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Zhang Fengyi TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhang Fengyi Works 45 ,And Feature 21 ,Costume Drama 9 ,Historical play 7 ,Year 3 ,Romance 3 ,Action 3 ,War 3 ,Family drama 3 ,legend 2 ,Comedy 2 ,缉毒1 ,Undercover 1 ,电视连续剧1 ,Modern 1 ,Revolution 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,行业1 ,Shootout 1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,检察1 ,Ancient 1 ,现实题材1 ,Reality show 1 ,Palace 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Crime 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Westerns 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Struggling Play 1 ,剧情片1 ,Thriller 1 ,戏曲1 ,Stage art 1 ,Short 1 ,Sports 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Terror 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Homosexual 1 。

Works Index

Zhang Fengyi Filmography(45)


因法之名 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《因法之名》剧情介绍:讲述了刑警 Ge DaJie ( Li Youbin 饰)和队长仇慕奉命侦破柳莎莎被入室杀害一案,所有疑点都指向柳的丈夫——生活作风一贯风流轻佻的 Xu ZhiYi ( Ma Xiaowei 饰),柳莎莎之母亦认定案件是许所为,仇慕更在追捕许的过程中不幸牺牲。失去战友的愤怒和限期破案的压力,让 Ge DaJie 认定 Xu ZhiYi 就是真凶,并在连番审讯之下取得许的亲口供认。负责此案的痕检员 Chen Qian 和( Shaohua Ma 饰)出于私心,没有汇报带来疑问的另外两枚指纹,因此尽管检察官 Zou Xiong ( Zhang Fengyi 饰)对证据链有所保留,法院仍旧判决许锒铛入狱——然而谁也不知道,这起冤案将如同魔咒,缠绕着涉案家庭和司法系统的两代人。两代人的命运,因为当年的案件再度纠缠在一起。事件里的每一个人,不得不面对多年积累的情感纠缠,也要面对探寻司法真相的不断询问。这个看似平常的普通申诉案背后,是几个家庭的悲欢离合、是司法过程对人性的考验和救赎、也同时是十多年来司法进步的见证。当真相水落石出,所有人都无法意料到的是,对法律信仰的真正考验才刚刚来临 。

九州缥缈录 (TV)[2019]


《九州缥缈录》这是一部少年英雄成长史,以虚拟的“九州”世界为背景,讲述 Lv GuiChen Ji Ye Yu Ran 等不谙世事的少年历经磨砺与坎坷,执着奋斗,携手互助,成长成熟,并发展出几段撼天动地的友情和爱情故事。北陆青阳部世子 Lv GuiChen 作为质子来到东陆结识了一直不受父亲喜爱的庶子 Ji Ye ,以及跟着爷爷避难而来的羽族公主 Yu Ran 。三个小伙伴在太子学院中因身份原因饱受针对和挑战,在相互帮助和拯救的过程了建立起深厚的友谊,而 Yu Ran 的开朗活泼洒脱个性也得到两个男孩的暗中倾慕,青涩的爱情正在萌芽。离国霸主赢无翳携天子以令诸侯, Lv GuiChen 、 Ji Ye 、 Yu Ran 追随一代名将 Xi Yan 等人发出正义之师,决战殇阳关,不料殇阳关之战的背后另有大阴谋。危难之际,少年们奋死而战,成长为一代领袖 。


Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" tells the story of Qianlong (Wallace Huo) ascended the throne in 1735 AD. Since then, the two in the court interpretation of a period of love and acquaintance to lost lost marriage process. New Emperor ascended the throne, such as Yi and Qianlong childhood sweetheart became Xian Fei, which was crowded by the crowd, and Empress Dowager (Vivian Wu ornaments) and the Yi family have feuds, such as Yi crisis. At this time, Qianlong also faced the same problem of Empress Dowager in power and the veteran's domination of the government. In the process of power change, Qianlong and Lu Yi supported each other and jointly tide over the storm until the two cleared out the obstacles. After many years of hard work, Emperor Qianlong also made her wish to push her to Queen's position, sharing the world with him. However, as the queen did Yi found that Qianlong had grown from a young man to a mature emperors, his misgivings and fickleness and self-esteem constantly revealed, the emotional trust between the two gradually shattered. However, such as Yi still stick to good memories, abide by the Queen's duties, until death .

Xuanwumen (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Xuanwumen" tells the story of Li TianShun (Zhong Ren), a jade carving artist in Beijing's Old Street. In order to protect an emerald pomegranate symbolizing the prosperity of the country, with the full support of the neighbors, Li TianShun (Zhong Ren) is fighting against the evil forces of several dynasties. Countless difficult twists and turns and disaster, and even facing the destruction of their families. But he never gave in. He believes that evil will not be corrected and that the day the Chinese nation will prosper will come sooner or later. He used the unique toughness and stubborn streets, protecting the national treasures, protecting the dignity of Niujie. In the meantime, both the Beijing opera actress Yang ShangDe (Jingrong Li), Li Lianzhang (Xin one ornaments), Ding Guangyuan from Camel, Mad Hill selling barbecue, antique businessman Jin ZhaoJi, Man WenKui from the mosque, . Faced with one after another of the national crisis, are all artistic virtues; for the business of the road; man's fundamental. Showing a unique Niujie thousand years of historical and cultural heritage. Ding YuLan, a communist who went out of the main street, finally returned to Old Street, bringing hope and hope to the street for the future and lighting a lantern for the pre-dawn streets.

Jiangshan Ji (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Jiangshan Ji" also known as "Jiangshan Yongle" tells the story of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming dynasty, the fourth Yanzui Zhu Di raised the banner of Fengtian Jing difficult, with a weak force launched a war to change Chinese history. After four years of bloody battles, Zhu Di ascended the throne, change the number of "Paradise." During the reign of Twenty-two years, during the reign of twenty-two years, Emperor Zhu Di revived the ancient land of Annan, made seven seventies of the western and northern Mogok counties, and repaired the ceremony. In addition to drastically reformed while in office, Zhu Di was not a smooth sailing. Instead, he staged a wonderful "Usurpation" drama. As is known to all, the vicissitudes of imperial civilizations in the successive dynasties were always accompanied by massive killings. The most famous of these was the "Nine-child Conflict" during the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing dynasty. Nine princes counted each other in every possible way. Although he did not compete for the throne with his brother, Zhu Di took away the throne of the emperor's grandson Zhu Yun-登 who was thrown in front of him. It was even more dangerous than that of the "Nine-prince snatchers." Because his thrill was no less than a tiger's mouth, The "Gong Dou" is also a major aspect. The media exposed the strength of the actor Feng Shaofeng will partner Chen Baoguo, Zhang Fengyi two plays bone plays Huanrui new drama "Jiangshan Ji" (aka "Jiangshan Paradise"), the lineup called the annual drama of the top configuration, national treasure actor Chen Baoguo, Zhang Fengyi The play has always been cautious, the first time together, together with the strength to send actor Feng Shaofeng, composed of three super God of the Lord after the exposure of exposure as a blockbuster audience, the instant burst of social media. According to broke the news, the show will be directed by the famous director Gao Xixi, the total investment is as high as 320 million!

The Abyss (TV)[2018]


The story of the "abyss walker" is based on the real case of the Chinese anti-drug police and restores the personal experience of the drug-poor people and tells the undercover story of the anti-drug police. Work in the suspense case, undercover wits and courage, emotional entanglement between lovers, will be a new anti-drug police life and death love show step by step startling. The play includes violence, human nature, suspense, life and death & nbsp ;. "The Abyss" by the Ministry of Public Security Jindun TV production center, the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Bureau, Beijing Tianrui School of Literature and other media sent out, Liu Guang directed, Zhai Tianlin, Li Zhang, Zhang Fengyi, Zhang Jiayi , Baer Bell and others starred in a film on the subject of drugs undercover.


In the name of people (TV)[2017]

Feature: When a project director of a state ministries and commissions was reported to have received bribes of tens of millions, Hou Liangping, director of the Investigation Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, came to the search to see what he saw as a simple and honest old peasant with a simple, In the rude old house to eat noodles. While the mask of the corrupt elements was finally ripped apart, Ding Yi Zhen, deputy mayor of the capital city of Jingzhou in Hantong, a province of Han Dong province closely tied to the case, was assisted by the secret agent of a mysterious figure Reconnaissance methods to escape the French in exile. The case trail ends up in the fight for equity of a typhoon garment factory in Han Dong Province led by the Guangming Lake project in Beijing. However, the various political forces implicated in it are complicated and confusing. Chen Hai, director of anti-corruption bureau of Han Dong Procuratorate, suffered a bizarre car accident in the investigation. In order to complete the unfinished business of those same year students, capable and capable Hou LiangPing was appointed to take over the unfinished business of Chen Hai. In the political scene in Han Dong Province, "Politics and Law Department" represented by Gao YuLiang, deputy secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Politics and Law Committee of Han Dong Province, "Secretary Gang" phase represented by Li DaKang, member of Standing Committee of Han Dong Province and secretary of Jingzhou Municipal Committee For many years, regardless of Xuan 轾. The arrival of Sha Rui Jin, the new provincial party secretary, is destined to break this balance of politics and bring a new flavor to the reform in Han province. People's name poster

Mo language people (TV)[2017]

Feature: In order to ascertain the truth behind the death of his wife and daughter, Wei Tian, ​​a guardian of guarding rights, gave up his identity and set up Antioch Calice in the story of the incident to establish a "Mohican affairs service for enterprises and people in the Belt and Road Economic Zone所 」. Wei Tian has a friendship with Xiang PingSheng, president of China Security Group, but has a clash with her son, Xiang Lai. However, both the Zhong'an Group and the Moonese people fight each other with strong awareness of the community of human destinies and safeguard the overseas security of the Chinese in their respective ways in the Belt and Road economic zone. The Mokanese and the Chung On Group repeatedly joined forces to crush the conspiracy of the Black Heart Pharmaceutical Company to provide security for the high-speed rail project in the country, and to resolve many times the security crisis created by the terrorists in the Belt and Road Economic Zone. Wei Tian rescued An Da, deputy manager of Plato International Hotel in one operation, both of whom came together in protection and protection. Sha Lan, Qu ShengLi, and Ye Wan from the Mohlang team also reconciled with their respective past experiences in a number of missions.

Expeditionary Expedition (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Expeditionary Expedition" tells the story of 1941 With the Yunnan and Vietnam railway was cut off, the Japanese military strategy of sweeping Southeast Asia's conspicuous, half-sunken China's connection to the outside world's only blood-Burma Road is in jeopardy background, spent years at home in the Yunnan Army Duan ZhongYi ran to the front of the story. In 1941, the only access to the outside world, halfway through the sinking of China's Burma Road, was in jeopardy! Jiang Jie Shi personally interviewed Duan ZhongYi, an accomplished lieutenant general of the Yunnan Army, and entrusted allied troops with the task of military coordination to participate in the planning and coordination of the Burma war. The eldest son, Duan Li Guo, went to the forefront as a Chinese expert on the road to build the Burma-Burma Road and died with his wife, while the lord liaison officers of Duan An Guo and Shi DiWei witnessed the cruelty and decision-making of the battlefield Dispute, resolutely went to the front line and common soldiers dead and throat; the third son Duan ZhenGuo, due to misunderstanding of his father, to give up their studies to die in the heart to join the "bayonet" Rangers. After knowing that he was the adoptive son of Duan Jiazi, he went from fighting reconnaissance in Burma to blocking the war with Cuba and retreating from Savage Hill to Gaoligongshan. He became a hero of war and sacrificed his life for the country during the Great Counterattack. Arduous battles took a great deal of photographs and became loyal recordters of that war.

