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Yemang Zhou TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yemang Zhou Works 24 ,And Costume Drama 11 ,Feature 9 ,Historical play 4 ,Comedy 3 ,Suspense 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Urban drama 1 ,Workplace film 1 ,Romance 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Year 1 ,道德1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Love 1 ,Myth play 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Biopic 1 ,War 1 ,Short 1 。

Works Index

Yemang Zhou Filmography(24)


安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。


The Longest Day In Chang'an (TV)[2019]

Feature: Set in Tang Dynasty, an eve before the Lantern Festival. Suspicious people infiltrated the empire's capital. In order to keep the capital safe, a talented fellow trusted by royal prince and a prisoned former detective team up to catch dangerous people.

Shaolin asked (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the Ming Dynasty Jiajing years, Jiajingdi was stupid and incompetent, the court was controlled by the strict party, the internal government corruption, rampant pirates along the coast, the entire ruling and opposition was firmly in control of the party leader - Yan Zongfan Yan Zifan son, the Ming dynasty at stake. Shaolin Temple Abbot seclusion Damochai seclusion, the Shaolin monks are both worried about the national crisis, but also on the future a confused. Cheng WenDao, Gao JianXiong, a newly established disciple disciplined by Shaolin, vigorously cooperated with Yan's father and son to exterminate their enemies. Due to their extremely high talents, they were separately assigned to the Dharma Hall, Pharmacopoeia and Prajna Chapter to practice their martial arts, medical doctrine and meditation. In order to achieve the purpose of controlling Shaolin himself, Yan ShiFan transferred the Shaolin monks by the name of Hirayama and went so far as to consolid the Shaolin traitor Mad-Tou Tau to occupy the Shaolin and turn one of the Buddhist monastic forests into human hell. Successful practitioners Cheng WenDao et al., Under the secret help of Master Guanyun, led the Shaolin monks and the Mad-Tso and the Yan Party to deal with them. Finally, they eradicated the Mad-Tuo and helped to overthrow the just men and women of the DPRK ;


Feature: During the Jiajing Reign of the Ming Dynasty, Jiajing Emperor was stunned and incompetent. The court was under the control of a strict party. Corruption of internal government and rampage of pirates along the coast were firmly controlled by Yan Juban, the son of Yan Yan, Ming dynasty at stake. Shaolin Temple Abbot seclusion Damochai seclusion, the Shaolin monks are both worried about the national crisis, but also on the future a confused. Cheng WenDao, Gao JianXiong, a newly established disciple disciplined by Shaolin, vigorously cooperated with Yan's father and son to exterminate their enemies. Due to their extremely high talents, they were separately assigned to the Dharma Hall, Pharmacopoeia and Prajna Chapter to practice their martial arts, medical doctrine and meditation. In order to achieve the purpose of controlling Shaolin himself, Yan ShiFan transferred the Shaolin monks by the name of Hirayama and went so far as to consolid the Shaolin traitor Mad-Tou Tau to occupy the Shaolin and turn one of the Buddhist monastic forests into human hell. Successful practitioners Cheng WenDao et al., Under the secret help of Master Gu Hai, led the Shaolin monks and the mad-capitals and the strict party to deal with them. Finally, they eradicated the Mad-Tuo and helped to overthrow the father and son of the just men of justice.

CityOfFantasy (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Whenever night falls on the city, people of all kinds start staging their own stories, or mysterious darkness, or incredible or warmth, and perhaps fantastic stories that transcend nature but transcend humanity. "Wonderful Century" tells the story of "Everyone has a story you can not think of, every story has you."

My heart is brilliant (TV)[2014]

Feature: "My heart is brilliant" tells the story of the late 70s, a small courtyard in a small town in southern life Zhao, Ye, Peng three families. Zhao FangYuan and her husband Tang MiaoXiang nurtured Zhao JiaRen. Five children and one family live a poor and warm life. Zhao FangYuan Help her father save a picture by her father. In an accident, Na Hong, a fiancé who rescues the family, falls into Peng ShiZhong's hands and Peng ShiZhong continues to blackmail Zhao and even his daughter Peng XinHua joins them, thus breaking up Zhao JiaHui and Ouyang's love. Ye WenXiang, Ye's elder son, has always been in fear of having a problem of origin. He refuses to acknowledge that the antiques are related to himself. After the reform and opening up, he learned about the true value of the antiquities and worked hard on Zhao FangYuan's return of the ancient paintings. In order to abide by his father's promise, Zhao FangYuan and Peng started a long contest. Around the ancient paintings, the three sons and daughters also embarked on their own entangled love and hate. After several decades, Zhao FangYuan Witnessed the return of the original owner & nbsp ;.

Wonderful century (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Wonderful Century" tells people of all kinds to start their own story every night when night falls: Zi Luo, who can not extricate her boyfriend from extricating himself, and her hypnagogic psychologist are at risk; A Liang, who lost her girlfriend, discovers A life-changing swimming pool, decided to sacrifice but did not change his girlfriend; derailed after the conscience of her husband was ordered to clear his wife; gifted hair shampoo, you can wash the hair from the water found in the customer's mind Privacy; magic test true love ring, the heart of bad people wear a ring in the moment will disappear; happy life in the mirror away children eager to love; a hot pot shop can remove the heart of the heart Things; dream reducer can record the dream on the disc. These stories or mysterious dark, or incredible, or warm people, and perhaps fantastic story beyond the natural, but beyond human nature.

Orphan Case (TV)[2013]

Feature: The case of "Orphan in Zhao" tells the story of the most powerful country in the Spring and Autumn Period as the most powerful person in the Jin and Jin dynasties. It is not the fatigued monarch Jin JingGong but the Kou Tu AnJia. Tu AnJia overshadowed and controlled the three vital political, military and economic vitals of the country. The three powerful Qin Qichu and Tu AnJia are all inextricably linked. His remark could set off a war and destroy a country. Tu AnJia has long felt hatred of Zhao Shuo, who has mastered the military power, time and time again. Finally, he used Jin JingGong's narrow and stupid, Zhao's genocide. Tu AnJia led his troops surrounded Zhao House, the Chao clan Chaochou copied cut, known as "the palace of the difficulties." On this day, Tu AnJia's wife gave birth to a baby boy, and Song Xiang, the wife of Cheng Ying, a folk doctor gave birth to a son. Princess Zhao Zhuang also gave birth to a boy. Zhao Orphan's first stills Zhuang Ji gave birth to his son was trapped in the palace, Tu AnJia want to exterminate the roots, to induce stupid Jin JingGong ordered the death of Zhao orphans. Cheng Ying at a crucial time, risked to save Zhao's arc. In order to report the grace of Zhao Shuo and Cheng Yi's righteousness, Cheng Ying gave his own child instead of Cho's orphan and died under the careful planning of the knight Kung-kung. People all over the world misunderstood Cheng Ying's meritorious service, his wife Song Xiang was upset by the loss of his beloved son, and Princess Zhuang Ji and General Han Jue were all over the place, trying to set Cheng Ying to death. By coincidence, Cheng Ying took his wife and children into the Tu AnJia prefecture. Cheng Ying named orphan Zhao Wu Cheng Daoye. Tu AnJia's son, Tu AnWuJiang, grew up with Cheng Da Ye and settled brotherhood from morning till evening. Tu AnJia wolf ambition to develop without ginger, I hope he can change the dynasty, to complete their dreams. And Cheng Ying risked his death with Zhao Wu, an orphan who lived in the Tuanku government and cultivated Zhao Wu with sinister humiliation to take revenge on Zhao. Wise Tu AnJia Timely Doubt and Test Cheng Ying, Cheng Ying with tenacity and superhuman wisdom, time and time saved, survived the curse of death. Eighteen years later, an orphan Zhao Wu grew up and Cheng Ying stepped in step by step to let him know Zhao Shuo's succession. Tu AnWuJiang finally found that his dearest father is actually a big traitor. Patriotic and traitorous countries, loyal and rebel, justice and evil, launched a contest between life and death. Cheng Dahong gradually transformed Cheng's son into Zhao's orphan and Cheng Ying directed Zhao Wu to step by step from a pure youth. Tu AnJia desperate, forcing Jin JingGong to flee in trouble under the dilemma, trying to make Tu AnWuJiang complete his own usurpation, rob the dream of the world. Never thought that Tu AnWuJiang, who was taught by Cheng Ying from an early age, put "Loyalty and Justice" in front of "Yan and Filial Piety" and destroyed the family members. Jin JingGong regretted the crime of annihilating Zhao and finally admitted Zhao Wu's identity. Zhao Wu reunited with Zhuang Ji mother and son, and became the new Secretary Kou. Tu AnJia absolutely dead, Zhao Wu revenge. Cheng Ying, who endured for so long, laughed at the last minute with Song Xiang, an impotent wife.

