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Miki Yeung TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Miki Yeung Works 9 ,And Comedy 4 ,Romance 4 ,Feature 3 ,Crime 1 ,Thriller 1 。

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Miki Yeung Filmography(10)


Goodbye our decade (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Liu Yun (actress) and Song DongGe (Guo Jiaming) used to be very loving couples. They appreciate each other's personality and talent and are real soul mates. However, the two love so much, but they still part ways in the real obstruction, never heard of. With a blink of a decade, Song DongGe has grown to be a unique planner who is determined to plan a unique grand wedding for owner Ling Zhi (Mike Sui), never mind the bride named Angela Looks exactly the same. Although Angela refused to admit, but Song DongGe recognized the immediate beauty of the woman is the young innocent Kiki. The old man in front of the past, like the ups and downs comeback, Song DongGe how to deal with the feelings of the surging heart? He did not know if he had the same feeling as himself in Angela's heart.

Sniper standoff (TV)[2013]

Feature: Gao JinJian 与 Li HaoYang 原本同是飞虎队的精英,两人曾视对方为出生入死的好兄弟,并且得到飞虎队的上司 Shang GuanTian 欣赏,传授枪法,成为射击高手。但是由于两人性格大相迳庭,并且在警队内各自遇上不同际遇,双方关系由此开始出现裂痕。昔日兄弟 分道扬镳 Gao JinJian 枪法一流,是飞虎队的中流砥柱。经历过荣耀和胜利的他渐渐明白到身为飞虎队,责任和承担才是最重要。晋坚同时还兼任教官一职,担负培养新人的重任。然而,他觉得飞虎队中的年轻队员,包括 Li Zhen 、 An YaZhe 、 Liu Gui 等的表现不佳,令他倍感责任重大。《神枪狙击》剧照 Li HaoYang 性格自傲、好胜心强,自认为最出色,最终因为独断独行,违反纪律而被革职。晋坚在该事件中担当重要证人,并如实道出事情真相,因此埋下了二人矛盾的种子。浩扬离开警队后,表面成为了一名成功商人。但他的真实身份是一名职业杀手,并替 Ding Qiao 领导的奇点集团办事。他以一套歪理支持自己的所为,自觉自己杀的都是敌对犯罪份子,替天行道,与警队所做的并无分别,甚至认为自己比警队做事更干净利落。弥补过错 救赎爱情晋坚曾在执行职务时,误伤女子 Wang RuoLing ,改写了她的命运。虽然被成功抢救,但由于子弹留在脑内无法取出,每天皆面对著死亡威胁,后来晋坚积极帮助若玲投入新的生活。可是,众人认定若玲知道前男友收藏黑钱的秘密,黑白两道一直对她缠扰不休。晋坚以警员身份不断为若玲排难解纷,二人不但成为好友,晋坚更对若玲萌生爱意。后来若玲得知当日意外真相后,性情大变,甚至对晋坚产生误会。誓揭伪装 守护爱人 Shang GuanTian 的女儿 Shang GuanMingZhu ,与晋坚关系要好。在她眼中,晋坚沉著冷静的处事态度甚具 Shang GuanTian 的影子,因此对他有著一份倾慕之情。明珠女承父业,成为了有组织罪案及三合会调查科的成员。明珠一向处事黑白分明,却认定若玲是狡猾女子,认为她利用晋坚的同情来保护自己,因此对她事事针对,并誓要揭发她隐瞒黑钱的罪证,三人形成了一段错综复杂的三角关系。飞虎英雌 追求认同 Li Zhen 贵为女子射击冠军,拥有极高天赋和热情的她立志成为出色的狙击手。获推荐加入飞虎队后,晋坚却看出她追求个人荣辱,而她的个人主义中还隐然有浩扬的影子。晋坚对 Li Zhen 格外严厉,还一直不允许她担当重任,这令 Li Zhen 认为晋坚不相信女子能当狙击手大任,对他大为失望。浩扬在主要人物关系枪会中认识了 Li Zhen ,并欣赏她的果断与勇气,还私下传授枪法心得,两人渐生情愫。正邪大战 一触即发浩扬每次射杀目标几乎是完美无瑕,使晋坚察觉到犯罪世界里存在着一个本领高强的高手。同时,晋坚察觉对方每每将警队克制在股掌之中,有感此人不除,必成警队和社会大患,于是决心要找出此人,绳之于法。虽然晋坚和浩扬表面上已事过境迁,依然是要好的朋友,但其实浩扬对晋坚仍耿耿于怀,认定晋坚当日是出于妒嫉而指控自己,因此要向晋坚证明自己才是最出色的狙击手。昔日兄弟各走异端,隐隐然埋下了同门对决的伏线。