Real man (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Real Man" is a special program of large-scale national defense education jointly launched by Hunan Satellite TV by introducing the "True Man" variety show of Korean MBC television station by the Chinese People's Liberation Army, August 1 Film Studio and Hunan Satellite TV. Program records 6-8 stars with different age groups and different personality labels, penetrated into front-line troops, changed their status, experienced four real 5-day and 4-night military battles in different arms and arms, lived with young army fighters training. "True Men" includes: "The First Season of True Men", "The Second Season of Real Men". The six real guests of the first season of real men are Zhang Fengyi, Guo Xiaodong, Wang Baoqiang, Yuan Hong, Du Haitao and Liu Haoran. The special guests are Ouhao. The season starts at 5pm on the evening of May 1, Satellite TV premiere, in July 18, 2015 closing. The real men of the second quarter of eight fixed guests are Li Rui, Tong Liya, Zhang Lanxin, Yang Mi, Shen Mengchen, Jiang Jinfu, Sun Yang, Huang Zi Tao, the season on October 21, 2016 every Friday night 20:20 Hunan Satellite TV The premiere, on January 19, 2017 closing.

Years, such as gold (TV)[2015]

Feature: Beijing educated youth Shi DeBao adopted a young boy who educated youth in the northeast and went to work in the country. After Shi DeBao returned to town with his children, everything started again. From a Beijing city bus Si Ji to the conductor, to the waiters, and later to use his ancestral woodworking expertise to start a walk in the street to repair furniture, Shi DeBao's talent and character are the furniture factory director fancy, He promoted to Assistant Factory Director. Finally, with the help of returning first love girlfriend Luo XiaoMa, Shi DeBao registered trademark started the business. Shi DeBao experienced three sentiments, especially the second marriage of Shi DeBao, and adopted Qi Baofei, daughter of his wife, Bai Ling. Shi DeBao raised two daughters, both of whom are not of their own origin. The two children became courageous heroes and village doctors under Shi DeBao's education. Shi DeBao was also honored as a "hero of the commoner" at the "touching life" award ceremony. Finally, the eldest daughter, Shi FangYuan, built a memorial to his father's generation in the place where his father went to the countryside.

FarewellMyConcubineTheBeijingOpera (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the winter of 1924, a 9-year-old adzuki bean was taken as a prostitute's mother to cut off the finger on the right hand and to enter the drama school. Only senior brothers play troupe sympathetic small beans. Ten years have passed. Under the severe and brutal training of Master, the performance of the two brothers and sisters increased rapidly. The adolescent named Cheng DieYi (acronym) and Dan Duanjiao (nicknamed Cheng DieYi) and Duan XiaoLou The two co-star of "Farewell My Concubine" reputation over the capital, the two brothers are very successful. The two agreed to perform a lifetime "Farewell My Concubine." Duan XiaoLou married prostitutes

TheEmpressofChina (TV)[2014]

Feature: In the first year of the Dragon (AD 705), Prince Li Xian forced the palace to be forced by Zhang JianZhi et al. Faced with the dignified Wu Zhou Zetian and the weak Li Xian, Zhang JianZhi felt that the atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty had been exhausted, But did not expect that all this is Wu ZeTian's surprise; so many years, she was waiting for someone to let her rest assured Datang country entrusted, waiting for someone to let her return to the Tang Dynasty, with the With the disappearance of the Great Week Dynasty, the legendary life of the only female emperors in Chinese history was unveiled. Zhenguan eleven years (AD 637), Lee state (now Sichuan Guangyuan) Wushu girl wishful election into the temple of Don. At the time of the first Queen Sun Long bogey days, the court is being ranked "Lan Ling Wang into the song," the dance, Ruyi wonderful dance posture Yan Qunfang, and Taizong Li ShiMin encounter Yu Cheng Qing Temple. This year, Wu Mei Niang is fourteen and Taizong is thirty-nine. On the evening of the festival, Zheng WanYan, a showwife, died in disgrace. All the evidence was satisfactory. She was tortured. She was sent to Yeetun. She met Taizong's eldest mother-in-law, Peng, and Peng because the " And always unwilling to forgive him, the old dead do not want to see each other, and wishfulness has become Taizong and the eldest mother of the emotional bond, the knot knot Taizong, one year expires, wishful was to be released, in the North Korea meeting over and over again Revealed the first color, making Taizong thanks to her name Mei Niang, and seal her as a talented person, Mei Niang temporarily become the target of all the women in the harem of the public, caught in a variety of intrigues intrigues of the court; Crown Prince struggles bloody, Mei Niang unexpectedly being scrolls, Mei Niang and Taizong their love experience from the pressure of "Goddess Wu's" prophecy, Mei Niang to retreat but did not think Li ShiMin crashing away, took away her most passionate love in this life. "Wu Mei Niang legend" ultimate poster hair cut for Nepal's Mei Niang for the abdomen plans to leave the flu Temple, however, the erroneous mistakes back into the palace she actually aborted, all the evidence pointing Wang HuangHou. In order to revenge, Mei Niang went to admire her forever. Li Zhi of Emperor Gaozong, Yong micro for three years (AD 652), Mei Niang was named Zhaoyi, and elaborate revenge finally let Wang HuangHou and Xiao ShuFei make their own living, however, accompanied by Li Zhi experienced brother rebellion, Mei Niang gradually found that Li Zhi gave her home, one she could not bear to leave. Yong micro six years (AD 655), Mei Niang was empress. Mei-niang help Li Zhi Qing gatekeeper strength, Datang increasingly prosperous, and Li Zhi was overwhelmed, the Crown Prince fierce dispute. Yongchun two years (AD 683), Li Zhi Jia collapse, the new imperialist incompetence, the prince Lonely Yehe, Datang country's future, everything will push Mei Yan to the cusp ... ... The first year (AD 690), Wu Mei Niang Dressed in a royal robes, wearing a crown of dynasties, watching the next step in the sky, then known as the Holy Spirit Emperor. Sitting on the throne of the emperor, was worshiped by the common people in the world, overlooking the beings, Wu ZeTian recall all the past, are all eros caused by love without right? One after another loudly shouted Long live sound, so that Wu ZeTian can not see whether he is in so many years of palace tendencies in the lost ...... The first year of the Dragon (705 CE) In November, Wu ZeTian died in Shangyanggong, year eighty-two .Two years of the Dragon (AD 706 years) in May, with the Emperor buried tombs, no monument monument. Country dream, floating a fool, meritorious deeds, any comment on future generations.

The Fight of Changsha (TV)[2014]

Feature: After the abandonment of Wuhan in October 1938, China's war of resistance entered a phase of stalemate. "Wen Xi Fire" put the torch on Changsha, which will soon become the anti-Japanese front line. Juggernaut General Xue Yue was appointed to the post of Chief Warlord of the Ninth Front Theater. His former rival, Peng ZhongHua, the Eighth Route Army's counterpart in Hunan, offered advice and suggestions on the initiative of the CPC Central Committee. . Under the tragic and fierce battles of the tragedy, Xue Yue finally commanded the San Xianghu Benben to retreat from Gang CunNingCi and A NanWeiJi's three attacks against Changsha with the close cooperation and support of the Chinese Communist Party and the Hunan masses. But like the police Li BenZhong involuntarily joined the torrent of war in the little people, but also in the hard battle of baptism gradually grew into a brave and brave warriors. When the third Changsha War ended, there was still a long way to go to fight the war. However, the fact that the Chinese people have already proved Mao's assertion in Mao ZeDong's article "On Protracted War": "Adhering to the war of resistance and adhering to the united front must ultimately belong to China."

QinJiaGuoNian (Movie)[2012]

Feature: As the year approaching, the small husband and wife, Zhang XueLun and Zheng DanDan, planned to return to her hometown this year. However, both of them received a phone call from their parents at the same time and were told that the relatives of both of them would come next day Beijing together with them over the Spring Festival. Originally, a reunited good was desperately anxious for the young couple. It turned out that Zhang XueLun's common-law mother and his wife, Zheng DanDan, had bought a house for the two men. However, a long time ago Zhang XueLun's career was in dire need of a crisis Pen investment, Dandan to help Xueshun through the storm, bite the house to sell. Today, more than 3 million houses have lived in a wealthy second generation called Bai JiaJu, while Shelon and Dandan rent a small house in a courtyard. In order to maintain this lie in the face of both parents, desperation, the two had to return to the original house, make every effort to find Bai JiaJu to lend them the house again to meet their urgent needs. But actually, the trip of elders to Beijing is also a matter of concern. Dandan's mother has been single since her early widowhood, and this time she came to a ridiculous blind date trip; she's father is a jade spittoon brought under her ancestors and wanted to exchange for her son Career pot of gold; and Sherun's mother also has a "mission", is to meet his young idol po teacher, review his own poet dream. In this way, both families are busy with their own affairs, but also because of the constant occurrence of a small friction. Bai JiaJu Mama's unexpected arrival of the devastating evidence of Sherlund and Dandan, after some family turmoil, the crowd still moved back to that small cottage. After several days of getting along, the elders of the two gradual mutual tolerance and understanding, also forgave the Sherren and Dandan. Unexpectedly, after a wave of ups and downs, Robin Venture Partner Robin from the United Kingdom to get the good news of venture capital opportunities, the price is that shelen renounced the New Year reunited with his family and rushed to the United Kingdom. One side is a business opportunity at your fingertips, while the wife is in tears after the reunification of the begging, where will Sherren go. Career, marriage, family, in this year, Zhang XueLun experienced an unprecedented test.

No smoke fighting (TV)[2012]

Feature: Shortly after the Sept. 18 Incident, the "No Fight Against the Smoke" newspaper, a large-scale construction project by the National Government to build a military and civilian dual-use wharf in Shanghai, was premeditated for fraud. As a result, a revenge plan was launched, & nbsp; Although the government recovered the investment money and completed the construction of the pier, the investigation of the fraud at Nankang Wharf was terminated because of the Incident of September 18 and became a pending case. Unable to trust the police, Cao YiWen joined hands with the mighty Ji XianSheng to avenge his family and relied on elaborate layout to try to find out the truth. In the process, Cao YiWen for revenge, on the one hand to temporarily suppress the heart of the feelings of former lover Ye Yunxiu, on the other hand as a twin brother Wang Yihong detectives divergent, but in the end the two decided to join forces for the same purpose. Ye Yun Xiu finally shot in a coma, Wang Yihong unfortunately died. After knowing that the behind-the-scenes black hand Chen FanXiong was actually a Japanese spy, Cao YiWen endured grief and gave Chen FanXiong a guilty plea for all her conspiracies through a surprising trick. So far, the story of a year ago, South Port Wharf fraud finally came to the world.