myth (TV)[2010]

Feature: In 2010, Yi Xiao-chun, a trendy young man, came to the site of his father's easy-to-learn archaeological excavation, but the image of the character was unexpectedly involved in the robbery of cultural relics. By chance, he mistakenly opened a mysterious ancient treasure box, and Gao Yao, the chef of the archeology team, crossed time and space back to the Qin Dynasty over 2,200 years ago. During the adventures and adventures, Yi Xiaochuan experienced unforgettable love, made friends loyal to the liver, transformed into a benevolent Meng Yi, worked hard to save everyone and took up the moral and responsibility; Gao Yao, who was originally a bitter and timid, has undergone a series of deadly blows after her heart reverses. The hatred of her mind becomes greedy and cold at the temptation of her power and she chooses no means at all. In 2010, his brother Yi DaChuan and his parents did not give up hope of finding Ogawa. They cracked down on the mystery related to the disappearance of Ogawa one by one against the obstruction of the mysterious forces. Adventures, Yi Yi Ma Ma and Ma Ma untangle them for more than a decade of heart knot; and Okawa defeated the inner cowardice, found his true love. In the end, they opened the legendary treasure, found the whereabouts of Ogawa, and once the fragmented family finally reunited.

Dad we mom sixty years (Movie)[2009]

Feature: In 1943, the war of resistance against Japan entered the most arduous day. District leader Gao Shujiang swore into the party in the cave of the Arkji Perak. My brother just married the same day, but in the bride's village on the road, the Japanese devils plane killed the eldest brother, the wedding turned into a funeral, high daddy tears forced to force Gao Shujiang married four years older than him. .

Emperor two uncle (TV)[2007]

Feature: The story is that the Ming dynasty WanliDi twelve years, heaven Xiangxiang Rui, 21-year-old Wan LiDi happy second child, but the harem pet Princess took the opportunity and confusion, Wanli Emperor young capricious, wistful Young, let the second son of Crown Prince Prince, a proposed one, suddenly led to sharp conflicts between the two wars in Manchu and Manchu, the two sides each have their own purposes, quarrel endlessly for their interest groups, the situation actually developed to the degree of out of control . In order to solve this thorny issue, it is to resolve the contradictions that both parties have come to mind Shuo ErYe, who has been a resident for years. Legend has it that the first emperor granted the princes of the gold itch scratch possession of a special solution to the controversy between the establishment of the first emperor secret Chao, both want to explore, want to use, this situation, Wanli and the Empress respectively, purport, pass Master Palace to solve the controversy. However, Master Shuo Yeh believes that the emperor is still young and that there are many major events to be done in the country. He should not fall into the controversy over establishing a reserve and mistakenly outline it. In a special way and Shuo ErYe personalized means to remonstrate the young emperor, guide the adolescent emperor to care about the suffering of civilians, for people's livelihood and more practical. He deliberately delayed the time to give the emperor the time to contemplate and reflect on Daxing to the palace, which also lasted two hours. He walked for a full hundred days and the second emperor, "Hundred-year-old," finally opened the itchy scratch The emperor's secret, unexpectedly and ShuoErYe intention coincide, to resolve a crisis, but also mature young emperor. In the meantime, during this one hundred-day period, Shuo ErYe should not only make repeated reminders on the true and false aspects of entertainment, but also deal with Ping Wang in a roundabout way, Solve the "little things anxious to get the dead," the children matter, rehabilitate bully Niu HuaiGen, cold ice trafficking private salt, bully male bully, rampant village of evil acts; solve the gold lock marriage, residence Zhou Weng Po, Zheng old man Hugging injustice; get rid of Xiaoyi Zhuang's retirement pavilion bad habits; but also help the owner of the sesame seed shop to discuss the year owed "sesame seed section"; also solve the itching can not solve the problem of Ma's silk satin Zhuang adult gambling into the nature of gambling And other trivial things, and so on. In Shuo ErYe's opinion, these trivial folk trifles appear to be small, but not inferior to stealing the land. They are directly related to whether the common people can live and work in peace and contentment. , People can live, these are all the zenith days of the lifeblood thing, one can not be less, one can not fall. Shuo ErYe tired, Shuo ErYe bitter, Shuo ErYe insurance, Shuo ErYe also Lehe, busy, emotions, constitute a living "our second uncle" in order to solve the suffering of ordinary people at the same time, Shuo ErYe adopted Da Kui, a royal brother who was forced to flee to the public due to a dispute over the establishment of power and storage, protected Chun Qiu and disclosed the accomplice between Ping Wang Ye and Japanese People and the criminal acts of stealing treasury gold in an attempt to rebellion.

Blue sky Yamen 2 (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qingtian Yamen stills "Qingtian Yamen 2" Throughout the main characters or Fuxiang Zhong plays Tan Gong, Sze Yu plays Bao DaoDe, Jianfeng Bao plays Kang Xi, Jun Guo plays the father of Qu Jifi, only Xiaoyu by the Shanghai newcomer Qian Wan starred. In addition to continuing to expand the "housework" of Emperor Kang Xi, the comedy story of the story also adds comedy stories such as Tan Qing's first love lover and pulp marriage wife. "Stone Forest" turned funny chef.

Coco creek (TV)[2006]

