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Shaun Tam TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Shaun Tam Works 31 ,And Romance 10 ,Feature 10 ,Comedy 6 ,Suspense 3 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Action 3 ,时装2 ,Thriller 2 ,Adventure 2 ,Urban emotion 1 ,电视系列短剧1 ,情景剧1 ,Historical play 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Love 1 ,War 1 ,Year 1 ,Warm blood 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Terror 1 ,Crime 1 ,Music 1 。

Works Index

Shaun Tam Filmography(31)


特技人 (TV)[2018]


剧集以电影行业内的“特技人”生活为主轴,道出他们“人前风光、人后艰苦”的一面,揭示当中的危险辛酸,展示特技人的执着与付出。同时以主角们的友情、亲情及爱情,交织窝心的故事。借他们对生活及工作的取舍及态度转变,带出纵然时不我与,也不应绝望,只要努力,任何岗位都能发光发热!“颠峰特技队”曾是香港电影界享负盛名的飞车特技团队,随着电影业式微及萎缩,颠峰已过,两年前更因队员在参与拍摄特技过程时遇上意外,引致终身残废, Qi DaZhi 内疚自责,遂将“颠峰”解散。此事令 Qi DaZhi ( Shaun Tam 饰)与小师姐 Chang MeiShu ( Rebecca Zhu 饰)的关系跌至冰点。 Chang MeiShu 为了继承亡父遗志,用尽方法令 Qi DaZhi 重振“颠峰”。几番扰攘, Qi DaZhi 终于克服心理障碍,带同一众师弟回归片场。 Qi DaZhi 发现对“师妹” Chang MeiShu 有着另类感情。

dating guru's love at the sound snail's bay (Movie)[2018]


Dating guru's love in hsiangluowan is a comedy film directed by the Chinese government and starring Chen sicheng, ni hongjie and tian zhongqian. It will be released on March 30, 2018.


On a war (TV)[2017]


TVB drama "fate" plot: set in the jiaqing years of the qing dynasty, with real-time shooting, and will be the 28 days before the death of ho-shen, with each episode as a day, detailed and how ho-shen struggle against the heart of the journey presented. The play is one of 16 episodes at the Hong Kong international film and television show 2017. It is also one of the seven TVB TV shows celebrating its 50th anniversary.

The rise and fall of dynasties and the succession of monarchs are the works of god. Ho-shen, a powerful, powerful, rich, more than the son of heaven close to the imperial power ministers! Jiaqing, nominal, alone, defeated in The Times, more than the people far away from the power of the emperor! In 28 days, the game of rights and righteousness, whether man will win the day or the fate can not be violated?


DatingMaster (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Lei Ren (Chen Sicheng), who is known as "Ghosts and Sorrows in Love," won the reputation of "Full Communion" with his rich love experience. He refuses to accept any media interviews and concentrates on "Dating Tips" and sets up a private dating studio to solve the problem Marriage and love incurable diseases, one to one service, both to protect the privacy of customers, but also complete the fairy United States dependents, the fame of Halo far dumped domestic well-known TV blind date program 80 Street, "a generation of master" Lei Ren God generally spike various "Under the moon." It is such an all-encompassing holy grail of love, but in the hands of his buddy Chen Yuan (Ti Lung son), only because of a woman named Lin HaiRong (ornaments), and the other woman behind this woman - Ou YangShanShan (Chie Tanaka ornaments) ......

TheCageofLove (TV)[2015]

Feature: At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the founder of Huzhou weaving and dyeing giant Jiang Yu (Hawick Lau) first met Rainbow (Zheng Shuang (actress, born 1991) ornaments) and "seize the rainbow man" stills were touched by her good and beautiful, but she was found to be enemies Wu HongDa's daughter. Wu HongDa once falsely accused Jiang Fu, leading to the death of Jiang Jiajia. Ten years later, Wu HongDa passed away suddenly. Jiang Yu acquired Wu's factory. Rainbow thought Jiang Yu was the murderer and determined to find out the truth. Rainbow into the factory and Jiang Yu some entanglement, but often failed. Jiang Yu fell in love with the rainbow can not admit, had threatened her into a nanny as a nanny to stay with her. In the face of Jiang Yu's difficulties, the rainbow with their own wisdom, kindness and perseverance, one after another to resolve conflicts. Rainbow and Jiang Yu get along, get to know each other more and more, both being attracted by the good quality of each other and eventually deciding to put down the hatred of the previous generation. With the help of Jiang Yu, Rainbow finally discovered the truth of his father's death, the bad guys got retribution, and lovers got married. Under the joint efforts of Wu and Jiang, the silk weaving and handicraft industry shines brilliantly to become a story.