Red land painting (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Magical and beautiful Red Plateau, China Tongchuan debris flow Motocross race is being fierce, general manager of Sands Mining Company Marsh South personally led the race, when he drove through the ecological recovery has achieved initial success in the debris flow basin, the past has come to mind. At the end of the twentieth century, the copper city, Machinan bent on self-help and borrowed money. He contracted a small well. However, his personal struggle could not change the fate of bankruptcy and bankruptcy. Party Secretary Tong Jiang promised the workers. The secretary of the district committee dared to pioneer and enterprising spirit to make Machinan impressed. As a result, they both ended up as friends and befriended ... By chance, the largest mine in the copper city under the contracting of Southwest Malaysia, Massimin facing the heavy commercial crisis, took a new look .

Sacrifice (Movie)[2010]

Feature: "Orphan" tells the story of Spring and Autumn Period, Jin LingGong disliked Tu AnJia in power, and disgruntled prime minister Zhao Dun arbitrary. Zhao Shuo, a son of Zhao Dun, is not only successful, but also his wife, Zhuang Ji. Tu AnJia as a big trouble, designed to poison in the hall, by Ling Gong mouth, off Zhao nine people. Zhuang Ji saw the death of her husband Zhao Shuo when she was diagnosed with Cheng Ying. In her grief she decided to give birth to a baby. At this point, Tu AnJia's Han Jue came to kill. On the verge of danger, Zhuang Ji entrusted the baby with Cheng Ying and asked him to hand over Gong Sun Chuhu, after which he pulled himself up. Han Jue was stabbed by Tu AnJia, who ordered Feng Cheng to search the house door-to-door. In desperation, Cheng Zhao wife to hand over. Cheng Ying went to claim Zhao and Cheng to see Gong SunChuJiu. Due to the closure of the city, Cheng wife and son were hidden in the shadow wall. Tu AnJia set bitter meat, forced Cheng Ying said the whereabouts of the baby, one after another to kill Gong SunChuJiu and his wife and son. Cheng Ying endured grief and raised Zhao alone. Han Jue learned the truth while seeking medical treatment and formed an all-life Alliance with Cheng Ying. Cheng Ying takes Zhao to the Tu AnJia door and makes Tu AnJia recognize Zhao as a son. Since then, launched a 15-year revenge plan.

RedCliff:PartII (Movie)[2009]

Feature: "Red Cliff (under)" The plot immediately above, Sun Liu together in the Marines set the Eight Diagrams array defeat Cao Jun, Cao Cao camp in the Red Cliffs, the war imminent. Brave and fierce warrior Sun ShangXiang dress disguised as men, crossing the river mixed with Cao Ying to find out the details, and met a general named Cao Fu Cao Jun generals. Later, two people have feelings. Sun Shu Choi Sun ShangXiang also recruited into his "蹴 Ju team." Cao Cao's navy was not satisfied with the soil and climate in the south and all became sick, causing the plague to spread. Cao Cao unmoving and even throwing the bodies of their dead soldiers into the coalition camp. Although Zhu GeLiang responded swiftly, the plague still spread. Many soldiers were sick and the coalition morale was hit hard. As the war is imminent, the coalition forces will not prevail at this time, and they will need arrowheads at the same time. Zhu GeLiang set up a trap, took the opportunity to weaken the strength of Cao Jun. He sent 20 grass boats to be connected end to end, taking advantage of thick fog night feint Cao Cao's navy. I do not know is Cao Cao, the public order can not be frivolous, just called amphibious archer to the river archery. As a result, twenty grassboats filled with more than 100,000 arrows to return home. Early the next morning, Cao Cao suspected that there were spies in the army and discovered a letter from Zhou Yu (actually created by Zhou Yu) from two of his naval leaders, claiming to send 100,000 arrows as a gift of refuge. Cao Cao furious, life will be cut at two. Fear of all the sailors involved, escape in disarray, the results were captured, and betrayed the crime of death. However, Cao Cao still insisted on attacking coalition forces in a few days. His generous speech finally reversed the morale in the army. In the Chibi Camp, the coalition forces premeditated to attack Cao Cao's naval forces with fire as they were linked together. However, the current westerly is very Sheng, a slight mistake may be anti-burning to the coalition's own warships. At this point Sun ShangXiang returned to the South Bank with a topographic map of Cao Ying. The coalition deployed tactics accordingly. Regardless of Zhou Yu's opposition, Xiao Qiao went to Cao Ying alone and tried to persuade Cao Cao to withdraw his troops, at least for some time. Cao Cao actually liked Xiao Qiao all the time, at this time she was more attracted by her beauty. More rumors, Cao Cao Bingqi purpose is to win the hearts of Xiao Qiao. At this point, Zhu GeLiang take all feasible measures to prepare for the work, while Zhou Yu is also ready, waiting for the arrival of time. Xiao Qiao and Cao Cao deal with, distracting his attention. Finally, the wind really changed dramatically. A few burning warships jumped into Cao Cao's naval camp. Wind by the fire, Cao Ying immediately became a sea of ​​fire, thousands of warships were torched. Wu Jun also started an attack on land. Cao Cao was beaten by surprise. However, he promptly commanded elite cavalry to strike back and Jiang Jiangjun arrived on the waterfront. Just then, Liu Bei led his troops to repulse Cao Cao and took the opportunity to attack his fort. Under the cover of Zhao Yun and Sun Quan, Zhou Yu burst into Cao Ying and rescued Xiao Qiao. Cao Cao almost died, only to flee. Eight hundred and thirty thousand troops were killed only a few hundred people. Liu Lianjun this campaign won a victory. See Cao defeat, Zhou Yu ordered to recruit, to give Cao Cao leave a career, let him dingy go back to Han XianDi. After that, Zhu GeLiang relies on Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao.

restricted area (TV)[2009]

Feature: The poster, the autumn of 1990, is, for some, a memory that can never be erased. At that moment, Yu ZhengLong lost her only relative in a car accident. At that moment, Chen WanLi heard the last words of his lover's dying in the world: From then on, you will be on an equal footing with Yu ZhengLong. At that moment, Xu HangZhou took her son Xu Zheng's hand and looked helplessly at her wife, wearing a custom-made wedding dress by Yu ZhengLong. 2008 autumn, for these people, every moment is full of doubt. Xu HangZhou was suddenly kidnapped and the kidnappers redeemed his son Xu Zheng at the redemption order, a cancer vaccine he researched. Yu ZhengLong told Xu Zheng: I am a kidnapper. You use vaccines to change your father's life. I want to get the vaccine to let Chen WanLi die! Chen WanLi declares to all: The vaccine is in my hand, Welcome to the battlefield! Xu Zheng must enter the world pharmaceutical company within 24 hours and must find the mysterious restricted area of ​​MACA and enter into it. He must steal the trust and love of Shen Jie, a three-year-old woman. Only in this way can his father Security. When Xu Zheng struggled, Shen Jie stood side by side with him. When Xu Zheng firmly believed that this was love, the inscrutable smile of Shen Jie was like a poppy flower. In three months, Geniya's heavily-guarded war, the escalation of the war between Chen Wanli and Yu ZhengLong filled the air, while Xu HangZhou walked out on the shores of his unknown lake. He has not been abducted! In order to get the mystical region rumored to have heard of the mysterious vaccine supposedly concealed in them, all kinds of people are brought together. They live side by side without knowing each other. However, at the same time, they all suddenly realize that they are Is an invisible force to promote the abyss.

BackyardGarden (Movie)[2008]

Feature: The winter of 1924, 9-year-old Xiao DouZi was the mother of prostitutes cut off the right hand on the root of deformity after the finger into the kindergarten drama school. Xiao ShiTou is a sympathetic student in the troupe. Ten years have passed. Under the severe and brutal training of Master, the performance of the two brothers and sisters increased rapidly. Xiao DouZi named Cheng DieYi (artistically) and Dan Dao (Xiao DouTu) and Duan XiaoLou The two co-star of "Farewell My Concubine" reputation over the capital, the two brothers are very successful. The two agreed to perform a lifetime "Farewell My Concubine." Duan XiaoLou married a prostitute Ju Xian (), attached to the sister of the butterfly clothing, feeling heavy came to his brother's residence, replaced him with humiliation, the long-awaited precious sword brother gave the small building, and decided not to And small building co-star "Farewell My Concubine." Under the call of Guan ShiFu, the two brothers again cooperate. After the end of the war, the two were forced to sing to a group of undisciplined army soldiers. Duan XiaoLou clashed with the soldiers, and Ju Xian was aborted in the chaos before soldiers were seized by the soldiers for their traitor. Duan XiaoLou tries his best to rescue the butterfly clothes, whispering to the bureaucrats who used to play the butterfly clothes Yuan ShiQing (). Ju Xian to Diei to lie and begged to release, and the small building is no longer with the butterfly singing the words to Dieyi see. So the butterfly clothing in the court always unyielding, but because of their skills were rescued by KMT officials. After the liberation, both of them had no attention in their art work. Cheng DieYi, who mistakenly tasted the opium, finally broke his throat in a performance, determined to quit drug treatment, and after the drug addiction and torture, he finally regrouped with the joint help of Duan XiaoLou and his wife Xiao Si was framed by the well-adopted child Xiao Si, who forced Duan XiaoLou to replace his position with Yuji and Duan XiaoLou to dismiss the aftermath. Ju Xian eventually tried to persuade him to perform and Duan XiaoLou finally performed. Die Yi heartbreak, from the broken off with Duan XiaoLou. At the time of the Cultural Revolution, Duan XiaoLou was framed by Xiao Si and forced him to frame Falun Dailiao. Duan XiaoLou refused to go to the streets while Duan XiaoLou suddenly appeared. A Yu Ji dressed and willing to humiliate Duan XiaoLou. Duan XiaoLou See Butterfly clothing has been a pitfall, hoping to protect Ju Xian in frustration framed butterfly clothes, and even said he was a traitor, butterflies do not want to hear after listening to that Duan XiaoLou only care about Ju Xian, and see their own resentment of Ju Xian at the moment Excuse me, helping myself, vent all my anger on Ju Xian and shake out Ju Xian as a prostitute, so Duan XiaoLou is forced to draw a line with Ju Xian, saying she has never loved Ju Xian and Ju Xian at Hanging in despair suicide. After the downfall of the Gang of Four, the two brothers finally performed "Farewell My Concubine" on the stage separated for 22 years. Last sentence of Concubine Yu Ji gave him the sword of his overlord who filled his feelings and illusions , And butterfly clothes in the arms of brothers and sisters in his arms ended his career, also ended this brilliant tragedy.

merger (TV)[2008]

Feature: Fu Chun (Zhang Feng Yi ornaments) is the island's state-owned enterprises Huachang boss, recently very proud. Because has been struggling to pursue his younger sister, now is the Vice President of Foreign Enterprise Will Li Wen (Gaili ornaments) In order to really get Fu Chun, president of Ma Xiaokai (Zhang Hongming ornaments), relied on the hands of hundreds of millions of dollars to eat Set him, wholeheartedly want to annex Huachang company. Fuchun loans to the bank, Li Wen may be reported to the Director of Credit Branch bribery, the results of the Director Wang was arrested, the loan was beaten; he wanted to get out of trouble to divest assets, the results of the city's economic strategy seminar By Will's president, the destruction of the island's economic order, the result was yellow; he engage in debt, Will has long been acquired business intelligence, took the opportunity to buy all the debt, the result was soaked. The market is around the corner, the reform of state-owned enterprises, government and enterprise points day, Fu Chun relied on the mayor and the old classmates, Huachang made contributions to the island, that the city government will finally reach out to a handful of Huachang, but the result the mayor from the overall situation, To him in accordance with the laws of economics, so he only tragic move to the merger of the road.

