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Chang Kuo-Chu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Chang Kuo-Chu Works 44 ,And Feature 22 ,Romance 20 ,Comedy 7 ,Action 7 ,Suspense 6 ,Urban drama 6 ,Costume Drama 5 ,Martial Arts 4 ,Youth drama 3 ,Idol drama 3 ,浪漫2 ,Crime 2 ,Thriller 2 ,推理1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Workplace film 1 ,Spy war 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Magic 1 ,Adventure 1 。

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Chang Kuo-Chu Filmography(44)


唐人街探案 (TV)[2020]


光怪陆离的泰国,接连发生多起奇异的案件,“唐人街第一神探” Tang Ren 的徒弟 Lin Mo ,野田昊的弟弟 Ye TianHaoEr ,纷纷陷入探案的谜团之中。死者妻子IVY、酒吧歌手 A Wen 、五大灵童战队成员 Lu JingJing 、初出茅庐的女警 Sa Sha 也悉数登场,错综复杂的线索背后,藏于黑暗的真相正慢慢浮出水面 。


时间都知道 (TV)[2019]


《时间都知道》讲述了31岁的 Shi Jian 在前去看望丈夫 Ye JiaCheng 的飞机上偶遇易贸集团老板 Yi Pei ,飞行过程中飞机突然陷入剧烈颠簸, Shi Jian 晕厥,在梦中独自一人回到了10年前的大学时代。适应转变后, Shi Jian 开始提早为母亲治病,为闺蜜引路并决心要提前与 Ye JiaCheng 相识相恋。十年之中, Shi Jian 看到了 Ye JiaCheng 在认识未来的她之前的生活和故事。与此同时,这个时空里的 Yi Pei 却爱上了 Shi Jian 并成为了她坚强的后盾。 Shi Jian 与 Ye JiaCheng 经历重重困境之后,终获祝福。但看似幸福的结局却被一场意外打破, Ye JiaCheng 为了救人,死于车祸。心灰意冷的 Shi Jian 最终没能打破时空的界限,她决定在同一时间搭上了同一航班,灾难如期而至。 Shi Jian 在病房苏醒,一梦十年,看到身边的 Ye JiaCheng 感慨万千,所有的回去与归来,都是为了与爱重逢 。


如若巴黎不快乐 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《如若巴黎不快乐》剧情介绍:讲述了身为律师的 Ruan ManJun ( Qingzi Kan 饰)因为感情用事帮助男友渡过公司的经济危机,不慎触犯法律入狱,并被吊销律师执照。哪知在她刑满出狱的那天,却是男友与他人结婚的日子。万念俱灰的 Ruan ManJun 终究为自己的年少无知付出了惨痛的代价。就在 Ruan ManJun 人生最灰暗的时候,遇上同样受过感情之伤的 Tong ZhuoYao ( Hans Zhang 饰)。 Tong ZhuoYao 事业有成,想帮助 Ruan ManJun ,哪知 Ruan ManJun 却将其拒之门外,坚持从最底层的外卖员做起,并进入了外贸公司任职。凭着自己的努力与知识背景, Ruan ManJun 一步步成长为公司的主干业务人员。就在大家以为 Ruan ManJun 会就此满足时,她却毅然决定放弃已获得的一切,重新考取律师执照,回到律师行业,用法律去帮助那些真正需要帮助的人,重新找回了自我,并以独立自强的人格魅力赢得了 Tong ZhuoYao 的爱情 。

《如若巴黎不快乐》是国龙影业、DMG印纪娱乐、一画开天影业、童乐影视联合出品的都市情感剧,由张博昱执导,饶俊、王超编剧, Hans Zhang 、 Qingzi Kan 领衔主演, Lin Yu Shen 、 Ying Li 、 Chang Kuo-Chu 等主演。

Successor plan (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Successor Plan" Li JinShui was originally an ordinary youth who did not have ideal, timid, and had too much experience. His emotional poster in order to raise funds for the sick mother, went to work in a foreign country, but overreacting with the youngest son of the family's first son Kinji replaced the identity of the younger son. Never thought, at this time King father illness, gold brother in order to fight for the family succession rights, all things difficult for his brother, and to be stung. Time and time again, Li JinShui was lucky to survive the crisis thanks to the help of the old police. Since then, Li JinShui and Lao Pu have formed deep friendship. In the meantime, the hopeful faction of Dong Xun, a hostile enemy of the Golden family, also took the opportunity to embezzle Kinmen's businesses. Li JinShui and Dong Xun's overbearing daughters, Hee Hee, never dealt with no deal, despised each other and helped each other. In the clashes between the two clans, Li JinShui and Shan Xi broke through many obstacles and finally felt each other's true feelings and developed into lovers. Li JinShui, who has gained friendship and love, really understands the significance of "being brave because of human responsibility." In order to live up to the expectations of the good hee herself and to upset her own trust in her own life, Li JinShui, in spite of her personal safety, is brave Help Park collect the criminal evidence of the eldest brother of gold, will bring the bad guys to justice, but they fell under the calculation of the bad guys & nbsp ;.

This Is Not What I Expected (Movie)[2017]

Feature: 29-year-old Gu ShengNan is a Broadway hotel restaurant's second kitchen, has been secretly in love with the general manager of the hotel, the hotel business crisis as a result, the general manager proposed breaking up. Gu ShengNan met Lu Jin, the disrespectful and arrogant company who came to buy a hotel after suffering a tragedy and a double blow to her career. Two different characters in the process of getting along with the feelings arising, Lu Jin eventually become loyal boyfriend.

Guilty of Mind (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Why does a cup of blood milk cause fatal temptations to people? What kind of distorted psychology will be crazy, even after another, serial kill? Unusual killer, beyond common sense crime, requires a different kind of detective. Young and prosperous criminal psychology top students Fang Mu shot help, but was involved; extraordinary beast Penalty captain jealous, but it is difficult to get out of his heart. The two together, but into a wonderful partner. A skill contest, mental competition, followed by.

Wind (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1941, the military special agent Gu XiaoMeng successfully sneaked into WangPo Corps headquarters, but because of the assassination of Japanese military intelligence officers, along with his colleagues Li NingYu, Jin ShengHuo, Wu ZhiGuo and BaiXiaoNian four people, by the Japanese spy chief Long ChuanFeiYuan And Wang TianXiang, chief of the spy corps spy agency, captured Qiuzhuang and learned that the underground workers of the Chinese Communist Party, code-named "Laogui", were among the five. Long ChuanFeiYuan tried every means to force the "old ghosts" to come forward but did not want the "old ghosts" to deal with the spies of the puppets and the Japanese spuriously. He made all kinds of illusions confuse the enemy and not only caused chaos in the enemy's organization, His sacrifice found the spy of Long ChuanFeiYuan, who was painstakingly placed in the underground organization codenamed "Green Light." According to the clues left by the "old devil," Gu XiaoMeng succeeded in getting rid of the insiders and using the secrets of Qiu Zhuang to force Long ChuanFeiYuan under the guidance of the "old gun" of the "elder ghost." In the end, Gu XiaoMeng chose the same road as the "old devil" and lurked in the enemy's heart to complete the unfinished business of "the old devil."