Feature: Stills "Daddy" is not a true father, "Daddy" is actually still a big boy in his early twenties, "Daddy" called Gao XiaoTao (Wang Xuebing ornaments). Although Gao XiaoTao has graduated from the police academy more than six months, and due to quick response, fierce shot by the head and the teacher are considered a very talented police cop blame, but that is somewhat self-righteous, often do some unrealistic hero Dream, called girlfriend Xiao Ding (Luodan Wang ornaments) dumbfounding. His name is Chen Coco (Yue Hu ornaments), is the daughter of Gao XiaoTao master, because of their favorite Tibetan antelope called himself: Sicily. His father died of a failed mission, and die strange. At that time, because Gao XiaoTao was a bitter opponent playing games, "Do not Listen to Command" caused confusion on the scene. In order to protect Gao XiaoTao from being shot by Silly's mother, Sili's father shot off Xi LiMuQin (Jianyue Chen) when Gao XiaoTao pulled a gun. His father blocked a second, resulting in Xi LiMuQin disappeared with a bag of things. Sili's father apologizes before begging Gao XiaoTao Do not say that his wife is in trouble with the case, saying she is just a victim and wants Gao XiaoTao to help her get out of criminal gangs. "I do not want to let Sili have no mother." Thus, Xi Li's father became a martyr, Gao XiaoTao was punished by separating his beloved police force to the police station as a small police, from a slump, his girlfriend Xiao Ding also leave him, only Siri is his care. 13-year-old Siri, who has often made staggering moves in recent years because of the spousal relationship between his parents and his mother, has now gone from death to death and disappearance of her mother. This makes her a problematic girl and she becomes more helpless in school and her aunt raising her aunt . Xu is guilty, Xu is the promise to the master, Xu is trying to find her mother from Sili clues, Gao XiaoTao adopted Sili, from the time as a "father", then free bachelor life also completely ended. Silly, however, found that Gao Xiao Tao, who used to be so cool, seemed to have changed a person. However, she did not want to go back to her aunty family. She turned her back on her feet and began to make new homes according to her ideas. She also promulgated a number of house rules and implemented them. At first, Gao XiaoTao also wanted to resist, but after running away from home for a while in Sili, he had to surrender all the power of the family and deeply realized that "father's responsibility" did not work out well. For his safety, In order to make a fundamental change in Siri, Siri moved to Xiaoding serving schools in the hope that Siri really started a new life. Free Siri, in the very strict school of the new school know what to do, in order to quickly find themselves , But also in order to fight Xiaoding's discipline, she began to work and in an unparalleled wave after wave of reconciliation Gao XiaoTao and Xiaoding once again Yan Yan Fei .But with a West, Gao XiaoTao life also has Some rhythms, but also two people's lives are still some unexpected fun.The school's female physical education teacher was silly young handsome "daddy" confused, often by the reason of the West and Gao XiaoTao contact, to the West inability, Gao XiaoTao rush out a lot of good ideas. Police station Zhang YiPing (Pan Arts heart ornaments) also extended a helping hand Erupted in Gao XiaoTao no longer feel too weak.Only, but also to his love Ding Ding, see him festive, dead heart, accepted the new love. Xiao Ding sitting looking at the new car to leave Audi, Gao XiaoTao dejected. And Silly thought Gao XiaoTao wanted to find her a mum, protesting: "I have a mother, my mom will pick me up!" Sure enough, Xili's mother, as Gao XiaoTao expected, but others also appeared . Gao XiaoTao, who always wanted to find a way to solve the case without losing her mother to Sili, reported to her head when it was found to be hard to come by.

Da Ran Fang (TV)[2006]

