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Taishen Cheng TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Taishen Cheng Works 36 ,And Feature 16 ,Romance 8 ,Costume Drama 5 ,Crime 5 ,Fantasy 4 ,War 3 ,Action 3 ,Comedy 3 ,Suspense 3 ,Ancient legend 2 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Adventure 1 ,抗战1 ,Historical play 1 ,Modern city 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Documentary 1 。

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Taishen Cheng Filmography(36)


将夜2 (TV)[2020]


《将夜2》电视剧是由企鹅影视、猫片、金色传媒、阅文影业出品,杨阳执导, Wang Hedi 、 S.Ireine 、 Yang ChaoYue 、 Crystal Yuan 等主演的古装玄幻剧。

这个世界有个传言,永夜降至,人间浩劫。只有找到传说中的应兆之人,才能化解危机。边城小军卒 Ning Que 凭借坚韧意志,一路过关斩将走上了修行之路,成功为自己冤死的家人平反昭雪,更成为了唐国的守护者。然而在野心家的撺掇下,世人发现与 Ning Que 青梅竹马的 Sang Sang 就是传说中的应兆之人,欲置她于死地。 Ning Que 不愿看到善良的 Sang Sang 受伤害,陪伴着她突破重重阻碍,两人浪迹天涯,相依为命。此时野心家意图一举毁灭唐国,集结各国联军讨伐。 Ning Que 临危受命,放下个人的仇怨,带领唐国军民奋起反抗,成为国家的守护者。 Ning Que 和伙伴们集千万人的力量和誓死守卫家园的决心,重新启动了唐国惊神大阵,战胜了强大的敌人,还世间和平与安宁。 Ning Que 则继续踏上了寻回爱人 Sang Sang 之路。


Imperial (TV)[2018]


The TV drama “The Pastoral” tells about the fact that in the late 1950s, Lin FanQing, a gaokao student, inherited the teacher’s legacy—stock improvement work—and spared no effort to separate from the Shanghai girl Xu JingZhi. Xu JingZhi came to Xinjiang for love and went through twists and turns. When he found his sweetheart, he was already at his wedding. Jing Zhi Ming Zhi no longer married, adopted the grass on the children of Mao, do not want to be a lover Lin FanQing and his wife, Miss Liu lost son. The rural girl Yang YueLiang came to the brigade and the camp manager Qi HuaiZheng married. Qi HuaiZheng suffered a bitter speech and led to the emotional setbacks between Yang YueLiang and Zheng Jun. For business, three men hold hands. After turmoil and reform and opening up, the breeding sheep farm is faced with the fate of dissolution twice. In order to protect the purity of the thoroughbred sheep, Hong Liu, Zheng Jun and Yang YueLiang have given their precious lives. In the face of confession Xu JingZhi, Lin FanQing was afraid to accept it, fearing to tarnish her pure emotion. Several children of the next generation grew up with their own careers and love. Xu JingZhi and Lin FanQing also had lovers.

yunnan bug valley (Movie)[2018]


Film valley of yunnan insect plot introduced: Hu, BaYi and others because before exploration, appearing on the eyeball, this seal with a curse, endangers the people life, rumors 雮 dust bead can you loose the curse, and it was buried in the ancient dian kingdom offering in the tomb of the king, Hu, BaYi and others can only deep place of malaria, to explore the interpretation of the grave. Hu, BaYi, Wang PangZi, Shirley Yang and others through the longshan ancient dian kingdom under the sewers in secret, only to suffer one thousand 痋 organ, tens of thousands of slaves made "痋" like bombs to wing on the ceiling. Inside the jungle, but also constantly plagued by the test, but only to break through barriers 雮 dust bead, can break the curse. Finally, after a series of dangerous, the people finally came to the entrance of the king's tomb, but a bigger challenge also followed.


Legend Of The Demon Cat (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The film adapted from the masterpiece of Japanese dream of fantasy literature pillow masterpiece "Sand Kong Kong Hai's Big Tang ghost feast." In the novel, Kong Hai, a Japanese monk seeking dharma in Buddhism from the 9th century, takes the protagonist of the Japanese monk Kong Hai as his protagonist. With Bai Juyi's poem "Everlasting Sorrow" as the main pulse, With the monk Kong Hai (Shōta Sometani ornaments) followed by a demon cat who speaks, teamed up to make a truth buried by the deliberate buried surface story. Presents a monster, poet, emperor, royal co-intertwined Datang Spirit map.

EXPLOSION (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Zhao Xu Dong (Duan Yihong) is a miner who works with restaurant owner Xiao Hong (Yu Nan) to get married. However, a blast triggered the mine disaster and the surviving Zhao XuDong's suspicion began to be investigated. He immediately plunged into a whirlpool of interest groups such as miners and chambers of commerce and encountered killings and police chase. Deep down, Zhao XuDong's conscience and cowardice ignited his bloodyness while fighting, oppression and anger. Driven by the protection of his family and his justice, Zhao XuDong desperately wanted to survive, his revenge was reported and the hero returned.

Nirvana in fire in langya bang (TV)[2017]


Daliang's reign was stable, but the border war was continuous, and chang Lin who guarded the northern part of daliang achieved military merits Liang Di (Jun Liu) with a weak heart and a young prince, Xun HuangHou (Ting Mei) and his brother Xun BaiShui (Yanjun Bi) afraid that the head of the palace of the king of the state of Lin gong gaoge, the pseudo-infiltration into the palace to the night qin people Pu YangYing (Jingfei Guo) using, frame long Lin wang Xiao TingSheng (Chun Sun) father and son, not only in a northern war cut off supplies, chang Lin shizi Xiao PingZhang (Xiaoming Huang) suffered serious injuries and even created a large-scale epidemic in Beijing. When tracing the process, ping zhang and his brother Xiao PingJing The poison (Haoran Liu) is poisoned. At this time, the north of the country is in danger. Ping jing was on the peaceful border of the country. After Liang Di died, ting sheng assisted the government, Xun BaiShui supported the planting Xiao YuanQi Hao Chen Wu (Hao Chen Wu) holds the military power to resist the imperial palace of changlin. Under their wiles, ping jing wins the accusation of resisting the imperial court for the common people.Yuan-kai secretly and has become the east sea Lord's uncle Mo ZiHou (Chen Taisheng) colludes with the traitors. After years of seclusion, Xiao YuanQi successfully foiled Xiao YuanQi's plot by starting his army in a desperate situation. After the completion of the daliang border rectification, ping jing left jinling and returned to private. .