Look at you across the sea (TV)[2017]

Feature: Su Mang, head of MG Travel Group, a British husband and her husband, begged Chen Jingming, her husband, who could not "see you through the sea" and her husband Chen JiaMing, who had posed for the poster. Unexpectedly discovered by her husband and was split, the two divorced. Su Mang, a highly self-respecting, desperate for love and marriage, decided to leave sad to return to China but was informed of her pregnancy success by her doctor. She decided to give birth to her child alone, with a small belly of life back to the head office of MG Tourism in Shanghai. At this time, Zheng Chu, a travel experience specialist in Shanghai headquarters, proposed to her girlfriend Chen ShanShan that she was rejected by her as an excuse for turning iron and steel into steel and falling into a predicament of career and feelings. Airborne boss Su Mang was lonely in the new environment for all sorts of anecdotal evidence but zealous Zheng Chu entered her life. Two from the lovers to each other, from the joy, "the devil head" and the subordinate from the "ice and fire" confrontation to love. Office romances and children of unknown origin test a lover of renewed hope of love. Zheng Chu Su Mang face of good lies, from confusion to determination, and Su Mang together experienced numerous twists and turns, for the lovers to bear all the questions and misunderstandings, tireless perseverance finally make a lover & nbsp; & nbsp ;.


Feature: Kang Qiao, a 19-year-old locomotive lover who was injured in a motorbike and was hospitalized when he was bored, noticed that when he was bored, he picked up the telescope and noticed that the girl, who lived opposite the hospital, was really sunshine but the boy suddenly found himself in a rainy night Shocking girl secret. In order to explore the truth, protect this precious feelings, Kang Qiao began to walk into the life of Xia YingYing. Dangers and intrigues, Kang Qiao's heart only Xia YingYing. This summer, 19-year-old Kang Qiao is going through a different path of growth.

Jonny Keck (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Xu Zixi living alone in Taipei groping for the direction of future survival, chasing a calm life, while continuing to fall into the confused relationship with her boyfriend. She often receives phone calls to find "Channing", these wrong calls and her little parrot are swap and companionship in life. Li Li, a big boy who lived under Xu Xiji, was the landlord's wife. Li Li read the newspaper every day and repeatedly listen to his own recordings to focus on training, but since some days after discovering the downstairs female guest Tsui Tsai stealing the birdie on the MRT, his usual rhythm of life was chaotic sequence, always involuntarily distracted, And riding a bicycle in the city aimlessly sloshing until the mother asked, just broke the mother and son both miss. Adrift foreman Zhang Yifeng just contracted the Li Lijia near the first floor of the site renovation works, Kan to see the site that day, he regarded as classic jewels on the road broke down, Zhang to rely on the absence of wind.

Johnny cage (Movie)[2017]


The plot of the movie "Johnny cage" is introduced: Xu ZiQi, who lives alone in Taipei, gropes for the future direction of life, pursues a peaceful life, and continues to be trapped in a confused relationship with her boyfriend. She often gets calls for "channing," and these wrong calls and her parrots are life's tonic and companionship. Li Li, a big boy living downstairs under Xu ZiQi, is the son of the landlady's wife. Li Li, read the newspaper every day and listen to your recording to repeatedly training focus, but since one day found the downstairs tenant Xu ZiQi steal with the bird on the MRT, his usual pace of life out of order, therefore, always can't distracted, ride a bike and aimless wandering in the city, until the mother ask, only speaks of mother and son two people miss. The migrant foreman, Zhang YiFeng, had just completed a renovation project on the ground floor of a construction site near Li's home. On the day he surveyed the site, his precious old car broke down on the road and Zhang YiFeng was homeless.


SummersDesire (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Yin XiaMo (Cancan Huang) and Luo Xi (Jerry Yan) attract each other because they are orphans. But Ou Chen (Him Law), a boyfriend loving Xia Mo, sent Luo Xi to study in the UK in order to separate them. Xia Mo's adoptive parents died in a car accident on the way to Yin Cheng, where his younger brother was sent to hospital. Xia Mo was distraught and blamed everything on Ou Chen, causing him to lose his memory in a car accident. Five years later Luo Xi became a superstar king, Xia Mo re-meet with him to advance the front. But everything collapsed as Ou Chen restored his memory, and in order to get back to Xia Mo, he took Kidney to Xiao Cheng as a condition. For his younger brother, Xia Mo chose Ou Chen, but on the wedding day, desperate Luo Xi committed suicide. Inadvertently learned the truth of the small Cheng, the operating table in the last moment insisted refused to accept surgery. Sorrow in Luo Xi's suicide, guilt in the affection of Ou Chen, the heartbreaking Xia Mo, can no longer accept the death of Xiao Cheng blows, unable to sustain her, into a secluded self-enclosed state ......


Feature: Kang Qiao, a 19-year-old locomotive lover who was injured in a motorbike and was hospitalized when he was bored, noticed that when he was bored, he picked up the telescope and noticed that the girl, who lived opposite the hospital, was really sunshine but the boy suddenly found himself in a rainy night Shocking girl secret. In order to explore the truth, protect this precious feelings, Kang Qiao began to walk into the life of Xia YingYing. Dangers and intrigues, Kang Qiao's heart only Xia YingYing. This summer, 19-year-old Kang Qiao is going through a different path of growth.

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

The Four Horsemen (TV)[2015]

Feature: Private Rowland College, with the legendary Shibuya Shoushin, the 12th Paladin next to Charlemagne, is named after a super-aristocratic school of upper-class pedaling, honoring glory, enthusiasm and Dedication of the knight spirit, Rowland students as soon as graduates almost all become elites in various fields, but this one hundred-year-old school this year is facing an unprecedented crisis. Du YiYe, Queen of the Kingdom of Alastair, Zhuo YingGuan, the leader of Zhuanguan Hall, the largest gang in the world, and the top police inspector, and received a mysterious message that Roland was about to be abolished this year. Forces, as Roland graduates of the three have their own different ideas, or with coercion, or coax, have their only son to Rowland.