On-site son-in-law (TV)[2007]

Feature: In-law son in the 1970s, the Yellow River beach desolate, in the peach village on the shore lived a young man who lost his parents, simple and honest Ma SiBei. He is strong enough to worry about filling his stomach all day long. When a steal production team corn was seized by the militia during the streets, Gao Zaikang rescued Gao Gaoji after saving Gao ZhiZhi, a Gao's only daughter buried in the soil due to earthwork collapse. Ma SiBei has help for her precious daughter, Gao ZhiZhi, who wants Ma SiBei to be the on-site son-in-law. Gao ZhiZhi is a famous flower in the village. She is beautiful, spicy, high-spirited and reluctant to nest her life in rural areas. She admires and aspires to life in the city and strongly opposes his father's wishful thinking. Over and over again, she counted on a few of the village's in-laws, who count as innocent men. Counting on the list, Chen Bin, a classmate with a father who was a commune secretary and working in the city, took root in Gao ZhiZhi's heart. In order to one day be able to climb this high sticks and become a Chen's daughter-in-law, Chen Bin went to the city to enjoy the blessing of God and actually volunteered for Chen Bin. When Gao ZhiZhi found herself pregnant, she learned that Chen was ready to give Chen Bin a big marriage in her village. Gao ZhiZhi furiously rushed to Chen to seek explanation but was publicly shamed. She was heartbroken to go straight to the Yellow River for shortsights, and was rescued again by Ma SiBei. Ma SiBei did not have the heart to look at Gao ZhiZhi's sad and helpless eyes, coupled with the begging and hope of high warehouse, Ma SiBei accepted Gao ZhiZhi everything, became a de facto home son-in-law. Therefore, Ma SiBei complained to Chen, was retaliated by Chen Shuji, was sent to the Yellow River beach as a ranger, and was trapped in a shelter fire, was put in jail, making one's life extremely difficult. A few years later, Chen Bin was returned to the countryside because of dereliction of duty at work, heavy economic losses to the factory, dismissal of his office and death of his wife. The return of Chen Bin's hometown has disturbed the heart and soul of Gao ZhiZhi, who has been unmarried with Ma SiBei for years. Gao ZhiZhi and Ma SiBei quiet life once again disrupted ... ... came to the son of the Yellow River beach came up with a beggar Li Shuangyin foreign petty beings, his description of the city's superfluous life, once again brought Gao ZhiZhi wonderful world outside Dream, eventually failed to resist the temptation to run away with it. Gao ZhiZhi eclipsing with beekeepers and shaking Ma SiBei, he quietly accepted the reality. Reform and opening up and the party's agricultural policy gave Ma SiBei the stage to realize his dreams of getting rich. With all his strength and hard work, he has experienced countless ups and downs, twists and turns and finally became known as one hundred miles away The apple king, was elected by the villagers as the village chief, led the folks to get rich with the dream of a happy life. Today's Yellow River Beach has become a mu fish pond, sunset, the surface of the diamond-like reflection of silver ... ...

Middle-aged plan (TV)[2006]

Feature: After a series of events, Jian HePing, a civil affairs bureau cadre, has realized that many people and things around him are changing until middle age, but his work and life have not had any improvement. He began to reflect on it and set a "middle age plan" for himself: it included all aspects of life, including the promotion of a house and the publication of a book. The ambitious middle-aged plan drew the family's ridicule, but mother and eldest daughter Jian Jie expressed their support. Day by day, the promotion and purchase problems are not worth the show, the book's plan has been Su sister sister and China's help, which gave Jian HePing great consolation and confidence. With Su Zhen's constant encouragement, his plan to exercise did not stop and the accordion was as wonderful as it used to be. He was immersed in a fulfilling life, but his wife was gradually suspicious of him, and his mother and sister were wary of them. All of a sudden they were at him. Finally, Jian HePing, who can not endure this torture, has finally added one item to his "middle age plan: divorce. This amazing decision from the honest and honest eldest son of the mouth, one family can not believe that his wife is even more unacceptable, the feelings of the two daughters have not yet solved the problem, the old man and mother raged divorce, a man in the age of perplexity, In the face of these problems that have to be solved and the "middle age plan" that he did not want to give up.

West Holy Land (TV)[2006]

Feature: Stills Atlas a Volunteer collective part-time job, to Karamay to develop oil. Yang DaShui, the hero of battle, is leaving behind to see his fiancee Lan Ni. When he went through all the hard work to find the unit, his comrade-in-chief, Leopard, had replaced him as a drilling captain while he had become a geomaniac cook. Lan Ni pregnant, walking into Xinjiang to find husband, prenatal farmers Zhang LiangKu mother and son to stay. Lan Ni for children to stay Zhang. Art staff member Tian Ke has always admired Yang DaShui. Learned that Yang DaShui already had a fiancé and that she was deeply lost and married a baby leopard. Small leopards always eat Yang DaShui vinegar, the couple often unhappy. Kachi well blowout, the little leopard to save Yang DaShui sacrifice. Yang DaShui take good care of Tian Ke mother and child. Comrades of arms intend to match, Yang DaShui I'm sorry I apologize for the little leopard refused. Tian Ke leaves Karamay sadly with her son. Lan Ni learned from the radio that Yang DaShui's whereabouts and her son went to Yang DaShui encountered a sandstorm on the way and the mother and child were separated. Zhang LiangKu came to rescue Lan Ni, Zhuangzi was picked up and adopted by Yang DaShui. Xu ZhengCheng, a captain of the geological team, crush on his classmate Dai Hong and settle his hand, Dai Hong and his delight Ceng Hao, in his office. Dai Hong is pregnant with Xu Zheng Cheng's child, and Xu ZhengCheng is repeatedly denied any influence on his career. Dai Hong regretful, borrowed the opportunity to learn from the field to give birth to his daughter Dai Xiaoxing, and to raise brother eldest brother brought Karamay name. Dai Hong at the time of field exploration, Xu ZhengCheng bitter. During the Cultural Revolution, Xu ZhengCheng became director of the Revolutionary Committee. Yang DaShui, keeper Ke Bajing, has taken over Tian Ke and Dai Xiaoru, desperate to return to Karamay. Xu ZhengCheng arrested Ceng Hao on charges of spying, while Yang DaShui hid Ceng Hao from Kubayi well, but was apprehended by the young and ignorant. Xu ZhengCheng ordered the cessation of Kyawai supply. Zhang LiangKu to send food to send dishes to Ji Bajing, get to know Yang DaShui. Tian Ke, the rebel foul to illegally living together, decided to get away with Tian Ke. Yang DaShui decided to marry Tian Ke. Came to see Yang DaShui glance at the Lan Ni witnessed their wedding, extremely sad. In the bridal chamber, Yang DaShui told Tian Ke that they could only get married in order to be worthy of the little leopard. Tian Ke was angry and desperate, but she had to be a husband and wife with Yang DaShui for the sake of their children and Ke Baghui. Eight years later, children returned to Karamay after graduating from college. On the occasion of the family reunion, Tian Ke proposed to divorce Yang DaShui that all the people knew that their marriage was originally named. Ceng Hao returned to Kelamayi Ren Geology Research Institute, without precondition approval of the work of transformation Xu ZhengCheng to participate in geological exploration. Xu ZhengCheng was frozen into an ice sculpture in order to save Xiao Hong. Tian Ke has never forgiven Yang DaShui. Yang DaShui asked comrade Da Liu to take care of sick Kept. Unexpectedly Da Da Tuo Yang DaShui said media. Yang DaShui raised Tian Ke for the happiness of Tian Ke, provoking Tian Ke, grievances and resentment. Yang DaShui was shocked and finally decided to marry Tian Ke. When the two went to the photo studio, they unexpectedly met Lan Ni. Tian Ke heart disease suddenly fainted. Zhang LiangKu found Yang DaShui, tell Lan Ni these years of experience, Yang DaShui only know that picked up Zhuang Zi turned out to be their own biological son. Tian Ke is dying, told Yang DaShui before her death, to be with him next life.

Heavenly Sword Quxia (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qin world first set, that brings together the world five Master Sword, in order to the world Qi sword. Skyshine sword has just emerged, the king of Qin that 薨, Sky Sword also will be missing. Hundreds of years afterwards, the slaughter for Sky Swords continued. Until the New Moon was found in rivers and lakes, Archbishop King Apollo learned that one of the "Five Swords of the Heavenly Sword," which was related to the whereabouts of the Heavenly Sword, was hidden in Tang's Tongguan and sent to Hei QiLing, one of the four major laws. Down's door was killed, leaving only daughter Tang RuoXuan blind "Wenjianwu scholar" Xiao Ting saved, but also to keep a piece of Heaven Sword and five knights. Tang RuoXuan The fiancée's fiancé, Gu HanYang, learned about the Tang Men tragedy and went to help him. However, if Xuan had disappeared upon arrival, Huang Xiang, an expert in medicine and eccentric, had come across. Two people each other, looking for Ruoxuan together, all the way to continue to misunderstand, but to enhance their understanding. At this point, if Xuan escorted Xiao Ting to Ping Jing Da Shih, the master was assisted by Xiao Ting and could not help but conceal his love. Ping JingDaShi convened martial arts conference, everyone together. Hanyang see if Xuan's friendship, take the initiative to retire marriage. While Huang Xiang urged, while self-contradictory heart. Xiao Ting said "Sword five knights" one can find Sword, he and Joshua each one. Ping JingDaShi tried to make concerted efforts among martial arts factions to find five knights and to fight the crescent moon with a sword. At this time, King Apollo led the New Moon Education to teach the four major law enforcement came after the calamity, the sectarian casualties, Ping JingDaShi wounded, all of them to stay home PingjiDaShi Zhangjia Village. Inadvertently, the third Tianjian five seniors were found, but did not want to immediately teach the crescent to kill, to the lake flooded Zhang Village, Ping JingDaShi force died, told Jiao Xuan if a piece of five counties appear Jiangnan. If Xuan and Xiao Ting break out, both Gu HanYang and Huang Xiang are knocking down the cliff. Hanyang and Huang Xiang did not die, because of the magic books, martial arts greatly improved. If Xuan and Xiao Ting search the five knights in the south of the Yangtze River and get to know the beggar's beggars. A nursery rhyme to guide you to find the fourth Jazz, but did not want to immediately pull away King Avro Wang Ruoxuan Huang Xiang, forcing us to surrender five knights. One of the four major Protestant Crescent Law Phoenix secretly put Huang Xiang and if Xuan, the original Huang Xiang is the four law enforcement Huang Kongling. Fire Phoenix more inadvertently discovered the secrets of King Apollo, the result was poisoned by King Apollo. Definite makeup according to the death of the crowd eventually found Huang Xiang's head of the Chai hairpin is the fifth Jazz, Sky Sword finally come out. Xiao Ting, who had a sword in his hand, suddenly started to laugh at him. It turned out he was the evil King of Abyssinuo. His hand-held sword to kill all people, if Xuan to a secret about the Heavenly Sword in exchange for everyone's departure, he was taken away by King Apollo. The original sword in possession immortality immortality, must medicine destroyed sword, King Apollon hesitated. In order to save more if Xuan justice, Hanyang set a date about war king Avro. Huangshan top, Sword dazzling eyes in the sun, Hanyang eyes can not look straight, but because of Blind King blind but not limited, Hanyang danger similar. Temporary solar eclipses to Hanyang to wheeze, but also if Ruoxuan found ways to reduce the power of Heavenly Stems, in the king of Abyssinia want to kill Hanyang, if Xuan Ying sword, with their own blood red sword Body, erase the light of Sky Sword. If Xuan also told King Apollo himself have been pregnant with his children.Under a series of battles against King Beelung, like a mad king, he was finally killed by Hanyang. A generation of devil eliminate, Hanyang and Huang Xiang both left. From here on the rivers and lakes spread a pair of chivalrous couple, sword maintenance justice story.