DestinedToLoveYou (TV)[2015]

Feature: Still life In 1916, Qian BaoBao (Joe Chan), a civilian girl, rescued ill mother as a replacement for Xiao Han (Zheng Shuang (actress, born 1991), an accidental death of foreign nationality doctor), while Shen WenTao (Bosco Wong) and Xiao Han's fiance Xiang Hao (Jia Nailiang) on ​​one side. In order not to reveal the true identity, Qian BaoBao should evade the growing feelings with Xiang Hao and dispel Shen WenTao's doubts and temptations. Under the emotional entanglements, the crisis emerged. It turned out that Xiao Han did not die. Her return brought Qian BaoBao a conscience torture. Japanese dark forces are eyeing the dragon city, military academy into danger. Qian BaoBao and a group of blood-loving men in the military academy smashed the enemy's conspiracy again and again for the sake of the great national and ethnic righteousness, united, and made ends meet to successfully resolve the crisis. Eventually Qian BaoBao and Xiang Hao have lovers married. poster

Housewife Detective (TV)[2015]

Feature: Photo Early Republic of Shanghai. Housewife Gou JiXiang suffered an unfortunate death when her husband passed away and was mistreated. To find out the cause of death of her husband innocent, auspicious to become female detectives. Mao RuYi is auspicious partner, kind-hearted, but arrogant. Detected in the case, they both make many contradictions. With the deepening of cooperation, they came to a tacit agreement, under the pressure of the leader Fu LanKe, to crack many suspicions, not only to punish the wicked, but also to help many of the bottom poor people. Auspicious by the loss of self-housewives transformed into a new self-confidence and independence of women, Confucianism by the unarmed son of brother brother into a responsible brave detective. While both cherish their love, they also understand the meaning of life: they are determined to help more ordinary people in need of help. In the handling of the case, auspiciousness and Confucianism saw the true colors of the imperialist colonists and exposed the panic of Fu LanKe and his profiteers. They left the patrol room and opened the auspicious detective agency dedicated to serving the people, writing justice with youth and blood. & Nbsp ;.

Prank kiss (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Chen Yuan, a prominent architectural designer who was born out of style and confronted with a girl, faced a thorny problem by accidentally falling in love with Hai Rong, a feminine man who was a hostile corporate executive. In desperation only to the time-honored chase love Ren Lei Ren (ornaments) for help. However, not only did they stop in front of them with the glorious atmosphere of Hai Rong, but also Ma Ma, her ex-boyfriend who had never been able to fit deep within Hai Rong, and Shan Shan, the assistant who loved her, . In order to break through the layers of obstacles to achieve the friend's dream, Lei Ren racked their brains, full of surprising skills, and his darling of the Sony Ericsson scene made the two men extravagant. Until finally, when he found herself deeply attracted by the innocent Shan Shan, his pursuit of love had to face new challenges.

7Assassins (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the situation was turbulent and chaotic. Tie Yun (Felix Wong), a member of the South Korean revolution who had experienced the uprising in Huanghuagang, went to the desert with like-minded comrades in arms, smuggled gold and prepared to buy a large quantity of arms for another incident. Who knows the ambush by Man TianHong (Hongjie Ni), the pawn of Qin Bailin (Ray Lui), was fortunate to be rescued from Zhuo ZhiFu (Ti Lung), the four-officer officer, in a crucial moment. Zhuo ZhiFu is far-sighted. Despite being in both the enemy and the faction, Zhuo ZhiFu still pinned the country's fate on Tie Yun and arranged for Mao LaoBan (Eric Tsang), looking for a kindhearted and passionate person in Huangjinxia, ​​willing to accompany him Manchu small life. Mao LaoBan was a warrior who had participated in the Boxers. Huang Jinxia, ​​where he was guarded, gathered Yi Shi, a benevolent man from all walks of life. We do not talk about revolution, do not care about politics, live in peace in this paradise. With Tie Yun's arrival, the quietness of the Golden Gap was completely broken. Heroes of retired rivers and lakes for the country as a home, to show their skill ......


Feature: Jin PengWang Dynasty, an ancient and forgotten kingdom, once again entered into sight because Lu XiaoFeng investigated the strangeness of Huang Di in Central China. Bereavement - princess Dan Fung appeared, pointing to Lu XiaoFeng: only Jin PengWang toward the three heresy know how to unlock the poison of the emperor body, as long as the three were found, will be able to uncovered the culprit behind the plot. The ambitious kings of the throne were on the verge of provoking struggles in the palace. When they took part in the reunion, Lu XiaoFeng was in a more difficult situation and the investigation fell from time to time. During the investigation, Lu XiaoFeng was friends with famous doctors Hua ManLou and Jian Sheng Xi MenChuiXue. A Xin, who followed Lu XiaoFeng in the investigation, knew Lu XiaoFeng was Dan Feng, but found out that Lu XiaoFeng had become her Can not put down the care. Lu XiaoFeng finally solved the mystery and prevented the true mastermind - Wei Wang's rebellion. Lu XiaoFeng also lost Danfeng. After sadness, Lu XiaoFeng glanced back and saw A Xin waiting for him.