Best ex boyfriend (TV)[2015]

Feature: Fu FangSi and Li Tang, Cheng XiangNan and Yin HaoRan, had beautiful and romantic memories, and eventually lost to personality contradictions and reality differences. Many years later, a costume show run by China Opera on the fate of let them meet again. Fang Si close to their own design dreams, Li Tang has once again entered her life; was the supermodel of the South of that time, wearing a jewelery quasi-daughter aura, but also re-encounter famous boyfriends Yin HaoRan. Square studio suffered an accident, helpless Chinese thinking into the Tang Huang, a former boyfriend Li Tang's subordinates; the other side, Cheng XiangNan unscrupulous side of the giants daughter-in-law to defend the war, while not let go of the previous feelings, heart envy. However, after several times of ups and downs, Fang Si saw the growth and change from Li Tang. The two lovers, Fang Si and Li Tang, finally broke through misunderstandings and obstacles and joined hands to embrace the bright future & nbsp ;.

LoverOfTheBest (TV)[2015]

Feature: Fu FangSi and Li Tang, Cheng XiangNan and Yin HaoRan, had beautiful and romantic memories, and eventually lost to personality contradictions and reality differences. Many years later, a costume show run by China Opera on the fate of let them meet again. Fang Si close to their own design dreams, Li Tang has once again entered her life; was the supermodel of the South of that time, wearing a jewelery quasi-daughter aura, but also re-encounter famous boyfriends Yin HaoRan. Square studio suffered an accident, helpless Chinese thinking into the Tang Huang, a former boyfriend Li Tang's subordinates; the other side, Cheng XiangNan unscrupulous side of the giants daughter-in-law to defend the war, while not let go of the previous feelings, heart envy. After several times of ups and downs, Fang Si saw growth and change from Li Tang. The two loving people, namely Fang Si and Li Tang, finally broke through misunderstandings and obstacles and joined hands to welcome a bright future.

Found & Lost (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The film "Hurriedly" spans 40 years of history telling a story about the separation of fathers and daughters from long-term separations across the Taiwan Strait. Films adapted from the modern writer bamboo novels "love in the world," directed by young director Zhu Xiaowei, Taiwan's senior actor Zhang Guozhu, young actor Jia Yu-meng starring. Film based on the original novel emotion, memory, discrete, fate of four chapters for the creation, from the first meeting of the father and daughter in 1989, interspersed flashback until 1949. In the rain of father and daughter reunion, the road, home, and country are skillfully interspersed into a specific historical era. They tell the story of this fate entangled during the 40 years of history between reality and past, memories and dreams.

The Outsiders 2 (TV)[2014]

Feature: The stills changed their lives after the list was killed by A Bao sent to rape Yan Yan. Yan Yan in order to make himself no longer a burden of Yu Hao, trying to get rid of the image of the past, let yourself become a "big sister." Although Yu Hao does not like the change of language Yan, but can not stop her. Yu Yan did not want Yu Hao to know he had been raped so it was harder to convince him why he wanted to change. As a result, the gradual emergence of estrangement and disagreement between the two men. On the other hand, Yu Hao, with its superficial exposure, wanted to frustrate Xiong Ge, and designed to make him clashed with other gangs, causing Yu Hao to face a crisis in both black and white. At this time, undercover police Ariel also Yu Yu's side and become friends with him, step by step to help size, and want to annihilate the Hawk in one fell swoop. While Yu Hao and Yan were tense and unknowingly leading the wolf into the room, Xiong Ge, the chief executive of Yu Hao, learned that Yu Hao was being reported and might be the object of peace. Xiong Ge earnestly advised Yu Hao to leave the gang for the time being to avoid the limelight, otherwise he will lose at least four years of youth once he is in jail. Archie, Hong Dou and even Xiong Ge both agree that Yu Hao retreats temporarily, but what he really decided to do is Yan language. Yu Hao is afraid to be getting farther and farther away from Yanyan, so she wants to take her to the safe life she really wants, hoping to get back the sweetness of their relationship. Yu Hao and Yan with the help of everyone, opened a fishing shrimp farm, after a very happy sweet day. Church affairs, Yu Hao for the time being Archibald to manage, and if all goes well, perhaps never to the underworld. However, Archie reckless personality, but can not be a competent boss, he stabbed a lot of baskets, but also provoke a lot of enemies. Only, in order to Yu Hao Yan language, Arch always hard to say. Ariel, who gradually became friends with Yu Hao and Archimedes, looked in the eyes of Fear of Archie while on the other hand did not want to destroy Yu Hao's stable life. But Zhang Guan, who sent him to undercover, put pressure on him and asked him to quickly pull Yu Hao back to underworld so that he could easily snoop on the news and arrest people for meritorious deeds. Finally, Archi finally could not get rid of the fire and let Yu Hao know the crisis facing him. Yu Hao returned to the Hawks, to revitalize the church power, the surface of the seemingly scenery, in fact, is buried for their own curse, but also Yan Yan disappointed sad. In addition, Xiong Ge's daughter-in-law: Lei Lei, constantly want to Ariel "for yourself." Ariel's personality deviation Lei Lei, from the very beginning of her abhorrence, but then gradually see the fragile and sincere side of this little girl. But just as he had a different feeling of Lei Lei, he was surprised to find that Lei Lei is his biological sister. But he can not recognize because of his identity. In the days of Ariel undercover, undercover Zhang Guan through him grasp enough information, decided to find an opportunity to destroy the Hawks. However, Ariel and Yu Hao and others due to cultivate feelings, do not want Yu Hao and others were arrested. Just then, A Bao discovered Ariel's undercover identity. He was very nervous, because Ariel knew A Bao's secrecy and details about drug trafficking. A Bao plans to take Yu Hao's knife to kill Ariel, so I'll let this news to Yu Hao.Ariel discovered that Zhang Guan had not actually told any unit about his existence, that is, he was an apprentice undercover specter and was a "fake police officer" Zhang Guan made to gain his job. Even more violent is Ariel, Zhang Guan has always been aware of Lei Lei is his sister, but do not want to tell him, just for fear of affecting his loyalty. Ariel and Yu Yu admit everything, but I do not know Yu Hao knew he was undercover police. In fact, Yu Hao, Archie, Yan and others have already detected Ariel's problem from clues, but they would rather believe that they know Ariel. They decided to give Ariel a chance. But this idea, Lei Lei do not know, she thought Yu Hao will kill Ariel, so rushed to save people. When Ariel faced Yu Hao and others willing to accept him again, his heart filled with emotion and secretly swear in his heart that he should live forever with these friends. However, at this time, Lei Lei made a mad rush into, in order to save their loved ones, shot toward Yu Hao. A Lie Fen regardless of body block in front of Yu Hao, just like his father, in order to loyalty, died for the sake of friendship. Lei Lei eyes saw their own loved ones killed, emotional collapse, from consciousness no longer awake. While Yu Hao et al., On the one hand to avenge Ariel, on the other hand also in order to survive, they designed a trap so that Zhang Guan jumped into, from the ruins, can no longer survive in the police. Things past, everything seems calm, but everyone's heart has been burned hard to erase the scars. No one has the certainty of knowing exactly where they will be taken tomorrow. Every day in triad life is like the last day.