Great Expectations (TV)[2017]

Feature: Hong SanYuan (Chen Sicheng) takes her mother and friend Qi Lin (Yuan Hong (actor)) to Shanghai to run Yan Hua (Dalong Fu), a struggle involving two major corporate rights. Yan Hua is now a docker, defying power and being promoted to a worker's leader. Hong SanYuan relies on wit many times on the dangerous Shanghai beach. Hong SanYuan and Lin YiYi (Liya Tong), a fellow loyalist and loyal to Shanghai, fell in love with Hong SanYuan during wits. Hong SanYuan approached Yu MengZhu (Amber Kuo), Yu MengZhu fell in love with Hong SanYuan. Yan Hua in distress, rescued by communist Li XinLi, joined the communist party. Lin YiYi to take revenge on his revenge, Hong SanYuan and run around the world. Lin YiYi died, Hong SanYuan back to Shanghai. Inspired by the progress of Yan Hua and Li Xin Li, Hong SanYuan relinquished the hard-won "good life" and escorted Li Xin Li to leave Shanghai for all her life. Hong SanYuan gradually realized that this road led by the Communist Party is the great future he wants to pursue. Great future

Y u Cheng long (TV)[2017]

Feature: Yu ChengLong worked hard to study the excellent traditional culture of the motherland before he was out of his career, and pursued value propositions with equal rependency and harmony through knowledge and practice. After his career as a servant, he crossed Guangxi, Hubei, Fujian, Zhili and Liangjiang in his 23 years of political career Provinces and autonomous regions, from Qixin magistrate to Gansu Province, adhere to the people-oriented, all proceed from reality, diligence and love the people, have the courage to act, three outstanding political practice, hard clean, straight, spotless personality charm, won Everyone loves the place and the governor of every province, Kangxi dignified as "the first ancient and modern officials" & nbsp ;.

MountainCry (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The early 1980s in northwestern Shanxi. Han Chong has not married, the day was quiet, see La Hong with a dumb wife and a pair of children really poor, they kindly retained in their own house. La Hong lazy lazy, often scold mute wife. Han Chong does not look at it either, nor does he have a pipe. He has a lot of troubles and the whole village knows the daunting head he has across the ditch. A few days later, La Hong mistakenly stepped on the cover of Han Chong's Badger and flew to heaven. Closed mountain village opened the pot, cadres and elders around how to compensate for the widow several times to coordinate, but dumbfounded is not money. Han Chong had to take care of her mother until she dutifully paid the amount of compensation.

YesterdayOnceMore (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Lin TianJiao, who has always been at a splendid peak in her life, faces the most important examination of college entrance examination in the life but takes a cold. She wants to get through the way of cheating smoothly. Did not expect to cheat also need skill, cheat mistake Lin TianJiao was Gao Xiang saw, fell to the ground textbooks were misunderstood by the teacher Gao Xiang, Gao Xiang chose to Lin TianJiao block knife. Lin TianJiao did not know that the orbit of her life from that moment to another track. Gao Xiang, after all, is the most disgusted person in her entire study life. Lin TianJiao exhausted a variety of ways to get rid of Gao Xiang after getting in touch with people he hated. It is not who attracts anyone, but most of the teenager's distraught is not really annoying, but because of fear of other people's eyes, afraid they will become different, afraid of someone into the heart, afraid of not seeing the front and panic. In the process, two people dismantled each other, Lin TianJiao vowed to fight you live and die.

TheNewYearsEveofOldLee (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film talks about the generation gap between three generations of grandparents and grandchildren. After 14-year-old daughter of North drift heard of the precursor of Alzheimer's disease in Fu Qin, her granddaughter returning to study in the United States returned to her hometown and went to Beijing to live with her students who heard the news. Only elderly people living alone can see the daughter of "North drift" and their granddaughters studying abroad in the United States. Hope the stars hope the moon looking forward to a reunion, but also looking forward to the granddaughter's ABC Peng Peng You did not expect ridiculous story also started from this reunion.

Line Walker (Movie)[2016]


An undercover agent, Charmaine Sheh, receives a text message that goes back to the crime syndicate of the mystery man Guo Ming, and two of his top courtiers, Louis Koo and Nick Cheung, are likely to be undercover agents who lose contact with the police. In the process of cracking down on the criminal group, one of them exposed his identity, which also led to the trust and life crisis of this good brother. The undercover liaison Q Sir (Francis Ng) and the undercover nail also face multiple dangers. In the mist, a fierce battle is brewing...

琅琊榜2 (TV)[2016]


大梁朝局安稳,但边境战火不断,守护大梁北境的长林军屡获军功,因 Liang Di ( Jun Liu 饰)心慈体弱而太子年幼, Xun HuangHou ( Ting Mei 饰)与其胞兄 Xun BaiShui ( Yanjun Bi 饰)恐长林王府功高盖主,被伪潜入宫廷来大梁的夜秦人 Pu YangYing ( Jingfei Guo 饰)利用,陷害长林王 Xiao TingSheng ( Chun Sun 饰)父子三人,不仅在一次北境交战中断掉前线补给,致长林世子 Xiao PingZhang ( Xiaoming Huang 饰)身受重伤,更在京城制造大规模疫情。追查过程时,平章与其弟 Xiao PingJing ( Haoran Liu 饰)先后中毒,此时北境急危,平章放弃救治,奔赴前线支援后毒发而亡。平旌为国境安宁,在长兄牺牲后即刻驻守边疆。 Liang Di 死后令庭生辅政, Xun BaiShui 扶植 Xiao YuanQi ( Hao Chen Wu 饰)掌握兵权以对抗长林王府,在他们的诡计之下,平旌为了百姓反落得抗旨的罪名,庭生逝世长林府封府,长林军编制被撤。元启暗地里与已成为东海国主的舅舅 Mo ZiHou ( Chen Taisheng 饰)勾结,卖国谋逆。隐居多年的平旌危急之中起兵勤王,成功挫败 Xiao YuanQi 的阴谋。待到大梁边境整顿完毕,平旌再次离开金陵归隐 。