Heroic Legend of the Chin Dynasty (TV)[2005]

Feature: Du Ming ErGun, son of Nurhachchu, a founding father of the Qing Dynasty, succeeded in expanding Qing Manchu's territory after many years of expedition to the Northern Expedition. The ultimate goal was to smash the Emperor Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty and establish the Qing Empire. Duo ErGun martial arts throughout the world, but at the same time the iron man tender feelings, love the first beauty in the Mongolian big jade children, unfortunately during the campaign, his brother Huang TaiJi not only occupy this belongs to their own throne, but marry childhood sweetheart lover Daddy Princess, tension. Duo ErGun to the overall situation, waved the army continued to force the Ming Dynasty, and finally beat the civil and military aspects of the Ming Dynasty Hong Chengchu, straight to pound the capital. Not long after Huang TaiJi died of illness, Duo ErGun's brother encouraged him to regain the throne that should have belonged to him. In order to prevent Qing from breaking up at this crucial moment, Duo ErGun resolutely holds the only acceptable prince ---- lover Dai Jier born Huang Chiu-chi for Huang TaiJi ---- only 5 years old Luo Fu Lin for the emperor, change Yuan Shun rule, is the first emperor into the customs of the Qing Dynasty. Duo ErGun served as Regent, lover Big Yu Er became Empress Dowager Empress Dowager. As Qing Dynasty regent Duo ErGun, brave, vowed to lead the army captured in Beijing, the establishment of the Qing Empire, leaving Shengjing set out to Xiao Zhuang promise, scored Beijing, to greet the Empress Dowager Xiao Zhuang Shun Shun emperor to Beijing, and then Assisted in the management of the country until the reunification of Fu Lin by the age of 14 at the age of two, when they were both at ease in the mountains and rivers and they continued to get married. DuoErGun Sure enough, the horse to success, the fall of Ming Dynasty, Chong Zhen emperor himself, Qing troops stationed in the Central Plains. However, the temptation of the throne was too great. Duo ErGun felt Jiangshan personally hit him back. His brother Duo Duo and his men fiercely questioned why the throne handed over a hairy child and the people were plotting to usurp the throne. The news spread to Shengjing Xiaozhuang, Xiaozhuang heart crush, but to their own referral of a generation of women, son Fu Lin just succeeded and young, there is no power to contend with right Seoul, then prepare himself to complete love Duo ErGun. However, Duofu Ergun, a passionate dedication, the most critical moment, gave up the power to choose feelings, return to Beijing Shengjiu Fuzhuang and Fu Lin, the two meet, as if second world. Shunji dynasty thus established, but ten years later, Duo ErGun, filial piety and Fu Lin, but fell into rigid, love and hate difficult situation. Duo ErGun proposed a marriage to Xiao Zhuang on several occasions, but all of Fu Lin was stopped by the growing Fu Lin who did not understand why his mother remarried, not only to resist Duo ErGun, but also to think that he not only overstepped his country but did not look beyond himself , But also robbed his beloved mother; Filial Piety sandwiched between two of her beloved men, at a loss, but as a mother of nature, so she had to give way to the son of way, do everything possible to make Duo ErGun recuse me Fu Lin , So that the relationship between the two from time to time in a stalemate; Duo ErGun feel filial piety for many sacrifices, but Xiao Zhuang like to love his son, and many of his men and his men are not familiar with filial piety and Fu Lin, filial piety Zhuang a heart-breaking woman, the use of Duo ErGun own feelings paving the way for his son, Fu Lin nature is weak, can not be a device, people continue to encourage Duo ErGun self-reliance, resulting in DuoErGun delayed reluctant government, Fu Lin, Duo ErGun The relationship is getting worse.Time flies, Fu Lin is still a shadow emperor at the age of seventeen. Duo Duo and Duo ErGun soldier see Fu Lin growing, fledgling, filial piety is also gradually established their own forces to counterbalance Duo ErGun, Duo Duo decided to break the deadlock, plans to assassinate Fu Lin, pushing Duo ErGun as emperor, but unfortunately failed , Duo Duo fled to Er'er city to escape, the younger brother was in danger, Duo ErGun helplessly be involved, finally refused to take so much, decided to fight it out, and Fu Lin decisive battle. DuoErGun and Fu Lin confrontation, close nicknamed each other, filial piety Zhuang to prevent the scene killing each other, sitting alone Seoul, threatening soldiers out of the city on the off, the truth touched Seoul, at the same time strictly to his son not to act rashly. After many torment, Duo Duo died, a catastrophic battle finally evaded. Fu Lin distracted her mother to understand the truth and decided to approve the two married. DuoErGun also suffered serious injuries in this conflict, but the dynasty domineering, but the dark clouds, decided to return the government to Fu Lin, and Xiao Zhuang lived a happy life. Duo ErGun see the body has no trouble on the eve of the wedding, decided to hunt antlers antlers, as a gift to the wedding filial piety. Duo ErGun promised Yuriko when two were ten years old that they fell in love with the Mongolian steppe: one day she would marry her as a wife and send her favorite sika antlers as a gift. Twenty years blink of an eye, not with me, Duo ErGun Although see the most beautiful sika deer life, but not enough energy, falling cliff when chasing, life-long dreams are hard to find. Duo ErGun, a generation of heroes died in his grandpa, not allowed to see the plain head. Although not emperor, but the world still serve him as a founding father of the Qing Dynasty, with Xiao Zhuang this sentiment, but also cited as eternal story.

History of the sky (TV)[2004]

Feature: Jiang Bi Da Daogua big teeth in his early years, due to escape the Japanese army to kill Kirin Hill intends to defeat the KMT army, but overreached broke into the base of the New Fourth Army. In the historic sky, he planned to wipe his foot in the hesitancy when a young female New Fourth Army officer heard the timely appearance of the military, changing his idea of ​​defecting to the Kuomintang army. On this step change, Jiang Dagami from the glorious road toward. With the help of the excellent political worker Zhang PuJing and others, he gradually showed his excellent qualities and excellent intelligence through the temperament of war and politics and his growth as a resourceful commander from an unruly reckless man who is the brave man Eventually became a senior general of the Communist Party with a high degree of political consciousness and art of struggle.

Snake police officer (TV)[2003]

Feature: However, all three were trying hard to evade an embarrassing thing many years ago. In the early 1980s, Fu Dong had wrongly arrested Su Hongxiang. That was when Fu Dong's wife Zhang Anan left him for supporting Su Hongxiang. The end result is: Su Hongxiang innocent release, Fu Dong was punished, Zhang Anan and Su Hongxiang concluded good Qin Jin. After that, Fu Dong alone fostered her eldest daughter and told her daughter that her mother had died. But no matter what happened, the three men are still careful to maintain the friendship once. In the last year of the twentieth century, a murder incident in Kyoto completely changed their relationship and destiny. Haiyan Golden Eagle Group accounting Han Yun and deputy chief conspiratorially voluntarily swept away 20 million yuan, Han Yun Su Hongxiang for self-protection threats, the hands of his evidence of smuggling. Su Hongxiang Wang Feng hire hired killer to kill Han Yun, unexpectedly actually killed Fu Dong sister Fu Yunyan; and vice president Jia Tianhua Kunpeng Kyoto time-sharing, was killed by uninvited guests. Fu Dong through the investigation of the case and found that many clues and Su Hongxiang inextricably linked! But once the wrong case, so that he did not dare to recklessly recklessly. Shortly afterwards, Zhang Anan employed lawyer An Rong to Fu Dong to go back to her daughter. Fu Dong do not know how to explain to her daughter suddenly emerge mothers. In the meantime, Wang Feng has been deeply regretful for having wrongly killed Fu Yunyan because he has been greatly helped by both Su Hongxiang and Fu Dong, and both of them have deep feelings. So while he and Su Hongxiang to do some illegal business, while doing a real man at Fu Dongjun. However, because of the deep trap, he can only blame himself on the conscience but has been sliding down. In order to stop Fu Dong's investigation of the Golden Eagle Group, Su Hongxiang did not hesitate to use various means. When he finally learned that Fu Dong's daughter was himself and Zhang Anan's daughter, he actually used the matter to put Fu Dong in a dilemma. Senior because of Fu winter many years ago arrested Su Hongxiang case, stopped Fu Dong's position, led by Deputy Director Luo Xiang solve the case. At the beginning of the Criminal Investigation Office of Luo Xiang, Fu Dong thought she was top of her own position, heart has a grudge, but in the work of mutual understanding have a fighting friendship. Fu Dong Luo Xiang behind the scenes guide to complete a complex and difficult evidence-gathering work. As the investigation progresses step by step, Su Hongxiang feels danger asymptotically. He dropped Zhang Anan's mother and daughter fleeing abroad alone. Before leaving, in order to safety, he instructed the killer Wang Feng disappeared. Unexpectedly, Wang Feng has long been prepared, the killer failed to succeed. An Rong found Wang Feng use, wake up, with the police evidence, until the devotion. After experiencing the changes of life, Fu Pei unfortunately had leukemia. Su Hongxiang was wanted, then father and daughter affection so that he returned to the country for his daughter gave bone marrow, Fu Pei was saved, Su Hongxiang was exposed whereabouts, into the French. Su Hongxiang poisoning suicide. After all is over, Fu Dong passed the promotion exam failed, went to a police station as a policeman. Soon, he married Luo Xiang. Fupei eventually did not go abroad with his mother, she admitted to the police school, stay in the side of adoptive father Fu winter.

