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Yuan Du TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yuan Du Works 52 ,And Feature 18 ,Family drama 7 ,Crime 6 ,War 5 ,Romance 5 ,Modern legend 3 ,Love 3 ,Motivational film 3 ,Comedy 3 ,Year 3 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Resistance against Japanese aggression 2 ,legend 2 ,Suspense 2 ,现代轻喜剧1 ,题材1 ,Youth drama 1 ,年代剧1 ,Spy war 1 ,军事1 ,农村剧1 ,Historical play 1 ,近代题材1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,温情1 ,都市情感剧1 ,抗战1 ,当代军旅1 ,Modern 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,农村生活片1 。

Works Index

Yuan Du Filmography(52)


Love and be loved (TV)[2018]

Feature: In 1925, the separatist war war broke out. He Chengchu, the ancient western city warlord, was killed and his daughter, He TaoHua, survived and fled to the provincial capital alone to work as a servant in a Liao family. Clever peach won Liao master like, and love Liao Chunfeng Liao master young master. Before the wedding, Liao Chunfeng discovered that the peach turned out to be the daughter of Heji Chuang, a warlord of Baoji. The spring breeze could not be relieved to kill the father of Peach Blossom. So she killed her peach family wholeheartedly and told Peach and turned away Go, go to the battlefield. Peach to abandon all hatred to find Liao Chunfeng, hardships to find troops, but got the news of the war of Liao Chunfeng. After that, Peach Blossom found the Liao Chunfeng rescued by CCP and bravely bravely killed him and eventually died in a heroic sacrifice. Stills

The Looming Storm (Movie)[2017]

Feature: A small city in the 1990s, a weather forecast in a rare Blizzard imminent invasion of this area, panic occurred suddenly in a cruel serial murder case. Yu Guo Wei (Duan Yihong), a defending officer trying to get inside the system, is eager to take this opportunity to show off his very proud "detective" skills and to break into the system as a true police officer and model. Faced with the "exploration of the case" desire and Yan Zi (Jiang Yiyan ornaments) feelings, more deeper and deeper exploration, pay the price is also growing. However, the fate of destiny, everything is fixed.

Changan (TV)[2017]

Feature: The end of Sui and Tang Dynasties, & nbsp; Chinese history has experienced a period of turbulent fighting between the masses. During this period, Li Yuan's father and son, whose national title "Tang" stood out, occupied Guanzhong and capital Chang'an, defeating other anti-queens and defending the Central Plains one by one, thus opening the prosperous Tang Dynasty during the peak period of Chinese civilization. Li ShiMin made a great contribution to the rise of the Tang Dynasty, but his father, Li Yuan, never gave Prince Li ShiMin, which led directly to the deteriorating relations between Prince Li JianCheng and Li ShiMin, eventually forcing Li ShiMin to launch "Xuanwumen Change, "killing Li JianCheng, forcing Li Yuan to abdicate. Wei Zheng, a representative of a large number of intellectuals in the late Sui and Tang dynasties, witnessed the hardships of the people in Lebanon and people with ambitious aspirations and ambitions. He hoped that he would help the Ming emperor consolidate the Central Plains and create the prosperity of Datang. Many fate, Wei Zheng three lords of the adjutant later life Chang An. However, open-minded Li ShiMin still reuse Wei Zheng, learn from history, monarch and minister work together to achieve the "world Changan."

Dear them (TV)[2017]

Feature: With Gu JiaYi as her hometown, she shows the living conditions of the elderly in the city. She has a tiger mother who cares about her posters for her. A group of aunt who always takes care of her when she is a girl, Times of love, but also a few times more troubles. These old people have all sorts of trivial things, either plagued by illness, or disagreements with their children, or without reason. They have profound feelings for decades, Quarrel not only, but in the old partners who encountered difficulties, quietly guarding each other's side. Concentrated in this drama shows the lack of warm and positive energy. These accompanied by decades of old friends, in their twilight years of life, agreed to put down the world's troubles, to see the world together. Wait until you can not move to the old, agreed to come to homes for the rest of one's life & nbsp ;.

Datang Glory (TV)[2017]

Feature: Shen ZhenZhu was born, was chosen as Princess Guang Ping Wang Li Chu, gave birth to the eldest son of Tang Dezong Li, Li was chased after the Rui Regent. She just introduced a southern woman, good heart, surviving Sajik and goodwill, in Anshun chaos only willing to stay in Changan and common people advance and retreat, as Changan people respect. Though dispersed among the generals, Mo Yan Chuhu, pursued it, he still held his love for Li Chu. After the Tang Dynasty recuperates to Changan, the diaspora can not enter the palace, but Li Chu is determined to pick up the pearl back. The pearl takes the prince Li Chu as its priority and returns to the folk. After Li Chu looks for many places, the pearl is always reluctant to enter the palace. Wish to fulfill Li Chu. She won Li Chu's life unforgettable by her knowledge of Darjeeling's knowledge and the excellent quality of having both ability and political integrity. And she is not a luxury to coordinate the harem with a word to know the sufferings of the common people. Shen ZhenZhu, a generation of talented women, made certain historic contributions to the development of the mid-Tang Dynasty.

Fire attack (TV)[2017]

Feature: As a son of a fire martyr, Zhang MengYi inherited her father's behest and became the squadron leader of the first special squadron at Riverside. Zhang MengYi and his childhood neighbor Jiang Tao met by accident. Jiang Tao, as the first female instructor for the grassroots squadron, encountered "fancy crowding" by Zhang MengYi. In the face of the second-generation rebel kid Fu Qiang and rural youth Niu FenJin and other teams of different, distinctive personality recruits, the two even more because of the concept of substandard troops and the outbreak of intense conflicts. Meanwhile, the affair between Zhang MengYi and Fu Qiang's half-sister Ye Lu fell into a dilemma after a brief honeymoon. When the truth of his father's sacrifice gradually revealed in the mind of Zhang MengYi, he finally put aside the previous prejudice and Jiang Tao hand in hand, led the special squadron of these young and passionate fire fighters to resist the invasion of disaster, they always remember the beginning, with their own Blood and tears, sincerity and friendship between heaven and earth to write a sonorous and powerful "person" word.

北部湾人家 (TV)[2017]


电视剧《北部湾人家》剧情介绍:讲述了原地区副专员 Wei DaZhuang 有一个关系复杂的家庭,老伴是后继的,儿女中有养女、继女、亲生儿女。自从知道小女儿桂苏要回来任职的事起, Wei DaZhuang 就寝食难安,他给家里人制定了纪律,要求不给女儿添麻烦,但是大家庭里头,各有各的盘算。桂苏刚上任,就落入了副主任莫双虎的陷阱。强拆风波、上访风波、开发区中标事件接连不断,也让桂苏和丈夫 Lu ZhiWei 摩擦不断陷入冷战。工作组调查 Wei GuiSu 以权谋私的事情,后查出莫双虎受贿, Wei GuiSu 替他承担了一部分责任,莫双虎被双规, Wei GuiSu 被免职。心灰意冷的桂苏决定辞职,组织上严厉地批评了桂苏。她服从组织安排上党校读书去了。又是一个春节,有消息传来说桂苏要当自治区的副主席了。 Wei DaZhuang 高兴得仰天大笑:我让你们要相信群众,相信党 。


Remembering Lichuan (TV)[2016]

Feature: Xie XiaoQiu (Jiao Junyan), a college student and sister-in-law who met Chinese-born architect Wang LiChuan (Godfrey Gao), quickly fell in love. Lek legs with disabilities, but strong and resolute personality, gentle and thoughtful people deeply attracted the small autumn. It was not long before a report of the condition that Lek Chuan realized that he could not continue his love with Xiao Qi stopped all contact with her. Xiao Qiu alone swallowing the bitter end of love. Four years later, Xiao Qiu entered the job of a company belonging to Leichuan as a professional translator, but unexpectedly met with Lek in a bidding leak. At this moment, Xiaoqiu is being fanatically pursued by his boss Xiao Guan (Youwei Lin), and there is also a more beautiful and sentimental female colleague Zhen NiTe (Yumiko Cheng) in the area beside Leichuan. Love deeply loves the small autumn do not want to give up the old feeling, but can not bear to delay the small fall of Lek can only pretend to indifference. Xiao Qiu learned the truth, understand the painstaking Lek River, chose to leave, the two have always been together in the heart.

MadAboutYou (TV)[2016]

Feature: Stills Xie XiaoJun, director of the television station and Wu Yue, a white-collar public relations firm, got married only five months after they met, trying to find the ultimate answer to marriage. The freshness of being in love with Picasso was replaced by the seeds of oil of pomegranate. Xie XiaoJun and Wu Yue found that marriage was not what they imagined: they encountered new problems every day and encountered new tests. In their daily routine, they groped for marriage and solved They are one after another "first time." The life of Xie XiaoJun and Wu Yue is not just a "war" between two people, but they also must be unanimous in their dealings with foreign countries and get the plight of relatives and friends who visit at any time. They include the "chatter" group of ex-boss Wu Yue, present-day girlfriend Su Lai and her husband Ma Ding, Wu Yue's cousin Sha Sha, Xie Xiaojun's Ouyang Chen Di, and sometimes the families Nuclear explosion parents, dogs and even trouble can continue. Eventually, the couple married in this new apartment through a variety of marriages, the tender love into marriage mature marital responsibilities. Friends around Ouyang and Sha Sha also feel the charm of marriage, walked to each other.

Family (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the late 1930s, Ding Xiang, 17, was forced to marry Pei WenDong as concubine. Pei WenDong had two daughters, Kim Joo-joon, born in Liang Hye-han's house, and photographs of the pearl. Pei WenDong was forced to turn off her incense. Pei WenDong urgently asked his brother Pei WenDi to force him to marry Mei Yu-juan, her chosen wife. After Pei WenDi died, Mei YuJuan gave birth to Pei Jiaoyuzhu depression after death. After the liberation, Pei WenDong deserted, Ding Xiang resolutely took Jinzhu, Baozhu, pearl, Yuzhu back to the provincial capital, opened a snack bar, struggling with their children. Soon, she gave birth to a boy, named Vinda. Ten years have passed, children have grown up. And Leong Hsien-hsien because of Pei old house "Letter Park" deeds, and Zhenti's mystery of life has been difficult for Ding Xiang cross-examination. Pei WenDi suddenly appeared, but with her own daughter Jade Pearl stranger. When Ding Xiang handed down the deeds of his deed and Zhenti one by one, the children realized deeply the greatness of Ding Xiang as a "mother." After Ding Xiang tried his best to match up, Pei WenDi and Yuzhu's father and daughter were allowed to reveal their feelings and wept in the grave of Mei YuJuan, the birthstone of Yuzhu.

I am your eye (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1977, Chen Shi, an educated youth from Tianjiaba, was nearly blind with eye injuries. In the careful care of his neighbor Tian Chun Ni, Chen Shi re-sees the light and the two fall in love and get married. After the Cultural Revolution to resume the college entrance examination, Chen Shi in Chunni's support admitted to medical school. During her study, Chen Shi was chanted by her classmate Yan ZhenZhen, who, in the name of Chun Ni would delay Chen Shi's future, made Chunny divorce Chen Shi. After the divorce, Chunni found herself pregnant and gave birth to Chen Shi without any knowledge. An earthquake, Chunni son lost. Chen Shi joined the rescue team and adopted an earthquake orphans according to legal procedures. Later, he went abroad to become an eye specialist and formed a new family. Chun Ni is also a girl. Years later, the two spouses died separately and the two met again. Chuni sacrificed sacrifices silently to Chen Shi, but he was opposed by his children in the twilight years. In the end, Ms. Chunni is seriously ill and Chen Shi is willing to spend her whole life with her eyes & nbsp ;.

Mission impossible (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1941, the couple of European mathematicians Lan ZhiBing and Ceng JieRu deciphered the Japanese telegraph and password and returned to the New Fourth Army with their one-of-a-kind son Lan Tian. Whoever knew of the intelligence leak had just arrived in Jiangcheng and the Japanese invaders were arrested and the Blue's couple arrested Martyrdom. Lan Tian, ​​who mastered the code book, was rescued by the New Fourth Army but the Japanese invaded the city gates and captured Lan Tian. Dui Zhang Yin San, a Jiangcheng security guard, was originally an underground party member who lost contact with the party in an accident. In a critical situation, he assumed the task of protecting Lan Tian and started working with the Japanese military police Dui Zhang Gao Qiao. For security, Yin San hides Lan Tian in the backyard of the hotel. And with the help of her boss Shang GuanYu and others, I tried my best to protect Lan Tian. In order to send Lan Tian out of the city, Yin San overcomes numerous obstacles and ultimately sacrifices justice and lives with the enemy. Lan Tian and others escorted by the New Fourth Army by train to leave Jiangcheng and go to the base area. Organizational decision: Pursue Yin San as revolutionary martyr & nbsp ;.