MonsterHunt (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Meng Yao pregnant after giving birth unexpectedly, in order to protect the "son", together with the heavenly master against demon world's story. Long ago, people co-exist with all things, including demon. But people want to dominate the world, so people declare war on the bull, they rushed into the mountains Daze, from demon and demon rule. One day, Zhu Gao and Pang Ying, dressed as human beings, came to Yongning Village in order to protect the demon with the demon king from evading the killing of the blood demon. They encountered a good day, Qian Tianshi Xiaolan and four money with Heavenly Master counter Luo Gang. Sky Yin witnessed the shemale, it was shocked to find a demon existence. After the demon in order to keep the demon king, decided to entrust it to the sky shade, apart from anything else to the belly of the egg into the shade of the mouth, the man of the husband of heaven since then with the demon to become "pregnant." Golden reward demon king reward. Xiaolan in order to get the bounty, hard pulled never left Yongning village day shade, to avoid Luo Gang's competition, leaving Yongning village started a fantastic journey en route, encountered Pride shop proprietress, a cook Yao, a pair of Meng Yao Various characters. The birth of the lovely demon king Hu Ba made a wonderful change in the relationship between Tia Yam and Xiao Lan, as well as revealing a major secret.

TheLeftEar (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The pure and beautiful Li Er (Duling Chen) left ear deaf, can not hear the sound, however, physiological defects did not make her feel inferior, on the contrary, her personality gentle and gentle. By accident, Li Er got to know the girl named Ma Sichun, who was the opposite of Li Er in her unbridled, unruly and longing for free life. Li Er saw the insurgent side of his heart in his body. Let Li Er did not think that, right, even with her boy crush Xu Yi (Yang Yang) came together, which makes Li Er began to experience the brutal youth. However, it really liked the heart of Zhang Yang (Oho Ou ornaments) boys, destiny so that their love has become a tragedy, and eventually took away the young life, the accident let a few ignorant The children quickly transformed and grew into blooming flowers of the most beautiful and hopeless youth.

TimeToLove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Has long been the cosmopolitan city of Beijing, living a weird little white-collar Zhang Xiaowen (Ivy Chen ornaments). She longs for a romantic love affair, but the fate of the other half has never come. One day, she unexpectedly fell into the water unexpectedly. When the small text surfaced and found himself wearing a costume, next to a strange man with a strange spell masked later mysterious person to kill, the key is a handsome handsome man rescued. Xiao Wen originally thought it was just a bizarre dream, who once woke up to find himself really crossing to the Qing Dynasty, became the brother named Ma ErTaiRuoXi. During this period, she met with 14 Yang Ge ornaments (Tony Yang ornaments) who had not yet become the emperor of Yongzheng and later joined the fight of the Crown Prince. Romantic love and the royal family situation, the text is destined to experience a legend ... ... The film is based on the novel "step by step startling" adaptation.

Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance (TV)[2015]

Feature: The anti-Japanese war history of the Northeast Anti-Japanese coalition for fourteen years is the most painstaking and painstaking one in the history of our party and army in the same way as the history of the Red Army's march of history and the three-year guerrilla warfare of the Red Guerrillas in the eight northern provinces. In a long time, the anti-Japanese coalition forces created by the Chinese Communist Party, under the condition of no rear support, no food bombs and liaison with the CPC Central Committee, fed on grass bark, took Lin Haixue as their home, Clothing for the clothes, the Japanese guns for the gun rifle endless, galloping, ups and downs, compassion, with blood and life to write a epic, magnificent, rich and unique geographical story. In the fourteen years, more than 100,000 Japanese and puppet troops were killed by the Allied Anti-UN war in Northeast China, heavily attacking the invaders and restraining hundreds of thousands of Japanese elite troops from going south, which favorably supported the national war of resistance. The play mainly describes the outstanding generals of the Northeast Anti-Japanese forces such as Luo DengXian, Yang JingYu, Zhao ShangZhi, Li ZhaoLin, Wei ZhengMin, Feng ZhongYun and Wang YaChen, and shows the group of Chinese national heroes in those years.

Tellmeabeautifulworld (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Luo GuangMing is talking about the father, talk about no mother, she was picked up by Luo GuangMing. The doctor said that Luo GuangMing has a genetic disease and his parents are close relatives. When Luo GuangMing was 20 years old, he slowly disappeared. No time blind Luo GuangMing can see people, trees, white clouds, night, there are girls, and later Luo GuangMing eyes will not do myself. Life, sometimes not recognized or not. Luo GuangMing do not want to live, Luo GuangMing handsome, recognize the word, but also recognized beauty. Can Luo GuangMing now become a blind man. Luo GuangMing died, dead ball failed. Luo GuangMing Heard a doll crying, Luo GuangMing picked her up, is a waving child. Luo GuangMing took this girl back home, when her father. Luo GuangMing named the girl named Xiao Xiao. Later Xiao Xiao grew up, never dared to speak, because her lips could not hold the wind, Luo GuangMing Xiao Xiao changed his name to talk about, I hope she speak more. Luo GuangMing is blind, Luo GuangMing mother, Luo GuangMing Luo GuangMing dad, waiting for the day of dad Luo GuangMing asked Luo GuangMing Mom, why should I marry Luo GuangMing father, Xiao Ming Luo GuangMing Brother is disabled, why give birth to Luo GuangMing, Luo GuangMing mother finally said, like thiophene. To talk about raising big, really annoying ball very. Speaking a little bigger, Luo GuangMing save some money, take her to the doctor, the doctor said her disease is called cleft lip and palate, is innate. The disease should be cured for many times. Saying like to draw, draw a variety of mother, but she has never seen her like, she said she was dreaming dreaming mom is a mass, not a person. Talk about the most afraid to speak, because she simply can not tell. After doing the surgery, Luo GuangMing said, talk about it, you should use your mouth as my father's eyes, and my father can see the world around us. The world, "said Luo GuangMing." It is what you see and what Luo GuangMing can think of when he listens to Luo GuangMing. Say it began to say: a mountain, a tree, a river, a nice woman. A flower, a tear, a night's dream, a tree far away, a farther place, a bird flies in the sky, a farther away, invisible.

