian Wang had taken Shi TianZhai's concubine, so Ying Zi would steal the princess of Jade Emperor Sword. Ying Zi actress princess maid Hong children, the princess out of Yu Jian Villa. Bai YunSheng used Chu LiuXiang's old acquaintance as bait, with Chu LiuXiang see the history of the King. Two Generals Panther because fear Jiangya Princess pet, sent four Tian Tian assassination protect the princess Hu TieHua, and Shi Tianwang sent to protect the princess Bai YunSheng also been plot. Leopard Ji asked Chu LiuXiang to choose between the three items of treasure, food and water, and Bai YunSheng. Chu LiuXiang unexpectedly chose Bai YunSheng, who was on the verge of death. Chu LiuXiang successfully arrived at the fishing village where the king of history was. Who knows the king of history turned out to be exactly the same seven people, even Chu LiuXiang did not start the opportunity. The marriage between the king of history and the princess of jade sword was held as scheduled. In the fishing village by the sea, Chu LiuXiang learned that Princess Jade Sword had already cut off the head of history king!Chu LiuXiang suddenly realized that can kill the king of history only King's wife, this is why the princess jade sword must marry the true purpose of the king of history. Legend of a ghost romance: a wise Chu LiuXiang met a life never encountered before, the most absurd, the most bizarre, the most mysterious, but also the most terrible thing. He never believed that this happened in the world. The original two pairs of Wulin family lovers forced to flee their parents forced marriage, pretend to exchange the soul after a serious illness in order to seek peace and love of people together. Chu LiuXiang made it clear at the end and gave them blessings. Chu LiuXiang (Chang Changxiu) in the play "The Revival of the West" (Ken Chang Edition) is a unique combination of modern Western detection techniques. It seems complicated and turbulent. In fact, it is only a natural desire of human nature. Several pairs of young men and women take the initiative to fight for love and marriage, very anti-feudal breath, Chu LiuXiang here, it seems like pulling the red line "moon." Chu LiuXiang visits his friend Zuo QingHou and learns that Zuo QingHou's daughter Zuo MingZhu is seriously ill, and even the doctor Zhang Jianzhai can not be cured. Soon after Zuo MingZhu died, Zuo QingHou heartbroken. However, Zuo MingZhu suddenly resurrected that night, resurrected Zuo MingZhu claiming to be the daughter of Mrs. Jin Gong, but also the use of Mrs. Jin Gong's home martial arts "Kitty Hawk." When Shi Yin was found in Chu LiuXiang in ShiJiaZhuang, she had just passed away and the furnishings in her boudoir were exactly the same as described by Zuo MingZhu. Chu LiuXiang was discovered by Hua JinGong and Xue HongHong inadvertently as Ye Shenglan seducing Shi Yin. Xue YiRen invited Chu LiuXiang to visit his sword room. Chu LiuXiang revealed her intention was to trace the occupational assassins that appeared a few years ago and suspect Xue YiRen, the leader who now lives on top of her. Shi Xiuyun revenge for the sister to find opportunities to assassinate Xue Bin, Xue Bin often come to snatch the news because her sister dying. Coincidentally, Shi Fengyun's death time and Shi Yin, Zuo MingZhu's death time is almost the same, and the second day hurried burial, the person who handle Shixiu Yun's uncle. In Shifeng Yun's tomb, a teenager is wearing pockmarked Dai Xiao knelt before the tomb crying, this person was actually Xue Bin's bookie reliance sword, the original Shi Fengyun really Ken Chang version of "Chu LiuXiang New Biography" still lover actually is reliance sword. Black people suddenly stabbed Chu LiuXiang, Chu LiuXiang with pollen posing ecstasy Hong deceived people, but he was seriously injured, was here after two small flowers saved. Chu LiuXiang let beggar help him find the whereabouts of Ye Shenglan. Three more hours, Chu LiuXiang dig Shifeng Yun's grave found actually actually empty. Shi Xiuyun found lying in the coffin of Shi Yin turned out to be his sister, it is her uncle to replace the body of her sister Shi Yin. In Tsing Yi Lane, Ye Shenglan and Shi Yin were seized by Chu LiuXiang. Shi Yin used Shi Fengyun's body to pretend to cheat and die with the help of Liang Ma and escape her engagement with her second son, Xue Jihuang. Chu LiuXiang accidentally found Xue XiaoRen loaded crazy, and is the best cold-blooded killer in the world. Xue XiaoRen plain revealed, angry to Chu LiuXiang shot. Xue YiRen suddenly appeared, admitting that he is the leader of the assassin