Our innocence (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tu Qiang fell from the chimney on the night of the Tangshan earthquake and was the only You Ling present. Youjia spent five years in the spat of other people. Tu Yang's brother Tu Yang has been guarding You Ling and silently encouraged her. Five years later, You Ling and Ma XiaoJian fell in love, strongly opposed by both parents. Tu Yang settles with Liu Qing under the arrangements of his family. Ma XiaoJian's business failed. You Ling borrowed money from Hong Kong businessmen to set down a restaurant and hoped to start a new business with Ma XiaoJian. However, Ma XiaoJian thought that You Ling betrayed her and left alone. You Ling hugged Ma XiaoJian's children and concealed them from children. Sixteen years later, You Ling Restaurant was well-respected and Tu Yang and Liu Qing ended the marriage. Ma XiaoJian returned home and thought that her children were beaten by You Ling. They vowed to take revenge, and by whatever means eventually led You Ling to liquidation. You Ling fell back to civilian circles and was not allowed to marry him. This marriage eventually ended in Peace broke up. You Ling is not depressed after the setback, the second venture, at the suggestion of Tu Yang, "You Wonton Shop" came into being, sadly remorse Ma XiaoJian sadly left. You Ling, successful in business, finally accepted Tu Yang's confession & nbsp; with the encouragement of her daughter.

Naughty grandchildren (TV)[2016]

Feature: Wang Dong and Chen WeiWei, 80s old couple, have a 5-year-old child. Their children, Jia Le, grew up under the care of their grandparents. With the grandparents in rural areas breaking into their lives, The "win-win" wars of living habits and education concepts are launched. Three pairs, six adults, each with their own ideas and methods of "having children." In the jumble of conflicts, family members gradually got growth and change, and eventually the family lived a harmonious and happy life & nbsp ;.

Fatal password (TV)[2016]


The Deadly Code, also known as the Impossible Task, tells the mathematicians of Europe and the United States in 1941 Lan ZhiBing , Ceng JieRu couple deciphered the Japanese military cable code, carrying a son Lan Tian returned home to the New Fourth Army. Who knows the information leaked and just arrived in Jiangcheng. The Japanese ambush set up, the Lam and his wife Arrested to defend the country. Lan Tian who had mastered the code book was rescued by the New Fourth Army, but the Japanese nephew closed the gate and rounded up Lan Tian. Jiangcheng Security Team Dui Zhang Yin San was originally an underground party member but lost contact with the party in an accident. In a critical moment, he took up the task of protecting Lan Tian, ​​and began to intervene with the Japanese military police Dui Zhang Gao Qiao . For security, Yin San hides Lan Tian in the hotel backyard. And with the help of the boss's Shang GuanYu and others, they are doing their best to protect Lan Tian. In order to send Lan Tian out of the city, Yin San overcomes numerous obstacles, and finally he goes to justice for justice and ends up with the enemy. Lan Tian and others left the city by train under the escort of the New Fourth Army and went to the base area. The organization decided to ratify Yin San as a revolutionary martyr.


BalletintheFlamesofWar (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Through the love affair between ballet and heroine in the war of resistance against Japan, the film tells a poignant romance that crosses borders and exposes the cruelty and hypocrisy, intransigence and perfidy of Japanese militarism, demonstrating the common destitution of both armed forces and civilians in China and Russia and joining hands to fight against the fascist aggression Fighting friendship. On September 12, 1945, over 300 Japanese soldiers lurking in the jungle of the border town of Heilongjiang refused to surrender, stubbornly stabbing, bloodbathing local villagers and attacking the Soviet Red Army. Finally, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Forces and Soviet Red Army wiped out this piece of Japanese troops. Since the fighting took place on the 28th day after Japan announced its surrender, it was described as the "last battle" that took place on the black earth in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Warm heart my family (TV)[2015]

Feature: "My Heart Warmth" tells a legacy from heaven breaking the simple and happy life of Zhao Xiaoyu, her life trajectory has undergone enormous changes: a special identity attracted criticism and envy of loved ones and friends, a group of kinship relatives In order to suspect the legacy of the battle, fell in love for many years her boyfriend became someone else's husband, the chancellor of the executors and themselves became the contract couple. Who do not understand why Grandchildren and grandchildren will leave all of her heritage a person. Zhao Xiaoyu took the responsibility with sincerity and tolerance, let the fragmented family reunited, so that the long-lost family and warm return, she completed the mission entrusted by grandpa.

I am a robot (TV)[2015]

Feature: "I am a robot" tells the story of Yuan Bao from Wangcun Village was selected by a website to participate in a variety show, did not expect a hit. His peculiar life triggered a wide range of social attention through the photo calendar, but also led to the scientific community's attention. Driven by fame and desire, Zheng and Fu Fu scientists in the field of robotics have been involved in Yuan Bao battle. Student Huang FuBuHuo also unwilling to take the opportunity to develop the robot Yuan Bao and Long Nv, Yuan Bao step by step into a well-known star. However, after the real upsurge, Yuan Bao, Huang FuBuHuo and others gradually lost themselves. In pursuit of fame and fortune, Huang Yuan and Yuan Bao witnessed Zheng Zheng et al being devoured by the fame and fortune monsters, resulting in a tragedy. Both invariably fell into introspection of the value of life. Fully realizing their affection, friendship and love Valuable, they eventually choose to let go of fame and fortune, return to their original ordinary life & nbsp ;.

My Jagged Jinge dream (TV)[2015]

Feature: "My Jagged Jinge Meng" tells the beginning of 1939 winter, in order to implement top-secret "centipede" plan, the Japanese occupy the Jinji and Jizang provinces at the junction of the county of Wuji, and the anti-Japanese armed forces in the area were completely suppressed. Daliu Zhuang's life-threatening afterlife Leopard, with the young people in the village to the ocean to pick up the children, who knows the daughter of wealthy Wang YuCui accidentally involved, such as Tie Leopard and the Japanese exchange of fire. Zhang XiFeng, the captain of the Eighth Route Army, was entangled in the Leopard because of a lost Czech machine gun. Leopard in two women's chase, find any. Wang YuCui childhood love Leopard vowed that he is not married, but the Leopard has repeatedly pushed the three blocked four, Wang YuCui huff decided to marry him has been seeking the Tie Leopin small - people's commander He JinNan, who expected the occasion of the wedding He JinNan was captured by Japanese troops. In order to preserve the life of Wang YuCui, He JinNan became a traitor and led the Japanese army massacring 116 people in Daliu Zhuang. State hate grudges forced Tie Le and others to embark on the anti-Japanese road. Zhang XiFeng took the opportunity to lobby Cheetah to join the martial arts team, not interested in Leopard, but also secretly digging martial arts team's corner. Wang YuCui is very dissatisfied with Zhang XiFeng's entangled Leopard all day long. She is going to publicize her own daughter-in-law as a Leopard. Wang YuCui forced to marry the Leopard, Leopard said to kill 116 devils will consider life-long event, Wang YuCui's father, Wang ShuCai in order to allow her daughter to complete the wish of reward as soon as possible to kill the devil, for a time full of gunfire, the iron Leopard's most beloved little brother stone therefore died. Leopard grief endless, but also finally realized that their team deficiencies, led the brothers formally joined the martial arts team led by Zhang XiFeng. The Japanese army Tucaocun, everyone realized that the Japanese conspiracy ultimatum, Leopard fake Japanese military intelligence, but found nothing. Wang Zaizhai was slaughtered and the whole village was missing. Wang ShuCai was accused of being a "traitor". Wang YuCui found He JinNan asking him to help him find his father. Who knows the spies of the military workers? Wang YuCui come to arrest female eight road, at the close of the moment, Wang YuCui announced that he came to find He JinNan married. The Japanese decided to use the wedding of He JinNan and Wang YuCui to trap the leopards. He JinNan was killed by Tang JinShi for the protection of Wang YuCui, Wang YuCui was told upon his death, and the Japanese are building a secret granary. After the continuous exploration of Tie Le and others, the "centipede" plan of the Japanese army gradually surfaced. The Japanese army wanted to establish a large telephone communication base in Wuji to take charge of the entire north China's Japanese communications. Those villagers who disappeared were forced to work as laborers Dig buried tunnel of the tunnel. Wang YuCui discovered the secrets of the Japanese army and was about to withdraw but was taken away by Tang JinShi. Leopard deep into the tiger hole, and finally rescued Wang YuCui with the help of Zhang XiFeng et al. The superior dispatched the main force to destroy the Japanese communications base. Zhang XiFeng volunteered to go with the troops to the front and sacrifice heroically. Leopard saddened, bid farewell to his unmarried wife Wang YuCui, once again war. Lebanon and military commander set plans, the main force feint, led by himself only a few brothers sneaked into the underground communication base within. With a loud noise, the entire base and the Japanese on the ground were submerged in a sea of ​​flames, and the "centipede" plan was completely destroyed. & Nbsp ;.

Naked marriage (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Nude Marriage" Miao QingQing and Chi Xiang YI Cheng and Huang YiLin The young couple started their married life surrounded by flowers, wine, cars and houses. When Huang YiLin exhausted all her time and energy to try to keep this Beautiful scenery, it was discovered that the beautiful scenery of the hero has been lopsided with her. After graduation, Chi Xiang and Miao QingQing from other provinces will stay in Beijing to create a bright future. After the marriage, the two people have confused and depressed the real life tests of their careers, housing and childcare. With their persistent love for each other, The city has found its own place, work together to create their happy life. Four young men and women, who have just stepped into the threshold of marriage, have witnessed the changes of the concept of the times with their own different marriage experiences. However, they also understand that the true connotation of happiness is consistent. After the ultimate nude marriage of youth rely on Chi Xiang shoulder, abnormal happiness.

GoodWife101 (TV)[2014]

Feature: After the 80 Shanghai girl Li WenYu (Jiao Junyan ornaments) love persistent, longing for happiness, naked married Qingdao, but met the powerful character of her mother Yuan Si Feng (Xuejing Yan ornaments), and Tong XiaoQi (Luo Jin ornaments) pure love encounter reality Dilemma. Wedding night bathing, honeymoon blocked, work was suppressed, but also forced to have children. Mother and daughter staged a wonderful roundabout. Mother Li Feng (Kelly Niu Tien ornaments) north to help out to retreat into trying to help improve the relationship between mother-in-law, but make the situation more complicated; Xiao Qi ex-girlfriend Gu Nian with her son Tong Tong returned, full of heart to repay Sifeng The original bat Yuanyang and recapture Qi. Small Qi and Wen Yu's marriage ensued a crisis. In the twists and turns, Li WenYu comprehends the happiness and wisdom of "winning with love" and friends with Yuan Sifeng, a former painful marriage victim, and wins the return of Xiao Qi. It even made Gu Nian deeply moved and regretted excuse me. In the end, everyone has realized the true meaning of a happy marriage.

go home with me (TV)[2014]

Feature: Men JiaXiang When his career suffered a setback, his father, Men Rui, was in a car accident with his son Andy. Men Rui learned that Andy was not a door child. So his wife Liu Hui took Andy away. Andy's disappearance, so Men Rui found he still can not do without Andy, his wife Liu Hui grateful door, decided to succeed. But the reality is very cruel, my brother Men JiaZhu has been troubled, the star dream of sister lintels also bathing his wife, Liu Hui due to debt to commit suicide, all the pressure comes in Men JiaXiang head, due to Men JiaXiang's perseverance, slowly pay off The debt. However, Liu Hui assumed that her husband had extramarital affair. Men JiaZhu began to expand himself and the lintel got incurable. Wang Xiaoping, the biological father of Andy, came to the door and Men JiaXiang once again shouldered the burden of family. Due to many unintentional acts by Men JiaXiang, there were many unexpected surprises. At this time, enterprises also promoted Men JiaXiang as vice president, and Liu Hui wore Men JiaXiang's children.

Bayonet hero (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Bayonet Heroes" tells about the May 1942 war by the Japanese invaders in North China and the "May Day raid" against the base areas of the Jizhong military region. Liu Han, a reconnaissance captain of the Eighth Route Army, led a group of Li brothers and brothers who came from Orion in the mountain to serve as guides. When visiting convoy officer Mr. Wei on the way to the Jizhong military region, they encountered Japanese mopsticks and were forced to dive into Anding County separately. County contact point ambushed by the spy team. Liu Han, who was wounded, was rescued by Hong DaBao and received a superior order with the help of ward president Wang YuLan. After he was injured, Liu Han stayed in the stability zone to establish an armed forces behind enemy lines and fight the Japanese invaders. With the help of progressive youths like Zhongting Ting, hunter-born Li YuanJie and Zheng Erbao from the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, Liu Han fought wars and wars with the Japanese in Anding County. They were clever and tactful and used various tactics to combat the Japanese invaders and their troops Also grew up in fighting against Japan and became a bayonet stuck in the enemy's chest, which has dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Japanese invaders and laid the groundwork for the upcoming major counter-offensive by the main force and the recovery of Anding County. In order to obtain the war of resistance against Japan The final victory, made its own contribution & nbsp ;.

