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Hong Tao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hong Tao Works 41 ,And Feature 22 ,Comedy 12 ,Romance 10 ,Costume Drama 6 ,Martial Arts 3 ,Family drama 3 ,Crime 3 ,Historical play 2 ,Biopic 2 ,Urban drama 1 ,Love 1 ,Animation 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Action 1 ,War 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Sports 1 。

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Hong Tao Filmography(41)


小欢喜 (TV)[2019]


北京某中档住宅小区顶楼,有三户人家的子女都进入了高考备战期。因抱着“一考定终《小欢喜》剧照身”的想法,三个家庭都陷入了无比焦灼的备战状态,由此引发的问题也接踵而至。“恨铁不成钢”的妈妈 Tong WenJie 和“没有压力”、热爱自由的儿子 Fang YiFan 之间因为成绩矛盾重重,爸爸 Fang Yuan 不得不化身“仲裁者”左右调停;拒绝前夫 Qiao WeiDong “入侵”母女生活的单亲妈妈 Song Qian ,对女儿 Qiao YingZi 的生活展开了“全包围”式关切,误解和矛盾不知不觉悄然爆发;“空降父亲” Ji ShengLi 和妈妈 Liu Jing 的突然关怀,让从小养在舅舅 Liu Zheng 身边的 Ji YangYang 无所适从,父子之间小心翼翼的相处并没有为这段关系换来“和平”。第一次做父母”的家长,和刚刚迎来成年的孩子,因为爱而联结,也因为难以把握爱的边界而产生误会,但正是这些“历不完的试炼”让每个家庭都在爱与理解中学会成长 。

我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。

宠爱 (Movie)[2019]




Mr.Nian (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In order to save the Spring Festival, the beast came to the earth not only as a primary school teacher, but also to help the little girl Shagu find self-confidence and give her the care of her father's love. At the same time, the evil Da Yu is secretly trying to completely destroy the Spring Festival, The beasts together retired from the heaven fairy god, composed of Chinese New Year Lian Mo, ready to meet Da Yu. Da Yu 掇 掇 掇 掇 Year of the beast destroyed the key, want to completely eliminate the Spring Festival, so that his identity became very suspicious, and this in charge of the mysterious key to open the Spring Festival, accidentally dropped the world picked by the sand, the beast and sand, a character temper But good, a stubborn and persistent, these two individuals crashed together wits and braves, at the nick of time, the beast rescued Sa Sha fruit regardless of life, and work together to open the battle animal family patterns, together set foot on the journey to save the Spring Festival.

LostInHongkong (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Xu Lai (Xu Zheng (actor)) The ideal of college was to be a great painter, and his insistence and indomitable attention attracted the attention of the beautiful girl Yang Yi (Du Juan) over time Fell in love However, this first love of Xu Lai was finally shattered by cruel reality, after which he came together with Zhao Wei, the underwear company owner who stood by her side. After graduating, Xu Lai and Cai Bo married, became Tsai's "home son", he gave up his ideal, started operating underwear company, despite the cause of thriving, but Xu Lai's heart has always kept a touch of regret. One day, Xu Lai accidentally learned that Yang Yi, who has now become a painter, is going to hold her solo exhibition in Hong Kong. He is a mixed-race student with an elder brother who travels to Hong Kong and is actually traveling the same. edge". However, Xu Lai's plan has been repeatedly undermined by his brother-in-law Cai LaLa (Bao Bei'er), who is filing a family documentary. Behind his lens, Xu Lai discovers a stranger himself.

TheRed (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The winter of 1937, the war ended in Shanghai, Shanghai fall. In order to help several of our Party guerrillas bomb the Japanese military ship and transport the detained medical supplies, accountant Xu Tian was wrapped in a sudden fight. The spirit of the Communists fled to Xu Tian. He had only thought of ordinary life of ordinary people, want to try to help it.

PeopleMountainPeopleSea (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Iron boss a few years ago in the field back to work after returning home, do not want to leave home, and he was determined to settle the status quo, in the depths of the mountains to feed their families. He and his younger brother ran through the countryside to maintain their basic livelihood. One afternoon, Mount motorists gathered at Pass waiting for passengers. Iron boss did not think this was his last meeting with his brother. A young brother riding a motorcycle motivated youth in the quiet half way malicious, knife grab car, his brother killed, and then drive escape. Iron boss decided thousands of miles chasing fierce revenge for his brother Hate. He rode a motorcycle from the south to the north of Guizhou, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia and Shanxi. After tracing all the way, he was betrayed, cheated, sinister and self-emotional struggles and finally found a murderer in a black coal mine, but he himself fell into despair.

GunsNRoses (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The puppet period, the current turmoil. The Kwangtung Army, such as the Raging Tiger, revolutionized the organization to save the National Assembly camera. Under this seemingly sunny sky, the unemployed youth nicknamed Xiao Dong Bei (Jiayin Lei) walked the streets and alleys and abducted their lives. Occasionally, he accidentally learned a secret that the Kwantung Army would send a batch of gold to Daikin, a closely guarded bank. The members of the National Salvation Council, led by the actress Fang Die (Xiao Tao Red), decided to seize gold and thus stop Japanese plan to buy arms from Italy. Look in the gold part. Xiao DongBei Sipilai face to be plugged in. Although successful with small clever, but he also brought a lot of trouble to Fang Die and others. Their opponents - Kanto army Nzo ShanXingZhiZhu (Keiichi Yamasaki ornaments) sinister and cunning, as their biggest obstacle. The ultimate success of the plan to seize gold?

LostInThailand (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Xu Lang (actor), a business success man, spent five years inventing a marvelous product called "Oil Pao" - adding just two thirds to each car and dropping two drops "Oil tyrants", the fuel tank will become a full box. Xu Lang's classmate and commercial rival Gao Bo (Huang Bo) wants to sell the invention to the French at once. However, Xu Lang strongly disagreed. He hoped to further develop research and develop the "oil tyrant" to make further progress. Two people express their views, endless debate, has been fruitless. As the two shares of the same, only the company's largest shareholder Zhou Yang's power of attorney, can achieve their own goals. When he learned that Zhou Yang was in Thailand, Xu Lang started to look for it. Gao Bo learns to put a tracker on Xu Lang and goes to Thailand together. On the plane, Xu Lang met Wang Baoqiang and did not have the motivation to use him to get out of his opponent's pursuit of Gao Bo, but he not only did not get rid of Wang Bao, but also became his "personal nanny" ...... After all, Xu Lang and Gao Bo who will eventually get Zhou Yang's power of attorney? And three people who are interested in each other, but also will bring a magic journey how to laugh in Thailand?