Q in shi Huang (TV)[2003]

Feature: Qin ShiHuang tells the story of the third century BC. 13-year-old Qin Fen Zhang (Zhang Fengyi ornaments) ascended the throne, the coalition forces cut Qin, Cheng Jiao rebel, directed at the Qin Wang and Lv BuWei (Komei ornaments), Qin Ping. Qin Wang want to capture the old, the Qiaobuluo network, to kill Lao Ai, settled a court civil strife, left Lv BuWei. Qin Wang Bingbing eliminate South Korea, opened the prelude to 10 years of united front. Stupid Zhao Qin in between the manslaughter general Li Mu, Qin Jun defeated Zhao Jun, captured Handan, killing Zhao. Yan TaiZiDan network of deadly Slay Qinwang. Jing Ke (Zhenhai Kou ornaments) assassination failed, Yan Guo has become a county of Qin. Qin Wang Chu Wang Chu captivity, destroy Chu. Twenty-six years of Qin Ying Zheng, quench Qi, thus the world to Qin. The king of Qin established the huge empire of centralized power system, unifying the text, unifying the weights and measures, and only one leader in the world people - Qin ShiHuang. The beginning of the emperor north of Hubei by barbarians, building the Great Wall; Raiders south until Lingnan; hair corvette, repair A house, making Li Shanling; huge Empire under painful moaning in overload operation. Beginning of the emperor Chongchao light Confucianism, Confucianism theory criticism of state affairs, the emperor police aware of the potential danger of the empire, ordered burning books Confucianism. In his thirty-seven years and at the age of 50, Qin Zheng made his last patrol tour on the vast territory he pioneered and finally ended his life with Zhao. The vast Qin Terracotta Army array to follow the first emperors to conquer the underground world to go & nbsp ;.

Perfect summer (TV)[2002]

Feature: Perfect Summer tells the story of four dependent orphans growing up with their own ideals. An unforgettable life and death love, in the summer of the seaside gentle said. If you are not alone in this world, it is because of the world, there is always a corner of heaven, a person deeply, quietly in love with you, consistent. Unidentified northern floating singer Huang Zheng debut in the first Hongxiang Cup Song Contest, who knows the champion has long been defined as the sponsor of Hung Xiang, chairman of the son of Hong Xiang Huang Zheng highest crown win only second place, just University graduate Yang Guang dissatisfied with Fu Qin for their own arrangements for the title to resolutely resign. The successes of the Song Contest led to the arrival of record labels signed by Huang Zheng, who, under the persuasion of her sister Xin Yu, decided to return to the beach this summer to see A Jie and Yi Fan, who live by the sea. In order to give my friend an exasperation, severely remediation of the "Playboy" Yang Guang, Yang Guang therefore Xin Yu "remember", to accept Xin Yu, Yang Guang chasing "beauty", with Xin Yu came centipede Zhizhou Island. Where did you know that Ning Meng, sister of Yang Guang, also followed up, and Ning Meng fell in love at first sight because of Huang Zheng's first kiss, and Huang Zheng was constantly having "nightmares." Four orphans who grew up on the beach at an early age were reunited many years later this summer. Childhood especially remembered, but everyone's heart is subtle changes, A Jie and Huang Zheng kind of unfamiliar, already assimilated by urban life Xin Yu and freestyle Yi Fan quite a big gap between life. Huang Zheng helps A Jie to take care of the hotel business. Xin Yu works in her favorite ice cream shop. Everyone lives the same with his childhood, but he can no longer find the old feeling. Fortunately, there is a black girl working in the hotel from a large mouth outrigger to ease the atmosphere from the blend, but Yi Fan never know this woman has no way of favor. Yang Guang came to the beach, followed by a tough Ning Meng. Seemingly calm beach suddenly chaos up, Ning Meng saw Huang Zheng crazy show of love, Huang Zheng Ning Meng's feelings disagreeable, A Jie Huang Zheng and Ning Meng saw all day intimate, can not help but mourn. Boogie-up Yang Guang on the beach quite a woman's edge, but only for not looking at him Xin Yu fond of. Xin Yu only loves friends with Yang Guang, but her feelings for the silence of Yi Fan are completely unaware of it. When Yang Guang learns about Yi Fan's good intentions toward Xin Yu, she resolutely exits. Xin Yu was really touched by Yi Fan, and Yi Fan began to engage, but Yang Guang's appeal is so irresistible. Ning Meng clung to the feelings between Huang Zheng and A Jie and deliberately expressed her love in the face of A Jie Huang Zheng's life and death. The beach was typhoon again, Jie did not go out, Ning Meng pretend to delay the water, until everyone found A Jie, A Jie has been lying unconscious on the beach ...... A wave of waves, the wave of real estate development Business by virtue of loopholes in the property book is difficult hotel, the hotel people in order to raise 800,000 acquisition of gold and running around, but to no avail. Suddenly, the younger sister came out with a mere 500,000. The two were more curious about the disappearance of the black girl. Yang Guang and Ning Meng decided to go home and ask for help from Fu Qin. Fu Qin refused to excuse her father-son relationship.Fu Qin was persecuted by Yang Guang and came to the beach with her children, but unexpectedly opened the mystery of the black girl ...

Big house door (TV)[2001]

Feature: Qing Emperor Guangxu six years (1880) in the spring, the capital of the most famous drug shop Baicao hall "White House," the mansion door, two little grandmother Bai WenShi gave birth to a boy, it is strange that this child is born will not cry, the more playing the more laughing His grandfather named Bai MengTang named Bai JingQi. Bai YingXuan, who was found guilty of damaging Zhan Wangfu by Da GeGe, was hit by a broken horse carriage and killed by two horses. Bai MengTang daughter Bai YaPing frightened, missed the accidentally killed one year-old son, uncle Guan ShaoYi put it back to her parents, the White House offended. Five years later, Bai YingYuan inadvertently killed the second daughter of Zhan WangYe. When Zhan WangYe fell to the ground and Baizu Hall was sealed, Bai YingYuan was asked to die in the death penalty and was fortunate enough to face the death penalty Prisoners Yan Ye and Zhu Shun were rescued, replaced by a surname of a prisoner surnamed Han, Bai YingYuan away from the horizon. Bai MengTang died, the family power to the daughters of the two daughters at the end of death Bai WenShi, Bai YingYuan's wife Bai YinShi heard that her husband was executed and hanged himself to death. An eye-opener, Bai JingQi, who reached the age of seven and reached the age of school, was born with a nasty grudge and went out of his way to three private teachers. Finally, he was surrendered by the newly recruited teacher, former ZSK Army Officer Ji ZongBu, Pharmaceutical talent. Bai WenShi has gradually restored the vitality of the past, and Bai YeYuu has done a good job of doing something, colluding with foreigners, and has taken the property and secret recipe of the White House. Growing up and fell in love with the little girl Huang Chun, she did not know that she was the illegitimate daughter of Guiwu and Da GeGe of Zhan Palace, and was unanimously opposed by her family. In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing and Sanye Yingyu became a traitor. In the process of burning, killing and robbing, his own relative Bai YaPing was gang-raped by German devils. Bai JingQi, however, was full of hatred against the invading forces and became friends with an anti-Japanese Japanese army called Tian Mu. In order to avenge his teacher Ji ZongBu, Bai JingQi killed a German soldier and even wound up a disaster. Under the threat of Sanye Ying-woo, Bai WenShi had to evacuate Jing Qi and her pregnant Huang Chun. Jing Qi Huang Chuang wife to work in battles in Jinan, work hard, set a career, but because of the courtesan Yang JiuHong inexplicable emotional entanglement, offended the Admiral adults, was a big prison, after the Church Sister Bai YuFen rescued. At this time, the capital of White House is also a twists and turns, knowing that Yingyuan escape rogue Rogue Han RongFa, mixed with white house blackmail, infuriating Ying Xuan Erye. Bai JingQi returned to Beijing to funeral ancestor, angered Han RongFa and expelled from the house, burying the curse. Yang JiuHong with her daughter Jia Li also rushed to the capital, but was Bai WenShi prostitutes born contrary to rules contrary to the door, Bai JingQi had to be placed outside the house, Bai WenShi designed by Huang Chun and Bai YaPing nine red daughter Jia Li cheat in the hands, Yang JiuHong unbearable decided to return to Jinan. The impoverished Wu BeiLe learns that his illegitimate daughter was married to Bai JingQi and then finds her relative in Bai Fu and is rejected by Bai JingQi and Huang Chun. Wu BeiLe furious with collusion of rogue Han RongFa, find out the whereabouts of Bai YingYuan jailed the same year, Dali Temple took the lead, the son of Ying Park son Bai JingYi into prison, thanks to the prison leader Zhu Shun save rescued, Wu BeiLe reborn, eventually making Bai JingQi recognize the father-in-law.Yang JiuHong is pregnant again. Bai WenShi is not allowed to return to Ji'nan in order to leave a baby born soon. Bai JingQi first violated her mother's life and secretly left Yang JiuHong. In 1911 the Qing dynasty dilapidated, the Great House Gate dwindled in warlord turmoil, the white children were unscrupulous, the son of Bai JingQi Bai JingYe squandered, under the instigation of the three master Bai YingYu, done a bad thing. White Housekeeper Wang XiGuang, this is the palace eunuchs, actually concealed King Qi married three-bedroom wife. Bai WenShi hard support, arranged for the children one by one the rear. In 1921, while Bai JingQi was self-reliant, Wu BeiLe remained under Jing Qi's door and doing his worst was actually hijacked by his son Huang Li into the country and killed when he was living in Da GeGe. Yang JiuHong again into Beijing into a new home, seeing her daughter grow up, but only recognized her grandmother does not recognize the mother deeply buried the seeds of hatred. Bai WenShi seventieth birthday that daughter Bai YuTing thirtieth unmarried, was to fancy a play Wan XiaoJu, denounced Bai YuTing, Yu-ting though not afraid to resist, but always infatuation does not change. Bai WenShi eventually died of overworked work and left the world. The mansion house held a grudge up and down, even the dogs and cats all wear filial piety. However, Bai WenShi left a will at the end of his life, but he did not allow Yang JiuHong to bring filial piety. Yang JiuHong landless, ruined filial service. White House Bai WenShi funeral for the whole family, the heat of the day, seriously ill Huang Chun and Bai YaPing actually died in the funeral. Bai WenShi again before the girl Huai Hua Xu Jing Qi as a concubine, the Greater House even more days of peace. Has been crush on Wan XiaoJu's Bai YuTing due to secular prejudices, the door difference can not finally do so, actually under King Qi's marriage, and Wan XiaoJu photo line wedding gift, and live together for a long time without photos. Due to the legacy left by Bai WenShi, Jia Li always hated her mother Yang JiuHong, who in revenge had designed to deceive her daughter into a deeper hatred. After the September 18 Incident, the northeastern medicinal materials were banned. The old Bai Ru hall lost its supply and faced a crisis. Yang JiuHong actually disguised himself as a man's clothing. Although she was in the northeast, Huai Hua has been brought around with him to prevent falling pet, but unexpectedly Bai JingQi house and girl Li XiangXiu repaired, Yang JiuHong regrets, will be a room of anger, full of jealousy in Huai Hua body, resulting in Huai Hua Cantilever beam suicide, Bai JingQi provoke a lawsuit. Bai JingQi's housekeeper, Wang XiGuang, was evil and was finally overrun. It was dismissed by Bai JingQi and therefore resented it. Seeing that there was enough opportunity, she went down the drain and sent Bai JingQi into a big prison. Witty show up and down the circus, eventually rescued Bai JingQi, so Bai JingQi determined to marry Xiangxiu. Incident of July 7, Bai ZhanYi Bai ZhanYuan participated in the anti-Japanese organization of the Communist Party, and White House became the focus of attention of the invading army. Bai JingQi refused to cooperate with the Japanese army was forced to hid Xiang Xiujia, and finally decided to violate the rules will be Xiangxiu continued string of strings, was immediately opposed by the entire tribe, Show married. The Japanese army forced Wang Qi, a traitor, to persecute Jing Qi as the director of the Pharmaceutical Association, and threatened to kill him. Bai JingQi resolutely refused to do any traitors and worried that Chang Sun Zhanyuan would suffer and could not be freed.At this time, Bai YingYu, who has been hurt by the Japanese army for 80 years, came forward as president and denounced the Japanese at the inaugural meeting to publicize anti-Japanese and martyred martyrs. At this point, the Great White House door involved in the vigorous anti-Japanese torrent.