Lady (TV)[2014]


The sentimental drama “The Adopted Girl” tells the family emotional stories of the two generations of adoptive daughters in Xi’an in the ancient city from the 1990s to the present. By portraying a group of honest and kind Xi’an citizens, it reflects the tremendous changes in Xi’an after the reform and opening up, and at the same time shows the customs of Xi’an. The play will show the national audience the unique charm of the ancient city of Xi’an and the honest and optimistic attitude of the Shaanxi people. In addition, the show featured Xi'an attractions such as Daming Palace, Xi'an City Wall, and Qujiang. At the same time, a large number of folk customs embodying Xian's unique culture were interspersed in the plot.

Jade soul (TV)[2014]


The TV series "Jade Soul" story introduction: It was told that on the day of 1932, Su Hu, the son of Sujia, the great jade jade in Xiuyan County, and the daughter of Gejia, Dongjia, who was in the jade, held a wedding. At this time, the Japanese attacked the county seat and the wedding was suspended. The Japanese Ono newspaper invited the superiors to set up Dong'an Company, which occupied the Chinese jade mine and processed the jade and jade components. Su Hu was intimidated by the Japanese to explore the jade, took the opportunity to go to the mountains as a bandit, and later joined the anti-Japanese volunteer army. The second son, Su Ying, turned to the Japanese to become the president of the Chamber of Commerce, and Ge’s daughter Dongmei went to the monastery as a nun. Xiaoye heard that Gejia dug out a piece of old jade, and wanted to sculpt a big cock in the shape of a Chinese map. He gave a birthday gift to the Japanese emperor. Ge’s father called Su Hu to sink the jade into the bottom of the Suzi River. Su Ying helped the Japanese to fish from the river. Out, Ono forced the old man who had carved the jade to Pu Yi and Zhang Zuolin to personally practice the knife. At this time, Dongmei was assigned to the Su family by the Yi Yongjun, bringing explosives, preparing to blow up the jade pieces, and the old man was used to change the stone. Cheng Shou's birthday gift, the result was revealed at the time of loading, Su Laozi jumped into the sea, and Ono gave the Emperor's birthday defeat, and Ono was killed. After liberation, the cock jade became a national treasure and entered the history museum.


Family status (TV)[2013]

Feature: "The first door" tells the story of a winter year, Luo YiCheng got a daughter Luo XiaoBei. Because Luo YiCheng's wife Zhang Yin did not have any milk, her children cried all day, and He Ping knew something about his wife, Tang LiHua. Luo YiCheng fumbled, He Ping jumped into the ice hole Luo YiCheng pushed up, did not think He Ping was drowning death. On the same day, Tang LiHua, a victim of bereavement, was prematurely sent off and gave birth to son He ChunSheng. This tough woman is very generous, I heard the cries of the neighboring daughter, came to hold the child over, nurturing her with her milk. He Ping non-official died, superiors do not agree to report martyrs, Luo YiCheng up and down fruitless, self-blame, and determined, in any case have to take care of the life of old widowed mother and son, and insisted on chatting with Lao Ho on the ice That half is a joke promise, so that this new born man and a woman married. He asked the two mothers to hug their newborn child and shoot "Engagement Photos" & nbsp ;.

Razor action (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Lee Tachien Action" tells the story of the summer of 1941, Japan's Fengcheng Military District commander in Tokyo Songjing assembly forces on the Phoenix Mountain Eighth Route Army launched a frenzied lefty action screenshot encirclement and suppression, our army led by Commander Pan ZhongHe tough resistance, war guerrilla warfare , But also sent out a bombardment of Japanese ammunition cartridges by the "Lehman Corps" composed of seven people headed by Li Jian and blocked the enemy's arms transport line. Soon Matsui planned a large-scale campaign to destroy the Eighth Route Army and declared a failure. Matsui harshly accused Feng Shishui guard captain Qing ShuiGuangYi, Qing Shui greatly annoyed, retaliation, brutally killing Li Jian's parents and the village villagers. Li Jian went down to greet Liu ZhengWei in Yan'an, but was trapped in heavy rain and stayed at Yuliang Inn. Everyone was gathered at this inn - Zhang YunFei from Nanjing, Zhang Zhi from the Uprising, and Zhang Zhi from Japan. Of the 45 brigade CPL Brigadier Lin XiaoYu and the maintenance of traitors and so on. Zhang Wei mistook Li Jian for Zhang YunFei and Zhang YunFei stole Liu ZhengWei's briefcase. Li Jian recovered the briefcase and captured Zhang YunFei. However, Chen Qi, the assistant brigade commander of the 45 brigade coming to Nanjing, took the injured Liu ZhengWei. Li Jian, who did not complete the task, thought of himself in order to save Liu ZhengWei. He persuaded Ronaldinho to prepare for the 45th Brigade under the guise of Zhang YunFei. Lin XiaoYu, a underground party who had just arrived at 45 Brigade, went to work with Feng Li underground party leader Li Ling, who was Li Jian's sister. When the two joints were betrayed, Li Ling to cover Lin XiaoYu heroic sacrifice. Li Jian just entered Fengcheng, then see the sister's body was suspended above the city wall, Li Jian to the overall situation, to resist the pain of losing loved ones, into the 45 brigade. Li Jian, who entered the 45 brigade, has been questioned by many people and is in danger of being at risk all the time. Zhang Zhi pressed harder and harder, to take its life hidden in the 45 brigade military agents Xiao Yan was also ordered to investigate Zhang YunFei, and even the use of seduction means. Several crises were cracked by Li Jian. After many twists and turns, the intelligence of Li Jian Liu ZhengWei was sent out and handed over to Commander Poon. Liu ZhengWei see intelligence has been sent, fear of squad to rescue themselves and then casualties, biting tongue choke the blood to death. However, Li Jian is facing even more severe tasks. The Japanese invaders bought gasoline from Germany to solidify petrol bombs and prepare to send them to the mountains and annihilate the Eighth Route Army base of Fenghuangshan. Li Jian's tactics of turning east and west successfully succeeded in destroying solidified gasoline bombs. Lee Arrow special clan began hoeing campaign, and the other Fengcheng traitors fearless, water use to maintain the president Li Mohai and kill the kitchen knife set a trap, cited the Limits special troop hook. Li Jian came to the rescue and succeeded in resolving the crisis. However, Wei ShiKun, who died, was resurrected, destroying Li Jian's plan and surviving Zhao ChunSheng. Water run out of torture, Zhao ChunSheng Ningde unyielding, at the same time the special forces team launched Zhao ChunSheng thrilling rescue eventually rescued. Just as the Arrow special troop rescue Zhao ChunSheng, a fierce competition for Wen XiangNan's password book exploded. Japanese special courses leader Ling MuQinMei, Xiao Yan, Lin XiaoYu several forces involved, Wen XiangNan in their chaos of competition took the opportunity to escape, missing. In order to find Wen XiangNan, won the password book, occupy the forefront of combat operations in North China, superiors decided Lin XiaoYu and Lee Arrow connector.Two poster stills know each other at this time, the two tacit cooperation, deepening friendship. However, Zhang YunFei escaped luckily, escaped from the base of the Eighth Route Army, came to Fengcheng, and wanted to expose Li Jian to Qing Shui. Li Jian was in great crisis. Relying on his wisdom and careful layout, Li Jian forced Qing Shui to personally shoot the real Zhang YunFei, but in reality he concealed Zhang YunFei. Qingshui to Nanjing secret newspaper, Nanjing sent special correspondent Cheng Peng came to check the authenticity of Li Jian designed to deliberate out of the city to meet, want to create Cheng Peng killed by the Eighth Route Army at this time, but only Cheng Peng wearing a body armor, he hit Li Jian shot twice, Li Jian Jedi counterattack, hit Cheng Peng head. In the rainy night, Lin Xiao Yu and Xiao Yan saved Li Jian from life and death. Lin XiaoYu use of drugs induced Peng suffering from mania, eventually removed by Zuo GuangZong. Li Jian was seriously injured in bed, Zhuo Jiu instead of Li Jian and Wen XiangNan trading password, in case of Qin Mei, water and others red impulse to stop, under the command of Li Jian finally get the upper part of the secret code. At this point, extra-high school lesson plan inserted inside the Eighth Route Army spy "Bobcats" continue to convey information to the water. Both sides fight for the password to start life and death battle. In desperation, the special forces of Lebanon rely on wisdom and courage to win all the secret code, the secret code was sent to the Lawrence over there, played a significant role in the fighting in North China theater has been reversed. Li Jian, in order to make Zhuo Jiu safe delivery of secret code, took the initiative to hostage, was tortured by water. Finally, Li Jian, who was starved for three days, defeated Shimizu and managed to get out of the guard. Clearwater on the Rift Troops hated, in addition to Rittal special forces he sent Takeda et al fake, Li Jian designed to get rid of it, water loss of love Takeda. Underground party traitors betrayed Lin XiaoYu, Lin XiaoYu was arrested and jailed. Shimizu, Qin Mei tortured Lin XiaoYu, Lin XiaoYu clenched their teeth, did not disclose any intelligence. Li Jian and Zuo GuangZong forcibly broke into prison and asked for clean water. At this moment, Li Jian and Lin XiaoYu started the anti-counterwork work against Zuo GuangZong. Commander Pang Ling even came down to the 45th Brigade to work hard to oppose the work. Zuo GuangZong hindered his decision by disagreement within the brigade. Matsui dissatisfaction with water, ordered Hirose kamikaze to lead the invincible team, came to FENGCheng destroy militia team. At the same time, the military sent police to come forward and oppose the two groups, and Hirose wiped out allied forces. Then Li Jian and Pan Commander cooperation, the use of the Bobcats Kwong Lee arrow action drama stills into the ambush, the Kamura unit. Subsequently, Li Jian and clear water wits, each set of snares, and ultimately water loss soldiers will be folded, Qin Mei also died in the hands of Chen Qi. Matsui defeat, carrying the team retreated Fengcheng. In addition to Zuo GuangZong et al., The two placed bombs in the name of a banquet in an attempt to annihilate 45 brigades and officers. Li Jian Demolishes Bombs in Crisis and Prevents the Life of Zuo GuangZong et al. Chen Qi to save Zuo GuangZong, pregnant with explosives and Matsui go all out. Finally, under the leadership of Li Jian and Zuo GuangZong, the 45 brigade uprising struggled with the Japanese troops. Under the attack of Panjin Command and Zuo GuangZong Uprising Troops, Qing Shui defeated and was killed by Wei YiDe, the father of Wei ShiKun.Lehman Corps successfully completed all the tasks of "Lean Arrow Operations" and liberated Fengcheng. They again received orders from their superiors and rushed to the next theater to carry out even more arduous tasks.

Neighbors are crazy (TV)[2012]

Feature: Liu family and Lee family coexistence of a large compound "war" constantly. The root causes of the crazy grudges between Liu and Lee's two neighbors are their fathers, Liu XiuFeng and Li DaLong, both of whom quarreled for a long time for nearly three decades. Two other people were also involved in the dispute. Liu Ji Xiang, daughter of Liu XiuFeng, and Li Cheng, son of Li DaLong, study in a foreign land and become a couple, but they have to resort to "underground affection" after returning home. There was a steady stream of confusion between Liu and Li, their parents' objections, Liu JiXiang's sister Liu Mei-li's "love for all", secretary Lu Na's temptation to Li Cheng, boss Wei DaHai's harassment to Liu JiXiang, Test, eventually become positive. Liu Li's grudges between the two completely resolved, since harmonious coexistence, home and everything Xing.

Aunt and more crane (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Aunt Koike" tells the story of Japan's defeat by Japan in 1945 and the fledgling Zhu Nei DuoHe being rescued by Zhang Jian's parents during the flight to take care of the villagers who fled the Japanese mission in Heilongjiang Province. The identity of the crane has been a mystery. Zhu XiaoHuan, Zhang Jian's wife, lost her fertility as a result of the chase of the Japanese devils. Zhang Jia Zhang Jian want to continue for two rooms, after knowing that many crane, expressed willingness to Zhang children, in order to repay the grace of life. Later, Doroch gave birth to a woman and two men with Zhang Jian. After the liberation of China, the Marriage Law promulgated that Zhang Jian could no longer have two daughters-in-law. Dorian then changed her sister, sister-in-law, and aunt to Zhang Jian. After a family experienced ups and downs, but the affection and will make them through the storm.