MaiFangFuQi (TV)[2012]

Feature: Lan GuiCheng and Wen HongQi, intellectuals who love careers, do not care much about everyday things. When they were young, they did not want to bend their houses and eat human fireworks, so they often frustrated in life. They were pregnant, had children and nowhere to live. They lived in bungalows and overcame them with difficulty. However, they were always optimistic about life. Under the tide of reform, both of them went to sea and started from scratch. Through their concerted efforts, they became a pair of "buy a house and husband and wife." The house was finally bought, but the values ​​of the two men were also changing. There are two rooms but can not live in peace, eventually divorced. At this time, their common cherished son is ill, his son in bed takes his parents' hand and says he wants to go home and return to his home with his father and mother. Diversity plot source

yang s han - week (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the early 1980s, Baoshan Party Committee Secretary went all out to develop agriculture. However, due to historical reasons, the mountain forests were severely deforested and ecological imbalances. Not only did people's draft be a problem, but also Baoshan's ability to resist natural disasters Also very low, in the face of a sudden drought, Yang ShanZhou, although led by the Party committee to fully organize the fight against drought, may be prepared to close the bar for food if it is not a heavy rain. While luckily keeping the title of West Granary in western Yunnan, Yang ShanZhou realizes that it is imperative to change the environment. He wants to reverse the passive situation of watching the day and he is determined to be himself a Dragon King. Secretary Jia Xiang, the closest person to Yang ShanZhou, has been criticizing Yang ShanZhou for his harsh self-discipline. He feels that Yang ShanZhou disregards the family and that not only did a few daughters not touch him, but even the mother and wife in the country Did not enjoy a day of blessing, and even eligible wives to do non-agricultural transfer procedures were also Yang ShanZhou deducted. Jia Xiang, in particular, can not understand Yang's handling of minor issues during his work. However, Jia Xiang's mind was shocked when the common people asked him to bring Yang to accept the kowtow on a visit. He regarded Yang ShanZhou as his own life Ruler. Young and prosperous cadre Niu ZhangPing has courage and determination. According to Yang ShanZhou's comprehensive conditions, Niu ZhangPing was nominated to the provincial Party committee before he retired. Later, he went to DaLongShan to plant trees, but also to his great-grandchildren. All party members and cadres from the prefectural committee requested Yang ShanZhou to take the pledge for the reserve party members and farewell in such a special way. Jia Xiang, one of the sworn new party members, is determined to be a qualified and outstanding one like Yang ShanZhou Communists. With her breeze removed, Yang ShanZhou took only a pot of cedar bonsai planted in the office and a map of China. Yang ShanZhou finally returned to her home in Shidian. She was always taken care of by her elder daughter at home. As a result, her eldest daughter had given up her studies. Yang ShanZhou apologized to her elder daughter and placed her hopes on her grandchildren, Achang, and asked him to study hard , Promising him for college. Because of his father's disregard of the family, the dignified character of the second daughter and his father have estranged, thinking that the father can give him more time to take care of his family after retirement, knowing that his father will have to go uphill after planting his father's tree, misunderstanding between father and daughter deepened. Yang ShanZhou set out to prepare for going up the mountain, bringing the people together and smoothly building Dahliangshan Forest Farm in the form of mountains and forests. The 18-year-old juvenile Zhou Bo from this day started to link her own destiny with Dashanshan and Yang ShanZhou tightly connect together. Land reclamation shortage days are hard, more precious under the harsh environment. Yang ShanZhou looked at the hills and streams of savory joy, but poison grass aircraft grass almost ruined their expectations. Although Yang ShanZhou found a solution during his sleepless nights, he still suffered the first huge loss after going uphill.In order to make up for the loss, Yang ShanZhou decided to grow economic fruits instead of trying to buy inferior seedlings cheaper. The two-year labor of the forestry workers turned into a bubble. Yang ShanZhou's profound self-examination provided an early loan loan. Since then, On the market, pedestrians in the strange look pick nuclear nursery seedlings, driven by him, the original fear of losing face farm workers can calmly pick up the street to pick up the kernel. Jia Xiang regularly sent newspapers to the mountains and found that Yang ShanZhou people in the mountains, but my heart is concerned about everything under the mountain. The days of planting trees in the mountains are monotonous and difficult. Some people left and more people stayed. When Zhou Bo grew up ignorant of a juvenile and grabbed several children who roasted sweet potatoes while climbing the mountain, Yang ShanZhou learned that the reason why the children did not go to school was because of the loss of private teachers and the design of relevant cadres to invite them to go up the mountain to solve the problem. This move will be the second daughter completely irritated. The second daughter is a teacher from a remote cottage. From marriage to childbirth, she has been worrying about the separation of the two places. My father resolved the targets of seventy private teachers but refused to make a phone call for himself. The second daughter and her father became increasingly irreconcilable. Niu ZhangPing was promoted to provincial leader and went up to visit Yang ShanZhou and found that the forest farm environment was totally different from what Yang ShanZhou described him. Niu ZhangPing decided to build a road for the forest farm. The completion of the new house, the road is also repaired, the mountain was planted with trees, the time passed for seventeen years, during which the old mother of Yang ShanZhou died, grandchildren Achang admitted to the university, the second daughter with their own ability to obtain the ideal school, and finally understand My father's expectations and love for her. Zhou Bo's girlfriend's family proposed that Zhou Bo go down for a wedding, and Yang ShanZhou made a decision to send Zhou Bo and another rheumatoid field worker downhill and wished them happiness. Zhou Bo reassured with Yang's new wife, Yang ShanZhou, who has assumed responsibility for being a teenager up the mountain at the age of eighteen. Yang ShanZhou handed over the forest farms to Zhou Bo, rest assured that he could not return to Dalseong Mountain where he devoted all his efforts. In 2010, when Yunnan suffered a hundred years of drought and the Baoshan people under the protection of the dazzling Da Liangshan Mountain were not seriously affected by the drought, Aoyama is a true portrayal of the life of Yang ShanZhou. The running water tells the true faith of a communist party.

YouDeserveToBeSingle (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Handsome and handsome Li Zheng (Mike He) acted as "true love investigator" at her "True Love Club" in her sister Li Ying and came into contact with the client's fiancé or girlfriend to give Li, the marriage mate of these suspicious men, Li Zheng's work done handy, but also feel tired. Li Ying's club hosted a new client, Xiao Feng (David Wu), an ambassador of diamonds. Li Ying gave a great move and assigned his brother to go out again to seduce Xiao Feng's fiancée Phil (Ruby Lin ornaments), to promote themselves and Xiao Feng. Fei Er, a consultant psychologist, was very assertive and made Li Zheng a big fan of chess. After several contacts, Li Zheng had an unpleasant feeling about Fei Er. On the other hand, Li Ying intervened in Xiao Feng's life as an excuse to investigate, but with the deepening of the understanding of the four people, Li Jixi found that things were not that simple ...

My Belle Boss (Movie)[2010]

Feature: For the livelihood of IT workers Da Xiong lived an ordinary life, overcast, so he met the luxury car "rich second generation" Xiao Ai. After encountering a series of ironic embarrassing events, Da Xiong was compelled to "sell themselves as slaves." In the ensuing days, Xiao Ai's beauty and innocence, Da Xiong's courageous kindness, make this inexperienced lovers flirt with each other. Within a few days Da Xiong was hired to the coveted company to work. But the appearance of boss Emma made him dumbfounded, and she actually had exactly the same length as Xiao Ai. Da Xiong is faced with a strong and capable Emma while working. She is confronted with a lively and naive Xiao Ai in her life. He seems to be in a dreamlike world. The sudden appearance of Fu Qin, the grueling company Zhu Guan, and the troublesome Emma Cousin, led Da Xiong's life to no longer calm, and behind it all appeared to harbor a bigger secret.