Destiny by love (TV)[2013]

Feature: Alec Su transforms Lu XiNuo, the handsome, cool and superficial Lu XNuo, chairman of the "Poisonous and Devilish Male" Single, with friends Chen ShuFeng, cousin Jin Gu three people like to walk in the city's sexual lust, interpretation of the delicate life of unmarried men, in his eyes, want to get married women are only looking for a rich "Long-term meal ticket." And Qin Lan plays the role of an older "scruffy woman" who is a simple, careless urban white-collar worker who lives independently and struggles in the high-rises of cities with her honey Yang Yang and Su Yue, who are immersed in the happiness of a young woman Days, under the guise of not being married dodge mothers all kinds of forced marriage, in her view, the woman needs is the backbone, can not find true love, preferring noble singles. Although Lu Xi Nuo and Liu Lin always resist the marriage, the "like-minded" two people in the play not only failed to "get along peacefully", but unexpectedly became a pair of happy lovers. Chen ShuFeng and Yang Yang accidental flash marriage let go to stop the two lip-talk, embarrassed encounter, after all, failed to stop the continuation of the wedding, the two are more grudges, hostility constantly. In the face of the embarrassing blind date, the crisis of unemployment and the failure of friends and marriages, Liu Lin co-entered Lu XiNuo's company. The two struggled more and more, To be complicated and confusing, after experiencing all kinds of twists and turns, the gradual retreat of the protective color of the two finally frank relative, each other heart, but the ensuing life unfortunately let them into confusion, is to continue or leave, the two hearts forbear.

WuDang (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Early Republic of China, according to legend, Mount Wudang has a treasure of the world, a hundred years reincarnation of the martial arts event is about to war, gathered in various Wudang martial arts Taoist Holy Land Taoism "best in the world", mysterious woman (trick) The war situation, ostensibly with Wu Wushi, has a family mission in his back, and archeology professor Vincent Zhao, with his young martial daughter, joins Wudang in the legendary town; Disciple (Louis Fan ornaments) accidentally became representatives of Wudang, fight for championships around the martial arts, but I do not know into the biggest crisis since the creation of Zhang Sanfeng Wudang ......

Legend of the Tiger (TV)[2012]

Feature: Warring States Period, the heroes and together. Qi Chu Yan Han Zhao Wei Qin seven countries and the world, constitutes a colorful, magnificent historical picture. Among them, the four eldest son headed by Xin LingJun occupy an important historical position at that time. Xin LingJun Li Xiaxian Corps, very prestigious in Wei. Ru Ji, the only daughter of Chang TingHou of Wei State, was eventually married to Wei Wang under both circumstances. Changping battle Zhao defeated, Zhao situation at stake. Shy of the power of Qin, Wei Wang does not move, non-Wei Wang's tiger can not send troops. At a critical juncture, Mrs. Ru Ji stole a tiger to rescue Zhao and he was in danger. Pingyuan couple has been trying to intercept Xin LingJun's life blood war art book, Nian Nu finally died to protect the secretary. After experiencing untold hardships, Xin LingJun and Ru Ji finally met again. However, they never expected that the crystallization of their love and youth came to protect their mother. Ru Ji fell into a pool of blood to save Xin LingJun.

Hi (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Mrs. Wan (Pat Ha) inadvertently found her husband derailed photos, very sad. Friends Jojo (Michelle Ye ornaments) and He Tai (Carrie Ng ornaments), who pulled her to a nearby high-level entertainment club prostitute prostitutes. Jojo and her husband Black and white brother (Chapman To) cold feeling, life is not consistent, so long happily outside. Mrs. Ho's husband is busy with business and has neglected her family. She is also lonely and lonely. In the club, Ho and Wan too fancy at the same time handsome handsome bill (William Chan ornaments). Too frustrated but found bill extra enthusiasm for her, two people gradually fell into love outside of the relationship between physical money. Why too reluctant to hold the bill, so the two began a snatch. One morning woke up Wan too found around people is not bill but his brother and brother ben, the story slowly started an astonishing conspiracy and disputes ... ...

MysteriousIsland (Movie)[2011]

Feature: A "Survival Game" brings together Shen YiLin, Peng Fei, and six other young and beautiful young men and women, led by television hosts and photographers, to remote islands. They are strangers to each other, each with its own heart, but only one purpose - in order to millions of dollars in huge bonuses. Their interests drive them from the moment they boarded the cruise ship began to tit-for-tat, but they can not stop the secretion of hormones, blue and green ambiguous strange men and women wanton breeding, but I do not know the danger has quietly come. Chen Jiadong, the billionaire in Southeast Asia, inherits his father's estate and is determined to develop an abandoned 40-year-old island on the Pacific Ocean in Java. Although his father strongly blocked, but the interests of smug homes still started an island adventure. He set out a huge bonus of 1 million yuan and attracted 8 young men and women such as Peng Fei, Shen YiLin and Ono Hiro to catch the yachts to the island. Everything seemed to be smooth and steady. The cruise ship was encountering a marvelous shipwreck. As a result, eight young people were forced to stay in the island. On this island, they were attacked not only by wild boar but also by a few ruins of leprosy hospitals. Soon after, horrible things happened one after another, and everyone fell into an impossible-to-quit death game.