Feature: TV series "Dazhen Square" stills Qing Dynasty, Shandong village. Fifteen-year-old Chen Liuzi parents premature death, to beg for food industry. But he is good, talent is clever, ambitious. In addition to dinner, love to go to the shed heard the book, immersed in traditional folk culture. During his cooking, he was often taken care of by the equally poor and unruly tribe, who remembered heartily and met Miao Han-dong, who later became the largest industrialist in Shandong, who later became an example of his later life. One morning, he collapsed frozen, down in the village of Zhoucun and dye Square door. Zhou ZhangGui, a man who has taken care of him, Shou Ting became a fellow of Tong Heian Square and was renamed Chen Shou Ting by Zhou Zhang Gui as a righteous son. Zhou ZhangGui has a daughter Cai Qin, two people know each other, kiss their siblings. Shou-ting dye business after the increasingly prosperous business. Liu ShiFu in the dye workshop is not correct, always threatening Zhou Zhang Gui with his craft. Chen Liuzi pleaded with Liu ShiFu to persuade Zhou ZhangGui to dismiss Liu ShiFu after taking the opportunity to steal the dyed cloth. Ten years later, as Chen ShouTing was well run, many of the original jars in Zhoucun gradually crushed. Once in the Zhoucun printing and dyeing industry ranked No. 1 Dachang Dairy Queen treasurer, after the failure to win over Shou Ting instructed her brother collusion bandits, Shouson hijacked forcibly, in the face of torture, Shuting pretend to throw in the towel, Bundled like chimney thickness) to myself 摁 on the chest, the bandits were shocked, but also admiration for their feelings. Since then became the largest dye village Zhoucun. Dazhenfang Posters Chen ShouTing's management talent is appreciated and trusted by the big Zhangdian, Lu LaoYe, influenced by new ideas. The latter invited Shuting to establish Dahua Dyeing Factory in Qingdao with extremely favorable conditions and arranged Lu JiaJu, the eldest son who returned to Germany to study dying and weaving, as its chairman. Chen ShouTing out of this on the dye house, embarked on the road of industrial printing and dyeing. At that time, the printing and dyeing industry in Qingdao was fiercely competitive and Chen ShouTing struggled. In particular, Yuen Heng dyeing factory run by Sun MingZu stopped the development of UOB. Shou Ting in order to open the situation, double attack, on the one hand secretly to the people in Qingdao cloth shop and the boss let profit, on the other hand to go to Bohai Hotel Kaifeng stop inter-provincial merchants, combined with their Flying Tiger brand dyed high quality, Sales gradually open. At the same time Shou Ting two ways to expand their business at the same time, May Fourth Movement broke out. Shuting out of the backlog of 40 narrow cloth, so that students make a parade banner, both to support the patriotic movement and made their own ads, Dahua dye factory and flying tiger brand dyed Zhenhua Island City. In order to defeat Shou Ting, Sun MingZu assigned himself with Jia SiYa using beauty meter to seduce Lu JiaJu, in order to fool out the dyeing formula. Ka-ku young and irresistible temptation tempted, deceived, Shou Ting accounting on account of Sun MingZu provided the hands and feet recipe. Sun MingZu, self-defeating, beat Chen ShouTing in one stroke and started all machine production. Sun MingZu proud, but I do not know Shou Ting hidden murderous. All the fabrics dyed with the Shuting recipe began to fade after three days and returned in various places. Yuanheng dyeing plant is about to collapse. Sun MingZu desperation to Chen ShouTing for help, Shouching generous, to help Yuanheng dye factory back to life. Since then, Sun MingZu bears the upper hand and is determined to work synergistically with Chen ShouTing. At this point Shou Ting and Cai Qin Cheng have a son, named Fuqing.With the continuous development of the factory, Shou Ting decided to buy a more advanced machine at the suggestion of Jiaju. As a result, he adopted a one-to-many competition and eventually bought it from Japanese businessman Teng Jing at a very low price. UOB made rapid development and became Qingdao's second largest printing and dyeing factory, second only to Yuanheng. Ten years later, the September 18 Incident and the refugees in the three northeastern provinces flee to Qingdao by boat. Natural beauty, extraordinary Shen YuanYi also come to the island to find lover, wounded Northeast Commander Huo ZhangHe. Unexpectedly lost and find lost and lost luggage, no plans to go home. Zhao DongChu, who visited the Sanyuanli factory in Jinan, talked about the current situation in China after the occupation of the three northeastern provinces. He felt anxious and felt the mountains and rivers were shattered and their mood was disturbed. He went home alone along the beach and encountered despair The attempted suicide Miss Shen, Ting Ting good words to comfort and generous. The next day is far enough to go defending aunt. Shuting has also taken in a large number of fugitive workers in Northeast dyeing plant and to be pampered. Daocheng set off boycott of Japanese goods movement. Chamber of Commerce also held a meeting to discuss the issue of boycott, Shou Ting took the opportunity to force Sun MingZu position not to buy a Japanese East Asia trading company Teng Jing a ship of gray cloth, meanwhile repair the path along the cliff, dark steal Chen positions, on the one hand to stabilize Sun MingZu Ka-kui, on the other hand step up Teng Jing's negotiations. Teng Jing Shuguang was sold to Shuting at a low price because of the urgency of the transfer of rations. Shouching limited financial resources will be decided to share with the East, East, East share, however, high self-proclaimed want to try the same level Shou Ting deliberately delayed in order to force Shoukui price cuts. Shoutou unwilling to make ends up so that East Jun bought a higher price. With the development of the current situation, Shuting felt that the business environment in Qingdao is deteriorating. Teng Jing as the garrison storage materials have received domestic rewards, identity changed. For the merger of UOB, Teng Jing both hard and soft, but Shuting unmoved. Dongjun East early brothers in Shou Ting find a good factory site. Once encountered a meal Jinan Bai QingSheng Bai QingSheng provocation, Shuting simply did not look down on him. After dinner, passing by the Furong Street in the red light district of Jinan at that time, see a green building Yanqi held high, the United States said "night Ming Fei Syria Museum." There are soldiers guard at the gate, Shou Ting asked the reason, introduced in the East is a northeast of the female college students, elegant taste and Empress Dowager appearance, interviewer network station But ordinary couple is rare to see. Shouching I do not know this person is Shen YuanYi, it did not care. Chinese New Year Shousiting with his wife and children go to the original savior Suo ZiShu Happy New Year, Shou Ting now was a shocking Shandong industrialists, but the former benefactor as pro-parents, the dripping of grace Chuan for the story. With Japan's intention to invade China gradually exposed, Teng Jing eager to get Shuting factory. After several battles, Teng Jing finally dumped Da Shou's Da-Hua dye-making factory at a price twice as high as the actual price. However, the workers were thankful for the character of Shuting and soon they collectively went to the new plant in Jinan, leaving Teng Well an empty plant. Before leaving, Ting Ting left all the fabrics and cloth samples dyed by the ancestors, and the Ming Zu mixed feelings. Shou Ting and Chou Ju affair with empathy hand, foot and ki, but Ka Ju feel that they have no business skills, always enjoy it, sorry, decided to quit the trip to the German foreign merchant. Shou Ting failed to retain him.Shen YuanYi, who has been reduced to dust, knows that after the benefactor has come to Jinan, she decided to send a gift. Dongjun Dong brothers vigorously assist Shuting to set up factories, spare time inviting Shuting, Ka-kui to Syria Museum, Shuting helpless but go with, but resolutely refused to go upstairs, it is still in the dark. Macro macro dye factory opened, the guest gradually to, actually are the business tycoon and Shandong dignitaries, the last Miss Shen paragraph, the venue uproar, sit surprised. It is far better to meet brother and sister with Shuting, shout overjoyed. In order to expand the influence of Japan in China, Teng Jing to Jinan advised Shou Ting to set up a dye factory. Japanese occupation of the three northeast provinces, Shou Ting hated the Japanese, invited Teng Jing was rejected again. Teng Jing had to partner with Zi WenHai, a notoriously poor man, to set up a dyeing factory named as a Model Dyeing Factory. Shuting factory is facing the problem of upgrading and transformation. Due to the lack of technical staff, desperation, Shuting hope and Shanghai Lin's six joint dyeing plant joint ventures. Shuting personally go to Shanghai to see Liuhe dye factory owner Lin XiangRong, Lin XiangRong despise Shou Ting's origin, the best humiliating energy. Shoutou furious, in the high salary to take away many of Shanghai's senior technicians, the costumes into a meal, the use of shock method with unbelievably cheap purchase Luhe dye factory 8,000 pieces of cloth. Lin XiangRong heard this shock, but refused to repent, not only refused to apologize but instead want to suppress the Shou Ting wealthy atmosphere. Miss Shen's lover is a military chief of defense department, in order to come to Jinan far, specifically to Shandong military orders to be served. Far should want to take this opportunity to repay the original life-saving grace. However, Shuting and Yuan Yi at this time with the same brother and sister, refused to accept the business, and advise far better. After knowing that the proceeds were far from good, Shuting reluctantly agreed. Shou Ting accepted the order, the 300,000 200,000 points to the ternary. After the completion of much better to quit, Shou Ting melancholy endless. In order to defeat Tianjin's port printing and dyeing plant, Lin did not hesitate to cut prices again. Shou Ting's macro-giant and Dong-jun's ternary dye factory also suffered a great deal and went down one after another. Despite the advanced technology, Tianjin Port dyeing factory director Zhou ZhouFei, the business elite who returned from study in the UK, members of the board of directors often dismissed the price cuts of Shanghai Liuhe Dyeing Factory. In desperation, inviting Shuting, a meeting in Tianjin in the beginning, aimed at the partnership to resist the Shanghai Liuhe. At this point Lin XiangRong found the then Inland Revenue Department Manager Wu Qichuan, let it suppress Shouting, but Wu believes Shuting can bear the army demand, has a background, not act rashly. In the meantime, Lin XiangRong again forced Takayasu to stop the supply of production materials to Hongma dyeing factory and help to stop it. Shuting since Miss Shen gone without saying goodbye, but also frustrated, but also some distraught, to the north with Tianjin in the early days to see the dye factory in the opening Zhou TaoFei and Ding WenDong, the three meet each other late to become friends. Lin XiangRong cut prices again. Shou Ting see the time is ripe, Lin XiangRong drop in price on the basis of another price sabotage, dyed factory opened on the same day announced the closure. Lin XiangRong get the news of the collapse of the port, cheap for the project, then sent his Shandong manager came to the shrine macro macro dye factory war. Shou Ting ordered the entire plant started to counterattack to Lin. Ka-kui returned to Shou Ting side. Lin XiangRong recruited all newspaper reporters, denigrated Shuting in the newspaper.Shuting is going to counterattack Lin XiangRong, unlucky, but inspired by Lin XiangRong's abusive, so the newspaper said in a statement, will own purchase of the Shanghai Liuhe dyeing plant corn poppy cloth thrown low, and free gifts To the beggar, overnight, the corn beauty brand was severely damaged. Lin XiangRong father saw her son I do not know whatever the outcome, with Shouson contest suffered heavy losses, desperation, to deal with. He and Shuting most respected person Mr. Miao Haidong is a good friend, then Mr. Tony Miao to come forward to persuade Shou Ting. Lin XiangRong father and son to talk with the Shouson Jinan, in order to seek common development. As a result, Shanghai's Lin Family and Jinan Shuting and East China Dongjun became comrades in the national industrial trenches, fighting side by side for the elimination of the traitor dye factory. Qingdao Sun MingZu has sold Yuanheng, opened a trade show in Qingdao, "Dazhenfang" line, became a giant flying tiger Jiaodong distributor, and Teng Jing phase. Zi WenHai and Tang Jing co-founded the traitor dyed factory opened dumping at a very low price, the market turmoil, macro giant ternary was forced to shut down, Shanghai Linhe Liuhe temporarily unable to sell to Shandong, three decided to jointly eliminate the traitor dye factory Business war. The traitor dyeing factory hit the market in Shandong. Zi WenHai and Teng Jing were very proud to try to force Chen ShouTing and DongJun to cooperate with it. Shouting its body of people who also rule the body, so that their dealers bought a large number of Teng Jing, sent to Qingdao Sun MingZu, cheap cloth into the Jiaodong, impact Teng Jing's own Dyeing factory, to make its own food. Long Crane made a divorce with the original wife of a traitor, far and later became a couple after childbirth, Shuting and other people heard the great joy, then sent his family to condolences. Zi WenHai although the impact of the dyeing market in Shandong, but they did not get the benefit from, and Teng Jing clashed. Zi WenHai found the same name because of the notorious and dead end Jinan Bank of China Gao Mingjun, the two hit it off, decided to partner. Teng Jing has no confidence in the Cheshire, want to come back to La Shou Pavilion occupation, intent to really control the market dyed in Shandong, and intended to follow the Shanghai Jinpu Road attack. He knew Ting Shing refused to give up, he tried to put together a large sum of Yuanheng, so giant and other plants can not cope. Shou Ting, Dong Jun brothers and Shanghai Lin's alarm was shocked. Zi WenHai is also very pleased to learn that expected Dingshou can not cope. Teng wells that the odds in the grip, forcing Shou Ting and its cooperation, together to join the so-called building of common prosperity in East Asia. Shuting has prepared a long time ago, but Teng Jing was originally a businessman. His policy of militarism in Japan distorted his humanity. The final negotiations failed, Teng Jing is about to call Qingdao, ready to ship, began to dump. Shou Ting resorted to resorting to killers, Teng Jing so feel Shouson mercy, suddenly thankful and ashamed, sadly leave, quit the father and son model of the dye factory. Zi WenHai invited Shanghai-based Ma ZiXiong, the top printing and dyeing industry in Shanghai, as manager. The latter proposed to compete with Shuting and other factories by openly bidding in Shanghai and obtaining low-priced raw materials. Shou Ting will count on the meter, began to design your trap into the urn. A businessman who claimed to be a Japanese well-known Japanese businessman Yoshinobu Akashi met Lin XiangRong and asked Luk Hop to organize 10,000 pieces of gray fabric, giving a very high price and a very strange request.Lin XiangRong looked at each other after the final recipe was shocked, I know this matter another organ. At Zi WenHai's fabric bidding ceremony, Akashi Nobuyoshi of Japan's Ishii Trading Company won the bid. Zi WenHai believes that it will be just around the corner to completely crush Shuting and others' factories and order to start production at full capacity but all the cloths are broken. It turned out that there is a letter from Akashi Ding WenDong play, cloth made special processing. Traitor factory closure, persuasion bank bankruptcy, father and son were finally punished. Two seven years after the incident. Shou Ting worry Zhou TaoFei and Ding WenDong personal safety, several calls to urge them to abandon the factory to economic. However, the two felt that Ting Ting was both an owner and a friend of his own life and always wanted to sell a little bit of money in return for his life-long experience. Tao Fei sold the factory cheaply to Germans and were shot dead by the Japanese when he was leaving Tianjin. The news spread to Jinan, Shou Ting urgent fire heart attack, vomit blood, personnel I do not know. After a period of conditioning, Shuting's condition has been resolved after the decision not to leave the factory to the Japanese. Jinan, all sectors of South Korea regarded as the lifan in South Korea, hope he can rely on the Yellow River natural hazards, blocking the Japanese. Shou Ting birthday banquet, Han Fubing abandoned the city to escape. Shuting on the country completely disappointed, vomit blood and died.