MarriageTrap (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Lao Guo (Tao decorated) is a wedding chair, funny, reliable, but fall in love with the crafty occupation "wedding care" --- Peach (Tao Hong ornaments). Because of his enthusiastic pursuit, mistakenly hit and destroyed many times the good deed, the peach all merchants prey scare away. To avoid falling into the darkness, she honestly told her silly Old Guo that she was a liar.

Underground transportation station (TV)[2007]

Feature: Underground Transport Station is the first sitcom to reflect the theme of the war. After more than two years of careful planning, has now been initially formed. The play is based on the underground activities of several party members headed by Cai ShuiGen in the form of comedies after the establishment of Dingxiang House, a donkey museum in Anqiu, a small town in Jizhong around 1940.

Very policewoman (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Very Policewoman" is a TV series featuring real life of the policewoman, including "The Third Eye," "Snow, Snow Mei," "Freeman Abuse," "Truth," and "Woman Tree." , "Network trap" six series, showing a group of criminals with wits and courageous image of the police. Zuo Xiaoqing, Tao Hong and singer Siqinge Ri music respectively play three womens flower. The play draws on the true story of the heroine and policewoman on various fronts of public security in our country. The playwrights master precious first-hand materials through numerous interviews and field research. The play from a new perspective, showing the policewoman who is in the process of handling a thrilling wits and courage, a telling touching story, and strive to authentic, so that the audience can really feel the battle in the first line The policewoman is not only a hero who safeguards the peace of the common people, but also an ordinary and simple woman and a marvelous mother. At the same time, the plot of the play is very attractive, tells a complicated story of suspense. Suspense atmosphere, the action scenes, emotional entanglement, psychological drama ... ... a variety of dramatic elements in the "policewoman" to achieve the perfect unity, fascinating.

Lilac blossom (TV)[2007]

Feature: Lilac Flowers tells the story of Rich Hong, played by Tao Hong (actress, born 1972), encounters the younger owner Geng Le. As a result, poor wealthy businessmen and wealthy working-class girls cheat each other and start a collision of love . When found the true face of each other, the choice of wealth or emotional problems in front of us. Yingda said that this 9-day-ending Lunar New Year drama divorced its purpose of emphasizing Kyrgyzstan only so that Lunar New Year drama had a new situation --- it was no longer ridiculous and the story was strong. Another "lilac blossom" Taiwan version of the TV series.

Deep night (TV)[2006]

Feature: Yue Rong, a beautiful and beautiful fallen song singer of the late Qing Dynasty, met with the chariot driver who had been expelled from the house but was born in trouble. Both of them became acquainted with each other in adversity. Sought after feeling so that she once lost her self, until she fancied awakened, has been a matter of fact. The resuming Yue Rong came to Shanghai under the guidance of businessman Liu MingDe to seek the dream of becoming a movie star. When the cause was gradually reaching its peak, she did not intend to find out that the original capital Liu MingDe had so fortunate had actually defrauded her and his father Legacy to Erh ... Ding ErHe was originally a rich boy who was driven out of his home with his mother because of the dispute over family inheritance and was reduced to a coachman. By chance, he rescued a beautiful woman named Yue Rong and took her with kindness. Erh and Yue Rong, two people agree, dark love affair, which has caused a crush on the neighbor girl Zao Hua and Er boast. Yue Rong After class teacher Yang WuYe as a teacher, school performance Jing opera, stills Yue Rong Natural beauty, but also a natural voice, into the pear orchard quickly became popular, causing juvenile son Song XinSheng's love, Yue Rong could not live Temptation, estranged from relationship and relationship. After being fooled to Tianjin by Song XinSheng, several times after the dangerous situation. After fleeing to Beijing, she found herself a matter of both man and woman. In the second case, Yang WuYe, her master, severed her mentoring with her because of her defeat at Liyuan. She had nowhere to go and had to go to her former sister-in-law. As a result, her adoptive mother was once again entangled. A couple of frustrated veterans decided to help Yue Rong again "go out of the mountains" and go sing and dance in the dance hall. Yue Rong though they know their intentions, but no alternative but to promise. Yue Rong was determined to find two and apologized to him, but did not expect Ding ErHe news, it is already on the eve of the two and Zao Hua wedding. She did not have the courage to interrupt the happiness of Erhe and did not dare to walk into the auditorium. She only whispered a song called "Deep Night" in a low voice. Hear vague song, two and out of the wedding to find Yue Rong. But she was in the shadow of the roadside, no courage came forward to recognize. Since Yue Rong fate, singing in the song and dance hall gradually red. Zao Hua learned that Yue Rong was back. She understood that Erh and her love Yue Rong, so she turned to Liu MingDe, a well-developed man, for his thoughts to stop Erh from meeting Yue Rong. Liu MingDe was originally an aide of Ding ErHe's father, Ding Siling, who had studied abroad and had ambitious aspirations but was born into a bad fortune and had to go into extravagance and wealth. Liu MingDe has now invested in the emerging film industry, he found Yue Rong very potential, decided to tap. He portrays a popular star for Yue Rong. Shanghai film industry, Liu MingDe packaging let Yue Rong more and more popular, so she felt that they really live the day they had thought. Everything under the spotlight made her life brilliant. She felt sherself reborn, and could never return to her ordinary life. Second, at this time, he arrived in Shanghai. When he learned that Liu MingDe's development had stolen his own heritage, Liu MingDe knew well and tried every means to establish his position and die. Zao Hua arrived then intolerable, into the movie premiere reception, public expose Liu MingDe, the result was Liu's men down, will be pregnant with six months of child abortion, he also died of excessive bleeding.Zao Hua's death allowed Yue Rong to see the coldness of Liu MingDe, who learned of Liu MingDe's crimes from Zao Hua. She decided to help two and find the evidence. When Liu MingDe once again dated her, she proposed to go to Liu MingDe's residence voluntarily, hoping to take advantage of Liu MingDe's inability to find evidence. As a result, he and his wife entered revenge. As a result, Yue Rong was mistakenly wounded by a pistol and eventually fell in the arms of II and II during the battle with Liu MingDe.