The golden wolf's happy life (TV)[2012]


The TV series "Happy Life of the Golden Wolf" Introduction to the Plot: There is always someone who will eventually let you die with her. There is always a kind of happiness that requires you to devote all efforts to maintenance. On the road leading to happiness, have you found the embarrassment of maintaining family happiness? Xiaomi, who was an entertainment reporter at the newspaper, married his mother Wang ShuHua and stole his account and married Jin Liang from a doctor at the Beijing Jiayuan Hospital. Because Wang ShuHua gave Xiaomi death orders, non-Beijing boys did not marry! Jin Liang was a drifter in the north. Xiaomi knew the results of telling his mom. Therefore, she remembered Wang ShuHua and Jin Liang and he cooked the rice. Wang ShuHua has been divorced for many years. She has taken Xiaomi with her and treated her as an eyeball. She learned that a daughter with a big urine belt had secretly registered to marry carrying her. The other person was actually a drifter in the north, still a woman in obstetrics and gynecology. The doctor, Wang ShuHua had committed a heart attack. Already registered, can you divorce prostitutes? Under the persuasion of her ex-husband Mi Fan, under the strong offensive of Xiaomi and Jin Liang, Wang ShuHua could not accept the reality. After marriage, Xiaomi and the father-in-law live together. Jin Liang likes the big wolf and loves her. But life is not as beautiful as they imagined. Millet and the father and father don’t need to talk about contradictions. The splint was angered by the conflict between Wang ShuHua and her father-in-law. Jin Liang Dad’s wife has passed away. His ancestor surnamed Ai Xinjue Luo, Zheng Huangqi. Jin Liang Dad lived in a large house in DiAnMen when he was young. It is said that Jin Liang's grandmother had stepped out of the Forbidden City to push forward. There is a street in Shenyang that is the happy life of his family, Kintaro. Jin Liang is a typical descendant of aristocrats, descendants of Wang Ye. Dare to say that it is not Beijing. Not only is it still pure. However, these are useless at Wang ShuHua. What did you say of your ancestors? Is it interesting to say that you are ancestors? To say that the ancestors, millet's ancestor Zuzu or Erpin officials. What is also the name of Aixinjuro, too revolutionary. Millet and Jin Liang This couple thinks the marriage is really tiring. Jin Liang's work was also influenced by the family and it lit red. Under the command of Wang ShuHua, Xiaomi decided to go out alone with Jin Liang, but at this time, Xiaomi accidentally became pregnant, but she suddenly lost consciousness. Wang ShuHua thus hit the golden door. My daughter is young and inexperienced. What does Jin Liang do? As a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, his wife is not pregnant. Jin Liang extremely awkward. He admitted that his responsibility was that he neglected the physical changes of Xiaomi, not only did he not care about Xiaomi, and therefore he quarreled with Xiaomi and was even more miserable to lose the child. The pregnancy event had been fooled, but it was inevitable that it was separated. Jin DaZhu sold his house to Jin Liang. When the down payment loan bought a two-bedroom, two-room house, she also naturally moved into the new house of Xiaomi and Jin Liang. This made Jin Liang's dad particularly annoyed. He felt deceived by Wang ShuHua. He hadn't waited for two people to discuss how to deal with Wang ShuHua. Jin Liang's sister had an accident. Jin Liang's eldest sister, Jin Ming, borrowed a lot of money to do business outside. The business lost money, and she dealt a heavy blow to Jin Liang's dad. Under the care of Jin Liang and Xiaomi, the eldest sister first made a decision to make money to pay debts.Jin Liang and Xiaomi returned to life, but Jin Liang’s father did not get up and didn’t have the ability to take care of himself. The whole person was in poor condition. Xiaomi was dissatisfied with his older sister. Jin Liang felt bad about his father and planned to bring his father home. , but this matter must be discussed with Wang ShuHua, because both of them are old rivals. Wang ShuHua heard that Jin Liang and Xiaomi wanted to take Jin Liang’s dad to live. Although he was not very happy, he also felt that Jin Liang’s dad was miserable and agreed. Jin Liang also went to his friend Hua Mao’s private hospital from the original hospital. In this way, Jin Liang Dad moved into Jin Liang's home and settled down with Wang ShuHua and lived in a housing estate. Above sources


South to south (TV)[2010]

Feature: In 1948, the northern liberation. Pu XingTian, ​​a student of progress, and his lover, Ji Lin, a young cadre of the party, went south and left the South Station and resolutely joined the ranks of the cadres in the south and embarked on the road of liberation of all China as the army advanced southward. On the way south, we met with the fighter hero Wei JiuJin of the Northeast Field Army and the captain of the Mongolian former captain "Qing GeEr," thus starting the experience of these four young people growing up with the young republic together with four Emotional entanglement and deep friendship. Fearless and fearless, Wei JiuJin, a well-versed, wise and brave, has won the trust of Pu XingTian and became the guide of his revolution. At the same time, he also won the love of Ji Lin and eventually became her lover . Pu XingTian, ​​who persistently pursues his ideal and tirelessly persists in the truth, has also won the appreciation of Wei JiuJin and has become an educator of his culture. Meanwhile, his friendship with the Mongolian "Qing GeEr" guy grew more and more fierce and became a "brother" dependent on life and death. . When the revolution won, Qing GeEr faded military uniform was actually a daughter body. Everyone was shocked, the original that together in the war to kill the enemy, in the tent together to hug and sleep comrades is a beautiful Mongolian girl. His feelings toward Qing GeEr are quietly changing. In his soul, Qing Lian never actually even distinguishes himself from Qing GeEr. When all love disorder lifted, the two can express each other's heart, Qing GeEr chose to leave their beloved man.

Beveled Peking (TV)[2009]

Feature: Peking in 1937, the smoke rises, the Japanese iron foot tread Central Plains. "Seven Seventies Incident" broke out, 29 soldiers stationed in Wanping valiant heroic resistance. The mighty Beiping citizens and students paraded in solidarity with the 29th Army in the War of Resistance Against Japan. In the heated slogans of the students, Wen SanEr head donated a dollar, which is half his salary a month. At that time, Wen SanEr felt a good fight in my heart, allowing him a stupid car in front of young and middle-aged men in Peking had exposed his face. Did not expect, followed by the Japanese plane bombing, Wen SanEr suddenly want to understand some major issues, such as the anti-Japanese big thing, turn it can not turn their own concern, then set his mind, from now on It is heaven that he will no longer join in the fun. In fact, before Wen SanEr realized that "there was a major event in the country," many patriots had already quickly devoted themselves to all aspects of the war against Japan. The battle between the Ming battlefield guns and secret agents spy agencies at the same time between the unfolding. Xu JinGe, a veteran of the KMT's intelligence unit, was aware of Fang Jinglin, a patrolman who oversaw the area in the Japanese "Kasahara Shrine." Xu JinGe looked differently at the distinctive little policeman, but he did not realize that Fang Jinglin's true identity was a CCP underground member lurking in the police station. Although living in different camps, but somewhat sympathetic, two countries for the country to give up personal choice from the bond. Bai LianQi, a down-and-out-of-the-world eight-banner sibling, had to sell the last treasure his ancestors had saved at a low price of fifty oceans. Chen MingZe, owner of Wen SanEr, the treasure shop owner of "Ju Bao Ge", closed the picture of "Lan Zhu Tu" and handed it to Sankei Sato, general manager of "Kasahara Shoji," at a price of 3,000. These transactions have nothing to do with Wen SanEr, he only remember when he was sent to draw, he was playing a few slap in the face of Sato. Lu ZhongYong, an entertainment reporter for the Beijing Evening News, has always been an outspoken hypocrite. From the mouth of Wen SanEr, he set out the details of calligraphy and painting and immediately wrote an article saying that "Ju Bao Ge sold the national treasure to China Japanese, profit forgotten sin can not be forgiven. " At that time, citizens were anti-Japanese sentiment is on the cusp, Jubao Pavilion's shop was smashed smashed moment. Wen SanEr for the petty profit betrayed the owner, the result was lost his job, he also set off nowhere to end. Wen SanEr rested on the "same-car dealership" run by Tianjin-based Sun JinFa and stayed with other similarly undercar drivers. Sun JinFa called Sun Erye, they are a group of Tianjin Wei local ruffian, as provoked the Japanese, did not go down until they came to Peking. Sun Erye nature is hard to change, still managed the car with a rogue approach, the driver who had life bitter, but also endure being squeezed by him. Wen SanEr did not feel bitter, however, after he was hit by Sato, his mouth has been angered the anger, under the guise of the soil under the guerrillas Xiao JianBiao ruthless, actually go together to find the Satsuma Kasa company revenge, copy his home, Robbery robbery. Wen SanEr, unconscious, did not realize that he was just a piece of chess used to make a mistake in the looting plan of this master.Coincidentally, "Kasahara Shokominets" is actually a Japanese intelligence site, Xu JinGe and Fang JingLin secretly Sato investigation a long time ago, who expected that they have not had time, Sato off the door, just bought hands That piece of baby "blue bamboo figure" also followed whereabouts unknown. Yang QiuPing and Luo MengYun are two radical female students from Yenching University. They parade lectures and donations, and they all rush ahead. After the fall of Peiping, the situation with the enemy was even worse. Yang QiuPing accepted the KMT KMT's superior arrangements, and the action team leader posing as a businessman and husband, hidden identity. The leader is Xu JinGe, although Yang QiuPing was very impressed by him, but still obeyed his command and barely made his "wife." In the course of their actions, after two trials and hardships, their emotions were gradually changing in the midst of astonishment. Yang QiuPing relied on this powerful man, and Xu JinGe also touched her innocent woman. The fight was brutal. When an assassination failed, Yang QiuPing was arrested by the enemy and exhausted all torture. Xu JinGe Life witnessed a beloved woman was tortured in adulthood, he tearfully bullets into Yang QiuPing's chest ... ... Luo MengYun became a Communist underground member, responsible for intelligence delivery. Fang JingLin is her connector, the dim love sparks between the two become weak and illusory in the fierce flood of war, for the country they have been unable to grasp the personal feelings, but the two promised each other, to each other's love to persevere . Xu JinGe continued her work with great grief and focused her attention on a man named Quan YangPingZhai. Quan YangPingZhai makes friends with Japan's ronin and learns to play birds and worms for a long time. Its true identity is the chief of Japanese spyware and intelligence gathering in North China. After a long period of observation and judgment, Xu JinGe finally showed up with him and went to Kennedy House alone to negotiate with him. That day, thanks to pulling Xu JinGe past Wen SanEr drowsiness played too much, according to the instructions of the first came to find help, Xu JinGe escaped unharmed. Fang JingLin found Xu JinGe rescued on the road, shot without hesitation Japanese soldiers who stopped them and saved him when Xu JinGe was on the verge of death. The purpose of the action has not been met. Quan YangPingZhai is about to go back to Japan. Xu JinGe must stop because the man has all the information. Xu JinGe found that he robbed the "Kasahara Shoji," who was not only threatened to kill the Japanese spy Quan YangPingZhai by his son Hua Mao, but also solved the heinous rogue. Back Wen SanEr did not mix much in these chaotic events. First, Fang Jinglin saved his life from the Japanese soldier's gun. Later, he twice saved Xu JinGe's life on his own. Wen SanEr was forced to participate in this "anti-Japanese", but at least give him more confidence to go out brag. It is easy to expect the war of resistance against Japan to end, but life has not yet calmed down. The civil war ensued, and the original foreign partners became opponents. The relationship between Xu JinGe and Fang Jinglin has also become subtle and heavy. Xu JinGe thanked Wen SanEr for saving her life and bought Wen SanEr for the best rickshaw in the car.Luo MengYun With a generous rental package this car, Wen SanEr played never thought of rich life. Xu JinGe looked for a chance to appear in the face of Wen SanEr cousin, approached Luo MengYun of the Chinese underground intelligence officer for selling the painting, and the "blue bamboo figure" was transformed into a bait released by Xu JinGe. When Chen Shui-bao received the painting, Luo Meng-yun's father, Professor Luo Yunxuan, helped identify him. Professor Luo put it down. Luo MengYun In order to complete his father's wishes, did not hesitate to agree Xu JinGe out of the price. At this time, Xu JinGe received a higher order and immediately removed the underground telegraph station under the responsibility of Luo MengYun. Fang JingLin was also requested by the police station to assist in the operation. Fang JingLin watching their comrades, lover was blocked in the house, but can not be shot saved. In the face of all this, Luo MengYun ignited the explosives that had been prepared after the last telegram was sent, and a loud noise vanished. Xu JinGe saw Fang JingLin tears rolling face can not help but suddenly understand what. Xu JinGe saw the identity of Fang JingLin and his relationship with Luo MengYun's lover, Xu JinGe personally felt the loss of the favorite sadness, understand that this is not easy, but also do the best possible for Fang JingLin Screening, until the end, Fang JingLin identity has not been exposed. The KMT troops retreated steadily and the war of liberation ended in the great victory of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. At the last minute, Xu JinGe saw the essence of the civil war, took the interests of the country and its people as the most important thing and opposed the plan of an explosion and assassination by the higher authorities. It led the following ranks to actively accept the adaptation of the Communist Party and ensure the smooth and steady liberation of Peiping. Later, Xu JinGe was arrested and sentenced to prison for twenty-five years for "eliminating the evil" movement. Fang JingLin, who was promoted to deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Public Security Bureau all the way, was persecuted during the "Cultural Revolution" and took a prison sentence of 10 years. He returned to office only after 78 years. Wen SanEr was really shocked after witnessing the blew scene at Miss Lo's home. When he reacted, he realized that the good job was gone. Wen SanEr back to the same car dealers, and after decades of mediocrity and vogue day, and finally died in his life-long pot of wine. Fang JingLin and Xu JinGe agreed that Wan Chun Ting at Jingshan Zhongfeng met another 30 years and his two fingers each missed their own sweetheart at the bottom of their hearts. All kinds of war strife are at this moment attributed to dull, indulge in a bloody autumn & nbsp ;.