TheNextMagic (Movie)[2012]

Feature: 18 years old, ROCKY (Qin Hao ornaments) a series of derailed move, so that his relationship with his father (Chang Kuo-Chu ornaments) extreme extreme inertial suicide even more troubling to his family, once more absurd, the doctor Determine ROCKY suffering from depression. One day, ROCKY walked towards the road, facing a big bus, a girl suddenly rushed out and pulled him away from the road. From then on, ROCKY met a woman who changed his life - MAY Monica (Monica Mok) Start his hand and encourage him to welcome every challenge in life. With the support of spiritual strength, ROCKY began cheer up, holding a beautiful and happy dream every day to live. God gave him and MAY chance to meet again, but this time, MAY's side is more than a Chen SIR. In order to be close to the goddess, ROCKY went to Chen SIR (Shek Sau) company, starting from the bottom of a salesman. ROCKY MAY encourage the transformation from rookie transformed into a sales champion, but ignored has always been quietly supporting their own teammates around - Jiayi (Liu Shishi ornaments). Unexpectedly, a sudden company ...

Lonely の グ ル メ (TV)[2012]

Feature: The stills Yutaka Matsushige runs a grocery store alone and takes him personally to visit customers throughout the country, thus discovering the culinary delights hidden in every corner of the city. Whenever he got his job done, he hung down and focused on finding nearby shops that could arouse his appetite. Yakiniku (Grilled Chicken Skewers), hot, soup-free noodles, delicious grilled meat, imported Shizuoka-style Oden, crisp fried pork cutlet set, and many more. He inadvertently encounters gourmet food, Moving. When Jing ZhiTouWuLang is not bound by time and society and is happy to fill his stomach, he will feel "free" and his troubles will be swept away.

TheKillerWhoNeverKills (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the face of death, whether every life, there should be a second chance? Ou YangPenZai is the only killer killer killer, but also the legendary "Pian Shen" the only certified pass disciples. He is convinced that every life should have a second chance. He called upon top players from all fields to form a "rebirth group" and use the magical tricks to create the "suspended animation" of the target of being killed and to muddle through again and again. Hotel Miss Li fell ill, within three years was twice brutal criminals Leng MianFu boss issued a "seven killings" order. Despite the hardships, Ouyang Penzai was "born again" twice. After a thrilling rebirth of the task, Ouyang gradually found that behind the frivolous nature of small Li quite careless, hidden many deep sadness and helplessness. Ignoring the millennium is not easy to kill the law, Ouyang fell in love with the case target Xiaoli. Addicted to the sweet and happy love, Ouyang Mengsheng implicit meaning. The most hated Leng MianFu was deceived at this time found Ouyang let Xiaoli rebirth of the trick, the two sent to the previous generation of unhealthy criminals killings. Trickery murder, turning Ouyang life, this time, for him everywhere trapped in the murderous unprecedented danger. Then clever tricks, can fool the death of it, Ouyang believe "every life should have a second chance," but Master also solemnly warned him that "everything has its cost," Ouyang what price to pay? And fate comparison, or, everything is he and rebirth of the group carefully planned century fraud.

Summers Desire (TV)[2010]

Feature: Yin XiaMo and Luo Xi attract each other because they are orphans. However, Ou Chen, a boyfriend and bubble summer lover who loved Xia Mo, sent Luo Xi to study in the UK in order to separate them. Xia Mo's adoptive parents died in a car accident on the way to Yin Cheng, where his younger brother was sent to hospital. Xia Mo was distraught and blamed everything on Ou Chen, causing him to lose his memory in a car accident. Five years later Luo Xi became a superstars superstar, Xia Mo re-meet with him to advance the front. But everything collapsed as Ou Chen restored his memory, and in order to get back to Xia Mo, he took Kidney to Xiao Cheng as a condition. For his younger brother, Xia Mo chose Ou Chen, but on the wedding day, desperate Luo Xi committed suicide. Inadvertently learned the truth of the small Cheng, the operating table in the last moment insisted refused to accept surgery. Sorrow in Luo Xi's suicide, guilt in the affection of Ou Chen, the heartbreaking Xia Mo, can no longer accept the death of Xiao Cheng's blow, unable to sustain her, into a secluded self-enclosed state.

Ballistic (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Taiwan police investigation officer Xu YuChang investigated a case of black gun wounding and found that the perpetrator was the only son of Pang TianNan, the eldest son of the gangster. Xu YuChang defied hardship and death and thieves arrested Pangda Song alone. He did not expect that he had been caught up in a storm. With the local polls shortly after voting, Wu LiXiong, the leader of the re-election tentative battalion, has steadily declined in public opinion. In order to keep the ruling status of the master, Fang ZhengBei, taking advantage of the opportunity of Datong Song, seized Pangasong as a hostage and intimidated and tempted Pang TianNan to carry out an extremely confidential conspiracy by shooting Xia Liuxiao, a deputy to Wu LiXiong, to create a tragedy , Reversed the situation. Pang TianNan know the situation dangerous, but to save his son had to bear. However, Pang TianNan, a veteran singer, did not intend to do exactly what Fang ZhengBei instructed to defend himself. Pang TianNan Life Black gunman Song WeiZhong specially crafted two special bullets, recalling Tian JinShui, a professional killer who had fled Vietnam. Xu YuChang, who wanted to punish the dark forces of Pang's father and son, found suspicious Tian JinShui while monitoring Pang TianNan. Xu YuChang immediately reported to Sun XueRen, the deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, that Sun was calm and thoughtful. He thought it was extraordinary at this time. Sun XueRen and Xu YuChang began to share their brotherhood with their members in the military community. He also appreciates Xu's character and ability, and therefore supports Xu YuChang to follow up the clues. Pang TianNan finds Chen ErTong, a small businessman who has failed in business, ready to let him be a devil. Chen ErTong, who owed Pang TianNan high-yield debt, was forced to act on it. The day before the voting date - On March 19, Wu LiXiong stepped on his deputy Xia Xiaoli and took a jeep along the street. Suddenly, two shots were fired and Xia Xiaohe's leg was injured. Xu YuChang and his constable Tieniu discovered gunman Tian JinShui, who pursued it. Xu Jin-Hui left Xu YuChang, cruel to kill the tractor, fled without a trace.