BlackPupil (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Lin Kai, the chief designer of the bridge and Wu ManHua, the wife of the bridge project, occurred in the landmark project "Longmen Second Bridge" under construction in the city. His son Lin Yifei and construction contractor Li Junsheng were involved in the whirlpool of the incident. And Lin Yifei also missed his girlfriend Joe Jordan. The destiny of all people is intertwined in the "Long Gate Second Bridge" incident.

AMurderBesideYanHeRiver (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In October 1937, on the occasion of the full-scale resistance war, Huang KeGong, captain of the sixth team of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, shot dead a young woman in forced marriages. The murderer Huang KeGong is the chief of the Red Army fighting and the victim was Liu Qian, a 16-year-old female who had joined the revolution from Taiyuan to Yan'an. How to try Huang KeGong? The establishment of the high court of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region only two months ago, with the absence of the dean, fell heavily on Lei JingTian, ​​presiding judge. Lei JingTian has participated in the Nanchang Uprising, Guangzhou Uprising, the Baise Uprising, and Huang KeGong along the Long March Road. Judges of the Red Army have to judge the generals of the Red Army, and primitive courts in the border areas have never experienced such a big case. Mao ZeDong, He ZiZhen, Zhang WenTian and Hu YaoBang all inevitably participated in the case. In the face of public opinion both at home and abroad, in the face of angry students, people and the face of the request of the old Red Army, Lei JingTian under pressure from all sides and tried the case through public hearings and democratic judgments. At the playground of Northern Shaanxi Public School, more than 2,000 people attended the forum. Hu YaoBang spoke as the representative of the public prosecutors. There were 12 representatives of the masses speaking and Huang KeGong argued in court. Finally, five members of the trial court held fierce arguments. Huang KeGong has been Looking forward to Chairman Mao's amnesty order, Mao Ze Dong finally got his reply and read it out at the conference. He favors Huang KeGong for his execution and forgives him. The "case of Huang KeGong" clearly states Lei JingTian and darkly Mao ZeDong. Through the handling of the Huang KeGong case, Mao ZeDong shows his great feelings and great realm. Mao ZeDong also had feelings for Huang KeGong: Huang KeGong was together with him in Jinggangshan, a Jiangxi fellow in his wife He ZiZhen, and carried a stretcher for He ZiZhen in the long march. Huang KeGong is also a brave general who can foster goodwill. Mao ZeDong, however, hated the pride of the revolutionary ranks, the people who protect their own people and the people with their privileges. Mao ZeDong insisted Lei JingTian public trial, which contains deep meaning. In the play, he said to Luo Fu: "This is not a trial for a people like Huang KeGong. It is for the entire nation. The whole country is trying out what kind of power the Yan'an regime is, what kind of political party we are, what kind of army we want to bring out . "When he received an appeal from Huang KeGong asking him to win the war on the battlefield, he wrote a reply and asked Lei Jingtian to read out the judgment verdict:" The Communists and the Red Army, for their members and members of the Red Army, can not but Carry out more stringent disciplines than ordinary civilians ... All Communist Party members, all Red Army officers and men and all the revolutionaries must learn from Huang KeGong. "After reading the letter from Mao ZeDong, Lei JingTian said:" If we do not convict Huang KeGong today The death penalty is the sentence of our future death penalty! "Having said that, Lei JingTian sounded a big clock on the playground ...

DrugWar (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Zhang Lei, a chief of Jinhai Narcotics Control Unit, successfully completed an undercover task and successfully captured a group of drug traffickers inside the body. However, he met a doctor who was injured in the accident and crashed Cai Tianming. With its keen professional sense of smell, Zhang Lei identified Cai TianMing as suspected of making a poison and found the poisonous dens spot that had been blown into a mess. In the meantime, two anti-drug police guards Guo WeiJun and Chen ShiXiong in Guangdong Province followed the trucks transporting drug materials. Zhang Lei learned that the drug was originally from the big drug dealer Li ZhenBiao and that the receiver was Cai TianMing! In the face of criminal facts, Cai TianMing confessed, for the sake of death, expressed his willingness to assist the police and arrest Li ZhenBiao, wearing criminal merits. Li Lei and Li ZhenBiao drug trafficking gangs headed by Zhang Lei led by Tianjin police officers and Guangdong purchasers posing as a risky competitor. At the same time, they should guard against Cai TianMing's escaping and righteous efforts. In the end, Zhang Lei discovered the secretive secrets of Li ZhenBiao and more closely related to Cai TianMing. Zhang Lei was surprised to find that Cai TianMing might not be his own piece, and perhaps the other side was himself on his chessboard . Did not start a shot, poisonous war has already begun.

YouthfulDays (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In 1956, a young man came to Changsha to recruit workers at Wangcheng County, Changsha. "My name is Lei Feng, born in 1940. I was going to Anshan Iron and Steel as a steel-making worker. In that passion burning age, Lei Feng The tremendous grace given by the party and the government is turned into an inexhaustible motive force in our hearts. When fighters defend their homeland and serve as migrant workers to build a new China, go to places most in need of the motherland and the people, take the people as their family members and the state as the His own home, to Chairman Mao and the Communist Party for the regeneration of parents is gradually mature mature self-life credo of confidence .To stand out of his concern, the county party secretary, Ansteel factory leadership, military commissar, political commissar of the army, are his Persevered in the pursuit of being impressed and let him realize that one after another seemingly impossible to achieve, and finally grow into an example for the entire army to learn from society, while his quality, talent and handsome appeal equally to his female classmates and women Colleagues, who care for and love him in their own way, he also had his own favorite girl, but eventually with that era and his personal ideal phase The Laoyanfenfei.

RepeatILoveYou (Movie)[2012]

Feature: "Shadow lover" tells the story of romantic love story of urban men and women. The theme is "brilliant flowers, snow cold, love dilemma," about men and women in the bustling city, because of love, career and the world's best, sweet sparks, staged a mixed with depression, confusion, but Finally be able to find love chase love. Paris mysterious disappearance of the heir to Paris, Quan ZhengXun, Paris lover, the president assistant in order to protect her inheritance rights, planning a trick to find a girl looks exactly like Paris Qin Xin (Cecilia Cheung ornaments) to replace her. Under the guidance of Quan ZhengXun, Qin Xin moved to Korshin mansion, accepting various trainings as heirs to business women, to deceive others. And Dong AoNian, the uncle who wanted to usurp Paris's inheritance rights, was waiting in the wings in an attempt to expose Qin Xin's disgrace. Qin Xin, who had become Paris, was faced with multiple tests and had an affair with Quan ZhengXun. When she tried to pursue this happiness, Paris actually appeared again. "Shadow lover" took three clues The narration, in addition to Cecilia Cheung and Kwon Sang-woo, played a love affair with a couple who fell in love with World War II, which directly affected the love of Cecilia Cheung and Kwon Sang-woo while Sphinx Ting and Jing Tian is another line in the movie.