LanKwaiFong (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The first night, Lan Kwai Fong regulars Steven encountered flight attendant Jennifer, the two then one-night stand. They feel really in love this time, Meet New Year's Eve Lan Kwai Fong to meet, but unfortunately because of misunderstanding Steven Jennifer attitude abnormal, Jennifer desperate again Lan Jingfang. After eight months, Steven Jennifer, who had a hard time thinking about it, wanted to grow with her, but Jennifer had become a girlfriend of her boss, Leslie. At the same time, Steven got A Gong Accident and Emergency room bad news. As a trivia colleague, Gong Gong, a big tribe who has experienced the wash of gold pots, persuaded Steven, like his friend Sean Ma, to feel like herself and Sean was paid more by Catwoman. Steven decided to take the courage to tell Jennifer his mind, but it was too late; Jennifer had just agreed to Leslie's proposal. Yin and Yang wrong, just owe a little bit of time. Steven regret it, depressed sadly leave. Steven resolutely decided to accept the company's transfer to the foreign head office, his friends held for him Farewell Party, Jennifer again, they can become a pair of lover in the glittering night of love found it?

Bochioinei (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Love trial period three months ago, the wind finally crush long female colleague Qi knot as a couple. But the big woman's personality, but the wind must be tight-lipped love affair, but also with him set a three-month trial of love. In these three months, the wind must make every effort to be a full boyfriend, Qi wind the words and deeds, every move to score reviews. After the trial period, Qi will assess the performance of the wind and then decide whether each other can become a real couple. Qi requirements seem very sharp sharp, but in the face of crush years goddess, even if the wind goes to the fire he is also as auspicious. This Valentine's Day, happens to be the biggest trial of the wind with Qi's expiration of the big day, whether the wind handed over the score sheet, will make a smooth transition of their love future, or finally be kicked off. Silent voice Sheng Wei is a mall resident singer, he will see treasure every day when the show. Po is in the mall opened a small florist, her flowers on the road every day, always after Wei performance stage. Wei happiest day is found in the crowd of people stop listening treasure. Po always show to Wei an encouraging smile. Today, Valentine's Day, he decided to talk to his heart long buried love. Wei self-confidence to confess the beloved, of course, the strongest weapon is his own voice! Wei recorded a self-singing song, intends to treasure by song. However, at this time Po has told a bolt of a bolt from the blue. She was weakly listening. For a person who lives on the side of music, he falls in love with a girl who lacks music in his life. For Wei, this can be a sad Valentine's Day. Day lover Dragon and tiger is a pair of poisoning men who live in their own world all day long. They never know how to deal with the opposite sex. This Valentine's Day, the two brothers actually whim, hoping to find a girl to accompany their holidays. In the site of dating games, the dragon and tiger met the beautiful young, female Gold Net friend code. Goldfish volunteered to dragon and tiger two days a lover. Goldfish large personality and idol unpredictable life experience. Brought to the drowsy changes in the dull life of dragons and tigers. Last dinner Zu Hefang seven feelings, has arrived on the way to hospital emergency stage. After a series of quarrels, Zuhe Fang knew that people who are two worlds each other, breaking up seems to be something that can not be avoided. They even think this Valentine's Day, it should be everyone's last Valentine's Day together. In the seven years of restaurant, Zu and Fang ate a Valentine's Day dinner. Zu and Fang decided to break up after dinner, but dinner had just started, and the ups and downs of ancestors and fang thoughts had happened in the dining-room incidents, once again in my heart. Reluctant mood, teaching dinner more and more slowly, Zu Hefang do not want to eat dinner so soon, will not suddenly broke into each other and not willing to break up. Farewell to Fai This Love, Valentine's Day is his busiest day of the year, because he has to make every effort to allocate time spent with his four girlfriend Valentine's Day. Hundreds of authorities calculate the Hui, early in the choice of girlfriend think of this. Fai's four girlfriends, namely the female student Xiaobing, stewardess Mary, bamboo back from foreign countries and the idol singer Shin Shin.Hui uses the characteristics of four girlfriends in the background, ready for Valentine's Day breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner time, with everyone in the mall one by one together. However, unexpected changes in imagination and reality will occur unexpectedly. A series of accidents have caused this fiexue to languish and make it difficult to resist.