WindWarrior (TV)[2005]

Feature: An unnamed soldier, Yang MuFeng, who carries the stigma of his father as a murderer, has just conquered the school's taekwondo during the first week of his college exam, setting off a whirlwind on the campus. A series of clashes between Yang MuFeng and university Taekwondo members led Yang MuFeng to oppose Taekwondo, and Wei TingJun, the national-level Taekwondo president, was shocked by the awesomeness of Yang MuFeng's Taekwondo and tried his best to win over Yang MuFeng Joined Taekwondo, between the two, to develop a friendship also Yizhuyou. Lao Yang just released from prison received a notice from the school, I do not know his son was only for his own reputation before the shot, actually denounce Mu wind, and repeated tricks forbid him to join the Taekwonsun or participate in any competition. Father and son caught between the tension, and Mu wind do not know, behind the father's blessing actually hidden some unwanted secret and pain. People involved in the whole process also have a small building, originally she accidentally detonated the two made the conflict. To this end, she became the enemy with Mu wind, they often meet each other on a narrow road, the battle is constantly. However, at the time of their confrontation reached their peak, they actually found themselves in astonishment, each other as a lover of childhood in their hearts. For a time, the past two sweet scenes overturned my mind, in a "wind will dance place." Rejuvenation, Mu wind with the settlement after the reunification of the plot, the two again set his affection. However, this sudden love affair, but caused no small storm. Yan Yin is Mu wind neighbor, has been and Mu wind has a deep feeling, for this innocent girl can not see the eyes, Mu wind has always been like their own sister to treat the same, both talk about it. Inaction inconvenience, life is also very dependent on Mu wind. Until Mu Fu personally told Yan Yin and his small romance, Yan Yin began to alienate the Mu wind, indifferent attitude, silly Mu wind did not think of blind eyes, the blind eye of the blind to myself, has been hidden The indescribable love affair, he and the love between the small building, so Yan Yin suffered great harm. Mu wind always thought that he was ashamed of Tingjun, because the small building is Tingjun pursuit of a long time object. The relationship between the two men and their enemies and friends is one more layer and becomes the competitor in love. Mu wind has been to avoid Tingjun challenge, for his father's opposition, he even wanted to leave the community, but Ting Jun not only allowed him to leave, but also forced him shot counterattack. Mu wind in order to boil out of the right to participate, suffered so much, suffered torture, he endured it down. Mu wind and Tingjun know that the two competitions in love and taekwondo, and finally a day of the showdown, but also by coincidence, the two became competitors in love, but also because of the grudges between the elders of the previous generation Affection, so that this group of young people involuntarily involved in a storm, unable to extricate themselves ...

SayYesEnterprise (TV)[2004]

Feature: The drama is divided into seven units The first unit "The Sparrows Phoenix" The second unit "love affair" The third unit "Love Letter" The fourth unit "Graduates" fifth unit "Deadly attraction" The sixth unit "Karama You are the bride of my life for Karama Seventh Unit

LoveBird (TV)[2004]

Feature: Xiaoqing, Han and Hunan, the three frequencies close to each other, each other, but in the request of "only" love, face the role of get and lose. Bird and black pip meet in the network, but also in the real life rendezvous, Han and Xiao Qing in the seven birds on the way to birdwatching, the two get to know each other because of the collision, each other Jianruan Zhang, Han friends are small Wang also fell in love with Xiaoqing, until the two finally met in the real world, love and friendship picked up, how to be good. However, Han's thought is that his girlfriend, Xiangzi, who died in the first love, is still alive, the truth, the guilt and responsibility of the past, the struggle between the new love and the old love, and even his intervention in North Korea and his choice of how to choose , Secretly in love with the little Tintin Ding, Xiao Ding waiting for the little Xie, what kind of plot will be developed. Migratory birds e people

Mars (TV)[2004]

Feature: "God of War" about the encounter between zero and Qiluo, originated from a questioning. At that time, Qiluo eyes zero is only a playboy, even the stills do not want to involve him, only hurriedly drew a map and turned away. However, the back of the map was a draft of "Mother and Son" painted by himself. This painting deeply touched the desire of zero mother love. Because of the class to become Qiluo classmate, he immediately volunteered to want to be her model, and slowly to understand the autistic girl in this other population. Qiluo very resistant to the very beginning, until one time, zero risked being dropped out of school, will be almost sexually harassed by the teacher she rescued, Qiluo only changed to zero. However, Zero is so popular that, in particular, Qing Mei, who claims to be a zero "ex-girlfriend," repeatedly finds Qiluo's troubles and even threatens to "never paint". However, Qiluo do not know where she is from the huge courage, even to resist the threat of Qing Mei. The two love story begins. However, Qiluo and zero heart have a deep pain. Qiluo 13-year-old stepfather was raped, this is her most unwilling to face the source of autism. Until the appearance of Tong Dao, his distorted character, can not wait to destroy all the acts, so that the secret finally spread between Qiluo and zero. The death of San Diego, the zero-twins brother, and Sha Zhi, a self-centered girl, were unwilling to face the family and left him for two years in a sanatorium. This unknown past has also become the most devastating landmine between the two peoples. Qiluo misunderstanding of the relationship between zero father and son, from Qiluo had in the Art Museum and Zero parent side of the edge. Qiluo think zero parent should be full of concern to him, this contradictory impression, so Qiluo folder between zero father and son I do not know how to be good. Love of two people has been subjected to various tests again and again. Zero knew that the shadow of the group that had harassed him all along was only a ghost of fear and happiness.

Zhong Yong small champion (TV)[2000]

Feature: "Zhong Yong Xiao Ziduan" tells the story of the middle Ming Dynasty, the corrupt government, bureaucratic corruption in the climax, resentment. Jin Yiwei Ye every name Hong Ye thieves, dedicated to kill corrupt officials, robbing the rich and poor, the court rape party to him hate. On the 1st, Hong Ye was hunted down and met Shi Ji, a little monk by the river, and both became unlucky. Shi Ji is a clever, helpful, intelligent and brave man with a strong love and hate. She is very much loved by the people in the neighborhood. She was offended by the prefectural government because Shi Ji, Go to the capital to find a habitat. In the capital, Shi Ji reunited with Hong Ye and witnessed the treacherous demeanor of Wei YingJie, son of Wei ChengTian, ​​minister of justice. Shi Ji, who had experienced civilian suffering, dreamed of changing her current status with her own abilities and determined to score the best of the best. She approached Huang Di and sacrificed her for the people. Shi Ji by virtue of their own wisdom and wisdom of gold list the title, won the little Huang Di appreciation, and the little Huang Di become a Mo Niuzhijiao. Shi Ji used his special identity to help small Huang Di understand the feelings of the people and promote the reform of the government. However, being obstructed by Wei ChengTian and others, the brother assistant minister of Huang TaiHou, Shi Ji was involved in a thrilling court battle Among them.