GaoLiangHuaZi (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Gao Liang was born in the early 1950s as a worker family in a city in the west because his neighbor was a movie studio where he spent most of the time climbing holes with children in the props warehouse of the studio. It's Although the movie did not look less, but the book is no more reading. Gao Liang's father passed away early because of a work-related accident and her mother was quickly paralyzed in bed. As a young Gao Liang, she was able to bring her housework to life and show off in front of the children, making everything a good thing for children helper. Gao Liang loves to face foreign crimes, his mouth is still full of vibrancy. At that time, originally he was missed with him let him catch up, the Great Leap Forward, three years of natural disasters, social education, the Cultural Revolution were clumsily pulled him in, helped Zhang hit the wok, with children In the sweet potato to fight a tooth sacrifice, for poor organization of the plot to write crooked poem charges ... ... that era, that street, that small courtyard, everyone knows Gao Liang, who are quite solid to say: Gao Liang that is a Good man The society started to change. Everyone began to go to university. If you want to get a diploma, joining the Party is not the only component of the theory. However, Gao Liang's personality as a person has not changed at all. Just got married that time, to seek university entrance examination, said to let him take a few days the child, he did not two words, the area is three months; movie factory in the small spring, what ability is not, long ugly, but because of bad actors Staged, fame, drama constantly, also asked Gao Liang to take care of his aging mother, this thing, what is it, your mother is my mother, who let we are made small, buddy it? Gao Liang's wife had a strong pregnancy reaction, but Gao Liang neglected to do anything about her busy friend. When his wife had a baby, he was helping the brother-in-law of the sea as a chef. He had no cell phones, pagers, and other wives. When I was in the hospital, there was only one remaining two relatives. Immediately afterwards, his aging mother was gone as well. Gao Liang took her newly born daughter with compassion and vowed to raise her daughter well in the future, no matter what other people's business was. Because his wife named Osmanthus, she named her daughter. The ideal of his wife's life is a university entrance exam, he vowed to make Hanako grew up on the prestigious universities. For a while, in the courtyard, acquaintances in the street knew that Gao Liang's pain was a little bit embarrassed to look for him again, and Gao Liang did not feel anything. But in the evening with light rain, he just took back the Hanako from kindergarten Home, they ran into a conspiracy couple who quarrel with their children, one said to play, one said to the exam, all think each other does not support their own careers. Gao Liang saw it, and said nothing, holding a conspiracy daughter back to his home. A sheep is to catch up, two sheep are to catch up, Gao Liang home unwittingly added a few friends of children. Although there are changes from time to time, Gao Liang's enthusiasm for helping people is obviously too much to change. He seems to be enjoying himself. No matter who let him help after playing there, do not think there is anything wrong opening, do not think there is anything. In a word, no one took Gao Liang as an outsider.The years are running water, I do not know the streets widened, the building becomes higher, the plot became a world-famous director, the sea as the provincial government director, A cat dog is good news, the daughter of a neighboring house has become a singer, listen Speaking out of the fee a day will be able to top a car, Koharu's phone is held by the economic man, and even my mother called to make an appointment ... ... In the eyes of Hanako, everything is changing, small yard every day news, at Hanako heart, only Gao Liang has not changed, her heart has a big stone, she did not dare to say it, but unconscious often show. She wanted to let other classmates come to the house, afraid of others to see their own simple and honest father. In class, the Hanako has a photo with a conspiracy, as well as a stills signed by Koharu. She was enviously entertained by her classmates. After class, she always studied in the classroom for a long time, waiting for someone to walk for a long time. One day showers, Gao Liang thought Hanako did not bring an umbrella, rode a bike and rushed to the small newsstand outside the middle school, waiting for Hanako school. When Gao Liang saw many cars parked outside the school gate, and Hanako and his classmates broke up at the school gate, there was a classmate who called Hanako on her car. The Hanako smiled and said, no, my car parked at the front. Hanako raged across the road to avoid the students' horizons, took a long way before returning to the road, rushed to the bus ... Gao Liang looked at all this, completely shocked, then he was aware To, the world has changed, only to feel that the daughter's self-esteem is how the matter, only to find the distance between Hanako and myself actually so great. On this night, Gao Liang and Hanako were both cold and feverish because of the rain. The clashes between the two were more violent and more violent than the high fever. Gao Liang thinks he has not recognized Hanako at all. Adhere to, Gao Liang has only one faith: a man, first of all to be a good man, money without money is not important, there must be wealthy people have to be a good man! Hanako insisted: good people what is the use? ! Hello, people test college, you help others with children, the result? People became famous, when the official, you are not you? Raise dry house, go abroad to take the prize, which is not beautiful, which kind of good relationship with you? When it comes to sad place, Hanako finally said: When you are rotten, I have to catch my mother, you do not turn back not willing to be willing ah! Gao Liang heard here, mountain-like guy crashing down ... ... Since then, the father and daughter had a deep gap between people. With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, the society has undergone tremendous changes. Hanako also grew up day by day. Graduated from college to enter the society. Hanako matured day by day. However, the rifts between his father and father never healed, but they silently cared Living with each other, cutting the constant family ties will be closely linked to their hearts. The new century has witnessed a more drastic change in the mountains and rivers of the motherland. The successful bid for the Olympics and the "God VI" have come to nothing. The film studios celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the factory and broke the calm life of Gao Liang and Hanako. Mouzao, Koharu, the sea have returned to the place where once lived, both for the plant celebration, but also to visit Sorghum this old friend.These "big things" that were previously only seen in the newspapers and on television turned out to be in their own hands, and shook hands with their fathers, laughing and chatting happily about the past childhood, so Hanako could scarcely believe . Her father, who was useless in her own eyes, was so respected by these "big men" that her heart was deeply touched. They seek to go again, the hustle and bustle of end, life once again at peace. Sorghum and Hanako after years of estrangement, sit back together for a long talk, the father and daughter heart gradually rely on ... Hanako finally understand that reform and opening up not only need to get the tide, but also countless countless like Liang Liang silently paid Ordinary people, and they made for the country for the country, will not be forgotten.