Xuan Guans dream (TV)[2006]

Feature: It is an epic story of love that travels between dream and reality, romantic, poignant, mysterious and magnificent. This is the story of two men in order to get plot screenshot to freedom, get love, and fight for rights, from death to new life, from the newborn to the death of the fate of the story. This is a legendary fable story about love, about desire, about affection, about rights in a virtual old age environment.At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Li YongChun, a undergraduate who supported the reform, failed in the Reform Movement of 1898 and marched on the occasion of his death to marry his daughter Bing Yun to the yin and yang customs that the imperial court could not cover, In this connection, the mysterious, poignant and heroic drama of life opened with the exception of Xu GuangTai, the wife of his husband, who had been married to Yin and Yang and was once an anti-Qing hero In order to get his longing for love and rights, Sai Yee revived the wisdom and innocence of Ice Clouds six years later, using his grandma's love for him and murdering his brother-in-law, Xu GuangQian, The real power of yin and yang, began to show his greater ambition ... ... the ice of the lost parents in love, no freedom, no woman's dignity of the yin and yang, broke out a strong resistance, she desperate and yin yangguan founded Zhou Wen, a doctor of the school, has been in love with Zhou Yang. As a result, Zhou Wen was mercilessly massacred by feudal forces. After Zhou Wen's death, Central, all day long with cranes, as she is far away from humans, that their heart has been to follow Zhou Wen died many years ago, a revolutionary youth full of new ideas Fang YuLin follow the advocate of change less Guan Ming and Qing came to Yin and Yang Guan, In the process of jointly fighting against the feudal autocratic forces and saving the working masses, she gained love and at the same time won her the responsibility to overthrow the feudal dictatorship and rescue the working people. Life goals, and for this purpose, gave his life ... ... Xu Guanqing off a few yin and yang, cloud in the beginning of Yin and Yang Guan, Kind sincerely loved his maid Shui Lan, affected by the ice clouds, trying to The result was a tragedy. When Sanye murdered his father, he learned that the truth was desperate to avenge his father. The mother was not allowed to tell him the cruel fact that Sanye was His natural father, Ming and Qing reluctantly chose to evade, leave the yin and yang, go overseas ... ... Years later, when the Ming and Qing Dynasties full of change When the thought came back from abroad and planned to make changes to the yin-yang relationship with his wife Yang Xingyi and his friend Fang YuLin and his three friends, Bing Yun did not expect that he quickly changed from a change in the carefully planned erosion trap of Sanye He became a chaser of rights. He betrayed his wife and friends and was convicted of his own ideals, mercilessly killing Sanye, replacing Sanye with a new yin-yang feudal dictator and his guilty conscience Eventually led to his destruction. Under Yin Yun and Fang YuLin's plan, the yin and yang people, who endured humiliation and indignation, finally awakened from numbness and broke out a vigorous peasant riot that thoroughly destroyed the Commissioner's dictatorship and died in the first place When Ming and Qing dynasty finally restored the good nature, he realized his unforgivable fault and declared the end of feudal dictatorship by means of ending his life by himself. The new era of freedom and equality came along.

Red Top Businessman Hu XueYan (TV)[2005]

Feature: During the Qing dynasty, Hu XueYan, a man from "Xinhe Bank" in the city of Hangzhou, came to see the book "Xu FengZi" on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival. He was still suicidal by the desperate "Xu FengZi" Xu FengZi ". After cooking his funeral, Xu FengZi was forced to death by" Xu FengZi. "Qi GuNiang, the leader of the caravan, was once favored by" Xu FengZi. "Hearing the signal of revenge for" Xu FengZi " , Hu XueYan caught, to throw him into the lake, the boatwoman Luo Si saw, so that Hu XueYan will be saved, and Qi GuNiang explain the facts, Qi GuNiang regret their actions, to Hu XueYan sacrifice and on behalf of "Xu FengZi" also repay 500 silver coins of "Xinhe Bank".

national treasure (TV)[2004]

Feature: TV drama "National Treasure" The film mainly about the relocation of the National Palace Museum southbound the entire process. In the 1918 "9.18" Incident, the artifacts of the National Palace Museum were threatened with destruction and looting. A group of people of insight protected over 1.3,000 boxes of cultural relics. In order to avoid the catastrophe of war and the gunfire, they were removed from the Yellow River, A group of vivid intellectuals represented by cultural workers. The twists and turns plot, the thrilling scene of war, is a majority of people think good-looking, engaging, as well as highly cultural characteristics of the drama.