I am the Sun (TV)[2008]

Feature: Guan ShanLin, 36, a brigade commander of the HeBei province military independence brigade, heroic and fiercely fighting, has not yet become a married man at the time of the victory of the "I Am a Sun" stills. At the direction of Fang Qiang, commander of the military region, Zhang Ruping, director of the military affairs department, , Sister of Ba TuoEr, commander of the independent brigade, and Wu Yun, an 18-year-old man, became close relatives. Guan ShanLin initially disapprove of this marriage, but when he saw the beauty of Wu Yun can not help but full of promises. Being kept in the dark, Wu Yun was summoned to the Independent Brigade as a female soldier. First sent to the health team as a nurse, was sent to Mudanjiang City Pharmaceutical College to learn. Encountered bandits on their way to school, thanks to two guards desperate Wu Yun sent to school safety. In May 1946, the independent brigade of Guan ShanLin participated in the third suppression and suppression of Diao Ling's bandit nests, hitting the bandits nowhere to hide and throw their helmets to abandon their armor. While Guan ShanLin led the bandits, Wu Yun worked hard and happily at school and met two good friends, Bai ShuFen and De Mi. Guan ShanLin Busy bandits, my heart did not forget to read Wu Yun in Mudanjiang, and sometimes with troops passing by the city of Mudanjiang, sent guards to see Wu Yun, also called the guard after winter Wuwu Sent to a fur coat. Guan ShanLin led his unit to participate in the bloody battle Siping, in the tug of war, the team suffered heavy casualties. In the attack on the barbed that day more than half of the casualties, Guan ShanLin desperate to underground knife to link even personally command troops inch by inch forward to move closer. Finally, to avoid any further casualties, our army evacuated. After the autumn offensive in 1947, Guan Shanlin and Wu Yun held a wedding by Zhang Ruping, director of the Political Department. At this moment, Wu Yun knew that she had been organized by the organization to marry the "headman," who was twice the size of her elder brother, and she had silently endured it and sincerely loved her husband and admired her. In September 1948, the battle of Liao-Shen was started. Guan Shan-Lin led the team to attack Jinzhou. After a bloody battle, Guan ShanLin won the victory. Wu Yun also came to Field General Hospital at this time as a care worker, and strive to attend the ambulance team on the front line. At this point Guan ShanLin is nine division commander. Sometimes fate is so clever, when Guan ShanLin nine division tug of war across the Daling River, Wu Yun ambulance team also began to proceed to the Daling River. Two people accidentally met eyes blinked and looked at each other, obsessed watching. In the battle against Shenyang, Guan ShanLin was injured by artillery shells and Wu Yun also suffered a life-long headache due to a grenade shock. After seven days in a coma, Guan ShanLin, who was hit by a dozen shrapnel, miraculously survived Wu Yun's care. On the day of New Year's Day in 1949, Guan ShanLin returned to injury. After fourteen days, he led the nine divisions to the Pingjin Campaign, when Wu Yun was pregnant. Guan ShanLin is experiencing the worst battle in life ever since Wu Yun gave birth to her son Guan Lu Yang. After the country was liberated, Guan ShanLin received an order to go to Nanjing for a speed of 50%. It was the first time I saw my son. Guan ShanLin was named to pick up a senior commander training university in Beijing after graduating from Wuzhao. At the age of 40, Guan ShanLin finally reunited with Wu Yun.Guan Shanlin, who was assigned to the General Staff Office after graduating from the High Command School, transferred Wu Yun to Beijing through an organization. Wu Yun was arranged to be a pharmacist at a military hospital. Soon after, Guan ShanLin, longing for practical work, voluntarily transferred to the principal of the Hebei Air Force Cadre School. Wu Yun also transferred to the school's clinic and gave birth to a second son, Shaoyang. In 1955, the army implemented the rank system, and Guan ShanLin was awarded the rank of major general. This year, Guan ShanLin left Hebei dry school transferred to the General Armaments Department, less than six months in Beijing, he was transferred to Hunan responsible for the formation of a large military industrial base. Wu Yun was following Guan Shanlin this time and had given birth to her third son, Jingyang. The vast majority of the base's production lines are built from loans and technical drawings provided by the Soviet Union. The Soviet military consultative groups have great powers and the most crucial part of all technical information is in their own hands. Even China's chief engineer and production director can not access the top-secret information if they are deemed unnecessary. These Soviet consultants are both empty-headed and self-proclaimed, but Guan ShanLin dwarfed the arrogant Soviet consultants with their high sprites and applauded the Chinese military. After the Soviet Union expert withdrawal, two dementia, three years of natural disasters and other hardships, Guan ShanLin and Wu Yun two dependencies, hand in hand into a happy new society. Just as they enjoyed their later years at ease, a sudden car accident made Wu Yun a life-threatening plant man overnight. Guan ShanLin pointed to the rising sun when he said to Wu Yun: "Did you see that Wu Yun It fell, but did not it rise, and we were the sun, falling today and still rising tomorrow. "At that moment, a drop of crystal tears came from Wu Yun's eyes.

My left hand (Movie)[2007]

Feature: At five thirty in the morning, when the weather was over, Hu XiaoJun, an eight-poster instructor from an armed police unit in Wuxi, got out of bed with dim lighting on the window. His left hand was skilled in dressing, lacing and backpacking with the help of his mouth and teeth , Out of the hostel, began a day of restless morning exercise. Left-handed single-handed horizontal bar pull-ups, one-armed push-ups, until exhausted, heavily fell to the ground, despite the cruel past emerge in front. During the self-defense war against Vietnam in the early 1980s, Hu XiaoJun, the squad leader of the reconnaissance squad, lost his right hand in a military operation and sacrificed two comrades in arms to bring Hu XiaoJun back to the battlefield. When health care workers still fully deplored and still deplored "the announcement" of Hu XiaoJun's death, Nurse Fan ChunXiao was pleasantly surprised to find that there was still a glimmer of breathing in the hero who was about to put on the bag. From that moment on, Fan ChunXiao's call "Doctor, Fast, He's Alive" has become a familiar note in Hu XiaoJun's life and goes into his life together with love. Hu XiaoJun lose his right hand, desperate mood can be imagined. Her mother's double-waning twins, his father's deep trust and encouragement, his glorious sacrificial two comrades, and Fan ChunXiao, who pulled him back from his death, helped Hu XiaoJun defeat despair and start over. In the face of the generous care to be returned to work in his hometown, Hu XiaoJun used his left hand to demonstrate the true nature of the soldier and eventually remained in the army and entered the military academy with his comrade Liang Zhiqing. Hard military life, tough, persistent, challenge and miss spent. Out of the military academy, Hu XiaoJun still chose to come to the Eighth Armed Police Force as an instructor even with the reorganization of the former military forces and Liang Chih-Ching, who was covered at the same time, became the two leading officials of Eighth Route Army. Love the army, love life, love comrades, Hu XiaoJun time never forgot the love of Fan ChunXiao. An envelope was sent to a letter from a Air Force hospital in Yunnan Province, filled with Fan ChunXiao's drawers, filled with Fan ChunXiao's heart.

Life and death bridge (TV)[2007]

Feature: Beijing in the late Qing Dynasty was noisy, chaotic, and Huaiyu and his friend Chigo, who grew up in the corps, grew up wantonly. Orphans Huai Yu love play as life, horns, is a firm belief in his young mind. However, Li ShengTian, ​​the teacher who raised him, always obeys Huai Yu's mother's wishes and refuses to learn from him, leaving him no father-son. "Bridge of Life and Death" Shooting Highlights Chi students to impoverished. Hong Lian, the mother of a sex worker, raised and raised him. The only dream was to make his study a horrible one. It is said that Hong Lian is said to be a prostitute, Chigo continued her miss for the famous child. On the bustling flyover, they met Dan Dan, a girl from Beijing, who learned the story and sworn into brother and sister. In the backyard of the Lama Temple, three partners came to a mysterious, predictable future of the old eunuchs seeking their fortune. However, the three lives of "dead before death" and "dead after death" were actually knocked out by the black eunuch of the old eunuch, and the life sign was like a mantra and mystery on the head of the three men, shrouded their lives . On the eve of the demise of the Qing dynasty, the children of Yusheng Tang entered the palace for the first time and changed their dynasty when it was dawn. Beijing was in an uproar. Uncle Li Shengtian, at this time, consented to the request of Huai Yu, Shao NianHuaiYu began the journey of realizing the dream of an angler. On this day, Dan Dan left Beijing with Master and failed to say goodbye to Huai Zhizhi. Seven years later, Huai Yu and Chigo, who grew up as handsome juniors, reunited Dan Dan on the bridge. Both Huai Yu and Zhigao love Dan Dan, Dan Dan also has different attachment to the two brothers. The course ends. Huaiyu anguished the road exceptionally difficult, fortunate to master and Chi high partner backing, as well as in the heart of Dan Dan, Huai Yu has been very hard. Unlike Huai Yu and Zhigao Dan Dan's love of law, is a plain pursuit of high, and Huaiyu arrogant, he valued fratricidal friendship, he still want to cast aside ambition, he hesitated. This makes Dan Dan, who is in love with Huaiyu, scurrying. Early Republican, warlord melee. Male Dan Jin Bao offended a warlord, Huai Yu reached out to help, but was beaten with my colleagues. In order to retreat, with the help of a friend Shi ZhongMing, Huai Yu to go to Shanghai. Parting, Huaiyu implicitly expressed his feelings to Dan Dan, Dan Dan threw his heart to make Zhi Gao understand Dan Dan does not belong to himself. Shanghai in the 1930s, dazzling, bizarre. Huai Yu became a hit in Shanghai. "Cover" with Huaiyu, is the beach boss. Jin XiaoFeng In addition to the entertainment industry and media power in Shanghai, Shanghai's entertainment paradise - Le world, in addition, he secretly doing a lot of fearsome business. However, Huaiyu stabbed inadvertently Jin XiaoFeng - Huaiyu accidentally met a film star named Duan Ting and got the love of Duan Ting, Huai Yu also unable to extricate themselves. He did not know, Duan Ting Ting, it is Jin XiaoFeng woman. Jin XiaoFeng jealous Huaiyu had to leave the stage, life full of crises. Fortunately, the paragraph 娉 Ting Huai Yu help enter the film industry, in the case of Shanghai movie industry, cut off his head. Dan Dan went to Shanghai looking for Huai Yu, but saw Huai Yu and Duan Ting Ting intimate look, very desperate.Dan Dan stubborn for dignity, demonstrations to the rival, removed met Jin XiaoFeng. Dan Dan Just like Jin XiaoFeng first love face made him feel like a man, he promised Dan Dan all the requirements, Dan Dan made a big hit. After fame, many manufacturers began to support her in the movie, the acquisition Huai Yu Duan Ting where the movie company vainly crowded them. Between them, staged a grudge contest. Jin XiaoFeng once again lost her precious girl. When he learned Dan Dan and Huaiyu emotional entanglement, the hatred at Huai Yu. At this time, Chigo in Beijing has become famous, and Dan Dan's former friend Xiao Alice put out right. Jin XiaoFeng Zhigao go to Shanghai to perform, arranged for two brothers in the same stage performances, plans to chaos Tang HuaiYu. However, peers Li ShengTian came to Huaiyu died. Sheng days before his death, the call of the Chigo, let Huaiyu learned that Li ShengTian is a natural father who missed many years. Huaiyu could not forget the holiness of his first love, and he went to Dan Dan for a letter. They agreed to give up their own wealth and fled to Hangzhou. However, on the road, Mr. Kim sent the kidnapped Tang HuaiYu, to make him worse off, Jin XiaoFeng with a lime, destroyed Huaiyu's eyes and face. Huaiyu finally knew that stick "dead" deadly sign is his fate. He and Duan Ting Ting, the former star, retired to Hangzhou. Jin XiaoFeng's business fell into a full-blown collapse. Shi ZhongMing ruined this arrogant man with a meter. Jin XiaoFeng ended up only having Dan Dan in his possession, but he dumped himself on the island where Dan Dan was alone. When Chigo approached Dan Dan, the girl she had seen was scared silly. After the blood, at peace. Chogo "dead and alive" returned to Beijing. A few years later, Chigo married Alice, when the father, take care of her mother. He became the same corner with his father, holding a play troupe. Paragraphs Ting Yu accompany Huai Yu back to Peking. Flyover is no longer available. He went to the playhouse, blind he sat under the stage listening to the performance of the Chigo. After the show, Chigo received a note, the above name let him a tight heart: Huaiyu. He chased it out. In the Beijing alley in autumn, there was only a touch of sunset hanging from the sky to the west and a long, deja vu shadow.

Yu Gong moving mountains (TV)[2007]

Feature: Two thousand years ago, the stone village of Tai Sin was Taihang Mountain, Wang Wushan siege. Yu Gong (Hengxuan Zhao ornaments) suffer from home Alpine isolation, the ancestral closed, the pain of poverty, mobilize and lead the whole family to move the mountains for the benefit of future generations. Zhi Sou et al. Worried about disturbing the mountain god would lead to disaster, destroying the feng shui will have to make money, do everything possible to stop Yu Gong from moving mountains. Cao SheShen in the mountains is afraid of digging up the mountain and will nowhere to shelter it. This will mean that the demon practice will be so bad that Yu Gong has repeatedly been in distress. However, he has never wavered his ambition to dig Taihang and Pingwang Houses. Yu Gong eventually affected the villagers perseverance, have joined the team dug mountains, but also moved Yu HuangDaDi, Jade Emperor ordered the two Hercules will be a mountain back to the east of Shuo Fang, a mountain back to the south of Yongzhou in order to protect the harmony of the three circles. Since then, Yu Gong feat known throughout the ages, Yu Gong spirited.