What to move, do not move the feelings (TV)[2006]

Feature: What action do not move the drama of a drama shows the city of Beijing, a civilian family's emotions. In a family of three generations, his sister, He Jiaqi, has been increasingly aroused his disgust. Wan Zheng, who promised to be a sister of Jiajia sister He JiaYin, agreed to win the favor of his family during the Wanted period. May Wan Zheng not only late, but also on the stage glamorous non-Soviet Su non-trance. Sufismo was former ex-girlfriend of Wan Zheng. Good news full of looking forward to like your own network writer Xiao LiMeiDao will come as a star face judges, on the one hand to confirm their invincible love, on the one hand make their own award. However, the knife never came. The most annoying thing was that Koyanagi, who had always loved the beautiful knife, did not even have a tacit understanding of it. The good news was extremely bad and led to a surprisingly poor performance. He was ridiculed on the stage by the Soviet Union and Africa. Originally, the United States knife in the day of the Good News competition to Koyanagi's appointment, see Xiaoliu painstakingly dressed himself as the good news look, the United States knife out of sympathy and Koyanan talked about a romantic love for two months, and promised not to tell good news. Jia Zheng was disappointed with Wan Zheng's disappointment. She dated company manager Peng Shou Li and was hit by her colleague Liao Yu. Conservatives therefore do not allow Liao Yu, who has done a bad job for a few more years, reside at the company. Liao Yu is nowhere to go and has no choice but to defend Liao Rongjie, a living father who has been living in Hejia. Good home to see Liao Yu, think incredible, do not allow Liao Yu in the company openly with their own kinship. Koyanagi began publishing love diary online. Regardless of her agreement with the American knife, taking advantage of Yoo-woo's return to her hometown, Yo-Mae had a meal at He's dinner party, triggering a war that caused Lao Lao's infuriating outbreak to join the battle group and Mu Ye fury Escort willow milk back home. Good afternoon's father, Suphanburi, please help, hire good news to be her assistant. Wan Zheng made some money during the decoration company to give Liao Yu and goodwill rebates. Liao Yu did not look down on the rejection of the good times, and gave the matter to the courtesy. The courteous ceremony was to expel Liao Yu. During the goodwill period, she also regretted having relatives, and Liao Yu was assigned as a cleaner. Mu Ye lived a fairy day in her hometown and did not want to go back to the city. Lao Lao finally sit still, go home to collar people. But she is still overbearing, Mu Ye life and death do not come back. Under the condition that Wang Zheng and Sufism did not recognize each other's feelings, they could not themselves reconsider their old sentiments with the Soviet Union and Africa. Sofia bought several houses during the Goodwill Company and put on a show that was very familiar with the festival. Wanzai greatly appreciated the festival due to the great discount during the festival. Su and Africa non-cis-push Wan Zheng for her decoration. The non-verbal ambivalence of Su-Fei makes Wan Zheng find his place in the new house, dreaming about their future life from time to time. He Shengli, a beautiful father, seems to be a bit unimpadent to Sufi. Sufi did not make full use of the men who liked to look after themselves. On Valentine's Day, Wan Zheng went to Pakistan to cede the Soviet Union and Africa. The victory was passed on to her daughter for gifts originally intended for Sufisma. Father and daughter each have their own heart. Disheartened period also idle idle time, and keeping a date of compliance is still in the process, how many times to keep the ceremony after, but also willing to start from a friend. Because abbot is very harsh on the new staff, staff trouble, goodies to help out the beginning of the ceremony.However, the company was still sued in court, eventually losing the lawsuit and being stammering. Victory found Sufismo's backstage was originally a married deputy director, talkative to tell the truth the good times. Finally, the decoration of the house in Sufismo was completed. Wan Zheng was renovated and brought furniture to the house of Su, bringing all the money he had received from the company. In the light of the usual contempt for the third party, the festival unwittingly revealed the background of Sufism Africa to Wan Zheng. After this battle, Wan Zheng also realized the simplicity of the festival and decided to live a solid life with the festival. Wan Zheng urged Sufismi to refurbish the Sufi Africa. Sufi Africa flew away from the United States for leaving the newly renovated house and the unforgettable good news because of the affair with the director, and Wan Zheng angrily went up and down. After her insight into the truth of Wan Zheng and Supacruppen, Jia Zheng increasingly can not accept Wan Zheng. The better she is, the harder she feels. Good News did not work, but soon became a scrap of entertainment scrap. Lonely Lao Lao began to reflect, to improve relations with his neighbors, and actively campaign Lou door team leader. Wan Zheng was getting closer to her wedding, but she was getting more and more upset during the wedding season. Once she was in a wrong mood, she confided to Liao Yu and unexpectedly broke out with Liao Yu. Good times found themselves facing a new choice, good courage and sweetheart sister told the good news to tell their own thoughts, good news is also a fool of mind, can not think my sister actually had to compete with their own. Due to the events between Goodwill and Liao Yu, Wan Ze tried his best to delay the marriage with Wan Zheng. Wan Zheng changed the momentum of the past and began to engage in good family relationships. Things get more messy. Finally developed to Wan Zheng to go to beat the courtesy, the period just said he and Liao Yu something, so the whole family big. What annoys the family is that Good News announces that it also loves Liao Yu and is competing with Goodwill. After the US knife discovered the new situation, he was greatly interested in being in love with a young boy at the same time. He would have been cynical about this unscrupulous writer, but at the same time, because this guy was a celebrity, he could at least take advantage of this good guy and barely accept it. Long industry company because of the case, finally closed down. Good times to find a new job, but Liao Yu completely unemployed. Liao Yu and Good News formed a strange relationship between. Liao Yu only recognized good times, good news for Liao Yu. Liao Yu dates with the good news, good news as long as you know to go with. The sisters did not tear his face, so often the threesome. The family members have no other means to begin to jointly exert pressure on Liao Yu. Liao Yu's father wants to send Liao Yu back to her mother, Liao Yu does not return, and broke off relations with you, mixed in Beijing alone. Goodbye birthday, seeing the growing age, and always do not fly around sister, heart war tired emotions, let Liao Yu give sister. She received the ring from Wan Zheng and was ready to get married. Liao Yu depressed to the extreme, good news to see the Lord really fall in their own hands, but panicked God. Think before thinking sister and do not do not like people together. Xiao LiMeiDao's new book is published, is dedicated to good news, good news in the end never seen this battle, on the slope of the donkey. Liao Yu and the best season has finally come together.

Fantasies Behind the Pearly Curtain (TV)[2006]

Feature: During the years of Xian Feng, the situation was precarious and the society was decadent. The highest ruler of the empire - Xian Feng (Xiaohai Shen) Spring and Autumn Dreams A year ago Tao Hong had no children and many eyes fixed on the future throne. Rumors also spread like wildfire, spreading inside and outside the palace "the emperor has no fertility", the emperor sick, can not have children, behind these rumors is a variety of political forces to contend and contest. Lan Er (Tao Hong ornaments) was Xian Feng accidentally hit and favor, her courage, insight more let Xian Feng admiration. Xian Feng To establish Lan Er as an honored person, he was strongly opposed by Kang Ci's empress dowager. Despite some controversy, Grandchildren Kang Ci issued the stipulation that Lan Er within a year, if you can not cherish the emperor's son, then from cold into the cold. Lan Er inadvertently knew the emperor's unspeakable implicit. In order to consolidate his position, Lan Er through the eunuch An DeXin (Guanhua Liang ornaments) arrangements for his childhood friends Ling Zhi Tong Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu GHD Mrs. Kang Ci felt that she could make a big fuss, so he carefully set up a trap and attempted to kill two birds with one stone, proving that Xian Feng was really sick and could not be followed but also blamed Lan Er for misleading the public and forcing him to surrender The emperor Li Dajun as Chu Jun and get rid of Lan Er. In 1856 AD, Lan Er gave birth to a son and was booked as imperial concubine. Too expensive Princess Kang Ci can not afford to illness, hear the news of Lan Er's son, immediately called son Gong QinWang into the palace, said "you do not politics, do not fight with Lan Er, you fight but her" died. After the emperor had, the event has been set, but the royal heart disease has not yet gone, informed An DeXin, Lingzhi and the like were removed. Lan Er quietly burns incense, An DeXin, Lingzhi with reassuring, in the slowly winding cigarettes, she saw himself - a ruthless new Lan Er in the cruel court fight. Six years later, Xian Feng died, Lan Er born son inherited the throne, the year Tongzhi. Blue concubine was booked as the Empress Dowager, that is, the Empress Dowager Cixi history. Empress An DeXin Empress Reuse, soon became a major manager. This person is a prominent temporary grand eunuch An Dehai.