The Legendary Siblings (TV)[1998]

Feature: Yan NanTian was a young man who pursued chivalrousness and martial arts and resolutely gave up his feelings for Yao Yue. Yao Yue, who loved him and hated him, decidedly created the Hua Hua Palace in retaliation for Yan NanTian who betrayed her. Twins arrogant TV drama Yan NanTian and Jiang Feng is a deep feeling of sworn brothers, Yao Yue Jiang Feng confined in the transfer of the palace to induce Yan NanTian self-cast nets. Yao Yue's sister, Lian Xing, can not help but fall in love with the beautiful man Jiang Feng, just why Jiang Feng is in love with Yue Nu, the palace daughter of the Hua Hua Temple. A pair of lovers determined to flee unexpectedly, Jiang Feng's bookstore Jiangqin betrayed them, killing the lovers in Yao Yue's hand and pitying their twin brothers as tools for Yao Yue's revenge by cultivating two Twenty years after "flesh and blood"! Twenty years later, as Yao Yue looks forward to; Hua WuQue (Alec Su) is the only martial arts master under the cultivation of the Hua-Hua Temple; the little fish (Jimmy Lin) Has become a ghost ghost set in a first-class master, and left the wicked valley wherever he went. Yao Yue 遂命 Hua WuQue kills the little fish, no matter who is the winner or the end of Yao Yue, which means that he has achieved his goal; let the living one understand the mystery of his life and regret his whole life. Unexpectedly, people count as days. Not wretched Hua WuQue empty rivers and lakes have a superhuman martial arts, met in the sinister cunning Jiang YuLang (Kevin Cheng ornaments) almost Jiang YuLang damage, and save the saved benefactor turned out to be a small fish! Hua WuQue in the heart of the little benefactor inexplicable favor! The only thing I do not know is that this benefactor called a small fish, is the object of killings. Thanks to a treasure map, the little fish got acquainted with Tie XinLan (Vivian Chen) and Mu RongJiu. Tie XinLan, an avid little fish, fell in love with Hua WuQue. Although the little fairy Zhang Jing (Theresa Lee ornaments) hate teasing her little fish all the way to kill, but again and again planted in the hands of little fish! There seems to be a tangled front between the two. The so-called battle of treasure, turned out to be a trap set by Jiang BieHe father and son of Jiangnan heroes, trying to catch a martial arts master. Jiang BieHe deeply moved Hua Zhu Gong is his rival to martial arts, designed to use Wei WuYa on Yao Yue's infatuated, so Yao Yue body poison into trouble. Although the little fish rescued Yao Yue, it can not dissipate its desire to make the two brothers flesh and blood.

ShaolinPopey (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Falling in love with the principal's granddaughter Vivian Hsu, a high school student in Hong Kong, Jimmy Lin, angrily annoyed Annie's boyfriend Tie Ying (Chang Chen-yue), making him start to make trouble for her. With the help of friends Zhen Zhu (Hilary Tsui) and Siu-Man Fok, Si Mao did not know how to retreat but became more courageous and vowed to date Annie but never arrived at Tie Ying . When Si-Mao traveled with his father on a business trip to China, he met Shaolin kid (Ashton Chen), who was a martial artist, and trained martial arts with his help. After returning to Hong Kong, Si Mao even knew that Tie Ying's father had misgownly wanted to dominate the school and planned to let Tie Ying occupy Anne in order to blackmail the principal and start a fierce battle with Tie Ying with the help of visiting Shaolin kid.

ButterflySword (Movie)[1993]

Feature: During the Ming Dynasty, eunuchs were empowered and Cao GongGong, the eastern factory, and Li Gong, a western factory, became two countervailing forces. Cao GongGong, who was totally paralyzed, found that Li Gonggong collapsed in the martial arts in order to conspire with Sun YuBo, the founder of Juxian Villa, to reveal his plot. High boss sent Meng and Ye get secret letter rushed to the government, Cao found not to be paralyzed, on the contrary it is a martial arts extremely strong. "Happy Forest" two masters Meng XingHun and Ye Xiang are all "happy forest" host the eldest brother adopted orphans, but also "happy forest" two top killer. Meng XingHun cheerful and romantic, love the stars, won the appreciation of the boss, regrettably Meng Chu love his wife Xiao Die, Xiao Die has always been Meng identity, that Meng is a small businessman, but they are really love each other, Like-minded; leaves are arrogant and solitary, privately but crush tall. Master, the bloody martial arts is set off by his hand. At this time, Li Gonggong has been killed, the real premeditated rebellion is actually Cao, so a bloody battle began, with the help of a small prince's sword, Gao, Ye, Meng Cao finally put to death. At this time, the boss can order martial arts, but she was afraid of losing Meng, but Meng's heart still toward Xiao Die, but Ye also want to show their feelings to the boss, they will eventually make what choice?

HandsomeSiblings (Movie)[1992]

Feature: In the late Tang Dynasty, social unrest was unsettling. The top ten martial law arms of the armed forces agreed to elect a Martyr justice every 18 years at the congress of reward and punishment. This time, Yi HuaGongZhu (played), who will break into the evil houses and kill the ten evil men, will be chosen this time. Yan NanTian (played) and his son Xiao YuEr (played) suddenly stopped and the couple turned upside down. Palace Lord defeated one move, set a 18 years later, a mission to kill alliance of the Covenant. Yan NanTian was severely wounded, ten bad thanks to their life-saving grace, raising Xiao YuEr into the world's most evil people. The palace adopted Hua WuQue (played) granted its martial arts, because of hate the world men, her male body dress. 18 years later, ten wicked people, Li DaZui (played), Tu JiaoJiao (played), ordered Xiao YuEr and others to join the reward and punishment convention in order to win the title of leader. He met Hua WuQue in the city. Near the contest day, many Wulin people were stung; Xiao YuEr was Jiang BieHe (played) Jiang YuLang (played) father and son debunked by the pack, a martial arts storm broke out immediately.

Moyufeilong (Movie)[1991]

Feature: Zhong CunHongYi, an investment businessman, looks for treasure in the tropical rainforest of Indonesia, mysteriously disappearing. People think he is dead, and only his daughter Jiang Zi believes he is still alive. LUCY, who was in charge of his business, was misunderstood as colluding with Nakamura due to his insurance coverage before the disappearance of Zhong CunHongYi. In order to clear themselves, LUCY posing as Nakamura's mistress, find Jiangzi, and she came to Indonesia. In their search for Nakamura, they met the descendants of the missionaries who lived in the jungle. With his help, Jiang Zi and LUCY reached the depths of the rainforest. After observation, there is a cannibal tribe, controlled by a group of drug syndicates. In order to get the treasure map, Nakamura caught them in the tribe. In the process of rescuing Nakamura, the dragon trio experienced hardships. After Jiang Zi learned that LUCY was not his father's girlfriend, there was always a gap between him and LUCY. However, in a sinister environment, Jiangzi and LUCY supported each other and helped each other and they had a profound friendship. Broke into the cannibal tribe, the dragon with vigorous skill and three unity and cooperation, rescued Nakamura. After the bandit and his subordinates desperate struggle, L ...