Doctor (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Dr. Magistrate" tells the story of Yang Bo, a graduate student at Nongda University, who came to Shuiyuan County as a deputy county magistrate who is in charge of agriculture and science and technology; and Yang Bo's mind always keeps in mind that he should complete his own magnificence in the field of scientific research ambition. He also insisted on writing a lot of articles in the work space, and was well received by the relevant departments. The work of one year's deputy county governor will soon pass, and Yang Bo is ready to leave. On the way to the countryside where Yang Bo and the old magistrate Cao Sen went to conduct research on the countryside, he met a villager dumb, who flew into the countryside without warning and crashed into the roadside. This triggered the heart disease of the old magistrate. The old magistrate Unfortunately, passed away. Gao Jin, executive deputy chief of Shuiyuan County, learned of the accident and immediately went to the hospital where he handled all aspects of the business thoroughly. The sudden death of the old magistrate, gave Suiyuan County caught up and down by surprise. Gao Gao went directly to Shi GaoCheng, who was in the provincial capital to hear the news and went back. Shi GaoCheng suggested that according to the procedure, the deputy mayor in charge of daily work should succeed him. Municipal Committee Secretary-General Wang Xiping came to Shuiyuan County, announced that after careful study by the municipal party committee, decided to appoint Yang Bo as Suiyuan County Deputy County Governor, presided over the county until the expiration of this term until the election. This decision is beyond everyone's expectations, even Yang Bo himself is also astonished. Gao Jin quietly, the first decision to support the municipal party committee must work well with Yang Bo. Yang Bo thought it was his girlfriend Yu Xiaojuan use of the relationship between the arrangements for him, can Xiaojuan vowed she did not do tricks. Xiaojuan advise him that the peace has come, worked as a county magistrate, nor their own future not bad. Yang Bo dutifully became deputy county magistrate in Suiyuan County. The original secretary of the county magistrate Wang Dezhi became his secretary. The "little king," nearly twenty years older than him, became the right-hand man to constantly steer Yang Bo's work. Yang Bo When the magistrate met the first thing, his car was smashed glass. Tracking the "suspect" girl Nizi, Yang Bo came to Wen XiuXiu open shop. It was learned that Nizi is the road to complain dumb daughter. Yang Bo came to the detention center with her little girl and went to see the dumb imprisoned for the traffic accident. She knew Yang Bo's identity and could not help but burst into tears and handed him an appeal letter. Wen XiuXiu writing for the villagers litigation, Yang Bo with her little girl came to Qili source village. Yang Bo learned from the village that in addition to dumb, there are still a number of people in the village who were beaten and disappeared when Tiantian Group clashed in the village. To investigate the incident, Yang Bo brought a working group from the city. Who knows the attitude of the commoners suddenly turned down, for the original to say all the denials, and praised the day domain group Lei Yong care about their lives. This is why Lei Jin, at the behest of Gao Jin, bought them by means of money, workers, and city accounts. Lei Yong also threatened to dumb, then complain, take his daughter surgery! Lei Yong sealed their mouth. Yu Xiaojuan suddenly promoted, another house and a car. A fake pesticide incident, Xiaojuan found her client is Lei Yong. In order not to hurt Yang Bo, Yu Xiaorong reluctantly and Yang Bo split hands.The television station received a report that there were many small dismantling plants on the Shindauling Ridge. There was a phenomenon of dismantling toxic electronic components and workers were often poisoned to death. And they rest during the day, work during the night, and deceive government workers. Reporter Chen cosmetic into the plant, interviewed the work of the workers. For their 200,000 pensions, they risked their lives to work for the boss. Chen reported the situation to Yang Bo, but she was manipulated and the evidence was lost. After investigation, the general manager of these dismantling plant, but also Lei Yong! Yang Bo and Gao Jin, who came to him, worked together to make great efforts to start remediation of these small dismantling plants and were strongly opposed by Lei Yong. They abducted Yang Bo and they wanted to move away from this stumbling block. Gao Jin led the rescue of Yang Bo. Lei Yong found Qili source buried underground rich veins. If you can mine, will be a steady stream of minerals. Gao Jin supported Lei Yong's "development" for the county's GDP. Yang Bo through the investigation, mastered a comprehensive material. For Suiyuan County long-term sustainable development, in order to environmental protection throughout the county, he mobilized his knowledge to make the county long-term development plan, a comprehensive denial of Lei Yong's "development" program. In the face of facts, Gao Jin has finally changed his own concept. Two generations of cadres work together to unite and harmonize on the goal of reunifying the construction of the country and work together to make the people live a safe and happy life. Yang Bo is ambitious and started his official county life. The first person he took up was Hong Kong's forthcoming report, a new generation of university graduates.

Iron plateau (TV)[2006]

Feature: Iron Plateau Stills Second, to build Yunnan-Guizhou strategic railway, 200,000 railroad soldiers march southwest frontier. After a five-day confinement, Qin Qun, a railway corps A-hammer unit chief, was dying to rush to the first battalion battalion commander. The expedition camp to the Golden Dragon near the Golden Triangle, the public situation complex. The commander warned that he was ready to fight on both fronts at any time. Qin Qun en route to meet the team en route female surveyor Xia XiaoYue all the way fellow, on the way bandit, Qin Qun and gangsters exchange of fire. Came to the first ... sent camp, Xia XiaoYue Fang Qin Qun is the first camp battalion. Qin Qun let Xia XiaoYue put away the sun flower skirt, Xia XiaoYue and Qin Qun quarrel. Pre-camp soldiers acclimatized, many people sick. Camp Lu LingLang Female Medic returned early, and brought a martyr orphan "small skirt." To repair the bridge, platoon leader Chi HengBei wrong cut the cottage "god tree." Qin Qun angrily tied Chi HengBei with apology. A cottage woman let jade to Chi HengBei untied ropes. Another girl named Floyd drinks water to Chi HengBei. Chi HengNi, brother of Chi HengBei, thanked his father and his daughter for their rescue, and both brothers went to Wo West for gratitude. Do not want this close contact, so that Chi HengBei and drifting adolescent love. Woosi surprised to learn Xia XiaoYue's father is his 30 years ago, "rival." Ye ZhengYuan Sacrificed his Rescuing Friend in the Son's Landslide of the Corps of Soldiers, Ye ZhengYuan Silently Hides Everybody. The party committee decided to revoke Chi HengBei's platoon leader, while Chi Heng Bei's mountain roared a revolutionary song and the warriors responded. Wo rushed to the troops to "see son-in-law." Let jade Lei Lei ZuoFu search reconnaissance army's arsenal. Little skirts got the scarlet fever, to find medicine, Kang Dong Bao night horse flew to the field hospital, a small skirt was finally saved. Ye ZhengYuan finally fell ill soldiers were sent to the hospital. A large square accident occurred in the tunnel. A row of soldiers such as Chi Heng Bei sacrificed in the cave. Xia XiaoYue learned that bandit conspiracy Fried Bridge, she lit the explosives, and the enemy together. 20 years later. After nearly 40 years of fighting history, the railway corps solemnly bid farewell to the army flag. A few years later, Qin Qun got a terminal illness, to see a comrade in arms, surrounded by little dresses of the year daughter dresses. At the martyrs' cemetery, Qin Qun met Chi HengNan, who stayed here after his illness. Qin Qun at the comrades-in-arms tombstone, then, the train whistle sounded, "Railway Corps Song" echoed in the sky over the plateau.

Sea Gate (TV)[2005]

Feature: In the early 1980s, Taiwanese businessman Lao BaGu traveled to mainland China to explore the path of searching for the lost son Mao Han and the adopted daughter Nu Nu, who was adopted during the war. The orphan, . She "scattered baskets scattered money" to folks, like a bomb to shake the hearts of people in Haizhou. Under the influence of the shrimp shrimp Jiu ShuGong, Xia YiJiang and Shi YiJiang, determined to get out of poverty, want to create a "common people" car. The first test drive smashed the girl loquat. The unlucky "two rivers" Take care of her in turn. Yu YiJiang gave the iron rice bowls of the state-owned factories to the orphaned Yeh who organize their own "paramilitary" militia building corps and kill them from the countryside to the cities. After several changes, young bosses suffered setbacks in their respective businesses. Shi YiJiang's car dreams hit the wall; Xia YiJiang sewing machine lack of competitiveness; sister was assassinated, loss of foreigners money, Hengxin Yaotake apologize. Jiu ShuGong shrewd and unscrupulous, so that Yu YiJiang gave up hundreds of millions at a crucial moment, to a state-owned small plant on the verge of collapse. Private sector head of a state-owned factory manager, he bought a new drug for the treatment of hepatitis, so that the "mountain god" back to life; Jiu ShuGong and sent by the party secretary to the office of the Mao Han Jin party learning. So that both of them are protected in advance in the campaign of rectifying the economic field spread all over the country. However, Mao eventually could not stand the punishment of Jiu ShuGong's "old hen" generation. Sad Jiu ShuGong gradually revealed his political report negative, and mystery of young people's life experience. Small bosses came to 1992, ushered in "as a collective" joint-stock cooperative private-owned enterprises, the development of another spring. Lao BaGu to return to the mainland mysterious, complex. She loves the motherland, loves her hometown and invests in the Mainland. However, Mao Han, son of Mao Zedong who lost her father's seat in Taiwan when she was defeated in "One Jiangshan Island" that year, has always been emboldened. Yu YiJiang several catastrophes, mostly because she secretly. However, foreigners want to bring down the "mountain god" and make Uchu absolutely intolerable. Subsequent to the election, Jiu ShuGong suffered a cold reception; when the loquat cured his illness and returned to the country, unable to balance it, the "emotional bonds" of Xia Erjiang and Jiang's benefactors tended to gradually become Yea's who have become underworld figures. People in their affiliated enterprises from "collective" to private, from family to shareholding system transformation, in the redistribution of interests and emotions, the pain of re-combination, suffering and honed. In 1997, the financial crisis in Southeast Asia coincided with the worldwide economic downturn, and the Lao BaGu business was on the verge of collapse. One of the stills of her portraits of the sea was haggard, confidant, and wanted to force Mao Han, who became the mayor of Haizhou, to step down from her family business. The result is counterproductive, mother and son are like ice. Enter 2000. Mao Han took office as Secretary of Party Committee of Haizhou and outbreak of a large counterfeit banknote that shocked the whole country. His wife was killed again. Mao Han nightmare go hand in hand. "International Seminar on Automotive Safety Technology" to be selected car, Tsinghua University Automotive Laboratory and Germany's "Benz" comparative impact test. Chinese and foreign manufacturers have retreated. Shi YiJiang with "Time" brand car to come forward. "The collision of the century" to "era" car fame overnight. Xia YiJiang's sewing machine won first prize in international bidding because of two "human holes."However, Yu YiJiang listed for the "mountain gods," who repeatedly fall into the trap of Yea, the final insolvent, was closed down by the inspection authorities. Shuangmei with Yu YiJiang has a kinship and suspicion of "help", deep into them. Eventually she completely understand Ye is using her, only time and again to the desperation. She picked up the "Japanese command knife" alone into the leafy who heavily guarded "palladium plant." Tai Tai, Lao BaGu's assistant, always has an unrequited love for Yu YiJiang. Critical moment, she wants to mobilize all the funds, once injected into the mountain god. Lao BaGu was strongly opposed. Shuangmei's "Kao" under the "Dong BeiPao" left and right blind expansion, complete bankruptcy. Lao BaGu surface acquisition of "Kao", but in fact the concentration of power in an attempt to control the Haimen Chaoyang business "Haimen shipyard." This intention was Jiu ShuGong et al. All relatives in the play are involved in economic lawsuits and face the big choices of "justice", "interests", "causes" and "affection." Lao BaGu fall back to roots. In court, Lao BaGu scared four and insisted on taking up the entire debt of Kao and gave up all his power. At the same time, she reimbursed "heart debt" she had owed A Nu for half a century. Yeh who desperation, inspired by Jiu ShuGong, surrendered to the public security organs. Over the past 20 years, a generation of young people accompanied the opening up of their motherland to a great era, battling growth, becoming rich with the grassroots, and making mistakes. Mao Han together with his juvenile friends at the seaside is amazing: in any case, it can not be distorted or alienated by the material world. The story of people, one on one pair of the final love have their own. Five bookstores working in Haizhou gathered in Haimen, cut the ribbon for the launching of the Great Wall and made suggestions for the take-off of Haizhou. Haizhou people with the same broad-minded mind, courage and boldness, open the door to the sea. Whistle blowing, a brand new modern wheel out of Haimen Hong Kong & nbsp ;.