Willyoustillloveme (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Ya Li (Megan Lai), a model girlfriend who has been dating many years, ignores the passionate work of Ming Li (Shaun Tam), a video-arts enthusiast, who thinks he can not afford to pay for the rent and can not pay the rent. The relationship between the two existing undercurrents. Ming Li went to Gulangyu for work. In order to cooperate with oil-paper umbrella artists, she volunteered to study oil paper umbrella art. Who knows the teacher is the girlfriend Ya Qian's mother, and Ya Qian helped assistant Ai Mei (Seli Xian) Take over the mobile phone advertising, and know her go-go cell phone merchant Tie Min (Jin Jia ornaments), so far, Ming Li and Ya Qian love because Tie Min to join gradually unbalanced, until the collapse; Ming Li can restore his girlfriend's mind? What is Ya Qian love back where? How to solve all the mysteries

BeautyOnDuty (Movie)[2010]

Feature: On the first day, Zhong AiFang accidentally saved Fei Wei, an important police witness who was being hunted down by a killer. Fei Wei promised the police to testify in court to protect his daughter Jun Jun from becoming a "young lady." As a result, Zhong AiFang, who had just joined the police force, had to become an overseas young lady in Greater China. In order to protect the safety of a woman, Sir, the power of the two police elite Zhouzidan and Jian Xiong help undercover Fang Fang, and he himself actually disguised as a photographer to protect her daughter. In the process of the game, love Fang to protect Jun Jun in the blocking sent by the day brother three killers, but also can not reveal their identity to continue the game. In the meantime, Arima in no way to protect Jun Jun escaped the assassination of "Beverly" killer A Feng's assassination, but he actually became a hot topic. Near the final, there was an accident, Jun Jun Zhongji had a good impression on the killer 阿虎, actually had to accompany him with the result of being drugged, and Sir Sir missed tracking on the way. One by one in front of love Fang.

Beauty On Duty (Movie)[2010]

Feature: On the first day, Zhong AiFang accidentally saved Fei Wei, an important police witness who was being hunted down by a killer. Fei Wei promised the police to testify in court to protect his daughter Jun Jun from becoming a "young lady." As a result, Zhong AiFang, who had just joined the police force, had to become an overseas young lady in Greater China. In order to protect the safety of a woman, Sir, the power of the two police elite Zhouzidan and Jian Xiong help undercover Fang Fang, and he himself actually disguised as a photographer to protect her daughter. In the process of the game, love Fang to protect Jun Jun in the blocking sent by the day brother three killers, but also can not reveal their identity to continue the game. In the meantime, Arima in no way to protect Jun Jun escaped the assassination of "Beverly" killer A Feng's assassination, but he actually became a hot topic. Near the final, there was an accident, Jun Jun Zhongji had a good impression on the killer 阿虎, actually had to accompany him with the result of being drugged, and Sir Sir missed tracking on the way. One by one in front of love Fang.

Fire Speed (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Fighting Forces (F.S.D.) Is a co-produced drama by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and Hong Kong Fire Services Department. A fire broke out and everyone managed to flee the scene of the fire; a warrior who forgot to do everything possible to enter the sea of ​​fire. It is not an expedition, nor a challenge to the limits of the human body, but a life-and-death trapped in deep-seated citizens. These warriors are firefighters. However, firefighters are not alone, fighting alongside them is a group of unruffled ambulancemen. They provide first aid to the wounded people who are so overwhelmed by the pain and extend their rescue hand to the citizens who have been scared to death. Courage is not God-given, absent-minded ability is not from overnight. Firefighters and ambulancemen's "whole body knife, Zhang Zhangli" is the result of hard training. From the FSD to all firefighters, they are nurtured by the big cradle of training schools. In just a short period of twenty-six weeks, students have learned more than the techniques of saving people from fire, as well as their solidarity and cooperation and their selfless spirit.