Da Ran Fang (TV)[2003]

Feature: TV series "Dazhen Square" stills Qing Dynasty, Shandong village. Fifteen-year-old Chen Liuzi parents premature death, to beg for food industry. But he is good, talent is clever, ambitious. In addition to dinner, love to go to the shed heard the book, immersed in traditional folk culture. During his cooking, he was often taken care of by the equally poor and unruly tribe, who remembered heartily and met Miao Han-dong, who later became the largest industrialist in Shandong, who later became an example of his later life. One morning, he collapsed frozen, down in the village of Zhoucun and dye Square door. Zhou ZhangGui, a man who has taken care of him, Shou Ting became a fellow of Tong Heian Square and was renamed Chen Shou Ting by Zhou Zhang Gui as a righteous son. Zhou ZhangGui has a daughter Cai Qin, two people know each other, kiss their siblings. Shou-ting dye business after the increasingly prosperous business. Liu ShiFu in the dye workshop is not correct, always threatening Zhou Zhang Gui with his craft. Chen Liuzi pleaded with Liu ShiFu to persuade Zhou ZhangGui to dismiss Liu ShiFu after taking the opportunity to steal the dyed cloth. Ten years later, as Chen ShouTing was well run, many of the original jars in Zhoucun gradually crushed. Once in the Zhoucun printing and dyeing industry ranked No. 1 Dachang Dairy Queen treasurer, after the failure to win over Shou Ting instructed her brother collusion bandits, Shouson hijacked forcibly, in the face of torture, Shuting pretend to throw in the towel, Bundled like chimney thickness) to myself 摁 on the chest, the bandits were shocked, but also admiration for their feelings. Since then became the largest dye village Zhoucun. Dazhenfang Posters Chen ShouTing's management talent is appreciated and trusted by the big Zhangdian, Lu LaoYe, influenced by new ideas. The latter invited Shuting to establish Dahua Dyeing Factory in Qingdao with extremely favorable conditions and arranged Lu JiaJu, the eldest son who returned to Germany to study dying and weaving, as its chairman. Chen ShouTing out of this on the dye house, embarked on the road of industrial printing and dyeing. At that time, the printing and dyeing industry in Qingdao was fiercely competitive and Chen ShouTing struggled. In particular, Yuen Heng dyeing factory run by Sun MingZu stopped the development of UOB. Shou Ting in order to open the situation, double attack, on the one hand secretly to the people in Qingdao cloth shop and the boss let profit, on the other hand to go to Bohai Hotel Kaifeng stop inter-provincial merchants, combined with their Flying Tiger brand dyed high quality, Sales gradually open. At the same time Shou Ting two ways to expand their business at the same time, May Fourth Movement broke out. Shuting out of the backlog of 40 narrow cloth, so that students make a parade banner, both to support the patriotic movement and made their own ads, Dahua dye factory and flying tiger brand dyed Zhenhua Island City. In order to defeat Shou Ting, Sun MingZu assigned himself with Jia SiYa using beauty meter to seduce Lu JiaJu, in order to fool out the dyeing formula. Ka-ku young and irresistible temptation tempted, deceived, Shou Ting accounting on account of Sun MingZu provided the hands and feet recipe. Sun MingZu, self-defeating, beat Chen ShouTing in one stroke and started all machine production. Sun MingZu proud, but I do not know Shou Ting hidden murderous. All the fabrics dyed with the Shuting recipe began to fade after three days and returned in various places. Yuanheng dyeing plant is about to collapse. Sun MingZu desperation to Chen ShouTing for help, Shouching generous, to help Yuanheng dye factory back to life. Since then, Sun MingZu bears the upper hand and is determined to work synergistically with Chen ShouTing. At this point Shou Ting and Cai Qin Cheng have a son, named Fuqing.With the continuous development of the factory, Shou Ting decided to buy a more advanced machine at the suggestion of Jiaju. As a result, he adopted a one-to-many competition and eventually bought it from Japanese businessman Teng Jing at a very low price. UOB made rapid development and became Qingdao's second largest printing and dyeing factory, second only to Yuanheng. Ten years later, the September 18 Incident and the refugees in the three northeastern provinces flee to Qingdao by boat. Natural beauty, extraordinary Shen YuanYi also come to the island to find lover, wounded Northeast Commander Huo ZhangHe. Unexpectedly lost and find lost and lost luggage, no plans to go home. Zhao DongChu, who visited the Sanyuanli factory in Jinan, talked about the current situation in China after the occupation of the three northeastern provinces. He felt anxious and felt the mountains and rivers were shattered and their mood was disturbed. He went home alone along the beach and encountered despair The attempted suicide Miss Shen, Ting Ting good words to comfort and generous. The next day is far enough to go defending aunt. Shuting has also taken in a large number of fugitive workers in Northeast dyeing plant and to be pampered. Daocheng set off boycott of Japanese goods movement. Chamber of Commerce also held a meeting to discuss the issue of boycott, Shou Ting took the opportunity to force Sun MingZu position not to buy a Japanese East Asia trading company Teng Jing a ship of gray cloth, meanwhile repair the path along the cliff, dark steal Chen positions, on the one hand to stabilize Sun MingZu Ka-kui, on the other hand step up Teng Jing's negotiations. Teng Jing Shuguang was sold to Shuting at a low price because of the urgency of the transfer of rations. Shouching limited financial resources will be decided to share with the East, East, East share, however, high self-proclaimed want to try the same level Shou Ting deliberately delayed in order to force Shoukui price cuts. Shoutou unwilling to make ends up so that East Jun bought a higher price. With the development of the current situation, Shuting felt that the business environment in Qingdao is deteriorating. Teng Jing as the garrison storage materials have received domestic rewards, identity changed. For the merger of UOB, Teng Jing both hard and soft, but Shuting unmoved. Dongjun East early brothers in Shou Ting find a good factory site. Once encountered a meal Jinan Bai QingSheng Bai QingSheng provocation, Shuting simply did not look down on him. After dinner, passing by the Furong Street in the red light district of Jinan at that time, see a green building Yanqi held high, the United States said "night Ming Fei Syria Museum." There are soldiers guard at the gate, Shou Ting asked the reason, introduced in the East is a northeast of the female college students, elegant taste and Empress Dowager appearance, interviewer network station But ordinary couple is rare to see. Shouching I do not know this person is Shen YuanYi, it did not care. Chinese New Year Shousiting with his wife and children go to the original savior Suo ZiShu Happy New Year, Shou Ting now was a shocking Shandong industrialists, but the former benefactor as pro-parents, the dripping of grace Chuan for the story. With Japan's intention to invade China gradually exposed, Teng Jing eager to get Shuting factory. After several battles, Teng Jing finally dumped Da Shou's Da-Hua dye-making factory at a price twice as high as the actual price. However, the workers were thankful for the character of Shuting and soon they collectively went to the new plant in Jinan, leaving Teng Well an empty plant. Before leaving, Ting Ting left all the fabrics and cloth samples dyed by the ancestors, and the Ming Zu mixed feelings. Shou Ting and Chou Ju affair with empathy hand, foot and ki, but Ka Ju feel that they have no business skills, always enjoy it, sorry, decided to quit the trip to the German foreign merchant. Shou Ting failed to retain him.Shen YuanYi, who has been reduced to dust, knows that after the benefactor has come to Jinan, she decided to send a gift. Dongjun Dong brothers vigorously assist Shuting to set up factories, spare time inviting Shuting, Ka-kui to Syria Museum, Shuting helpless but go with, but resolutely refused to go upstairs, it is still in the dark. Macro macro dye factory opened, the guest gradually to, actually are the business tycoon and Shandong dignitaries, the last Miss Shen paragraph, the venue uproar, sit surprised. It is far better to meet brother and sister with Shuting, shout overjoyed. In order to expand the influence of Japan in China, Teng Jing to Jinan advised