Han Wu Da Di (TV)[2005]

Feature: The second century BC, in the east of the world. The Han Empire, initially heading toward prosperity, faced the dual threat both inside and outside of China: the princes in the country have become incapacitated, vainly attempt to detach themselves from the Central Government and implement local separatism; and the Huns outside the north often crossed the Great Wall of Defense and invaded the Central Plains seeking to open up a living environment. Han dynasty had to implement the "and pro" policy, plus extramarchions of the princess, dedicated tributes, bear the great national honor. "Han Wu Great" Stills need a giant situation to support. Due to chance reasons, history chose a 16-year-old to assume a great job. His name is Liu Che. Liu Che ranks in the tenth king, had no chance to inherit the throne, but because of the supremacy of talent, with the careful planning of his mother and uncle, after a complicated palace struggle, he proudly ascended the throne. Liu Che made the emperor after showing extraordinary courage, immediately decreed, seek advice, try to reform. However, his assumption was suppressed by the powerful and powerful foreign representatives represented by his grandmother, Dou TaiHou, and suffered the first setback in the first year. But Han WuDi is by no means a person who gives up. He was good at waiting for the opportunity to renounce the arrogant and arrogant noble after the death of the empress dowager and resolutely replaced the principle of ancestors worshiping the old Huang and doing nothing by governing and reformed the ideology and unified the guiding ideology of the empire with the Confucian slogan of " . He implemented the inspection, breaking the employment, setting the governor, Ren Li, Yan Xun, tax salt, a currency, are losing accurate, count 缗 adultery. Do everything possible to weaken local forces and strengthen centralization. He used the will to mobilize the whole people to conquer the Huns for more than ten consecutive years and expelled the Hun from the Hexi Corridor; and let the Vietnamese people in the south and the Min Yue people in the southeast merge with the mainstream culture of the Han people. Formerly, he used the courage of the ancients to drill through the Western Regions and put the flag of the Han Empire for the first time on the Xuefeng Peak in Pamir, letting the camel ringing in the desert announce the establishment of the earliest land exchange channel between East and West. He penetrated into Asia, Nanping and Baiyushan, opened the Silk Road and opened up the territory extensively. He laid the magnificent territory of the Great China Empire and realized the great impact and fusion of Eastern and Western cultures. He pushed Han Empire to its peak. Up to 54 years of iron fist rule, casting Liu Che-hung only a rough personality and tall image. History has proven that he is one of the greatest politicians and strategists in Chinese history. At the same time, he is also a romantic poet, a dull but changeable person. Long lock Gillian, and Mrs. Lee, Wei ZiFu and other sad stories touching. Han WuDi is a giants in the history of the Chinese nation, however, any giants are not perfect saints. Years of expeditions, exhaustion of China's national strength, he happened in his later years cult evil chaos "witchcraft curse." After the civil unrest was settled, he had the courage to admit its mistakes, comprehensively reviewed his own life, and asked his son to take the peaceful route out of hegemony and consulted with his son, Jin Ri Di, a returning Hunanese prince.

Color of life (TV)[2005]

Feature: He NanZhi, a young and promising medical expert, started clinical treatment of "life's color" stills with Chinese medicine to fight AIDS in Renai Hospital. People who come to the hospital have their own ups and downs and their inner world is full of troubles. He NanZhi and the young and lively magician, Yan Ni patient had a deep feeling, He NanZhi new drug test was successful, is about to promote the world, Yan Ni's condition has deteriorated, undergoing a Field life and death fighting and emotional baptism, the experimenter's inner world has also experienced a rebirth of the Phoenix Nirvana.

Love Station (TV)[2005]

Feature: Tang Dainian, born in 1968, graduated from Beijing Film Academy, male director and screenwriter in mainland China. In 1992, he was the screenwriter of the drama "Beijing, You Morning", which won the top ten films from the Shanghai Film Critics Association and the annual government award. In 1993, he was the screenwriter of the love drama "The Wind Turboprop". In 1996, he was the screenwriter of the drama "Look, This Man", which won the Sundance Film Festival "Centennial of Film" Award and the 12th Sundance Award. In 1997, directed love drama "love cataract." In 2000, self-directed film "urban paradise", won the Houston International Film Festival Foreign Language Film Gold Award. In 2001, he was the screenwriter of "Seventeen-year-old Cyclist", a young love affair, and was nominated for the 38th Taiwan Golden Horse Award for Best Screenplay. In 2004, directed the city emotional drama "move what do not move the feelings." In 2009, directed the family drama "I am your son." In 2012, with the feature film "Search", he was awarded the 4th China Film Directors' Association Annual Screenplay and the 4th China Film Festival Cup Excellent Screenplay Award. In 2015, directed the biography drama "beggars big treasurer." In 2016, producer suspense piece "what's in the dark".

Ziyuzile (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Lu Hua (Coco Lee), a friend of Bachelors Mi JiHong (John Lone), a favorite sister of A Lian (Tao Hong (actress, born 1972), is a friend of Cun Zhang, a daughter of Cun Zhang , But also the village's literary and art backbone, which makes Mi JiHong shyly opening. Lu Hua, a hobby show, was auditioned for auditions in a drama group. Miraculous Mi JiHong could not bear to be tempted by Lu Hua's sadness and decided to invite Lu Hua to star in the martial arts TV series to fulfill the latter's dream of becoming a star. Mi JiHong himself as a camera and director, but also to find investors - village restaurant owner, screenwriter and props - village carpenter formed the team, in addition, A Lian's two suitors, Wang ShengLi (Xia Yu decorated) and Er Gou also doing my part to join the crew. In the face of all kinds of puzzles in martial arts filming, Mi JiHong lead you to break, and he and Lu Hua's emotional problems, but it is even more puzzling puzzle ...

Woman behind the woman (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Nie debt" Episode 1, 2, a nightmare up to five years, has finally become a reality. Lin Zhenfeng in order to be married and purple, cruel poisoned his wife. However, because of the incident jail. Five years later, Lin Zhenfeng was released from prison. After years of hard work, he finally found Azi, who was missing in jail, and did not expect Azi already had a new one.