AllApologies (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Guangxi village, 28-year-old peasant woman Li QiaoYu and her husband He Man have a daughter Yaya. 38-year-old Cheng Yonggui, Liang YunZhen couples have a single child Zhuang Zhuang. Cheng YongGui outside to do contractors. He had just given the Zhuangzhuang to run a key primary school in the city. However, he died of a car accident in He Man's tricycle. After the verdict of the court, He Man's family made a compensation of 120,000 yuan. After the accident, He Man's own leg was seriously injured, not only unable to pay the Cheng YongGui home, but also no money to pay the hospital surgery. Liang YunZhen has been ligation, can not fertility, Cheng YongGui resentment of lame He Man, the latter panic, want to lose, let my wife gave birth to you. Impulsive, Cheng YongGui raped Li QiaoYu. After Cheng YongGui continue to return to work in the city, Qiao Yu Cheng YongGui left the money to the hospital, making He Man did not become crippled. Soon after the Qiaoyu found himself pregnant, Qiaoyu alone into the city to find Cheng YongGui, hoping to give birth to a child for Cheng YongGui, so that his husband owed each other's family owed the debt. Cheng YongGui carefully take care of Qiaoyu at the same time, find their feelings for love fish slowly subtle changes. Yunzhen came to the city to see Cheng YongGui, because Cheng YongGui refused to go to the orphanage to adopt a child's heart. Yunzhen finally learned that the relationship between Cheng YongGui and clever fish. She could not accept the fact and decided to divorce Cheng YongGui, who in turn told He Man about the repaying of Cheng YongGui's production by Clevelandine. He Man was discharged from hospital after he got the news, he decided to use more cruel actions to punish the clever fish, life will not let the clever fish see his daughter again. Cheng YongGui hope clever fish stay, but was rejected Qiaoyu. After the Qiaoyu saw He Man disappear into the boundless sea, the child is born. Cheng Yonggui found that, no matter how hard he tried, this impending life in a complex relationship can not restore everything to a pre-emptive situation at all. On the contrary, it caused the two struggling families to completely deviate from their previous tracks of their own lives and went further and further.

Great Expectations (TV)[2011]

Feature: Hong SanYuan (Chen Sicheng) takes her mother and friend Qi Lin (Yuan Hong (actor)) to Shanghai to run Yan Hua (Dalong Fu), a struggle involving two major corporate rights. Yan Hua is now a docker, defying power and being promoted to a worker's leader. Hong SanYuan relies on wit many times on the dangerous Shanghai beach. Hong SanYuan and Lin YiYi (Liya Tong), a fellow loyalist and loyal to Shanghai, fell in love with Hong SanYuan during wits. Hong SanYuan approached Yu MengZhu (Amber Kuo), Yu MengZhu fell in love with Hong SanYuan. Yan Hua in distress, rescued by communist Li XinLi, joined the communist party. Lin YiYi to take revenge on his revenge, Hong SanYuan and run around the world. Lin YiYi died, Hong SanYuan back to Shanghai. Inspired by the progress of Yan Hua and Li Xin Li, Hong SanYuan relinquished the hard-won "good life" and escorted Li Xin Li to leave Shanghai for all her life. Hong SanYuan gradually realized that this road led by the Communist Party is the great future he wants to pursue. Great future

Biutiful (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Javier Bardem Javier Barden is a professional psychic, he can communicate with the dead to soothe the grief of his loved ones, but can communicate life and death, he also suffered from cancer, only two months remaining life, at home There are two children to be cared for while the mother of the child and his ex-wife Maramba Bata (Maricel Álvarez) are perennial drunken and drug-dependent women who can hardly rely on. The messy Ushabaar also struggled with a group of illegal immigrants and stowaways to help them find a job, evade the police, and paid for the warmth of the factories as they bought some heat but did not want a good gas Twenty-five illegal immigrants stole overnight and the naked tragedy made Ushibal unbearable. As a result of his physical and mental torment, a filthy Barcelona destroyed its curtain ...

MawensBattle (Movie)[2010]

Feature: : After the wedding, with the wedding sweet ashamed. Even more unbearable to him is that the middle of the night is often awakened by a wall of bed Zi Zi. Under intense jealousy and repression, Ma Wen tried his best to ruin the lives of two people. In desperation, Li Yi began to introduce the object to Ma Wen, trying to get Ma Wen out of her new relationship. After failing to meet him again and again, Li Yi introduced her sister to Ma Wen. I did not expect Li Qin fake real action on Ma Wen moved the truth, and Ma Wen Li Qin who gradually recovered the man's self-confidence. Seeing Ma Wen finally found a new love, Yang Xin found himself feeling reluctant to Ma Wen ... one was his ex-wife who once betrayed him and one was an infatuated rich woman at first sight. After all, Ma Wen should be at Yang Xin and Li Qin Between the choice? One is frustrated ex-husband, one is a strong husband laughter remarried husband, unwilling Yang Xin can hold their own happiness? A war triggered by the "dwelling" was triggered by four people. The story revolves around a smoke-free "war." In a peculiar and embarrassing situation, the numerous relationships between husband and wife, ex-husbands and ex-wives, parents and children combined the emotions of several families to deduce a tragedy and comedy of urban families. Zheng Zheng

PerfectLife (Movie)[2008]

Feature: "" About the survival of two girls each other for the past and the future. Looking for opportunities in a small town in northeastern China; one out from the rural villages in Hong Kong for marrying Hong Kong chefs as Hong Kong citizens. They staggered at a moment in their journey of life, but did not know each other's existence at all. The film consists of half of the drama, half of the documentary composition. In the director's account, she is not interested in this so-called "half-and-a-half" experiment, but "the tension they create in a crisscross pattern that no longer is a human story, no longer two The story turns it into a special world. "

Burning え ろ ア タ ッ ク (TV)[2008]