Shou Ting to set up a dye factory. Japanese occupation of the three northeast provinces, Shou Ting hated the Japanese, invited Teng Jing was rejected again. Teng Jing had to partner with Zi WenHai, a notoriously poor man, to set up a dyeing factory named as a Model Dyeing Factory. Shuting factory is facing the problem of upgrading and transformation. Due to the lack of technical staff, desperation, Shuting hope and Shanghai Lin's six joint dyeing plant joint ventures. Shuting personally go to Shanghai to see Liuhe dye factory owner Lin XiangRong, Lin XiangRong despise Shou Ting's origin, the best humiliating energy. Shoutou furious, in the high salary to take away many of Shanghai's senior technicians, the costumes into a meal, the use of shock method with unbelievably cheap purchase Luhe dye factory 8,000 pieces of cloth. Lin XiangRong heard this shock, but refused to repent, not only refused to apologize but instead want to suppress the Shou Ting wealthy atmosphere. Miss Shen's lover is a military chief of defense department, in order to come to Jinan far, specifically to Shandong military orders to be served. Far should want to take this opportunity to repay the original life-saving grace. However, Shuting and Yuan Yi at this time with the same brother and sister, refused to accept the business, and advise far better. After knowing that the proceeds were far from good, Shuting reluctantly agreed. Shou Ting accepted the order, the 300,000 200,000 points to the ternary. After the completion of much better to quit, Shou Ting melancholy endless. In order to defeat Tianjin's port printing and dyeing plant, Lin did not hesitate to cut prices again. Shou Ting's macro-giant and Dong-jun's ternary dye factory also suffered a great deal and went down one after another. Despite the advanced technology, Tianjin Port dyeing factory director Zhou ZhouFei, the business elite who returned from study in the UK, members of the board of directors often dismissed the price cuts of Shanghai Liuhe Dyeing Factory. In desperation, inviting Shuting, a meeting in Tianjin in the beginning, aimed at the partnership to resist the Shanghai Liuhe. At this point Lin XiangRong found the then Inland Revenue Department Manager Wu Qichuan, let it suppress Shouting, but Wu believes Shuting can bear the army demand, has a background, not act rashly. In the meantime, Lin XiangRong again forced Takayasu to stop the supply of production materials to Hongma dyeing factory and help to stop it. Shuting since Miss Shen gone without saying goodbye, but also frustrated, but also some distraught, to the north with Tianjin in the early days to see the dye factory in the opening Zhou TaoFei and Ding WenDong, the three meet each other late to become friends. Lin XiangRong cut prices again. Shou Ting see the time is ripe, Lin XiangRong drop in price on the basis of another price sabotage, dyed factory opened on the same day announced the closure. Lin XiangRong get the news of the collapse of the port, cheap for the project, then sent his Shandong manager came to the shrine macro macro dye factory war. Shou Ting ordered the entire plant started to counterattack to Lin. Ka-kui returned to Shou Ting side. Lin XiangRong recruited all newspaper reporters, denigrated Shuting in the newspaper.Shuting is going to counterattack Lin XiangRong, unlucky, but inspired by Lin XiangRong's abusive, so the newspaper said in a statement, will own purchase of the Shanghai Liuhe dyeing plant corn poppy cloth thrown low, and free gifts To the beggar, overnight, the corn beauty brand was severely damaged. Lin XiangRong father saw her son I do not know whatever the outcome, with Shouson contest suffered heavy losses, desperation, to deal with. He and Shuting most respected person Mr. Miao Haidong is a good friend, then Mr. Tony Miao to come forward to persuade Shou Ting. Lin XiangRong father and son to talk with the Shouson Jinan, in order to seek common development. As a result, Shanghai's Lin Family and Jinan Shuting and East China Dongjun became comrades in the national industrial trenches, fighting side by side for the elimination of the traitor dye factory. Qingdao Sun MingZu has sold Yuanheng, opened a trade show in Qingdao, "Dazhenfang" line, became a giant flying tiger Jiaodong distributor, and Teng Jing phase. Zi WenHai and Tang Jing co-founded the traitor dyed factory opened dumping at a very low price, the market turmoil, macro giant ternary was forced to shut down, Shanghai Linhe Liuhe temporarily unable to sell to Shandong, three decided to jointly eliminate the traitor dye factory Business war. The traitor dyeing factory hit the market in Shandong. Zi WenHai and Teng Jing were very proud to try to force Chen ShouTing and DongJun to cooperate with it. Shouting its body of people who also rule the body, so that their dealers bought a large number of Teng Jing, sent to Qingdao Sun MingZu, cheap cloth into the Jiaodong, impact Teng Jing's own Dyeing factory, to make its own food. Long Crane made a divorce with the original wife of a traitor, far and later became a couple after childbirth, Shuting and other people heard the great joy, then sent his family to condolences. Zi WenHai although the impact of the dyeing market in Shandong, but they did not get the benefit from, and Teng Jing clashed. Zi WenHai found the same name because of the notorious and dead end Jinan Bank of China Gao Mingjun, the two hit it off, decided to partner. Teng Jing has no confidence in the Cheshire, want to come back to La Shou Pavilion occupation, intent to really control the market dyed in Shandong, and intended to follow the Shanghai Jinpu Road attack. He knew Ting Shing refused to give up, he tried to put together a large sum of Yuanheng, so giant and other plants can not cope. Shou Ting, Dong Jun brothers and Shanghai Lin's alarm was shocked. Zi WenHai is also very pleased to learn that expected Dingshou can not cope. Teng wells that the odds in the grip, forcing Shou Ting and its cooperation, together to join the so-called building of common prosperity in East Asia. Shuting has prepared a long time ago, but Teng Jing was originally a businessman. His policy of militarism in Japan distorted his humanity. The final negotiations failed, Teng Jing is about to call Qingdao, ready to ship, began to dump. Shou Ting resorted to resorting to killers, Teng Jing so feel Shouson mercy, suddenly thankful and ashamed, sadly leave, quit the father and son model of the dye factory. Zi WenHai invited Shanghai-based Ma ZiXiong, the top printing and dyeing industry in Shanghai, as manager. The latter proposed to compete with Shuting and other factories by openly bidding in Shanghai and obtaining low-priced raw materials. Shou Ting will count on the meter, began to design your trap into the urn. A businessman who claimed to be a Japanese well-known Japanese businessman Yoshinobu Akashi met Lin XiangRong and asked Luk Hop to organize 10,000 pieces of gray fabric, giving a very high price and a very strange request.Lin XiangRong looked at each other after the final recipe was shocked, I know this matter another organ. At Zi WenHai's fabric bidding ceremony, Akashi Nobuyoshi of Japan's Ishii Trading Company won the bid. Zi WenHai believes that it will be just around the corner to completely crush Shuting and others' factories and order to start production at full capacity but all the cloths are broken. It turned out that there is a letter from Akashi Ding WenDong play, cloth made special processing. Traitor factory closure, persuasion bank bankruptcy, father and son were finally punished. Two seven years after the incident. Shou Ting worry Zhou TaoFei and Ding WenDong personal safety, several calls to urge them to abandon the factory to economic. However, the two felt that Ting Ting was both an owner and a friend of his own life and always wanted to sell a little bit of money in return for his life-long experience. Tao Fei sold the factory cheaply to Germans and were shot dead by the Japanese when he was leaving Tianjin. The news spread to Jinan, Shou Ting urgent fire heart attack, vomit blood, personnel I do not know. After a period of conditioning, Shuting's condition has been resolved after the decision not to leave the factory to the Japanese. Jinan, all sectors of South Korea regarded as the lifan in South Korea, hope he can rely on the Yellow River natural hazards, blocking the Japanese. Shou Ting birthday banquet, Han Fubing abandoned the city to escape. Shuting on the country completely disappointed, vomit blood and died.