Guilt can not escape (TV)[2004]

Feature: Banner News Network CEO Shen Shen was forced in the circumstances, with optical fiber CEO Ding Boyuan signed a contract for the merger of the two sites. However, after signing the contract, Shen driving into the sea, Ding Boyuan although it immediately jumped into the sea, but finally failed to save Shen Cong. Ding Boyuan knew very well that there was no such as Shen Cong's banner news network and ..

In fact, the most difficult man (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Who is the child his father," taken from Feng Gong TV series "In fact, the most difficult man." In the form of lyrical comedy, the TV series tells a story that happened to ordinary people. It truly shows the life experience of laid-off worker Ding Da Ke. He has been divorced for nearly a year, loyal, smart and capable. In order to seek livelihoods around the job, and sometimes because of his heart outspoken boss's "good thing", and sometimes he made his own passionate passionate boss was mistaken for "rival" and everywhere difficult ... ...

JiDuXianQing (Movie)[2003]

Feature: "Extreme Danger" is a film directed by Zhang Qian, Tao Hong and Pan Yueming. Films produced by Pearl River Film Studio Company. Video tells a major car accident, a large liquefied gas tanker leak serious, at any time there is the risk of explosion. Vice Mayor Lin Wei led firefighters and gas company assistant engineer Jing Hui together to save the scene danger.

Bathing Beauty (TV)[2003]

Feature: Photo Shanghai Gym Swimming Division, women's synchronized swimming match with the cheers of the audience kicked off. Lin Ting, coach of Shanghai Institute of Synchronized Swimming Team, is doing the arrangement and preparation for the players before the match. Ye Ting suddenly received a call from the hospital, his new husband, Fang Xin out of a car accident was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Fang XiaoXuan, Fang Xin's daughter, is also the main team in the tour. While playing, Lin Ting can neither tell Xiao Xuan nor leave the scene. She can only calm down and watch her game. Father and daughter nature, Xiao Xuan sensed father accident, resolutely separated from the team chased out his father's hospital immediately rushed to spend the team's collective performance suffered a fiasco. When Lin Ting and Xiao Xuan arrived at the hospital, Fang Xin has been rescued invalid. Lin Ting was shocked by this sudden bad news, she cried to encourage Xiao Xuan tears, do not want to Xuan Xuan furious, accused her of killing her own father. Hsiao Hsuan resented Lin Ting, the "head coach" and "stepmother", for his father's bad news. After Fang Xin's letter, Lin Ting decided to move to Fang Xinjia to take care of Xiao Xuan. But Xiao Xuan Lin Ting have prejudice, and her quarrel, left the house, and do not want to stay in the team. Xiao Xuan ran away from home and ran into Gao Chu, who had witnessed the accident on the sidelines. Gao Chu brought Homeless and Drunk Xiao Xuan to this homeless lonely girl by pity and love. After Lin Ting stationed through the train station affectionate call insisted on going to Beijing Xiao Xuan back to the team. The head of the academy told Lin Ting that due to funding problems in the hospital, some weak items, including the rhythmic swimming team, were to be eliminated and a new coach was assigned to ensure funding for the stronger program. Geng Ping reported to the synchronized swimming team, Ting cold attitude, but players can be very handsome on the handsome male coach actually feel good. Ye Jia especially. Xiao Xuan inadvertently found his father's letter to Xia XueQing, inter-line expression of feelings between Lin Ting questioned, Xiao Xuan LinTing deliberately used to look at her to fight against, Ting saddened. The day of expert examination has finally arrived. Lin Ting is confident that team members are determined to come out with the best results. Do not want, performance, Xiao Xuan deliberately made an error, leading to chaos in the audience, experts angrily go. Xiao Xuan, but secretly pleased, with a retaliation look at Lin Ting, Geng Ping and Lin Ting understand this time. Physical education leadership decided to dissolve the synchronized swimming team, the only solution is to find Wusi million sponsorship fee. Lin Ting for the tour has fallen, and both eyes are blind. Geng Ping's heart is not taste, full support for the swimming team to pull around, and finally the member Ye Jia father's company to solve the sponsorship issues. Gao Chu with Xiaoxuan to bungee jumping, encourage Xiao Xuan courage in the face of the reality back to the flower tour, Xiao Xuan touched it finally returned to the tour. Team members forgive Xiao Xuan under the Geng Ping and Lin Ting's work. Swimming team has resumed training. But Xiao Xuan and Lin Ting still do not speak. Gao Chu also deliberately or unconsciously escaped Xiao Xuan, he doubted he would be Xiao Xuan's own brother. Ye Jia again as Geng Ping confession, but Geng Ping told her that he likes Lin Ting.Gao Chu's mother, Xia XueQing, came to Shanghai to clarify Xiao Xuan's life experience. Xiao Xuan was originally an orphan of Fang Xin, and Xiao Xuan and Gao Chu did not have blood ties. Gao Chu, who knew the truth, apologized to Xiaoxuan but he could no longer afford to give up his feelings and responsibilities for Su Lei. Xuan also expressed his understanding of everything. The two separated on the surface, but still can not open the complex. Xiao Xuan in order to save Ye Jia was a motorcycle scratch the thigh, Xiao Xuan decided to bring the injured in the collective interest to play, the court, because the injury was not healed, and the action is not in place, the game failed. Back to the hospital, Xiao Xuan's leg has deteriorated, the doctor told Gao Chu, Xiao Xuan's leg is likely to be cut off, Geng Ping Lin Ting comfort to encourage her, gave her a story about his struggle. Xiao Xuan a man came to the roof, watching the distance, my thoughts. She finally figured it out, to brave the courage to face life. Finally, the hospital adopted a combination of Chinese and Western methods to treat. Xiao Xuan's legs recovered quickly, healed. Finally, under the leadership of Lin Ting and Geng Ping, finally won the final victory, won the hard-won title. Everyone in the team understands many things in life. Watching the triumphs of the players, Lin Ting and Geng Ping smiled, and the players smiled and held them together.

JiDuXianQing (Movie)[2002]

Feature: A vehicle carrying a huge amount of liquefied petroleum gas hit a serial collision of five cars. There was a leak and a big bang was about to take place. The entire city was in a state of emergency alert. Lin Wei, the newly appointed deputy district governor, and Jing Hui, a classmate at the university, devoted themselves to rescue work with extraordinary courage. Finally, the mayor ordered Lin Wei to personally drive a tanker truck that had been torn to the rear to leave the urban area. Jing Hui looked at Start the car, righteousness did not back up and decided to live and Lin Wei.

Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (TV)[2002]

Feature: "Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber" tells the late Yuan Dynasty, the martial arts rumors, who can both have a dragon sword and sword, you will find that the hidden one of the great mystery, triggered by the martial arts for the sword and Sword Dragon Sword competition. Yu DaiYan, the three disciples of Wudang founder Zhang SanFeng, ordered the downhill to help the poor and help the poor. However, he was inadvertently involved in the battle of Haiyan gang and the Haisha camp to snatch the Tulong Dao. Five disciples, Zhang CuiShan, met Yin SuSu, an evangelistic student, on his way to find the murderer. Both knew very well that the two religions are not altogether altruistic, but have no love for one another. On the Wupanshan Island in the East China Sea, the arena and people started fighting for the sword again. Both were people who saved the island and were coerced into the archipelago by Xie Xun, a golden lion king. The two married on the island and gave birth to son Zhang WuJi. Zhang CuiShan and Xie Xun also became brothers. Ten people returned to land four years later, but it was only after the Dragon Squad returned to battle. The combination of Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu also sparked a controversy between the two factions. For Xie Yixiong, Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu would not divulge the whereabouts of the dragon knife, both self-proclaimed. Young Zhang WuJi witnessed the death of both parents, but also by "Xuanming Erlao" injured. Zhang SanFeng with Zhang WuJi went to the Shaolin Temple in order to ease tendon detoxification, on the way through a variety of life and death test. Zhang WuJi with tough and honest learning superb technique, and access to the precious "Nine Yang true scriptures," except for the body Yin poisoning, and with superb martial arts in the Mingjiao Guangming Ding resolved the bloody martial arts, become a wise leader. Meanwhile, Zhang WuJi was overwhelmed with the actress Zhao Min of the Mongolian princess Zhou ZhouRuo, his cousin Yin Li, and his girlfriend Xiao Zhao. The great temptation of Sword Dragon Sword and Sword of Heavenly Sword made Wulitian people who are mercenary refused to let Xie Xun, Zhou ZhiRuo, Zhao Min and Zhang WuJi also become confusing. To save the father, but also to stop the conspiracy, Zhang WuJi Shi Ji Tulong Dao and Heavenly Sword with the present, two invincible weapon in the world both in the collision of each break, exposing the inside of the secret: Tulou Dao possession of " Wu Mu Suicide Note ", Heaven Sword in possession of" Nine Yin Scriptures. " Zhang WuJi realized the true meaning of "martial arts supreme, sword slaughtering dragon, order world, mohidaga, celestial beings, who and fight", if a person in the grip of wantonly, no matter how powerful, there will be some portrait Like a sword, stand up to contend with it. As a result, Zhang WuJi who deeply understood the true meaning of martial arts was forced to quit his position as a wise leader, and Zhao Min was walking away from the horizon.

Empty mirror (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Sun family is very ordinary people, there are two daughters, sister Sun Li is the parent of the pearl, but also beautiful and smart, college foreign languages ​​after graduation in a travel agency work; sister Sun Yan looks like sister, did not attend college, but In the factory canteen sell tickets. Sun Yan is very envious of her sister, I feel nothing better than my sister, I often feel.

Sunny Piggy (TV)[2000]

Feature: This is a drama that tells the story of pigs. Xu Zheng (actor) ornaments was originally an ordinary pig, because in order to escape the fate of being slaughtered and do everything possible to escape from the sty. On the 1st, Eighth Ring encountered Tai BaiJinXing (Sun Xing), who came to the world for killing the Yvonne Yung. At this time, Tai BaiJinXing was in prison and witty Eighth Ring rescued him. Tai BaiJinXing be grateful to the eight precepts, so cast him to be a day, spell read, quake turned into his master - handsome Zhu ShuSheng looks like. Became a kind of people do not want to change back to Pig, then escaped. In order to escape the magic of Tai BaiJinXing hunt, eight while escaping, while learning art, Kung Fu surely also has a rapid growth. Subsequently, Tai BaiJinXing internal injuries recurrence, skills lost most of the time, see this scene, Tai ShangLaoJun given the Ezgren, let him and the Tai BaiJinXing eliminate cat demon! The Eight Kingdoms Pigs Eight is the brightest pig in the world, because it was not willing to be slaughtered pigs, escaped from the sty in a rainy night. Tai BaiJinXing chase the nine life cats and demon came to the mortal world, at a loss, fortunate enough to help save lives, in return for grace, it will become its owner Zhu ShuSheng looks like a man of the day. But Pigs should always do the people, Tai BaiJinXing had to chase pigs around, to change him back to pigs. Pigs do not want to do pigs, then around apprentice art, and sure enough skill increases, he did not know this is he inadvertently ate nine gods of cats and cats universe heaven and earth effect. Nine dead cat loses God Dan, anxious to find around, in the world of evil. Tai BaiJinXing traumatic attack, returned to a weak child, skills lost, in the face of cat demon, powerless. Tai BaiJinXing's brother Tai ShangLaoJun, see this situation, had to personally go, pass the pig with the skills. Under the magical powers of pigs, along with Tai BaiJinXing, after hardships, get rid of cat demon. But unexpectedly entangled in the strange spirit of Xiao LongNv emotional entanglement. It turned out that Xiao LongNv had been Zhu ShuSheng life-saving grace, she did not know Zhu ShuSheng is Pig, still lovingly germinate, get rid of the cat demon, Tai BaiJinXing and then want to Pig back to pigs, pigs have been found to have really become a man. Earthshaking fissures love you to fight, the situation changes suddenly. There are two suns in the sky, and the beings in the world complain bitterly. Emperor Jade Emperor Chang E looking for the reincarnation of Hou Yi, let her use the power of love to inspire Hou Yi shooting the power of God. Unexpectedly, Hou Yi's life - two oxen, is a incompetent, clogged pancake stills vendors, Chang E flattering often invalidated frustrated, temporarily unable to hold, was deliberately Wu Gang take advantage of. Chang E fell into a crisis of affections, and at the same time perfunctory endeavor with Wu Gang. The Eight Commandments were instructed to help Chang E to educate her two oxen, but to Chang E as an admirer, ignoring Xiao LongNv's truth. Two cattle first shot because of all things failed. Unstoppable things, Chang E suffered the color decline of the elderly, and therefore see Wu Gang's hypocrisy, confidante nature, instead of being the second cow sincere, simple emotion touched, and his heart. Xiao LongNv After watching Hou Yi, Chang E, after two heavy quarrels, finally realized each other's true feelings. His heart was deeply touched and strengthened his love for the Juba.Love makes Hou Yi fiercely into a sharp arrow to the sun, melting in flames. Three scenes of Sun WuKong Ba Ba for Chang E had lovesickness, Xiao LongNv worried about taking them to the top Yao Wang see a doctor. On the way, Xiao Jun, Xiao Jun, a disciple of Yao Wang, met Xiao LongNv at first sight and immediately gave her medicine. Just now Sun WuKong learned 72 must return, disturbed him to sleep because of the Era, arrested and Xiao LongNv, and later found the Huaguoshan monkeys by Yao Wang under the "forget wine", memory loss ,It's a mess. Under the wrath of Sun WuKong Yao Wang Valley. For the sake of seeing Chang E and Xiao LongNv to bring him to see the Dragon King, Wukong because of the fun also followed, rob Dinghai God needles and crystal jerseys, slaughter the Dragon Palace, went back because the monkey was black and white and took away trouble Prefecture, Rob Life and death book, made the world chaos, angered the Jade Emperor. Jade Emperor magic punishment Sun WuKong, so that Huaguoshan monkey students. At this point Yao Wang made Wu Du, wounded Wukong, Wukong no solution, but to Xiao LongNv rain, Xiao LongNv and the Eight Lords cheat Dragon King, rescued Sun WuKong and returned to Huaguoshan. Anything that Sun WuKong could come up with could not keep Xiao LongNv from tearing up, because Xiao LongNv felt happy as long as she was with Baekyeong. Tianbing patrol caught the eight precepts into the jail. Sun WuKong asked to find Jade Emperor in heaven. In order to make Xiao LongNv tears, Sun WuKong had to use the golden hoop to send eight to go to Guanghan Gong. Outside the Gate of Guanghan Palace encountered Jade Emperor Jade Emperor. The departure of Journey finally made Xiao LongNv burst into tears. Huaguoshan thus was flooded with tears, Sun WuKong for Xiao LongNv to stop the tears promised to take her to Heaven to retrieve the Jurisprudence. Because Emperor Jade indifferent to himself, but also on the heart of Chang E, the Royal Mother secretly hate, really Chang E innocent suffer, was sentenced to marry Sun WuKong. Xunxu hearing rush to compete, after three major competitions to win. Ba Jie was named Marshal of the Canopy, Wukong refuses to accept, think of soldiers rebel, Journey to protect Wukong Taibai to Goku bought a Bute gentleman to do small, Jade Emperor learned to send Goku, Sun WuKong very Service, Havoc in Heaven, after Tathagata sealed. I tried a few times, did not save the Wukong. Jurisprudence in order to prevent Wukong five hundred years is not good, gave him a drunken water, then only remember Wukong Monkey King. Earthshaking to grab the bride After suffering pigs and Xiao LongNv finally came together and went hand in hand to another life journey. In the mountain village where the beast ravages, Taboo knocked it back with a pigtails. After some chasing and fighting, Xiao LongNv accidentally discovered that the beast was actually his own father, Dong Hai-Long Wang. Dong HaiLongWang Great temperament, forcing her daughter to marry Prince Edward Nanhai. Xiao LongNv puzzled, determined to trace the truth. When learned that the East China Sea Longquan eyes dried up, about to face drowned disaster, Xiao LongNv decided to go along with the South China Sea welcome team. Beloved, followed by eight, alone to the South China Sea. On the way to rescue the Princess of the South China Sea gambling princess and Jue DiWuShi with the help of the eight saw a heart-wrenching Xiao LongNv, and with her looking for the rescue of the East China Sea spring. Inadvertently, Pig Journey and the Prince of Nanhai the soul of the tune, making a lot of jokes. Pigs and Xiao LongNv affectionate deep concentration, but had to face the cruel reality, only sacrifice Xiao LongNv into the spring to save the East China Sea.