peaceful years (TV)[1999]

Feature: This is a positive drama depicting the construction of forces under the conditions of reform and opening up, as well as the military-to-local relations. It is also a televised drama with the largest military capacity in China. At the end of 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party decided that the transfer of the work center of the Communist Party should be carried out against the backdrop of exerting force to show how the military was going from preparation for the war to a difficult period in peace. The whole play featured the formation, growth and expansion of a special operations force and its development into a symbol of the sovereignty stationed in Hong Kong SAR as the main clues. They came to the special economic zones through a group of fierce fighting fires and came to the new special economic zones The changes of the military personnel in this situation vividly reproduced the construction and development of the armed forces in the past fifteen years of reform and opening up in China. It demonstrated the new military-civilian ties in the new situation and revealed the mentality of the contemporary military in this special era. Through a series of eye-catching events such as the rotation training at the frontier, the million-armed disarmament, the development of the elite troops, the development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, preparations for entering Hong Kong, etc., a magnificent artistic framework is created smoothly and vividly with delicate and accurate portrayal of a group Vivid artistic image, and by appraising the military's pursuit of cause, life and love, bold and profound in-depth exploration of their inner world is a new digging. While reviewing the army building and even the progress of civilizations throughout the 15 years of China's reform and opening up, it not only shows the demeanor of the People's Army during this period, but also reveals the heavy burden the People's Army paid in the process of China's modernization. It is a necessary sacrifice, arousing the noble feelings of contemporary soldiers who are willing to be lonely, endure poverty, and sacrifice themselves. Successfully shaped the image of contemporary new military personnel represented by Qin ZiXiong, Mu RongQiu, Wen Yong, Zhang DaJun, Wen HaoFu, Mu RongQing and Wen Lu. The play is not only ideological, but also has a strong atmosphere of life, more engaging story, plot vivid, undulating, tear-down.

TheEmperorandtheAssassin (Movie)[1998]

Feature: In the 3rd century BC, China was the era of the Warring States Period where the warlords and the men were squatted. They ambitiously unified the great cause of the world. At that time, Yan Guofu was a big suffering. To help him complete the reunification and tyranny at an early date, his childhood sweetheart stole his plans to assassinate him. As a result, once the incident broke out, Qin dispatched troops to attack the country's name. But before this trick was accomplished, the King of Qin discovered a secret about his own life experience: he was not the firstborn son of the kings and his biological father was in fact the prime minister at the time. Qin Wang know angry and angry, the biological father Lv BuWei give die, exile from mother to mother. In order to avoid future trouble, so want to all those who know this amazing secret ruthless. As a result, he waved and attacked neighboring Zhao, catching Fan YuQi who knew the truth. However, contrary to his commitment to Zhao Ji's "not attacking her motherland," Qin's indiscriminate killing and killing of innocent children in the territory of Zhao was unbearable in the eyes of Zhao Ji who loves him . Zhao Ji then changed his mind and decided to act in a fickle fashion and work together to plan a conspiracy. The candidate for this task is a swordsman. Jing Ke had long been tired of the sword career, want to return to hide forests, but in the end still promised to re-enter. Jing Ke appeared, screwed his chivalrous feelings to capture the hearts of Zhao Ji, the two fell in love, unexpectedly Jing Ke final assassination, because "" and lost his life, Zhao Ji returned to the Qin for his body. When he saw the government, Zhao Ji attacked the tyranny of the government without justification and left his head without leaving. Leave a political one alone to build country map.

Eight strange Yangzhou (TV)[1998]

Feature: Yangzhou painter Zheng BanQiao and other artists to Beijing to sell paintings, and the palace Imperial painter Jin MinZhi grudges Yangzhou Baizhen screenshots. Qian Long admire the growing rise of Yangzhou painting school, subdued Yangzhou south. In the southern tour, Qian Long paints Yangzhou art, paintings, and hand-picked Zheng BanQiao, Jingnongjing test, both high school. However, due to the death of Jin MinZhi and other ministers, the two can not enter the government. A decade later, Zheng BanQiao was appointed as magistrate of Weixian County in Shandong for deciphering Qian Long's mystery. Qian Long set up a "thousand 叟 feast", celebrities world famous Ascot. "Eight Eccentrics in Yangzhou" were invited to enter Beijing without Zheng BanQiao. Qian Long Long Yan shock! Weixian Natural Disaster, Zheng BanQiao Open grain release, anti-purpose added another death penalty, Jin MinZhi also entered a statement. However, Qian Long chaos speculation, anti-demoted as ordinary people. Officialdom turmoil, Zheng BanQiao After thinking hard, wrote a "rare confused" four-character stream of folk ······

Riguangxiagu (Movie)[1995]

Feature: In the peaceful Nikko Gorge, the appearance of "Seeking Innocence" disrupts the life of inn innkeeper Hong Liu and her son Jujube, but the lingering laughter in the inn makes the "hunger-off" from strong Separated from the desire for revenge, so that he is constantly struggling in this contradictory situation. The cold winter will bring their distance closer and start to each other.

Genwozouyihui (Movie)[1995]

Feature: Ma Bencheng (Zhang Fengyi) is an "illegal immigrant" who entered the country illegally. He was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment after being beaten. After his release, he heard his mother died and his wife, Du Xia (Wu Jiali), filed for divorce. But endured life-long disabilities. Returned to the mainland, unaccompanied, he looked around Du Du, remarried, Du Xia's brother Du Wei (Pei ornaments) to find someone to beat the once brother-in-law. Masamoto Du's table nephew (Xiao Junkun ornaments) as a hostage, forcing Du appearance. Since then, two young and a little become friends, wanderer crowd have left their presence. On the 1st, in order to save the tractor lying on the rails, Ben trailed the disabled legs toward the dashing train, but the small rolling off the steep subgrade. In the hospital, Du Xia told this sincere, small sign is his pro-son ...

Hotline chase (Movie)[1995]

Feature: "Hotline Chase" is a feature film released in 1995, starring Li Huimin, Zhang Fengyi, Linda Wong (singer) and Simon Yam. The film tells the story of Jiang WeiJi, Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption, who conspires with profiteers to accept bribes. Police Officer Lei ZhenYing, with the help of ICA detective Dais, unmasks Chiang's story and brings him to justice. Hong Kong police officer Lei ZhenYing has a special hobby, is to use the telescope to see what others are doing. One day he inadvertently saw a man abusing a woman from a window. He is going to help the woman, but the woman helps the man run away. He looks like that man is a councilor. And that woman is a prostitute. Lei ZhenYing started investigating Mr. Zhang's prostitution. He was obstructed by Jiang WeiJi, deputy director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, who refused to let the police intervene. Ray felt strange things, the more you want to find out about it. He believes the key to finding out the case is to find the prostitute. But that prostitute is gone. And he found some 200,000 yuan somehow on his account. Lei ZhenYing accidentally made a wrong phone call and took the opportunity to chat with each other. The attractive female voice on the phone attracted Lei ZhenYing. They met each other at 11:30 PM. Lei ZhenYing's hotline friend Dai Qian, a police officer who just graduated from the police academy. As soon as he got into the work of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, he got the appreciation of the Deputy Director and sent her to investigate a bribe of $ 200,000. She is conducting a survey mission and receives a phone call from Lei ZhenYing saying he wants to see his friend on the phone. As soon as they met, Dai Qian found Lei ZhenYing a suspect in the case she was investigating. She was surprised. Did not catch him, but will Lei ZhenYing rescued their own home. Lei ZhenYing told Dai Qian about his own experiences and said that someone really added money to his account in order to get him framed. Who is this person? People who know their account are not ordinary people, maybe they are people from the ICAC. According to this idea and the telephone tape she gave to Lei ZhenYing, Dai Qian stayed in the office at night and pretended to work overtime. Finally, it was found out that Jiang WeiJi was the person who added money to Lei ZhenYing's account. In order to clear himself, sued Jiang WeiJi. Lei ZhenYing went to Macau to find the prostitute Zhu Di testified. He did everything possible to find Judy, but she was afraid to come back and testify. Jiang WeiJi sent killer chased them desperation, finally promised to marry her lifelong protection of her, Judy cried and followed Lei ZhenYing back to Hong Kong. In court, Dai Qian as a witness testified Jiang WeiJi privately organized prostitution groups, Judy also made a permit. Lei ZhenYing finally won with the help of Dai Qian. He fulfilled his promise and left Judy. Dai Qian looked at their backs, silently blessing them.

FarewellMyConcubine (Movie)[1993]

Feature: The winter of 1924, 9-year-old Xiao DouZi was the mother of prostitutes cut off the right hand on the root of deformity after the finger into the kindergarten drama school. Xiao ShiTou is a sympathetic student in the troupe. Ten years have passed. Under the severe and brutal training of Master, the performance of the two brothers and sisters increased rapidly. Xiao DouZi named Cheng DieYi (artistically) and Dan Dao (Xiao DouTu) and Duan XiaoLou The two co-star of "Farewell My Concubine" reputation over the capital, the two brothers are very successful. The two agreed to perform a lifetime "Farewell My Concubine." Duan XiaoLou married a prostitute Ju Xian (), attached to the sister of the butterfly clothing, feeling heavy came to his brother's residence, replaced him with humiliation, the long-awaited precious sword brother gave the small building, and decided not to And small building co-star "Farewell My Concubine." Under the call of Guan ShiFu, the two brothers again cooperate. After the end of the war, the two were forced to sing to a group of undisciplined army soldiers. Duan XiaoLou clashed with the soldiers, and Ju Xian was aborted in the chaos before soldiers were seized by the soldiers for their traitor. Duan XiaoLou tries his best to rescue the butterfly clothes, whispering to the bureaucrats who used to play the butterfly clothes Yuan ShiQing (). Ju Xian to Diei to lie and begged to release, and the small building is no longer with the butterfly singing the words to Dieyi see. So the butterfly clothing in the court always unyielding, but because of their skills were rescued by KMT officials. After the liberation, both of them had no attention in their art work. Cheng DieYi, who mistakenly tasted the opium, finally broke his throat in a performance, determined to quit drug treatment, and after the drug addiction and torture, he finally regrouped with the joint help of Duan XiaoLou and his wife Xiao Si was framed by the well-adopted child Xiao Si, who forced Duan XiaoLou to replace his position with Yuji and Duan XiaoLou to dismiss the aftermath. Ju Xian eventually tried to persuade him to perform and Duan XiaoLou finally performed. Die Yi heartbreak, from the broken off with Duan XiaoLou. At the time of the Cultural Revolution, Duan XiaoLou was framed by Xiao Si and forced him to frame Falun Dailiao. Duan XiaoLou refused to go to the streets while Duan XiaoLou suddenly appeared. A Yu Ji dressed and willing to humiliate Duan XiaoLou. Duan XiaoLou See Butterfly clothing has been a pitfall, hoping to protect Ju Xian in frustration framed butterfly clothes, and even said he was a traitor, butterflies do not want to hear after listening to that Duan XiaoLou only care about Ju Xian, and see their own resentment of Ju Xian at the moment Excuse me, helping myself, vent all my anger on Ju Xian and shake out Ju Xian as a prostitute, so Duan XiaoLou is forced to draw a line with Ju Xian, saying she has never loved Ju Xian and Ju Xian at Hanging in despair suicide. After the downfall of the Gang of Four, the two brothers finally performed "Farewell My Concubine" on the stage separated for 22 years. Last sentence of Concubine Yu Ji gave him the sword of his overlord who filled his feelings and illusions , And butterfly clothes in the arms of brothers and sisters in his arms ended his career, also ended this brilliant tragedy.