organization, just because of their own retirement, need extra money to maintain their livelihood. Xue XiaoRen In order to protect his brother committed suicide.Chu LiuXiang with Zuo MingZhu arrived Xue XiaoRen practice before the cabin, and has long been waiting here Xue Bin meet. Xiao TuZi recognized Xue Bin and Zuo MingZhu once met and gave him the money. Zuo MingZhu do not recognize the face, face Escape met Shi Yin real. The truth, in order to escape marriage and eloquence, Xue Bin find Shi Fengyun body posing as Shi Yin, Shi Yin and Ye Shenglan escape. Zuo MingZhu pretend Shi Yin, escaped marriage with the help of the doctor Zhang Jianzhai. Chu LiuXiang exposes the secret and completes two pairs of lovers. Chu LiuXiang fell in love with Shi Xiuyun, but eventually ended with Shi Xiuyun's departure. Bat legend: Chu LiuXiang and Hu TieHua tracking Huashan School Master Wu Mei dock, but suffered in the river plot, young Ding Feng and Master Mei Mei leave with the ship. "Quick Web" Zhang San stole the pearls from Jin LingZhi's head and led Jin LingZhi to kill him. In fighting, Jin LingZhi even resorted to the Huashan School's secret "Breeze Thirteen" Sword Act. Ding Feng Wu Gong Qi Gao, who is also a number of peerless martial arts, but happens to refer to the deer as a horse, rescue for Jin LingZhi, "Breeze style" as Emei sent "Cattail Sword Act," and Jin LingZhi seems to Ding Feng heart has Dread, all this makes Chu LiuXiang very curious. Several Fung Mei help people were killed. After investigation, Hu TieHua considered that several Bangzhong were killed by the strong bow of Wuwei Yang. Chu LiuXiang was aware of the fact that someone deliberately made a decision to help Fung Mei to help Wuwei Yang and Wuwei Yang must have been poisoned. Behind the scenes, Chu LiuXiang and others just needed to prove Wuwei Yang was still alive. His deep-seated demeanor, Astounding Chu LiuXiang, Hu TieHua came to Sanhe upstairs, and Wu Weiyang, who was found dead by Chu LiuXiang, was also present. Dragon help gang main cloud from the dragon and Wuwei Dong SanNiang Yang war, was killed on the spot. Dragon to help comply with the wishes of their helpers, read the letters in public, the contents of the letter was actually the two mergers, Wuwei Yang for the Lord. On top of the ship, everyone went to the sea looking for gold cave, ugly appearance Miles Miles also accompanied apprentice white candles. There are six coffins placed in the warehouse, turned out to be unwittingly placed before the voyage, meaning there are eight of ten people on board to die. Deck helm to the Flying Man has disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood. The next day, the vast sky disappeared, the six sailors are also one by one cinnabar palm strange death, people tracing a long time still fruitless. Ying Miles, hook long toast to ease the atmosphere, did not expect Dingfeng drunk actually poisoned. Chu LiuXiang said the poison was smeared on the glass when the crowd was in a hurry. When Hu TieHua think the murderer is Ying Wanli, Ying Wan showed his true identity, the god of white clothes, the best in the world to capture the "Condor" Miles, hook long is the real Jiang Yang bandit. Chu LiuXiang found a straight passage through the cargo hold, where Ding Feng's coffin was empty and he drank the "flight" wine cheat. Beside the other coffins, the names of these people have already been engraved on them, and Chu LiuXiang concluded that the length of the hook and Ding Feng are collusive. At this point the water tank on the ship has been pierced, Ding Feng want to thirst for everyone. Hook long left the box is puzzling, who knows there was explosives, the ship blew up, six people can only sit in a coffin to escape.According to Chu LiuXiang's judgment, six people were living on an island. Chu LiuXiang et al. Conclude that Ding Feng killed the vast sky by resorting to his vessel. The unified two gang Wuwei Yang is only a fickle easy to cloud the dragon from the dungeon has been given hint. The real Wuwei Yang and Yun from the dragon together, have been killed, the Yangtze River basin from Ding Feng to grasp. The map of the cloud leaving from the dragon was recognized by Jin LingZhi, which is a map of Pinnacle Cave, also known as Bat Island. Chu LiuXiang After going through this series of inexplicable things, go to Bat Island for answers. Who knows more conspiracy conspiracy, more shady behind the scenes, numerous mist behind the truth was Chu LiuXiang, who gradually unveiled the original original villager Yuan SuiYun undisputed Hill smart and studious, quite good qualifications, but