DarkNight (Movie)[1986]

Feature: Huang ChengDe, a white-bearded young businessman who married his wife Li Lin for 10 years, lives a happy life Huang ChengDe Introduced by friends, getting to know Ye Yuan, a journalist, creates the opportunity for her to meet with Li Lin and lead to marital crisis. Huang ChengDe returned from the United States in a month, Li Lin found himself pregnant at this time, and Ye Yuan made a new love with a new female journalist, the relationship between the three was in trouble. In short, a woman carrying her husband loves another man, who often goes to the woman's house to have a relationship with her. Once, halfway through the woman's husband to go home, the man quickly fled, but still discovered by her husband clues.

LetsMakeLaugh2 (Movie)[1985]

Feature: "Good-bye Seven Love," a Hong Kong literary film, is a sequel to "Seven Sentimental Sentences and Seven Loves." It tells of a guard who is going to guard a rich-gay man who is gay and lesbian. His father's request is that "goodbye seven Japanese "other men harass him. But gradually escort fell in love with the beautiful girl living next door (played by Wong Cho-hsun), but the strong personality, love and hate the heroine is simply infatuated with a married woman, so there was a series of bizarre twists and turns story.

LustforLoveofaChineseCourtesan (Movie)[1984]

Feature: Catching fast (ornaments) taking office, on the way coincide with the first wave of female Ai Nu (ornaments) sleeping in the streets, cold and hunger. Ling Yun kindhearted a bowl of noodles and sent his cloak, the two became attached. Chun Yi (decoration) manipulated the skin of the happy forest, human head business, his hands Xiao Ye (decoration) loyalty, the two sisters commensurate with the surface, privately intimate lovers. Happy New Year Lin new prostitutes were sent. One of the women looks decent, strong personality, rather than die, Chun Yi on its other. The girl is Ai Nu. Fierce struggle against the underworld However powerful forces, orphan suffered tragedy, desperation Committed to brothels. Chun Yi, both hard and soft, forced Ai Nu to pick up passengers while softening his sweet heart and told himself there was pain in the past. Chun Yi taught Ai Nu how to conquer the man, two people intimacy, Ai Nu was firmly controlled by Chun Yi palm. Ling TaiYe burst into a brutal brothel brothel, Ling Yun is responsible for investigating the case, and then met Ai Nu but did not expect that he has become a prostitute, the occasion of grievances and then vicious. Ai Nu was heartbroken and questioned why Chun Yi was in the middle of his heart. Chun Yi advised Ai Nu to give up her heart and Ai Nu was desperate for everything. Chun Yi is even more greedy and selfish, using only Xiao Ye and Ai Nu as plaything tools. Ai Nu decided to retaliate, the simple heart gradually changed. In the end Ai Nu will become like? Orphan can escape the magic cave?

Gwanjihokau (Movie)[1984]

Feature: Feel the younger generation nowadays do not make progress, there is no sense of responsibility, capitalists and experts decided to start an experiment to see if love can inspire young people's ambition. Jeans clerk Wu Xiaohui (Alan Tam) is called the representative of the pursuit of youth, he hooked with a group of friends all day, unpretentious, so became the experimental subjects, and served as "love machine" to Wu Xiaohui love experience JoJo (Brigitte Lin), a university assistant. Through a "heroic rescue" incident, Wu Xiaohui entered JoJo's love script and her occupation at university also stimulated Wu Xiaohui's sense of inferiority to work hard on Japanese and look forward to working with JoJo . Wu Xiaohui into the drama too deep in love, unable to extricate themselves, when he knew the truth of the matter decided to return to the pursuit of love ......

Aisha (Movie)[1981]

Feature: Joy (Tina Liu) studying in San Francisco want to go to New York with her boyfriend Louie (Charlie Chin), but Louie does not love her, the two failed to discuss, Joy suicide, fetters Louie, but this move also makes Louie increased with Joy Roommate Lvy (Brigitte Lin) get along with the opportunity. Louie's love of Lvy, although not singled out, suspicious Joy has early guessed eight points, Lvy was her secretly as enemies. When Louie did not know how to take Joy, Lvy called Joy Far in Hong Kong's brother Fu ZhuZhong (Chang Kuo-Chu), but she did not show her elder brother's due concern to Joy. Blame Louie to accompany her too little, and Louie proposed the doctor with Joy, his attitude is also very strange. But even if Louie tells Lvy about Joy's findings of genetic psychosis, Lvy does not mind, and she's been into love with Joy - which makes Joy even more exclusive of her. Soon, Joy commits suicide and senses her death in the column. Subsequently, the column proposed to return to Hong Kong for business, soon returned, Lvy puzzled but did not stop. Organize the relics of Joy, ...

ButterflyMurders (Movie)[1979]

Feature: After 30 years of martial arts in a series of bloody trials, the seventy-two bears rose again, setting off another round of conquest. At that time, scholar Fang HongYe (Siu-Ming Lau) wrote a series of secretaries of the martial arts, "Foliage Notes", specializing in disclosing the history of martial arts. One day, a bookstore was commissioned to print red leaves, but did not want the manager and others to incur the curse of killing the manager's murderer, who was killed by Shu Tong Wong, the flagship of the seventy-two beacon. A few days later, Shen Qing (Chang Kuo-Chu), owner of Shen Jiabao, turned to Tian Feng for assistance. Qing Ying Zi (Michelle Yim) arrived at Shen Jiabao with Tian Feng et al. Meet with Shen Qing. The former prosperous Shen Jiabao has been to Fort space, the original Shen Qing childhood, Shen family by the curse of a murderous butterfly, now cursory cash, butterflies sneak into the Shen Jiabao everywhere murderous. Tian Feng and others out of the rivers and lakes morality to explore the root causes of butterflies to kill, but I do not know caught in Shen Jiabao and Tianle Fort a covert hatred ......