Feature: Xiao LuChunZi, who was dependent on her father since childhood, was very lively and cheerful. Her greatest wish was to become a good volleyball player and realize her mother's ideal - to participate in the Olympics. So she left his hometown to Tokyo to join the White Fuji school volleyball team. Under the strict training of coaches, pure sports talent gradually revealed, was selected as the main volleyball team to participate in the National Volleyball League. Who expected in a race, Junko unfortunately sprained foot Achilles tendon, a serious condition. After the hill nursed back to health, master vigorously smashing the sky thunderbolt. Xiao LuChunZi and friends by joining the national women's volleyball team, to achieve the dream of the dream, who expected the national team out of clouds, the fierce competition, the sky thunderbolt picked up, coach Mu Cun also banned the practice of pure child "Perak Junko was so upset that she asked for permission to practice with her, but was refused by Canada. Their friendship broke down. After mediation and good. After pure and mastered an unmanned killer 锏 "Phantom of the cyclone." Just when both passed the test, the dream came true, by the Canadian cause of death. Pure sorrow as a force, to complete by Canada's desire to march to the Olympic Games.

In Love We Trust (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Housing agency Mei Zhu with 5-year-old daughter He He and Lao Xie calmly live together until one day the doctor told her He He had leukemia, and only one way to save He He's life, that is, with the siblings of siblings . In desperation, Mei Zhu find ex-husband Xiao Lu want to regenerate a child with him, used to treat He He. Mei Zhu did not expect that his proposal was strongly opposed by his ex-husband, and that one hundred of Xiao Lu's current wife Dong Fan did not agree. Real Estate Agent Mei Zhu's job every day is to hover around in an empty room with one client. Unfortunately, her husband divorced four years ago and had to raise their own daughter. He He is five years old. Mei Zhu also has a husband who loves her own daughter. Unfortunately, this story has a more unfortunate start, He He was found to have leukemia. Mei Zhu calm life has changed tremendously. Because there is no suitable blood supply, the doctor put forward: If He He has a biological brother or sister, you can use the umbilical cord blood to save the sister. In order to save the only daughter, Mei Zhu decided to find her ex-husband, and he regenerated a child. This is an incredible idea, but at the same time a request that no one can refuse. But it also brings with it a series of questions: how their own decisions will convey to their husbands who love themselves and their children. Will my ex-husband agree? And how will the ex-husband face his wife? Xiao Lu said: "This thing is resting on the table, but also to save a life." So, in a life-saving premise, a touching story began. The next question was something Mei Zhu did not think, after a lot of ideological struggle and the near collapse of the right balance, both agreed. However, the result of IVF is that the former husband's sperm quality is not enough to ensure success. She did not give up and decided not to give up, and she hopes to try it again in a natural way.

Warontheotherbank (Movie)[2007]

Feature: The "War on the Other Side" tells the story of "August 13th" war in Shanghai. Chen Taisheng, who originally operated a toy store in Shanghai, was similarly affected by the war. At a time when adults are worried, Hainan's eight-year-old son Chen Taisheng is extremely satisfied and fresh because he does not have to go to school because of the war. In a confusion, Hainan ran home alone.


Feature: In the summer of 1931, Lin DaoJing (Lei Tong), a graduate of Xishan Girls' School, chose to fight for freedom in her pursuit of freedom. At a desperate expense, she felt that the drama "Song of Youth" in the world was largely without her shelter, Under the sun you want to cast yourself out of the sea and be rescued by Yu YongZe (Kwan-Ho Tse). Enthusiastic and talented Yu YongZe touched Lin DaoJing at once. In Peking, Lin DaoJing met progressive students, Communist Party members Lu JiaChuan (Yunxiang Gao) and Jiang Hua (Chen Taisheng) and others, and understood many truths about how to save the country by revolution. On these issues, Yu YongZe has a completely different view of himself. In a student movement, Lu JiaChuan was arrested because of Yu YongZe's unwillingness to help. Lin DaoJing resolutely left Yu YongZe, joined the surging patriotic student movement. The repeated fraudulent arrests and arrests led Lin DaoJing to become a mature student movement leader. In another patriotic parade, Lin DaoJing walk in the ranks of the forefront. The ancient Chinese land echoed the youth song written by the youth of this generation with blood and life.

Euphorbia flower (TV)[2006]