unfortunately due to illness Blind, so in order to search for wealth, set up a trading site in the island of bats, specializing in rivers and lakes can not buy a variety of products. There is no curiosity, there is no wine pool Lin, but there are more than these things are precious. In order to ensure the secrecy of the transaction, the cave is not allowed to have a little light, which is undoubtedly beneficial to his late childhood "Bat Son" Yuan SuiYun beneficial, but unfortunately, the matter was Chu LiuXiang found clues, so Hu TieHua Buddy came to the island, revealing the true face of Yuan SuiYun. Yuan SuiYun martial arts high, could kill Chu LiuXiang et al, but his lover Jin LingZhi like Hu TieHua, so to protect the crowd safe, Jin LingZhi design and Yuan SuiYun die, the weird bat island since then ceased to exist. Legend of Peach: There is a mysterious family martial arts, no one knows where they come from. They believe in a kind of gods and religions, the selected woman as a virgin, must be devoted to the family and religion, can no longer have a mortal life. Wanfu Wanshou Park coincides with the death of Aunt Jin, Hu TieHua drunk, Chu LiuXiang rescue Ai Qing. To thank Chu LiuXiang's rescue, Ai Qing and Chu LiuXiang met each other more and gave him 500 silver. At this point out of a female back rockery, named Zhang JieJie. Chu LiuXiang was assassinated by Ai Hong, sister of Ai Qing in the small shop. Three more hours, Chu LiuXiang Wanfu Wanshouyuan in the back garden to see Ai Qing is not, but Zhang JieJie. Zhang JieJie pointed him to Ai Qing's position and reminded him to pay attention to the earrings. Ai Qing wants to kill Chu LiuXiang, but heartbroken. A hand appeared in the window, Chu LiuXiang chased out and realized he was counting, returned to the house found Ai Qing disappeared, but also left a broken hand. Xia Qing decorated Zhang JieJie Chu LiuXiang frequently plot, Cheng Gong Tuo Po, Bo DanFu father and daughter, pub Lao BanNiang, have been Chu LiuXiang 11 resolved. Zhang JieJie With Chu LiuXiang Looking for the owner of the mysterious arm, Chu LiuXiang enters a high wall and enters the room of the girl, who acknowledges she is the behind-the-scenes assailant to Chu LiuXiang. Suddenly a burst of gong sound outside the room, the room was surrounded by Jin SiYe. Jin SiYe is Miss King's father, Chu LiuXiang said he is among other people's trap. Jin SiYe do not believe, and Chu LiuXiang fight, but can not help but Chu LiuXiang nothing. Jin SiYe admits that her daughter is about to die, and her illness can not be cured until she is married. Zhang JieJie accidentally left, Chu LiuXiang looking for unsuccessful.While Chu LiuXiang did not do anything, a Hei YiLaoYu appeared unexpectedly. When she learned of Chu LiuXiang's determination to find Zhang JieJie, she instructed Chu LiuXiang to seek out the altar in the cave. Chu LiuXiang was taken to the altar, where Hei YiLaoYu, who gave him advice, appeared here. At a crucial moment, Chu LiuXiang untied the acupuncture points and set off the mask of the goddess to teach the goddess, and found that the saint actually was his dream of Zhang JieJie. The original Hei YiLaoYu is the mother of Zhang JieJie, all the previous arrangements for her. According to the doctrine of Mai teach, as a saint Zhang JieJie no love the right to marry, in order to avoid his daughter embarked on the loneliness of the previous generation crazy old way, Hei YiLaoYu fancy Chu LiuXiang, step by step with the beauty "Please enter the urn" , Designed to love Chu LiuXiang and Zhang JieJie, and to allow Chu LiuXiang to remove the mask of God from the altar to gain the approval of the tribe. A month later, Zhang JieJie became pregnant. Chu LiuXiang decided to take the ladder in order to take his wife and children out of the dead cave. Chu LiuXiang's character is always most interested in fresh, dangerous and exciting things. Although he has given birth to Peach Blossoms, Chu LiuXiang's character has been repeatedly robbed. True love, false love, tenderness, net, all this make Chu LiuXiang difficult to extricate themselves. This time Chu LiuXiang is more like a "mortal" than a "hero." He talks about a real love. He is not only in love but even married and has offspring. "Peach Legend" peach, refers to a brilliant smile like peach Zhang JieJie, while metaphor Chu LiuXiang's peach blossom, and their love story peach robbery. The three levels of peach blossom images unfold in sequence, culminating respectively in Chu LiuXiang's euphoria and the last two deaths.

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