Love is complete when with you (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Love Must Have It Before You Can Perfect" tells the story of the dissolution of Repertory Theater. Outstanding actor Li XinEr persevered in his final performance with his childhood friend, DVD Chen Chao, leaving home to travel to Beijing to realize his dream. Arrived in Beijing, Chen Chao, Kinji even hit the status quo. In order to make her a pleasant stay, Chen Chao finally rented an apartment, but met Memphis who had misunderstood them before. It turned out that there was a hiding place for Meng Fei to evade star brother Xu Feng's forced overseas visit. Memphi moved to Kin Kin and Chen Chao clinging to his dreams and trying to live under the same roof as their lives, supporting each other and gradually establishing a profound friendship. Xu Feng was furious when Memphis was hit by a galactic media drama called "Commoner 2," with Memphis being chosen by Xu Feng's rival Wu ShanShan as her personal stylist. Xu Feng hired Chen Chao, who was running out of money, as his own assistant to join the group to see Meng Fei. Chen Chao in the team work hard to earn money, so less than Kinji together. In the meantime, when Kinji started to expand her circle of friends with An Qi, he met Sun Hao and Sun Hao, the handsome, multi-billion-dollar investment company owners, who loved Kinji at first sight. In the face of Sun Hao a series of irresistible love offensive, Kinji some parried. In order to facilitate Chen Chao and Kinji to meet, Monforte asked Wu ShanShan to let Kinji into the group as his styling assistant. Kinji came to the crew finally had a chance to try out the show, whether it is falling into water, falling down, slapped she worked hard to play. Chen Chao is so distressed. But in the cast, Kinji focused on his work and often ignored Chen Chao. Love has the power to have your perfect TV show take the approval of Sun Hao and Galaxy CEO Dong Wang's approval to replace An Qi's signature Galaxia, making Sun Hao's genuine girlfriend An Qi hate Kinji. In order to realize her dream, Kinji chose to part with Chen Chao, and after leaving Chen Chao to have a dream-like sweet life, Kinji decidedly left Chen Chao. Memphis did everything possible to make Chen Chao, who was so overcrowded and hurtless, turn a deaf ear to the arrangements that Xu Feng urged her to go abroad to study law. Xu Feng had to ask Dong Wang to expel Memphi. The move let Wu ShanShan misunderstand Xu Feng big bully bullied Memphis. Wu ShanShan only knew that Meng Fei was Xu Feng's sister after many times with Xu Feng, and all the excessive moves Xu Feng made to his misunderstanding were only out of his sister's love. Wu ShanShan gradually fell in love with Xu Feng. When Wu ShanShan shifts his focus from work to emotion, Xu Feng reunites his ex-wife Zhao Min with her son, Son, and finds that Satoko is his own flesh and blood. Xu Feng and Wu ShanShan's love life was disrupted, Wu ShanShan dilemma. Dong Wang An Qi as Kinji's agent due to An Qi's familiarity with Kinji. An Qi comes prepared, secretly performing design career mischief when Kin Kin acting career gradually, so Kinji continuous, rapid fall from the high point. At this point, Wu ShanShan decided to withdraw from the bottleneck love of "Love to have you perfect". Dong Wang took down the donkey and replaced many important announcements with Wu ShanShan instead of Kin-sun. Kinji face unexpected changes, the more do not want to surrender the more setbacks, and framed in An Qi, had to carry a huge debt for the gambler's father. In day and night, Meng Fei found Chen Chao very acting talent. Through the recommendation of Wu ShanShan, Chen Chao starred in the movie "Brotherhood.""Brothers" won a prize at a foreign film festival. At the press conference, Chen Chao bravely announced to Mon News. Galaxia investment drama "If you love" invites Chen Chao joined refused. Kinji fight for play credits to make money, went to persuade Chen Chao. Chen Chao read the old love promised Kinji, but hurt the love and the birth of Meng Fei. Memphis mistakenly thought that no matter how hard they tried to replace Kinji's position in the heart of Chen Chao, she sadly left the rental house. Chen Chao can not find it. Wu ShanShan, who became a female, was unconscious with asthma caused by bear allergy. People think it is Kinji. Chen Chao persuaded Kinji to face his own fault. Kinji finds Wu ShanShan, who woke up in Xu Feng's proposal, for her forgiveness. Wu ShanShan tells her that the real culprit that hurts her is An Qi. Kinji, with the help of Sun Hao, learned that An Qi had done many things that made her unjust. Nearly crazy An Qi drove Sun Hao in a car and told Kinji that all her previous crimes were because Sun Hao fell in love with Kinji and hated himself because of love. Kinji learned that Sun Hao paid his own silence, moved, feeling Sun Hao. An Qi was arrested, got the due punishment. Meng Fei misunderstood Chen Chao and planned to go abroad and stop coming back.

GiveLove (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Lina was commissioned by the company from Hong Kong to work in Guangzhou and met accountant Yu XiaoDong. After love, Xiaodong marry him romanticly. Lina has no longer dreamed of marriage, sweet and happy life. The two wanted to make up the wedding in Hong Kong. Lina simply resigned from her job and returned to Hong Kong to arrange six months' wedding. Xiaodong's younger brother Nitto worked as a ground handling manager for a sailing company in Hong Kong and had her own home. In order to save money, Lina did not stay in the hotel and moved to live with her husband, sleeping in her room. East personality cautious, very polite, Lina is free and easy, because of different personalities, causing contradictions in life turmoil. For example, when Lina screams at home watching a movie of thrillers in the middle of the night, she is afraid she will disturb her neighbors. Lina and Nittar gradually do not like each other secretly. Lina and Xiaodong chatting about things, Xiaodong Daxing crime division, call the younger brother of Japan Eastern life of the people. Lina deeply embarrassed, in order not to add misunderstanding and East Japan, waiting for the opportunity to compensate for the apology. Just a Japanese East as a friend A Ji to solve emotional problems, with A Ji's girlfriend, Aifei home lessons, Lina mistaken for the East Japan good girlfriend, making the East East dumbfounding. However, Lina carefully cared for care Effie, so that the East on the Rina added a good impression, that Lina or kind-hearted woman! Broke the Light, Xiaodong distracted. On the edge Xiaodong's secretarial secretary Xiaodong eight years, suddenly show love. Xiaodong distracted, after introspection, I found myself not a good husband. Strong conscience blame, Xiaodong secretly regret marriage, determined to break up and Lina peace. Japan East first news, angry at the behavior of Xiaodong, and forcing Xiaodong Hong Kong to complete the wedding, do a man's responsibility. At the same time, Lina did not know the truth, still living in the dream. Japan East to help Xiaodong cheat Lina, but also very helpless uncomfortable. Xiaodong is determined to divorce, and after Lina Confessions, to avoid going back to Shenzhen Lina agreed to divorce. Lina such as falling into the abyss, to stay in Japan, can not afford to face, the day unconscious. Japanese East compassion heart, day and night accompanied, and impressed Lina, distressed with its sadness, it is better to face the reality, and Xiaodong separately, get up again. Lina finally figured out, then Xiaodong formally signed a divorce book, do a divorce certificate. Day East also help the aftermath, Dai Xiaodong to Lina's family and friends to apologize, suffered grievances, but silent, very demeanor. Lina gradually felt that the East is a rare good man. Two people continue to live together, although not talking about falling in love, but like siblings, like friends, support each other. Gradually, the two have a love, and both are single, in fact, the absolute right hand in hand. However, the Japanese East detention, do not want to make things regret, repeatedly avoid Lina's suggestion. Lina gradually know that love does not impulse, like the East does not mean that he wants to pair with him. Lina moves away, reconnects, meets new friends. Nitto did not say it, he had already been in order to avoid Lina and apply for the deployment of the company, transferred to Guangzhou Baiyun Airport work, though lonely, always outweigh the impulse to love. Fate arrangement, four months later, Lina re-enter the business, and to a meeting in Guangzhou. After the meeting, Lina took the opportunity to Hong Kong, on the counter counter at the airport east Japan.A few months of thoughts, there is suppression in the heart, but no passion outbreak. The two replied good gossip gossip homely, through the emotional pass, become a real concern, sustenance of a pair of good men and women. Love is to know how to love yourself, not for a moment of romantic passion and hurt again.