Sharenzhetangzhan (Movie)[1993]

Feature: In the late Ming dynasty, the great eunuchs had the power to usurp the power and arbitrarily cut them apart. Tang Baojia lovers run away were arrested, forced to join the murderous group, acting as an assassin, because of his extraordinary skill was appreciated by Wei, renamed Tang Zhan. However, when he met a former lover by chance, his conscience was awakened and turned a blind eye to vowing not to be a murderer again. However, eventually he went deep into the tiger's penguin to get rid of Wei Zhongxian, who was displeasing to the country, and ended the murder game. Zhang Fengyi, a handsome and upright young civilian, was forced to run away from his beloved woman, Lu Yao (Rosamund Kwan), under the pressure of parents and cruel reality. However, he was caught and sentenced to death. When the dynasty Wei Zhai Yin is organizing his own team of Jinyi Wei, took a fancy to the Tang Baojia in the jail, Tang Baojia was born again and was named "Tang Zhan" and became a ruthless killer of Wei Zhongxian. Tang Zhan repeatedly established "meritorious service", Wei Zhongxian greatly appreciated. As the tree got bigger, he was jealous of Song Zhong, another killer. Because of a murder, Tang Zhan occasionally saw Lu Yao, once a beloved one, and eventually led to the end of the operation, and he also embarked on the road to escape. Wei Zhongxian's chase and Song Zhong's chase Tang Zhan repeatedly fell into desperation. However, Tang Zhan gradually recovered her fair and honest self before and started a happy life with Lu Yao again. Tang Zhan around the crisis began a long road to self-help.

Huanghuo (Movie)[1988]

Feature: In the early 1980s, a wildfire burned a long-awaited forest fruit field on the island of Boracay Island. Fire and burn to the island's white house - brigade medical station. Shadowmoon girl, barefoot doctor Mu Jin was wounded in the flames. Shadow Ying Man, Taiwanese cadres Lei YingShan back her back to Lelouch, was criticized by some people, Mu Jin's father, Jiong Kong is also very disgusted. Helpless, Mu Jin returned to the White House. Meng Long and Leaning two villages for the war preparations for "" pull things ", Mu Jin's persuasion was part of the masses abuse. She got Lei YingShan, who called "Goblin Officer". Lei YingShan painfully criticized the ignorance of the nation and stopped the bloody incident. Lei YingShan became head of the township when he contracted Punta del Lago to a stockade of sugarcane and pepper. Unexpectedly, the pepper seedlings were pig arch; Lei YingShan got the sugarcane seedlings, the weather can be a long time no rain, the sugarcane seedling and yellow again. Mu Jin and his father, Jiong Kong, launched a sharp fight to save the seedlings. Jiong Kong, guarding the old rules of Jingpushan, lost his wife in the early years and now has three daughters, Mu Jin, Mu Tu and Mu Kun, both defying their father's life in varying degrees. Lei YingShan to create a piece of new things are always incompatible with the ancient rules, he was very painful. He thinks he is really old ...

Bewildered (Movie)[1988]

Feature: In the early 1980s, a wildfire burned a long-awaited forest fruit field on the island of Boracay Island. Fire and burn to the island's white house - brigade medical station. Shadow pretty girl, barefoot doctor Hibiscus injured in the flapping mountain fire. Shadow quite man, descend Township cadres Lei Ying Shan will be her back to Lelouch Village, was criticized by some people, Hibiscus father Jiong hole is also very offensive. Helpless, hibiscus back to the white house. Meng Long and Liang Zhai two Zhai Zhaotong war preparations for "" pull things "," hibiscus persuasion was part of the abuse of the masses. She got Lei Ying Shan, who called "evil demon mountain officer". Ray's Hill sadly criticized the ignorance of the nation, to stop the bloodshed. Lei Ying Shan became head of the township, he contracted Cape Punta to a stockade of sugarcane and pepper. Unexpectedly, the pepper seedlings were pig arch; Lei Ying Shan and get a sugarcane seedlings, the weather can be a long drought without rain, sugarcane seedlings and brown. To release seedlings, Hibiscus and his father Jiong Kong launched a sharp struggle. Guarding the old rules Jingpo Hill Jiong Kong elderly, early widowed, and now three daughters Hibiscus, wooden map, wood Kun different degrees of resistance against his father. Lei Ying-shan to build a piece of new things are always incompatible with the ancient rules, he was very painful. He thinks he is really old ...

blood dept (Movie)[1988]

Feature: In the autumn of 1948, to dying and deciding to turn the southwestern region into a no man's land and secretly building a concentration camp where senior political prisoners in the country were held, the so-called "07 Project" was implemented. To this end, the enemy began my siege of Montenegrin guerrillas. The Chinese Communist Special Commission dispatched military instructors and chiefs to the guerrillas to crush the enemy. On the way, they encountered the enemy and were unfortunately arrested. Lei Ming, director of the intelligence chief, tortured Bai Bin and Xue Fei and asked for confessions. Under the cover of the typist, Gu Yun, a Chinese underground worker under the enemy intelligence agency, has been secretly observing the arrested comrades. One day, Gu Yun found Bai Bin's confession material while typing, and immediately she handed the information to the underground party liaison officer Yang for transfer to the guerrillas. Bai Bin, Xue Fei Suddenly being taken to a car on his way to another place, the driver killed and escorted the soldiers, claiming to be liaison officers of the underground. All get rid of enemy pursuers, returned to the guerrillas. Night, the enemy quietly touched the village, attacked the underground party branch meeting, guerrillas political commissar for the withdrawal of comrades, his unfortunate arrest. Inspired by Xue Fei, the captain of the guerrilla force led three teams to ambush the valley and prepared to rescue Li Qing. Unexpectedly, he walked into the ambush of enemies, and both He Daming and the three team members sacrificed. At this time, radio stations of the enemy intelligence agencies are nervously listening to guerrilla intelligence. In the city, Bai Bin was chased by guerrillas disguised as enemy troops under the church, but the guerrillas were killed again by the enemy. The unbearable Bai Bin fired the gun and exposed his true identity. Bai Bin stole his intelligence at the enemy for "Project 07" documents. Lei Ming, long ago awaiting his longtime enemy chieftain, lifted his gun behind him , But also complacent about his carefully planned scam, the original true traitor is Xue Fei. Li Qing under the cover of the temperature aide officer underground workers, saved the day. Old Liaison Yang executed the traitor Xue Fei. Finally, the brainy and brave Bai Bin captured Lei Ming, shattering the enemy's plan. However, Bai Bin was unable to wash his innocence and was eventually guerrillas "except rape."

Jingduqiuxia (Movie)[1987]

Feature: In the last year, the European Football Buccaneers and the Chinese Embassy in Beijing conducted an ordinary ball game. This rare "stuff" attracted many Chinese people to watch. After the match, pirate captain Ha Li was dominated by the likes of his fiancee Zhan Ni, leading the player to humiliate the Chinese people and the Qing government officials invited to accompany him. Once upon a time in the United Kingdom, Zhou Tian, ​​who now has a long history of moving around, nicknamed "Kicked the Sky," came forward and respected the arrogant ball of Ha Li with his superb ball skills, humiliating the Chinese. Zhan Ni, a sinologist and a football fan, strongly encouraged Ha Li to challenge Zhou Tian. The ambassador to China had the ulterior motive to sign this Sino-Foreign football match. De TaiJian accepted the imperial edict to set up the Guards football team ready to fight. As Zhou Tian court infringed upon the Qing court, the Qing soldiers would like to arrest Zhou Tian for invitation. At this time, Zhou Tian was visiting a capable expert in Beijing with his friend Que ZiFei. They look for six skilled men: Liu Er, Liu San brothers and sisters who love their life and work in rivers and lakes, Zhao HuLi, the hero of the Boxer leader Hao BaoZi, Tie ZhaoLi and Yixia Huang XuanFeng. A soccer team spontaneously organized by the bottom Chinese - the Dragon Team was born. Zhan Ni is very keen on this game, bold and close to the Chinese people for the dragon team to find practice venue, cover the dragon team to avoid official hunting. In the days of getting along with the bloody men, she fell in love with Zhou Tian deeply, and thus dismissed Ha Li from marriage. Competition time is up, the dragon team is awaiting playoff, Qing Guards team to take over the first guard; despite their "" contained in the play against the fierce battle, but in the fierce fierce collision attack by the Western Fleet, across the board collapse, the Western team 6 ahead of O. Lurking in the stadium around the dragon team members to step forward at a crucial time to break through the Qingbang block, with each other to start a national football game related to self-esteem. Dragon team members to display their own "unique skills", so that the West team rude, brutal collision dwarfs, Ha Li watched his own goal sparring scoring goals, but no power back, the game the whistle, 10 to 9 Dragon team a ball win. The game won, but the gang was ordered by De TaiJian decapitation. Zhou Tian declined Zhan Ni to "fiance" in the name of saving him, resolutely toward the execution ground.

RickshawBoy (Movie)[1982]

Feature: The film based on the novel of the same name adapted from Lao She. Shoko, a hardworking rural youth, lives in the suburb of Beijing in the old society. After losing his land and his parents, Shoko came to Beijing as a coachman at the rickshaw factory in Liu Sikai. Shoko off from dawn, day and night to dry, hoping to buy a car himself, do not have to rent other people's car pull. Shoko finally got enough 100 yuan to buy a new car, but not long before it was captured by the warlite man. Shoko was in charge of pulling the shell with a rickshaw in the army, and the minibus rolled down the valley when Soshiko fled after he was defeated. Soldiers were both fleeing, Shoko accidentally picked up three camels in the army. He sold the camel and returned to Liu's depot as a coachman, giving him a name of "Camel Xiangzi." Liu Si's daughter Tiu (Siqin Gaowa ornaments) fancy Shoko, drunk Shoko with wine ... ...

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