LforLove, LforLies (Movie)[2008]

Feature: A Wen is a good sister of Bao (She), she has a dating boy friend A Feng. Beautiful and moving, A Wen often teases out-of-the-way A Feng outside to develop a short period of misty love. A Wen does not love A Feng, she just believes that loyal A Feng will not leave her. A Wen does not want to be a go-between. Abandoned by A Jun, Abe worked as a makeup lady at a department store. Bao's daughter's boss Juan suddenly announced the good news of marriage, but also invited all my colleagues to eat dinner to celebrate dinner on the treasure found a lot younger than Juan fiance is very familiar, it is their old neighbor A Qiang, but A Qiang has been with Bao Bao do not know each other. A month later, Juan suddenly announced the cancellation of the wedding. In the mouth of my colleague, Bao learned that Juan's half-life savings were reportedly escaped by A Qiang, who had been evaporated from the earth. A Bao unexpectedly met again in the street A Qiang, A Qiang has been around for a new prey. A Bao Qiang A Qiang was found to be a guilty conscience A Qiang thought Bao wanted to tell themselves. However, Abo made another request to A Qiang, and she was willing to hire A Qiang to cheat Qi Qi. Abo determined to Qi Qi ruthless taste of the wealth of the two lost. AQiang, a deceitful chef, borrowed loan interest from Qi Qi and AQiang's apprentice cheated him. Qi Qi was in trouble with both men and women. A Qiang avenged Bao. At this point, A Bao's heart has a good impression on A Qiang, but still can not let go of Qi Jun abandoned A Jun, they opened a dessert shop, re-established. But in the backstreet of the dessert, A Qiang, however, was involved in fraud and was interrupted by a group of people. During the fight, a nail broke into A Qiang's head. A Qiang struggled to stand up and saw A Jun and A Bao walk side by side intimate together. A Qiang finally collapsed. As early as Abercrombie and Fitch High School, A Qiang Alba ambush already have a good impression, but Aba has not know. After A Qiang was sent to the boy's house for a crime, until her adulthood meets, she never saw Abo again. A Feng broke up with A Wen. The truth is that six months ago, A Feng secretly developed a "reserve lover" relationship with A Wen, a colleague's girlfriend, who was married to A Wen. A Wen, who thought he was a veteran lover of love, could think of A Feng, who was playing with himself between his hands and turned it back into silence as early as the revolution. Abe, who has been in contact with the phone but has not seen each other, met up with A Wen and invited a new boyfriend from A Wen. Who knows A Wen's new boyfriend was actually A Jun ... Seven masters in the story, Have fun on the play: But love this game, there is no rules of the game, as in this world, there is no strange love, only weird people. Different people to play love this game, the outcome is already a turning point. Po was originally a happy girl, with her childhood friend Stephen Wong Ka-lok, who started a small dessert shop after graduation. Po a heart to be stable business dealings, it will be co-ordinated with Jun. Good times uncommon, treasure one day heavy encounter old students for many years Qi (Alice Tzeng ornaments), Qi took a good man Jun diligent, did not read the sister's friendship with Po, Hengdao wins love. Poor treasure not only lost a period of treasures, but also lost the hard-founded dessert shop, ended in a loss of both wealth and sadness end.After Jun was abandoned, Po in a department store as a make-up lady, accidentally met a love liar, she is willing to hire a strong hired to cheat Qi, determined to Qi Chi ruthless taste of the loss of wealth ... ...