TheMoss (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Zhang () is a special duty officer (Police Constable) stationed in Sham Shui Po - a world full of bloody, bloody violence similar to the Kowloon Castle of that year. He often lives with gangsters and prostitutes and has no purpose in life Is a young and avant-garde. Among the many prostitutes, he likes lulu () but he felt that this is not love, not even pity, but when Zhang is facing lulu, there is always a feeling of peace of mind to sleep. Just as Zhang thought he could live and live like that, he was caught up in a series of nagging grudges because of the disappearance of Archmage Zhan Ma's son Archi in the land of rival Si Yan Tang, Zhan Ma knew that Zhang had contact with Si YanTang and forced Zhang to represent him in the court, but Zhang accidentally killed Si Yan Tang during the negotiation, while the only eyewitness attempted to kill Sha Shou at Si YanTang. A few lower-status people, a dark war in Sham Shui Po formally took the war mantle. Who's the strongest vitality, who is the final winner.

Naraka 19 (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Someone in a college girl's bedroom received one after another a message, "Do you know what the hell is on the 19th floor?", And several girls entered into a mysterious SMS game. In the past, we only heard about 18 layers of hell and never heard of the 19th layer of hell, so we were all curious. However, girls who played games unexpectedly died abnormally during different stages of the game, and one girl also suffered a mental breakdown. Although schools and police stations are constantly investigating and protecting students at school, some people still receive the same message continuously or are on the verge of death. Student Chun Yu, who once suffered serious mental illness after escaping from the deserted village, Girls accidentally recovered, in order to explore what exactly to find the same room close friend's death into the mysterious SMS games. However, she found herself unable to extricate themselves into a terrible hell game. With the help of Gao Xuan, an art teacher in the school, Chun Yu found many secrets and loves handsome and talented teachers in the process. However, as he approached the secret of hell, Chun Yu increasingly felt panic. Ji Fu, who has long since died, is always around and keeps hearing messages from the deceased roommate, whether Gao Xuan is real or not, but when she finally reaches the 19th floor of hell, she hears hell Ultimately turned out to be.

DragonEyeCongee (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Phone ring ... World consciousness confused pick up the phone is a long-distance phone call from Taiwan Yongsimu, inviting worldly miserable and studio case, by the way came to Taiwan to take a look, Shi Ming did not consider the promise It's Time to think of the airport to meet the world, when driving a car under the highway, into the city, Shiming sleepy eyes, see the streets all back to 1966, there is a beautiful woman is looking at him in the street, Shi Ming For a while, want to see carefully, behind the trumpet masterpiece ... World Ming Yong Yong think into the studio. Shiming has done that dream, the scene appeared in the dream seems clearer and clearer, and in the street glimpse of a woman actually also took the huqin appeared in a dream, that rhythm in the ear lingering ... Walking on the street ... Unconsciously walked into a yellow front door, this door actually and dreams did not see the ocean. ... Shi Ming dumbfounded ... Back to the hotel, abruptly violently nausea, Yong think emergency will be sent to the hospital ... When Shi Ming lying in bed, but also staggered with that woman, midnight, it seems to vaguely see that woman in the corridor Crying, feeling she came from a different world. In the hospital after a full rest, Yong Si and Shi Ming left the hospital, Yongsi open the CD audio, to Shiming listen to that music, Shiming heard the music, the whole body trembling, his face was white ... Shi Ming then said he From my childhood to the dream that I have been doing now, and more recently my dream became clearer ... Originally, my dream was very vague and I just felt a bowl of food was in front of me in the darkness of tonight, so I could not help but eat it , Then suddenly awakened, remaining aroma on the tongue! Vaguely heard in the dream of a voice: "Longan porridge is good, eat!", I thought I was evil, but I have no other foreign in all aspects, but soon after, I heard in my dream Time and again clearly call: "Longan porridge good, please eat! Shi Ming according to the music composer's address, he came to a familiar, but strange place, surroundings and dreams completely different ... World Ming courage, push the door again, the table is still placed a bowl Hot longan porridge ... In the wall above, hung an enlarged photo, is a handsome young man, between the brows, actually some of the resemblance to a young age, Shi Ming browsing the walls hanging a few old Photos, one of which attracted his attention, the pictures of the girls clever smile, she is chasing these days, he chased frequently, but always chasing lost, and then again and again in his dream of the woman? Shiming suddenly saw an old diary for the table, so curious to take a look ... From this life to pursue the past life, unpredictable mystery of life, was born in the Nanyang immortalized the United States Chen Shiming, there is no firearms Touch the past marriage status under the state, every full moon night, there will be sweet dream porridge fragrance. He Xinyue of Taiwan's Tainan in Chen Shiming Dream Longjing porridge good, please eat.Chen Hsieh Ming came to Taiwan because of his fate, following the melodious erhu melody in his dream, exploring the secrets of the spiritual rendezvous in the depths of his life, and searching for the wife who dreamed of eating Longan porridge in his dream , As well as his wife Ho Xin Yue clenched hands Clover, Chen Shiming can find his past wife He Xin Yue it? He Xin Yue is born? Is dead? Is getting older? Or ugly? Chen Shiming seek and find the mysterious former residence appeared in the dream, he opened the mottled door into the familiar scene inside the house, a young man's remains on the wall is the past life of Chen Shiming, for longan porridge fragrance on the table, Is the white-haired woman, carrying a bowl of longan porridge for the table, facing the survivors light call: "Longan porridge, please eat well." Longyin porridge is the favorite food of Chen Shiming's past lives. Chen Shiming suddenly realized that He Xin Yue had a deep love for him. Chen Shiming, a middle-aged man, He Xin Yue, Chen Shiming, Chen Shiming no longer have a dream, no longan porridge fragrance. He Xinyue decades of waiting, but can not wait Chen Shiming to solve the mystery of past lives, love, hold the hands of Chen Shiming with a sketches of lucky sketches, He Xin Yue satisfied with the closed eyes, the sunset gradually ashamed, Chen Shiming , The state of mind is something to be remembered, but then suddenly.