Feature: During the War of Resistance against Japan, Megatron's courageous anti-Japanese hero Chang Fa saved the plundered razor-plums. Plum take the initiative to take shape, Chang Fa is pushing the boat. Shortly after Chang Fa left, Plum caught up with the military to look for Chang Fa. As a result, Chang Fa was severely punished by Meng Zsheng, commander of the military commander and Zhen YiRan, newly appointed deputy political commissar and prefectural committee secretary. The Japanese invaders started a raid on me base. Zhen YiRan was ordered to urgently handle the political and criminal suspects in custody. The vicious Chang Fa tried to shoot the suspects. Zhen YiRan severely rebuked Chang Fa and ordered Chang Fa to release all the prisoners until the big sweeps were over. Chang Fa displeased and defeated Zhen YiRan's guard and detained Zhen YiRan. Coincidentally, there are Hui Yi, a lover of Zhen YiRan, who traveled thousands of miles to the anti-Japanese front, and Lu JiaPing, a beautiful schoolgirl, who were also detained for suspected internecine suspects. Hui Wen and Lu Yi-ping defied the strong and heated debate with Chang Fa. On the side, Zhen YiRan treated them indifferently. Both left angrily, looking for witnesses and cleaning up innocent injustice. Meng Shing heard the news, ordered to shoot Chang Fa. When life matters, Zhen YiRan and Plum retain the life of Chang Fa, who has since made Zhen YiRan's guard. In the course of the Japanese aggression, Chang Fa repeatedly rescued the head of the military and government organs from distress and rescued Hui Wen and Lu Jia Ping from being trapped in the clutches of Kuomintang warlord Mu ZhuLong. Lovers get married and Zhen YiRan and Hui Wen get married. Hui Wen and Lu JiaPing are scheduled to work in the Military District Battlefield Hospital. Soon Lu JiaPing fell in love with Chang Fa, while Chang Fa's comrade Chen FaHai pursued Lu JiaPing. Plum joined the revolution, made a women cadre, and was soon sent to Yanan to study. After returning from graduation, Chang Fa went to Yenan for training with Zhen YiRan. On the way, after passing through the area of ​​Mu ZhuLong, Chang Fa found that the plums were escorted by the KMT army into the streets. Chang Fa sneaked into Mu ZhuLong's headquarters in the night and cooperated with our army's large forces and local guerrillas to eliminate the old nest of Mu ZhuLong and rescued the plums. The cunning Mu ZhuLong escaped chaos. Chang Fa came to Yenan with Zhen YiRan and was assigned to a literacy class where he discovered that his female teacher was actually a plum. But teachers claim to call themselves summer rain. The summer teacher is very kind to anyone, except Chang Fa is very mean, Chang Fa looks at Plum's patience, hard literacy, improve rapidly. One night, the son of Sun ChuLiang, a well-known patriotic gentleman, Sun DaBao pulled his fiancee Xia Yu back home to marry him. Captured by Chang Fa, tied to a tree and beaten. Afterwards, Sun DaBao filed a paper complaint that he complained of Chang Fa to the Jiefang District Court and the court severely punished Chang Fa. Finally, Xia Yu volunteered to go home with Sun DaBao on condition that Sun DaBao withdraw his case and insure that Chang Fa has nothing to do with it. Chang Fa is therefore exempt from punishment. When the rain approaching Chang Fa told Chang Fa, I am the twin sister Mei, Sun childhood child-daughter-in law, Dabao is a good man. Plum gave birth to Chang Fa's son, Chang Fa did not know. Japanese aggressors once again razed, plum and other cadres were besieged in the village, most of them sacrificed. Chang Fa runs into the village to rescue a severely injured plum. Brigade Japanese invaders, Chang Fa bullet light. Plum fear afraid they fall in the hands of devils, begged Chang Fa to kill himself.Chang Fa helpless, killed the plum with a bayonet, plum comfortably died in the world. Furious Chang Fa and the devil make the final melee. Large force came, the devil retreat, Chang Fa once again dying, in order to die plum, he quit the wine. In the final stage of the war of resistance against Japan, the army opened up a base northward. Hui Wen was abducted and her superiors forced Zhen YiRan to work and take care of Hui Wen. The Japanese aggressor struck again and Zhen YiRan and others happened to be temporarily staying in the Sun DaBao mansion. Hui Wen gave birth to his son and received the careful care of Dabao and the township cadres Xia Yu. Chang Fa told Mei Yu after the sacrifice of summer rain, summer rain distraught. For a new assignment, Zhen YiRan and his wife entrusted their son to take care of the Dabao couple before his departure. To complete the task, Zhen YiRan, Hui Wen, Chang Fa, etc. to pick up their children, the missing treasure and summer rain, children abandoned in the stall in the dying. Mu ZhuLong, who was originally bandit bandit, killed Da Bao and attempted to rape the summer rain. Just then, Chang Fa rushed in and killed Mu ZhuLong. Zhen YiRan, etc. also exterminated the gang of criminals in the periphery. The Kuomintang agents spurned the relationship between the president of the Chamber of Commerce in Chihe City and our army with our party and falsely accused Chang Fa of killing Sun Sun, the only son of Sun Chu Liang, for the capture of Xia Yu, encouraging the businessmen to strike the market and demanding punishment of the murderer Chang Fa. The city is a mess. Kuomintang agents provoked some of the mutineers and killed Lu Yiping's husband Chen FaHai. Chang Fa, caught in a trap, was tortured. To be killed by our army, Chang Fa rather indomitable courage, dying. Chang Fa quickly healed under the care of Lu JiaPing and the summer rain. One night, Sun Jia reported that Chang Fa had taken away the summer rain. This incident shaken the provincial government and business circles. Zhen YiRan Department to catch up Chang Fa, the municipal government decided to sentence Chang Fa to death, the execution of the gun.

World (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Zhao XiaoTao () sat on the monorail and called, she said she was going to India. Suddenly her former boyfriend came to see her and said he was going to Ulan Bator. Zhao XiaoTao said India is a miniature spot where she dances in the park and plays for tourists. Ulan Bator, her former boyfriend, is the capital of Mongolia, far north of Beijing. They meet and eat. Small restaurant filled with smoke just cover up the sadness they bid farewell. Zhao XiaoTao is on the monorail again and she says she wants to see him. He is her current boyfriend, called Cheng TaiSheng (). He is on duty at the Eiffel Tower and is the protector of the world's parks. They all live in the park, work together, eat, wander, quarrel. They all come from other countries, fantasizing, loving, jeering, reconciliation in this city. This is Beijing in 2003. The overwhelming noise in the city, the excitement of some, and the silence of others. The park is filled with miniatures of imitation of world famous attractions, from the pyramid to Manhattan, just ten seconds. In man-made fake scenes, life gradually shows them the truth: for a day longer than a year, the world is the corner.

seven days (TV)[2002]

Feature: Linhai Customs seized a batch of RMB ready to be smuggled into the country by sea. The amount of the "Seven Day" stills was so strange that the mode of delivery was dubious. However, it seems seemingly deadlocked as the person transporting the money has been killed during the armed arrest. Finally, Xiao Lei, captain of the Linhai Criminal Police Force, discovered the distinctive system of knots on the ship and found clues. Wang Lei suspects arrested, he was out of customs is intercepted by the RMB is actually counterfeit money, and before this batch, there have been two counterfeit money arrived Linhai. At the same time, the Interpol team inspection department came the news, with the existing technology, simply can not identify the authenticity of these counterfeit coins. The police sent female police officer Shao JingRan (Ma Yi Li ornaments) undercover, into the criminal syndicate companies to investigate. Jiang ShaoWei (Huang Lei), a Hong Kong anti-smuggist who was framed by the criminal group, came to the town to find out the truth and at the risk of being wanted. Two people from mutual suspicion to gradually trust, and have feelings, common and counterfeit money crime group actress Zhong MeiLing (Jie Pan ornaments) in full swing. Provincial Public Security Bureau issued a resolution within 7 days of the order, City Criminal Police Captain Xiao Lei (Geng Le ornaments) to solve the case, left his girlfriend, mayor daughter Zheng FeiEr (Huaqiong Chi ornaments). Zheng FeiEr has become a tool used by counterfeit bank groups without their knowledge.

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