ForgiveandForget (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Sunny (Alice Tzeng ornaments) Car accident six months ago, wake up without memory, but gradually recovered her from Taiwan to fly to Hong Kong, preparing her boyfriend Cheng Wei's funeral. Ah Wei's former friend Ah Yong (Andy On ornaments) to Qing Wei sent to Wei's residence, settled her, sunny and very grateful. The original half a year ago, because we found a third party, Qingqing angry broke up. Two people in different places at the same time a car accident, one dead and one wound. Living in the house where the two used to live together, Ching Ching wanted to retrieve memories of the past. One day, I fell in love with Lin Qi (Miki Yeung), a woman arguing with her boyfriend downstairs. The two became close friends, and Lin Qi told her that men love you very much to lie to you. Ching Ching in the locker room to see Wein wrote to himself but was returned to the letter, and began to often see in the room, Wei, tortured. Ah Yong told her all this is an illusion, but Ching Ching is very confident in their own eyes. As Wei's funeral finished, Ching Ching also intends to return to Taiwan, this time Yong said to her, sunny fine accepted. In the news to tell his left Lin Qi, found a surprising truth, and this truth and whether Wei Wei is dead intertwined.

Fate (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Everyone in the young time, there will be a chance to go to 【Hengjie】 this place. Most of them are in order to escape the troubles and into the [side streets], but all of a lifetime hiding in it. Afei's single mother with good feelings, but her mother was suddenly just met the Lover blue dart involved in drug trafficking and jail; he retaliated to the Blue Dart, but lost one eye. In the end, revenge so that he hid in the [cross] in transit. Amnesia's Nana is looking for [Wangjie] everywhere; in her fragmentary memory, her images flash off. She was convinced that she could get out of the nightmare that troubled her if she could find her. King met Nana at the tram stop and Nana asked A King to find a way to cross the street. King King gave her a faint route, but he was hurt because Nana was her girlfriend, but now Nana is facing He, it seems like facing a stranger. In the basketball court, the lonely girl PS silently waiting Afar, because she felt each other are lonely living in a cruel world. Four young people in 【Hengjie】 wander through alleys and look for themselves in the lush and ugly side streets. Produced by Andrew Lau, "Infernal Affairs", "...

B420 (Movie)[2005]

Feature: What is happiness? For the girl A buckwheat (Yang Aijin ornaments), happiness is a can of open Coke, if you do not drink it right now, happiness will expire. Since her parents immigrated, Albuquerholic became dependent on her mother-in-law and she had the unprecedented freedom to consume her youth - cheating her mother-in-law every day to school, in fact, making a marketing promoter in the streets. ..

百分百感覺2003 (Movie)[2003]

Feature: Jerry (Yu Man Yue ornaments) and Xu Yue (Wang Jiaming ornaments) is a colleague, is also a roommate. The two of them have very different personalities. Jerry is passionate and passionate. The women in her life are constantly searching for true love among the group of women. Xu Yue is silently waiting for their favorite appears. Finally, both met the goddess in the street together in the street. The girl named Cherie (Stephy ornaments) so that the two boys captivated, each other who bet the pursuit of success. Xu Luan silently follow but can not get Cherie's heart, she and Jerry became lovers. But Cherie could not get a finger on Jerry's hesitation. Later learned that Jerry had retaliated, pretending to have had a grudge against him Jenny (Fu Ying ornaments), can not stand Jerry playing, Jenny's spirit there is a problem. This matter has been plagued by Jerry, Cherie can not face Jerry's frost, turned Xu Le embrace, the two decided to get married. Jerry rushed to the wedding, and Cherie was in a complicated mood at the moment, I do not know how to do it.

9個女仔1隻鬼 (Movie)[2002]

Feature: Chen Jianwei (ornaments) is a lifetime stock financial master, twenty-three years old will become the youngest Morgan Stanford irector, fame and fortune! Unfortunately, fame and fortune smoked, people become arrogant overbearing. In a traffic accident, when his young wife died young, his soul was not dissipated in his car, but he forgot his past memories. This car has also been the most used car refurbished into the car, just Jia Jia (Stephy @ Cookies decorated) fancy. Jia Jia, the captain of the women's basketball team at middle school (Cookies), deceived her dad and said he had won the basketball game and hoped to receive a rewarding car. Although the conspiracy was broken through, she eventually got her. Jia Jia hit a car while driving a new car. The car was out of control while stopping by itself. She was both frightened and puzzled. Later Jia Jia's brother Evans (Cyrus Wong) discovered the secret, knowing that a soul was attached to the car. One day Jia Jia went out to be robbed, Wei Jia Jia Jia saved inside the car, Jia Jia found great and take the initiative to help him recover the memory, but to help him win the game in exchange. Then, the story begins ... Wei and basketball girls gradually become familiar with the girls, and Jia Jia feelings soared. Lastly, it is the pure and pure love that makes people burst into tears

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