Paris love song (TV)[2005]

Feature: French pianist Yu Man Chi (Ruby Lin ornaments) stroll the streets of Paris, with great interest with the street artistes playing the "Paris Love Song" stills up. It is this familiar piano that attracts Quan Ren, who is busy with hospitality in a cafe somewhere. More than a decade ago, Yu ManZhi and Ji Wei, childhood sweethearts, became a little boyish girl in the Shanghai music scene under the careful supervision of piano teacher He YuTong (Leanne Liu). Ji Wei, a talented musician, took care of the young Manzhi and wrote Angel Concerto. Happy days fleeting, young Ji Wei can not accept the reality of family changes, a person away from Paris. The two meet again although the situation is still there, but unfortunately Manzhi has a lover Ren YunKuan (Shaun Tam), and Ji Wei has deep love for himself, Yu Yue (Tamia Liu).

Lukjongsi (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Frustrated hairdresser Hacken Lee and three friends: Ekin Cheng, Chapman To, and Michael Hui make a jump, but when the police surround them The young YOSOSHAMA Yoshino, who fell in disguise in the same building, disrupted their plans. The four people who live continue to have to face their own troubles: Rusty brawny girlfriend (Candy Lo ornaments) consider the break up but can not let the latter's thoughtfulness and help, a wolf squeezed by the boss (George Lam) but Can not find the opportunity to attack, Ah Chai is dissatisfied with the long absence of workaholic girlfriend (Huang Yi (actress) ornaments) trying to reconcile with ex-girlfriend Ding Ding (Karena Lam ornaments) old, and Micron received their own children's phone After losing the ability to ditch women. Four big men how to solve their own problems?

Amoy fairy tale (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Dry Moye" is the Spring and Autumn Period Sword Master master, Moki couple make painstaking efforts, with the life and unforgettable love Smelting sword. When the sword because of the furnace that was collected from the five mountains and six of the best of gold and iron over six months can not be melted, so Mo evil cast their own body, "scintillating to become a sword." In order to commemorate Moe, dry will cast a male and female sword. He dedicated his sword to the king of kings, but kings forced the female sword, surrounded by soldiers who desperately asked the female sword in the box: Mo Ye Moxie, how can we not separate. The sword in the box suddenly turned into a smoke, take away the dry. Since then, dry Moye and the pair of Excalibur will disappear between the earth, never appeared again. Thousands of years, countless people looking for "dry Moyo sword" trail. 1000 years later, during the period of China's Great Splintering, the Eastern Han Dynasty, an orthodox regime in Eastern Jin Dynasty, was forced by the encirclement of the ethnic minorities such as the Huns and forced to live in the southern part of the An-An River. The young and beautiful Queen Mother supported the younger Emperor with less than 10 years of hardship . Enlightened man Chi SongDaoZhang calculated the treacherous East Jin regime will have a huge catastrophe. To resolve this catastrophe, unless there is a God-given marriage, in a certain meaning of the moment of affection, activate the magical powers of the Moxie Excalibur for a thousand years. Huang ChuMing, Jinhua's folk therapist, and Liu YiXi, his sweetheart, went into history. Huang ChuMing undermines Captain Tsao's assassination plan against the Empress Dowager by chance and saves the empress dowager; and Liu YiXi sees only the innocent spirit, Until she was able to settle down, Liu YiXi was therefore taken captive by the angry Captain Cao to the palace. Huang ChuMing thus embarked on a search, save Liu YiXi road. Because of the love of the little emperor for Liu YiXi, Captain Cao collaborates with the Taoist liberated dust from Hou Zhao to control Liu YiXi's mind with wickedly innocent drugs and try to reach their goal through her control of the little emperors. Liu YiXi extraordinary heartbroken since then, seems to be possessed by evil, for a very fierce moment, the face of Huang ChuMing eyes occasionally reveal a trace of miserable look. In the process of rescuing Liu YiXi, Huang ChuMing was involved in a field plot. With his sincere nature and gifted talents, Huang ChuMing opened the curtain of his chaotic life for the benefit of the people. Gradually, Huang ChuMing has become the focus of several forces contest, the focus of success or failure of the conspiracy, all in one. Finally, under the poem of Chi SongDaoZhang, under the influence of Wang XiZhi's handsome and elegant calligraphy, Huang ChuMing accomplished the mission entrusted by God's will, eradicated the catastrophe, and he himself experienced several trials and tribulations in the process , Experienced several emotional disputes, eventually realized the value of self-survival.