Yoursmilingface (Movie)[1979]

Feature: Qi Ying, a beautiful and lively primary school female instructors, lost her mother and was dependent on Fu Qin, a coworker at her school. Qi Ying has a sweet voice singing in the karaoke room at night. She fell in love with Wang Shu, an orphan who was a young man. Wang Shu aspired to devote himself to education and took the initiative to teach in mountainous areas in Tainan after graduation. Once in order to escort the students returning home distant, unfortunately rollover falling cliff. Bad news came, Qi Ying grief, always frown. Huang ZhiZhong, a young entrepreneur, whose wife died young, and the next woman was a student of Qi Ying. Qi Ying singing in the karaoke, the Executive must be silent appreciate, do not feel Qi Ying have feelings. After Qi Ying met Huang ZhiZhong, he gradually began to rejoice. Shortly after Qi Ying found out that she had Wang Shu's children, she did not care about the facts and asked her to abort. Qi Ying rejected Huang ZhiZhong's proposal in order to preserve Wang Shu's descendants. After she was born, she and Fu Qin tried their best to support them. In order to live, she went to the karaoke singing, and one day, she saw Huang ZhiZhong reveling in her singing as usual.

Wogewoqi (Movie)[1979]

Feature: Composer Shen Yuezhong is at the bottom of his career, no one appreciates his song, fell in love with his girlfriend for many years, Shen Yuezhong had to drink each day, as if only drunk in order to allow themselves to temporarily forget the reality pain. Shen Yue often frequented in the name of a waitress named Yuan Xin, she likes to sing, often with the background music singing in the restaurant, causing Shen Yuezhong's attention. Yuan Xin came to Shen Yuezhong's home to be a guest under the recommendation of Yuan Xin's colleague Du Sister. Shen Yue himself playing the piano accompanies Yuan Xin, he found Yuan Xin has a good musical talent, if guided, the future will be successful. But Yuan Xin himself did not agree, but because of this Shen Shenzhong, reluctantly agreed to practice singing. After many efforts, Shen Yuezhong won a recording opportunity for Yuan Xin, but Yuan Xin's absentminded singing made her lose her chance. Shen Yue furious, on the way back and Yuan Xin took an argument, so hit Yuan Xin a slap in the face. It is this slap in the face, so that Yuan Xin saw Shen Yue in their disappointment, awakened her fighting spirit, but also let Yuan Xin and Shen Yue fell in love. Yuan Xin resigned to work hard to sing, Shen Yue was purchased in a building, only to allow Yuan Xin peace of mind to practice. After a lot of hard work, Yuan Xin's vocals have made great progress. Shen Yuezhong believed that the time had come and once again won her the opportunity to look on the mirror. Yuan Xin did not expect this time a hit, overnight becoming a famous singer. At the moment the company's Shi Guangjun find Yuan Xin and Shen Yuezhong, proposed contract with Yuan Xin. Being able to sign up with a strong record label is a dream come true for any new singer. The record company will singer packaging, arrange performances, the singer's own income has also been protected. But at the same time record companies also require all the singers to act in accordance with the company's arrangements, can not be privately changed. Shi Guangjun put Yuan Xin to sing now popular songs, rather than Shen Yuezhong own songs. Yuan Xin can not accept the stringent requirements of record companies, and Shen Yue together angrily left. But soon Shen Yue calm down, for a just debut, this is a rare opportunity for the future of Yuan Xin, Shen Yue would rather sacrifice himself. He signed Yuan Xin and Shi Guangjun signed a contract, from the public view disappeared. However, with the passage of time, Yuan Xin has been increasingly sought after by fans, by contrast, Shen Yuezhong did not have the slightest inspiration to create new songs. He felt that the gap between himself and Yuan Xin was getting bigger and bigger. In order to evade Shen Yuezhong's re-initiation of alcohol abuse, he did not listen to Yuan Xin's advice to get out of control. After a quarrel Shenyue away from home, Yuan Xin careless work around looking for a few months later in the remote villages to find Shen Yuezhong news. When Yuan Xin found Shen Yuezhong accompanied by Shi Guangjun and Du Jie, she could not believe her own eyes. Due to alcoholism, Shen Yue got a terminal illness, deep in the eyes completely lost the look of the past. Yuan Xinqiang Shenyao Zhong will be brought home for treatment, eventually failed to his life. Despite the indefinable regret, it is fortunate that Yuan Xin has spent his last days with Shen Yuezhong.

Handsome Siblings (TV)[1979]

Feature: Yan NanTian was a young man who pursued chivalrousness and martial arts and resolutely gave up his feelings for Yao Yue. Yao Yue, who loved him and hated him, decidedly created the Hua Hua Palace in retaliation for Yan NanTian who betrayed her. Twins arrogant TV drama Yan NanTian and Jiang Feng is a deep feeling of sworn brothers, Yao Yue Jiang Feng confined in the transfer of the palace to induce Yan NanTian self-cast nets. Yao Yue's sister, Lian Xing, can not help but fall in love with the beautiful man Jiang Feng, just why Jiang Feng is in love with Yue Nu, the palace daughter of the Hua Hua Temple. A pair of lovers determined to flee unexpectedly, Jiang Feng's bookstore Jiangqin betrayed them, killing the lovers in Yao Yue's hand and pitying their twin brothers as tools for Yao Yue's revenge by cultivating two Twenty years after "flesh and blood"! After 20 years, everything is as Yao Yue aspirates; Hua WuQue (Alec Su) becomes the unique martial arts master under the cultivation of Hua-Hua Temple; Xiao YuEr (Jimmy Lin) Become ghosts and ghosts set in a first-class master, and left the wicked valleys. Yao Yue Hua命 Hua WuQue Kill Xiao YuEr, both for the purpose of Yao Yue, to let the living one understand the mystery of life, remorse for life. Unexpectedly, people count as days. Not wretched Hua WuQue empty rivers and lakes have a superhuman martial arts, met sinister cunning Jiang YuLang (Kevin Cheng ornaments) almost Jiang YuLang harm, and saved the benefactor turned out to be Xiao YuEr! Hua WuQue in the heart of the little benefactor inexplicable favor! The only thing I do not know is that this benefactor is called Xiao YuEr and is the target of the killings. Xiao YuEr got to know Tie XinLan (Vivian Chen) and Mu RongJiu due to a treasure map. Tie XinLan, who has always had a deep love for Xiao YuEr, is deeply in love with Hua WuQue. Xiao Jing fairy Zhang Jing (Theresa Lee ornaments) Although the teasing of her Xiao YuEr hate, all the way to kill, but again and again planted in the hands of Xiao YuEr! There seems to be a tangled front between the two. The so-called battle of treasure, turned out to be a trap set by Jiang BieHe father and son of Jiangnan heroes, trying to catch a martial arts master. Jiang BieHe deeply moved Hua Zhu Gong is his rival to martial arts, designed to use Wei WuYa on Yao Yue's infatuated, so Yao Yue body poison into trouble. Although Xiao YuEr rescued Yao Yue, she could not diminish her desire to make the two brothers flesh and blood.

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