Xuan Guan Man Road (TV)[2004]

Feature: In July 1934, the Kuomintang army also concentrated the forces of 32 divisions in launching an all-out offensive in the central Soviet Area. The situation deteriorated and the Red Army fell into a more passive position. The Central Secretariat and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission were forced to carry out a major strategic shift and ordered the Six Corps to make its first breakthrough and opened the prelude of the Long March of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants. Through the arduous struggle, the Six Corps led by Ren BiShi, Xiao Ke and Wang Zhen led the triumphs of the Red Army, led by Qianlong, Heilongjiang Province and He Long on October 23, Following the launching of the Western Hunan offensive, it directly threatened the Kuomintang to reunify the hinterland of Wuhan and Changsha. It contained the troops of the Kuomintang army of eleven divisions and two brigades, created favorable conditions for the strategic transfer of the Central Red Army and effectively responded to the completion of the Central Red Army The Greatest Long March in Chinese History. After the Central Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, the Red Army and the Sixth Army began their long march. They have taken over Hunan, transferred to Qiandong, broke through the Wujiang River and implemented the Wumeng round-robin war. They have to deal with tens of times their own enemy troops and establish contact with the Central Government in the case of communication difficulties. Feint Kunming, Qiao Du Sands, in 1936 July in the Chukang area and the Fourth Red Army to join together and contributed to the Fourth Red Army northward, in late October 1936 eventually formed the three main forces of the Chinese workers and peasants Red Army division The great situation. The two or six Corps fought in eight provinces and made more than 20,000 trips. After experiencing hundreds of battles of various sizes, they paid a heavy sacrifice and made great contributions to the Chinese revolution. Mao ZeDong, chairman of the Red Army and the Fourth Front Army, when meeting with leaders of the Red Army and the Fourth Front Army in Shaanxi Province, said that while paying a large price for Guizhou and Wujiang provinces and for the Central Red Army, the two sides negotiated cleverness without any loss. It is an amazing miracle that you ten thousand people came or ten thousand came without a discount.

Track (TV)[2004]

Feature: TV series "track" stills old police SongZhongZhong attack on the way labeled as vegetative. Forty days later, the old policeman Sun Guiqing was also attacked on duty and was seriously injured. The May Fourth pistol was also taken away. Valley City was shocked. For a time, Gucheng Street can not see a person wearing a uniform, Gucheng people caught in a panic. Police He Ping Although the same plum pattern shoe footprint was found on the concrete pavement in front of Song ZhangZhong's home, a carpet-type investigation of Gucheng was carried out. However, the case was always in a fog. Thirteen days after the killing of Sun Guiqing, police graduate Lin TianGe was shot dead by his own gun in the district of his fiancee, and the May Fourth pistol was taken away. The public security case set the case as a love affair. Shang QiuYun, a fiancée of a policewoman, became The first suspect. Ye TongShan is in charge of the project. Aide Zheng Zheng and Xia XiaoQi joined the task force. A large number of police students such as Lin TianGe's friend Lu WeiDong also became suspects for no reason and were subjected to protracted censorship. Deng Long was spied on by Ye TongShan, causing QiuYun to fall into solitude. Ye TongShan found new clues, excluding all the suspects, but the end result of handling unfavorable dismissal, female detective Fang Li also came to his side at this time, with the gentleness of women concerned about him. Zheng Jun married Fang Li's pretty sister, Fang Hong, who gave Zheng Jun a life-long and happy life. The case has been unbroken In order to attract investment, the new mayor ordered landscaping. While cleaning up the riverbed, he accidentally discovered the guns and ammunition of the police officers who were killed. Ye TongShan volunteered for secret investigation of the source of the guns and magazine. When the truth came to an end, everything was expected and unexpected.

Dusty (TV)[2004]

Feature: Yang Hsiao-yen, a senior army cadre who has declined the government's arrangements after he moved to the localities, founded a private-owned enterprise and devoted himself to local construction. However, the path of his enemies is narrow. His rival in his young age, chairman of a powerful enterprise group, suffered a rather fierce conflict over the right to build Jiangling community. Fierce and cunning Pu source, not only resorted to despicable means to crush the company Yang Xiao, Yang also took the wife and children. Nearly desperate Yang Xiao rely on the military will of the steel, but also rely on the young beautiful, talented engineer Tao Lan's full assistance finally out of the woods, took the responsibility to develop and build Gangneung district, leading his business embarked on Cotai Strip, Yang Xiao himself proudly walked into the ranks of China's outstanding entrepreneurs. This drama is directed by Yang Shiguang director after studying in the United States another masterpiece, he took advantage of a few days ago to take advantage of the West to co-director of the film "Courier", Zhao Wei's first TV series "big cube" is also from Yang Guide hand. The play woman architecture designer plays a Chinese "soul song" little days love. Director Yang Shiguang has directed the TV series "Magic Cube", he introduced, the number one woman can be said to be tailor-made for love, because the female designer returned from studying in France, loving temperament prominent, and "returnees" Cultural background, the two are very fit. Although this is the first filming love drama, but her acting or got Yang Shikuang's praise.

Soldier Zhang Ga (TV)[2004]

Feature: The story of "soldier Zhang Ga" takes the Baiyangdian in Baoding City, Hebei Province during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression as its background, Ga Zi's (Bruce Winant's) dream to participate in Eighth Road, and dreams of launching a real gun of his own. Grandmother sacrificed for the protection of the Eight-Way Old Bell (Yuan Du), and Ga Zi only found Luo JinBao (Hong Jin-young) in the county seat. In the county seat to get acquainted with small and medium-sized treasurer Tong Le (Zhang Yishan ornaments), Ga Zi revenge, but plunged into a devil to kill. With the help of Tong Le and a mysterious plainclothes, escape from danger. Plain underwear turned out to be Luo JinBao, Ga Zi will be brought to the team secret hidden place, Qian DuiZhang (Cui Jinhua ornaments) retained Ga Zi. Since then Ga Zi Zi itself, followed by eight teams and the team played a pick war curtain, Ga Zi seized a real gun. Seeing all the dreams realized, but the gun was received captain area. Ga Zi could not figure it out and returned to town with Pang Dun (Du Yu), a beloved companion. Ga Zi wants revenge for grandmother alone. At the same time, Liu Yan (Qian Duo Dao), commissioner of the rear, shoulders the mission of ambushing through the Baiyangdian Lake. Liu Yan did not know whereabouts, devils sent Shi Lei (Naiyi Liu ornaments) as a special agent mixed into the team. Ga Zi's scheme was inadvertently discovered by Ga Zi. Ga Zi and Tong Le, Pang Dun, acted as mistreated gang members Chun Gang (Jun Song). Chun Gang turned out to be uniformed by the children, making a letter not an argument. Baiyangdian fisherman daughter Yu Wang (Wang Shasha ornaments), saving Liu Yan when fishing. Liu Yan injured hard, please Yuying go to the city to find liaisons. Yu Ying encountered in the city of Ga Zi gang. The tripartite forces around the real and fake commissioners wits and courageous task force mission is imminent, a large number of drugs will be within a specified time after Baiyangdian. On the devil side, Kameda and Zhai Teng (Koji Yano), a martial arts documentary, tried to get the truth out through spying Shi Lei in the shortest possible time, bringing the team's Eighth Route and drugs to full swing. District team Qian DuiZhang gradually see through Shi Lei true colors, the total count of devils dispatched. And Liu Zhen, the special commissioner, is with the children. After all sorts of misunderstanding and coincidence, the children led by Ga Zi smashed the conspiracy of the enemy and coordinated the smooth passage of drugs along the eight routes of the district team to annihilate the Japanese devils of Zhai Teng.

Jade Guanyin (TV)[2003]

Feature: "Jade Goddess of Mercy," the classic drama by friends Liu MingHao introduction, Yang Rui participated in the Beijing Sports Taekwondo training courses, where he met An Xin dry handyman. An Xin pure appearance, melancholy eyes, fans of the same life deeply attracted by Yang Rui. As their interaction increases, Yang Rui gradually learns about An Xin's rough and complicated experiences. An Xin's hometown won the provincial Taekwondo female champion when she went to Qing Mian in Yunnan Province and was admitted to the provincial Taekwondo female champion in high school. After her entrance examination, she was admitted by Guang-Guang Public Security College for the first time, accompanied by his son Zhang Tie Jun Reporter) acquaintance, fall in love. After graduating from college, by their own strong demands came to the grass-roots level of South Germany Public Security Bureau exercise. Mao Jie, who was handsome and passionate because of an accident, derailed her marriage with Tie Jun because of her derailed behavior. In a mission, she discovered Mao Jie was actually a drug traffickers. The anti-drug brigade annihilated the drug trafficking stronghold headed by Mao Jie's parents. After Mao Jie knew the true identity of An Xin, he started a frantic retaliation and Zhang Tie Jun died in Mao Jie's hand. Organized out of a love and care for her anonymity to help her in Qiu Bei City, a building materials company to find a job, however, because the manager of the unreasonable entanglement An Xin had to leave this place with their children came to Beijing, "Jade Goddess of Mercy" stills introduced by an acquaintance in the capital Taekwondo Club became a handyman. After being falsely accused forced to leave, first in a small restaurant for two days, and finally came to Sanhuan Furniture City to help people sell furniture. Yang Rui is responsible for a capital construction project at Guinness Company and was arrested on suspicion of taking bribes. An Xin up and down RBI, running around, and finally to the plaintiffs accused of evidence was found guilty. Yang Rui, who never took any responsibility for love, was impressed by An Xin's personality. He deeply fell in love with An Xin and they decided to get married. Mao Jie met again when she went to Yunnan to marry him. The Nande Public Security Bureau killed Mao Jie with the help of An Xin, but Mao Jie had killed the hijacked bear. An Xin and Yang Rui returned to Beijing. Yang Rui believed the time would have aroused the pain in An Xin's heart. Their happiness sooner or later will come. However, An Xin left the letter a few days later and disappeared. The letter says she is responsible for the dead husband and son. Yang Rui found a drug enforcement unit in Nande Public Security Bureau, and Pan DuiZhang told him that An Xin was doing what she was willing to do for her. This was her own wish. Before breaking up, Pan DuiZhang handed out the piece of jade avalokitesvara that An Xin was carrying around to show his kindness, ideals and motherhood to Yang Rui.

Never miss you (TV)[2002]

Feature: Wei Tao, a police officer at the Xin'an police station in Songjiang City, shot down triad leader Chen YiLong and stopped two men in an incident that stopped a masked criminist from assaulting him. Although Chen YiLong escaped, but under the mask that never missed you flirtatious drama TV series so Wei Tao unforgettable. Chen YiLong was entrusted to find the police station Zhou SuoZhang "wesseller" because the week "does not give face", they organized the police station. Wei Tao, who had been transferred to the Interpol team, came in. Wei Tao helped Zhou SuoZhang to subdue the criminals. Chen YiLong hijacked Wei's girlfriend Wu Meng and forced the two sides to exchange hostages. Wei Tao recognized him as having been injured a few days ago Face people. In order to unveil the true nature of Chen YiLong, Wei Tao repeatedly analyzed the cases he uncovered and found that there are many doubtful points. Due to the sheltering of Chen Qiu, Wei Tao failed repeatedly. As a result, my colleagues were misunderstood and severely criticized by Qiu. Chen YiLong wants to be transferred to Interpol, which is boycotted by captain Zheng Zhong. Chen Wei Tao as the biggest obstacle, under the planning of military strategists Lao Lu, forced Meng Meng to falsely accused Zhou SuoZhang and Wei Tao abuse of police equipment, wounded the masses, creating the illusion of competing with his girlfriend Wei Tao, confusing. Zhou SuoZhang was scolded by Qiu for his fight with the Chen YiLong group, and later saw the bureau sent Chen to examine him and angrily resign. Wei Tao was eager to clear Chen's face, disciplinary investigation, and Qiu Bureau angry that he should be punished. Zheng Zhong defended Wei Tao, agreed to transfer Chen YiLong to Interpol in exchange for the order, and handed the two to Yang Kun. Due to its strong social background and economic strength, Chen YiLong rapidly inflated and subdued the forces of the gangs and swallowed the larger Chou Wu gang to fabricate a case of wanted Chou Wu. At this point he and the original underworld boss Lu ZhanShan into the trend, both want to get rid of each other. After being faked, Wu Meng has been controlled by Chen YiLong, full of fear. Chen YiLong Wei Tao because he was too tight, designed to reconciliation, promised Wu Meng as long as advised Wei Tao no longer against him, let her out of control, give them a house to get married. Wei Meng persuaded Wei Tao to take a step back and live a stable life with her, but was severely rejected by Wei Tao in a grief. Zhou SuoZhang's death made Wu Meng feel guilty. She was abused by Chen YiLong Group and secretly vowed to take revenge. Never miss your actress posters Zhou SuoZhang and Yang Kun has sacrificed, Wei Tao desperate, he firmly believes that Chen YiLong is the murderer, said he would never let go of Chen. Zheng Zhong, who has been transferred to Interpol detachment, found him and gave him a new assignment. He took advantage of Yang Kun's child's illness to raise funds for treatment, bowed to Chen YiLong, went to work outside his spare time to earn money, Inside Chen YiLong Group, contact Wu Meng to collect criminal evidence from Chen YiLong Group. Chen YiLong is a man of arrogance and self-esteem. On the one hand, he is very wary of Wei Tao and has a strong desire to conquer him. The painful lesson and the blood from his comrades-in-arms have made Wei Tao mature. He humiliated his shoulders and took the initiative to deal with it. With the help of his gratitude, he gradually dispelled Chen's waryness and deepened the core of the group, found Wu Meng and mastered the Chen YiLong Group Conclusive evidence of crime. A huge battle started.Under the command of the leaders of the central, provincial and municipal levels, with the cooperation of the Armed Police Force, the Songjiang police took a full-scale attack and the Chen YiLong triad gangs were swept away.