country (TV)[2003]

Feature: The spring of 1949 to the winter of 1950, the Communist Party liberation and take over the city (Panlong City) as the main line of events; the text, history, Du three own and each other as the main line of grudges to the People's Liberation Army, director of the CMC, the Panlian Party Secretary Lin Wen Hua, Deputy Mayor, Wen Da, People's Liberation Army garrison commander, Du LaiFeng reconnaissance hero, Shi HongRu, a nationalist businessman, Xian YuJie, a patriotic intellectual, Shi HongTing, Mo Qian, Gu FeiXue, Fan ChiGe and Yi DianHong Character line; with the revolutionary's belief, the loser's counterattack, wandering wanderer, the descendants of the dead and the new generation of old man and brother and sister's hands and feet, lips and teeth and the love and death between lovers as the main fate line, show The turmoil era, the earth-shaking changes in times, as well as the Communists' firm belief, ambition, lofty sentiments and superior talent. But also defeated their weaknesses and mistakes on the road to progress so that Panlong City showed a thriving situation.

난세도화 (TV)[2000]

Feature: Still Sui Dynasty, dissolute no way of Sui YangDi Yang Guang (Yemang Zhou ornaments) in retaliation for the attempted assassination of the best in the world own beauty Liu Xu (Faye Yu ornaments), and ordered her and the world's worst man - a beggar Er Dan (Ng Man-tat ornaments) married. Liu Xu as a gas Yang Guang, simply accepted Er Dan. The two gave birth to one of the smartest liveliest and weird boy in the world - Dan Dan (jingle ornaments). At this time, it was the chaotic times during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. When the warlords and foreigners began to compete in the world, the devastating family created by the chaos started their legendary experiences of seeking survival in times of trouble. Liu Xu escaped Sui YangDi although still could not escape the clutches of a twist of fate, the brothers and childhood Qin Qiong (Feng Shaofeng ornaments) was never meant; sexual gratification with the young hero Pei YuanQing (Wu Jing (actor) ornaments), Pei YuanQing was killed battlefield; to save Wawang Walled brothers have to renounce insidious sinister cunning Wang ShiChong. Dan Dan always wanted to make his father and mother into a family, but can not do so. He and Er Dan with four beg someone else will undergo a lot of things; starving the occasion to know the master Liu Feng, funny learned juggling, he joined a wagang Village; met an expert Sun SiMiao to grant immortality pills of immortality ; Dan Dan even became a majestic emperor for days; and finally rescued Liu Xu from Wang ShiChong in the Battle of Jiangdu. Li and his son established the Tang Dynasty, the end of troubled times. It was not until then that Liu Xu realized that Er Dan, the son of the best and most reliable man of his own, had decided to go back to his homeland and live with his father and son. Unshaped family finally formed a warm home.

A man is not difficult to marry (TV)[2000]

Feature: A fat little ability, ambition is not small, bent on wanting to be the general manager. But fate get people, but laid off. Ah Fat's wife and people get away, throwing the eight-year-old son Andy away with others. Andy playing football in school, accidentally kicked the head Teacher Van's eyes. A hair in order to pay less money for hospital Fan Fan considerate. This kind of care even made Van Fan, who just divorced, have a strong impression on Ah Fat and scrubbed it out. Fan's daughter and Xiao Bao are both strongly opposed. Two children kiddy, resorted to all kinds of tricks, and finally unexpectedly this lover split live. When love is frustrated again. A hair with the then laid-off incense, Amin together to do "a good top box" because of carelessly into the soap and epidemic prevention station seized, but had no choice but to send a courier. A fat wife Jindi has always wanted to allow Hong Kong people Ding DaZhong to marry her. However, Ding DaZhong did not intend to marry him at all. Even when her wife was from Taiwan to Shanghai, she was driven out of the luxury apartment. Jindi angrily under the threat of pregnancy until the last knife into the Ding, was arrested by public security ... ... Express company owner Miss Bai fancy hair, determined to establish a love affair with Afghanistan. Afa think again and again decided that unemployment should not be lost, decided to leave Miss White. Unemployed Ah Fat accidentally encountered a similar Jin Di but more noble temperament of the woman Lin Haiqing, Ah Fat perseverance, find ways, and even mobilized to help Andy, and finally won the favor of Lin Haiqing. A hair to help Lin Mu surgery to raise money, found Miss White, white surface full of promises, but secretly poke the news to the child strong. Zi Qiang sent a thug beat Ah Fat, and abducted Andy. Haiqing in order not to hurt the father and son, agreed to leave Xiaobao father and son back to take care of his mother in Zhoushan. Ah Fa once purchased the welfare lottery, did not want God to have an eye in Ah Fat in a million dollars. Ah Fat bought the Red Couriers that have been working and are now closed down, the business suddenly hot. On the street pearl hotel owner Bai ZhenZhu had to give money to hire sub-strong burn Ah Fat shop. Yin and Yang mistakes, visitors confused a fire burned Pearl Hotel. Bai ZhenZhu and Ziqiang also ate a lawsuit because of arson. Lin Haiqing came to Shanghai after her mother's death and hoped to renew her love affair with Ah Fat. However, she saw the scene of Ah Fa and Ah Hong's affection and had to leave painfully. In fact, Ah Hong is to inform Ah Fat himself married with Amin, Ah Fat a happy, two people together. Ah Hong, Amin decided to pay for Ah Fat in the newspaper advertisements looking for Hai Qing, about which autumn night on the Nanjing Road flyover to meet. That day Kevin about Haiqing ready to formally marry, but at this time Haiqing saw a newspaper ad ...

The Water Margin (TV)[1996]

Feature: CCTV version of "Outlaws of the Marsh" Thirteen years later to gather in the late Northern Song Dynasty, Song HuiZong reign, the world plague epidemic, the government no way, the official forced the people against. Gathered in Liangshan Park, headed by Song Jiang, came from all walks of life. Dazhou robbery, poverty alleviation for the poor, seriously shaken the Northern Song dynasty's dominance. The play describes the tragedy of Liangshanpo peasant uprising from the polygamy to the failure.

Le Palanquin des Larmes (Movie)[1987]

Feature: Xiao Qin Li childhood happy and happy, in his father Hui Yi primary school to learn. His father, Hui Yi, is upright and kind. Once he was rescued by anti-Japanese martyrs, he was opened up and the military destroyed the school. For the family's livelihood, Hui Yi had no choice but to start a business in her own home and abandon her favorite education. Qin Li also entered a church school. At a concert, Qin Li listened to a wonderful piano, from then, fell in love with magic piano. Time goes by, Xiao Qin Li became a slim girl. And get good grades in piano competitions. Qin Li hard practicing the piano, and his father agreed to be graduated from the Conservatory of Music went to Paris for further studies. However, Kim and his grandfather Zu Hong, her mother was very fond of her, want to marry her son Chen YouHuang big capitalist Chen Shiyi. At the beginning, his father objected strongly, but under the pressure of Zu Hong and Kim Shing, he compromised taking into account the downturn in his business. Since then, Qin Li had a deep father on the estrangement, two people are very painful. Brother angrily ran away from home because of opposition to the marriage. Qin Li finally married Chen. Despite her husband's love for her, she was always bound by old feudal rituals and even allowed her to practice her piano. Finally, one day late at night, Qin Li broke the locked piano and played it. With the passage of time, Qin Li and a brilliant gradually have feelings, and have a son Paul children. There Huang parents moved to Hong Kong. Soon, there is Huang also go to Hong Kong for treatment. Qin Li is still relentlessly practicing and attending concerts. Huang is in critical condition, Qin Li had to leave his family and Shanghai to Hong Kong. But still continue her piano career. How many years have passed, Qin Li, who is living in Paris, has finally realized his dream of many years and has become a woman. But her heart still miss the father far away in Shanghai. Hope to get rid of estrangement with my father as soon as possible. Meet again in Paris. Solemn brilliant sand Lei Theater, wearing a white dress Zhu QinLi sitting in front of the piano, the band and command ready, Qin Li but could not help but look back to the background of the channel. When Qin Li was on the grand stage of the Sha Lei Theater: Playing the graceful lingering "Concerto", his father, Hui Yi, finally left the hallway in the back of the theater. Father and daughter finally meet.

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