LoveBird (TV)[2004]

Feature: Xiaoqing, Han and Hunan, the three frequencies close to each other, each other, but in the request of "only" love, face the role of get and lose. Bird and black pip meet in the network, but also in the real life rendezvous, Han and Xiao Qing in the seven birds on the way to birdwatching, the two get to know each other because of the collision, each other Jianruan Zhang, Han friends are small Wang also fell in love with Xiaoqing, until the two finally met in the real world, love and friendship picked up, how to be good. However, Han's thought is that his girlfriend, Xiangzi, who died in the first love, is still alive, the truth, the guilt and responsibility of the past, the struggle between the new love and the old love, and even his intervention in North Korea and his choice of how to choose , Secretly in love with the little Tintin Ding, Xiao Ding waiting for the little Xie, what kind of plot will be developed. Migratory birds e people

JulyRhapsody (Movie)[2002]

Feature: Lin YaoGuo (ornaments) is a secondary school Chinese teacher. When he was a famous genius in school, and now see those who fly, free to play golf college students, his heart is difficult to say the taste. This sense of loss, only he can understand. Lin Yao Guo, a 40-year-old who felt ashamed of himself, was fascinating in the eyes of his student Hu CaiLan, who fell in love with him and became known throughout the school. Like other normal teachers, Yew King avoided her troubles as much as she could, but I am afraid that excessive avoidance would have an impact on the blue-colored heart, and the blue-colored looks beautiful and sentimental. A young man appeared in Chen Weng-jing's wife shadow. Originally plain life fairly happy, blue love Lin Yiu feel pressure and uncomfortable, and in the late cancer of the end of Sheng LaoShi (decoration) back, but also made his calm life waves. Wen Jing fell in love with Sheng LaoShi, and the eldest son of Lin YaoGuo An Ran (ornaments) is also the father of Sheng LaoShi. When Wen Jing was pregnant, Sheng LaoShi ran away from his head. This talented but weak teacher has always been a hidden danger of Yao State and Wen Jing. Even worse, Wen Jing actually asked Yao country for a month off. This wise and responsible wife, to use her own way to solve the troubled her demons. Sympathy, insecurity and anger alternately tormented the country. Academic pressure, middle-aged troubled by these kinds of factors so that the temptation of the color blue double attracted him. In the face of this scene, a 40-year-old man what choice to do, the plight of middle-aged man was born.

Huangxinjiani (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Michelle and Don doctors feel suffocated, Michele traveled alone to Europe to relax, hoping to find an emotional way to save this 6-year marriage. In southern France, she meets Miki, a Japanese woman who is alone and enjoys great success. Rush Miki let Michele infected, habits Michelle also want to indulge in indulgent taste, actually went to Miki, North Africa and Morocco to work together to make the two deepen understanding, Miki confessed that he fell in love with a married man, the trip was originally In order to escape the feelings of no way out, Miki's "mistress" identity has deeply hurt Michele, because it is her husband's extra-marital affairs, so that marriage is not allowed to go back. Miki's man is Dr. Tang, was the treatment of the emotional holiday has become even more painful blow, Michele decided to pick up their mood back to Hong Kong, Miki actually evaporate, guilty of Michele had to seek help from Dr. Tang, did not expect the Tang The first sentence the doctor just arrived at was Michele giving up Miki and returning to Hong Kong to start over again. Michele was full of doubt as to what happened ...

Foreign wife local Lang (TV)[2000]

Feature: "Native Wives Local Lang" describes a family with four sons in the old town of Guangzhou and the four foreign wives who married in the northern and southern parts of China. Due to differences in living habits and cultural backgrounds, a series of comedy stories have emerged. Without exception, these comedies come from life and have vivid characteristics of the times. Therefore, the local Lang of foreign wives can be described as a sitcom that closely follows life and reflects the status quo of the times. In the play, the big three-generation family is not only suitable for the performance of stories of all ages, but also extends more and more minor figures around the core group of Kang family due to the multi-line arrangement of character relations. Neighborhoods, friends and relatives from other provinces and even foreign countries, new immigrants to Guangzhou, and foreigners going to Guangzhou. They are all-encompassing and can do everything. It is with such delay and expansibility of external drama that makes its story rich and colorful, making people feel more cordial.

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