Traceless Snow (TV)[2001]

Feature: Before the reception held by Ding SiLingYuan, the military region where the leaders of the provinces and cities went home, the important secretary of Dongjiang Steel Co., Ltd. in Songjiang City and secretary Zhang of the Municipal Party Committee were shot dead in the loft of the hotel. Site investigation found no suspicious clues, the case was identified as 12.18 major cases. Scout Fang YuLin took photos and videos of all the reporters on the day and felt that the murder was related to important provincial and municipal leaders. Fang YuLin and Ding SiLingYuan's daughter Ding Jie is a childhood friend, but because of the difference between his younger brother; so that Fang YuLin inferiority and courage to develop the relationship between the two. Ding Jie was originally a student of Vice Mayor Zhou Mi; both of them gradually developed feelings during their contacts. Donggang cadres Liao HongYu was retaliated against for reporting, to find his hometown Zhou Mi to help mobilize the work. With the introduction of Yan's secretary, Zhou Mi made friends with Feng XiangLong, chairman of Nine-day Group, an influential entrepreneur in the city. Zhou Mi diverted Liao HongYu to Feng XiangLong. 12.18 The big case can not be identified because of the photo, making the case difficult. Fang YuLin discovered Qin ZaGong Li Fugui, who made a perpetual disappearance in Zhou Mi's hometown, and found out that Yan Mi was promoted by Zhou Mi from his native Shuanggou. He suspected that the big case of 12.18 was possibly caused by Zhou Mi and reported his inference to the bureau. That night he was killed by a police car and survived. Liao HongYu to the nine-day group was assigned to Oak Clear Storage Base, to know that the state-owned assets worth 50 million yuan has been Feng XiangLong sold 5 million yuan to Hong Kong businessmen. The working groups dispatched by the provincial authorities have unequivocally investigated and concealed their guarantors and finally provoked a collective petition for sit-in of workers. This incident triggered the Oak Bay incident. Governors of provinces and cities ordered Zhou Mi to speak with Feng XiangLong and Feng suggested that the move by Zhou Mi was guided by Gu FuShuJi, leader of the provincial anti-corruption leading group. In order to find evidence, Liao HongYu copied a nine-day account and seized Feng XiangLong's crime. And to "people" as a pseudonym report to the province. Do not want magical Feng XiangLong get a whistleblower letter, Liao red characters that night was even cut a few knives into the hospital for treatment. Feng XiangLong still refuses to give up, and spends money to hire a Soviet doctor to harm Liao HongYu. The kind Soviet doctor secretly protects Liao HongYu and brings her to Beijing to sue. Fang YuLin learns that Ding Jie has frequent and extreme contacts with Zhou Mi, and he has been persuaded several times that he can not explain it clearly. Until the day Ding Jie discovered that Zhou Mi was intimately involved with secretary-general's playboy Gu SanJun; Fang felt that Fang YuLin's advice had a profound meaning. She took the initiative to find Fang YuLin many suspicions, and told Fang YuLin Zhou Mi home has a dictionary with holes. In the case of Liao HongYu, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission ordered the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission to re-investigate the case of the nine-day group. Feng XiangLong was arrested for taking bribes for corruption. The only time left for Zhou Mi to study abroad is what it means to be a major suspect in the 12-18 major when going abroad. When the public security warriors knew their share, but no credible evidence was approved by their superiors, Fang YuLin thought the dictionary might have been shot at. He asked Ding Jie to remove the dictionary; Ding Jie arrived at Zhou Mi's home and was captured and bound by Zhou Mi; Zhou Mi himself arrived at the airport. Police responsible for monitoring rescued Ding Jie. Zhou Mi's crimes were revealed and approved by the provincial party committee, police officers arrested Zhou Mi before the plane took off.Zhou Mi explains the motive and whole process of murder in the 12 · 18 major case.

TheStrawHouse (Movie)[2000]

Feature: One morning in 1962, Zhi Yue, a frail girl without a father, was taken by her grandmother into a grass house in Yau Ma Tei Primary School to become a member of the elementary school. Zhi Yue, a gentle and pleasant person, was soon welcomed by everyone, and Sang Sang, the son of principal Sang Qiao, often made some shameless moves to attract everyone's attention. Schools organize rehearsal programs to participate in commune texts.

Beautiful silver that (Movie)[2000]

Feature: This is a movie that reflects the new life of rural China in northern China.

Hero no regrets (TV)[1997]

Feature: Nan Bin Municipal Public Security Bureau Chief Gao Tian (Pu Cunxin): He is a blood boy, straight, self-discipline, self-denial, honest, fearless, law enforcement. Pu Cunxin decorated Gao Tian "Heroes no regrets" is a panorama of the reproduction of the People's Police in the reform and opening up to protect the tide of the sea of ​​outstanding TV series, is to carry forward the heroism of reformism heroism Hongzhongzhongzhong. The story is soul-stirring, intricate, heroic tenderness of children, clavicular Zhengzheng ... ... Gao Tian students graduated from the police station after graduation assigned to work in Nanbin City Public Security Bureau, in an economic case by unfair disposal and sadly left The police force. After several years of struggle, Gao Tian emerged again as deputy director of an economic development zone in Guangzhou and became a young leader who has a role in the economic field. While his career and life was smooth, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau recognized Huachen, removed the wrong punishment for Gao Tian and urged him to return to the Nanbin Municipal Public Security Bureau, which put him in a dilemma. At this time, the mentor, "Lao CaiLiao," who fought bravely for fighting black forces, inspired Gao Tian's idealism and heroism. He resolutely returned to the police force. Still, when his work was fruitful, he faced another serious crisis - his girlfriend left him for failing to understand his public security work and Di MeiHua, a businesswomen who led his career as a confidante, started Toward the road he did not wish to see, he went farther and farther, and Hu YongHuang, a good friend of many years, turned against him. However, the international drug trafficking syndicates regarded Gao Tian as a thorn in which he took all despicable measures including intimidation and assassination Means ... In the face of all this, Gao Tian is how to face, but also how to rely on their superiors, join forces with the Hong Kong police, crack down on the black forces, and how to get rid of emotional entanglement to find the real emotional end? Through the public security department efforts to solve the masses concerned about the issue of social comprehensive governance, by displaying Gao Tian complex and tortuous life experiences vivid and panoramic picture of Guangdong Province reform and opening up more than 10 years in all fields, including the concept of morphology The profound changes took place. Yuan Li (actress), who carried forward the revolutionary heroism, embraced the ideal of Wu YinYin and demonstrated the spirit of the war crime culture in the south of the Five Ridges. The case of kidnapping by Hong Kong businessmen caused Gao Tian, ​​a police-loving person, to return to the case investigation team and work with Hu Yong Huang, former deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, who is also an old schoolmate who used to be the "Three Musketeers" of the police academy. The case is complicated and confusing and involves the 24K triad in Hong Kong, the international drug trafficking organization and the upper-class people in the public security system. There are many difficulties in solving the case. At the same time, the three women who are entangled in Gao Tian's emotions are even more confronted with the dilemma of career and love. Friends and partners of the friendship and betrayal, the emotional test of the huge sufferings, heartbreak and painful wounds, Gao Tian can really regret the achievements of heroic reputation it?

SilentWitness (TV)[1996]

Feature: Zhifei Wang Yungang City, broke out shocked the country, "Point Hill Case No. 1", the merits of the case from an ordinary murder case, unexpectedly found in the suburbs pit with pit buried bones, forensic identification, confirm this is Lasting ten years, a single case of serial murder, and almost all victims of self-degenerate female college students, the entire Yungang city shrouded in the shadow of terror. Under the guidance of Liu Bao-sheng, the young police officer, and under the guidance of criminal psychologist Chen JunWei, young police officer Zhou Ma used criminal psychology to look for the culprit hidden in the big crowd. They targeted Shi Yin - a company that owns Shi Yin confesses his crimes with a good family background and highly educated but mentally-challenged people because of the clashes between family businesses. More Images However, the loopholes in his confession provoked Liu Bao-sheng and Zhou Ma's Concerned that just as the case progressed, Shi Yin committed suicide before being brought to court. At this time, the old inquisition Liu BaoSheng to go to Beijing for the name of the meeting without the knowledge of Zhou Ma field investigation, but he was mysteriously disappeared, the case again confusing.


Feature: Zheng Xin, the captain of the young drilling crew, happily went to see his fiancee, the female driver, Chang Lan-lan, after receiving the task of developing a new field in a remote area far from the crowds. Unexpectedly, Zhang Lanlan was very indifferent to him and proposed that he leave the well team and said that only to leave the well team to get married, or only a one-off. After a painful and fierce ideological struggle, Zheng Xin resolutely chose the latter and left Chang Lalan reluctantly to develop the new oil and gas region of the moon and lake. The stratigraphic structure of the Moon Lake and the new oil region is complex and difficult, and it is very difficult to strike a high-pressure well. In order to ensure the development of oil ...

Old fee (Movie)[0]

Feature: "Old Fee" is a movie produced by the Movie Channel Center in 2004. Tell a story about "old fees." The old fee, called Fei Zhiqiang. The day came out of the high wall, the day was especially cloudy and especially cold. Old fee wrapped in thick down jacket, set a crow cap, carrying two bags, went downstairs, just to catch the mother-in-law came back from the outside. His mother's unfeeling, son's indifference, the old fee has the mind to prepare, there is no way to say anything, who let themselves be "drinking fight" who squatted large prison yet. Although my mother urged her daughter to show up early with this "drinking and fighting" people, the old saying goes: "One day a couple hundred days grace," the old fee, after all, is still her husband, and can not show that heart. Mother-in-law did not mean the old fee, the old fee did not go upstairs. Showdown down from upstairs, the old fee arrangements for the third in the depths of the alley in a large unused cottage vacated temporarily. With the children under the age of alley Dazhe hospital because of thieves frequented by patrons, it is particularly chaos. The arrival of the old fee, so neighborhood, big aunt's ancestors thought that the old fee is sent to the police station to squat, but do not know the bottom of the "piece of beef" in front of the old fee holding a shelf, red boss. "Piece of cow" called Bai Baojiang, unemployed. When looking for work in the old fees filled the streets but not when the old fee has been friends Baibao Jiang said a buddy opened a small department store, idle is idle, it is better to take the handle, what help the last stock, a Open two thousand dollars a month. A month to open two thousand dollars, for living by sweeping the street for his son Fei Guangming high school and the return of the show, the old charges without a job, is tantamount to helpless. However, after picking up a shipment to Bai Baojiang, from the sneaking at pick-up, looking at Tibet, the old fee feels it a bit unreliable and will quit. After that, the old fee begins to look for a job all over the street. When nothing else is idle, the old fee goes to the school of my son, looks at the son far away across the iron fence, or follows the train to the countryside for training Behind his son, with good far and far. Shortly after that, the old fee found a job from the little street advertisement, which was the diner behind a diner. In order to prevent the boss to come from Henan Hu master father and daughter go, the old voluntarily laid off Hu Shi Fu, how much the salary does not care about. Small restaurants, small businesses, the boss is not easy, the old fee is not good. However, large jail out, all 40-year-old person, can not find a job is not easy, and work well with Master Hu, Hu master Gratitude, there is a matter, Master Hu's ideas to the old fee to help A great deal. One night, the old fee and master Hu drank wine while he was at get off work. Wine is in full swing, the old fee to say the year "drinking fight" thing. In fact, what kind of drinking fight, in the strict sense, should be considered courageous. But that was the case, so that the old fee into a big prison. Hu master also has its own difficulties. In the daughter Xiaolan accidentally smashed a box of wine in the restaurant, Master Hu was afraid his father and daughter were the boss 撵 go, put a box of broken wine pushed to the old body fee. The old fee can say what, in the face of Hu and his father and daughter pitiful way, the old fee only two words: leave.Back to the cold lonely big house cottage, the old costs silently bear what happened. At this time, the police knocked on the old door fees, Bai Bajiang accident. The old reminds me of the place I visited when I first picked up Baibaojiang. I took the police and arrested a group of people who were suspected of drug trafficking. I chased away a few stops and took Baibao River, who could not breathe air. After this stop, his son Fei Guangming finally understand my father. Years ago, the son took the old fee back from the big cottage complex home. Looked almost with his own high son, and his wife show a well-crafted table a large table, the old face for the first time exposed a smile.

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