I laugh and generous (TV)[2000]

Feature: "I laughable generous" stills (1) Although the draft is not paid, but very angry fee brother or fortunate enough to write his first name. So he cheer up and started writing a second book. In fact, when the crew had given Jiang force remuneration, just because of the bubble soaked in force Chiang made him put the money swallowed. When Fee brother began to write the second book, Jiang Li decided to operate a good, get a silver, face double harvest. So, looking for investors in the process, Fei younger brother, Jiang Li, Wu Liwei businessman, player Xu Ning, waiter Zhuang Wenjing and others made a lot of funny things. Maybe God bless, the play actually actually made into the final fee, the cost of brother and a few finally turned out to be a person with a head and face ... ... The play has a unique concept of the script, the language of Beijing's unique humor, one after another Hidden material hidden in the jumper, which is the producer called "urban black humor comedy." The play seeks to reproduce, in a nonverbal language, exactly the social forms and living conditions that Chinese contemporary urbanites encounter in the spiritual and cultural life but can hardly understand what is going on. The play by the director of "dream place" director Ye Jing screenwriter, director, at the same time as the actor fee brother, actress Zhuang Wenjing starred in "black eyes", "the beginning of the dream" and "spring pig" The play Tao Hong plays the businessman Wu Liwei by Fu Biao who starred in "Party A, Party B," "Endless" and "Daming Gong Ci" and other television series. Jiang Liyun once starred in "Saving Private Ryan" Zhang Han, the place where Dreams Begin, plays the role of Zhao Xi, Feng Lei, Xia Li-pay, Dong Xiaoyan and Gong Chao in other major roles.

Where the dream starts (TV)[2000]

Feature: Armed Forces Lieutenant Colonel Song JianJun holding a lover Wen Xiaoya's "dream place", recalling the past 20 years, ups and downs. Song JianJun and the drama "The Beginning Place of Dreams" Song JingSheng, Luo DongNa, Wen Xiaoya Since childhood, they joined the army when they started their youth. Asked Song JingSheng and Luo DongNa left the force early. Song JingSheng and Xin PingPing Although having a daughter after marriage, but unforgettable Luo DongNa's old love. While Song JianJun and Wen Xiaoya are in love, the Tangshan earthquake made Xiaoya a cripple. Jianjun from the Laoshan front line to return home to know Xiao Ya has flown to the United States treatment, leaving him only an infinite melancholy. Xin PingPing's brother Xin HeiZi died in a car accident and Xin PingPing was jailed for crimes in extreme distress. Luo Dong which raised Song JingSheng and Xin PingPing daughter, the two are hard-hearted. After Xin PingPing was released from prison, she wanted to admit her daughter could not grieve and broke up with Song JingSheng. In the winter of 1992, critically ill Wen Xiaoya returned to Beijing from the United States and came to the shichahai ice rink where he once met with many years of lover Song JianJun, nostalgic for their dream start.

Happy (TV)[1999]

Feature: At home there are two sons and one daughter, the eldest son (Li Yapeng ornaments) returned from the United States, hi hi hi, brought "ABC" daughter (Chu Yin ornaments), so that the two elderly mentally bear some, they Can you get along? It is a problem. Second son Yu FuGui (Geng Le ornaments) love Kart racing, but forced dad to inherit the hand noodles.

Enchanting (TV)[1999]

Feature: "Enchanting" focuses on rich businessman Xu ZhiPeng (Tang Zhenzong) In order to find former lover Jade butterflies, to abandon the South business came to Kunming, operating from the city's largest "capital" nightclub. On his way to Xishuangbanna, he met a pair of Dai twin beautiful twin sisters, sister Yu Jiao (Tao Hong) is the flight attendant cloud, sister Yu Mei (Tao Hong) born a good voice. Just when Xu ZhiPeng found Yudie's residence, she knew she was only shortly after she died, leaving only one daughter, Xiao YuEr, and the phrase "no more tears." Xu ZhiPeng adopted Xiao YuEr. In front of Jade Butterfly Grave, Yumei came across this poem accidentally and impressed her affectionate language. Soon Jade Mei, who wanted to be a singer, without telling her sister and grandma, also came to Kunming and was introduced by her friends at "Charming" nightclub singer, she "no tears" spectrum concert, making himself "charming" Little Reds. Jade Jue learned all this, persuaded her in every possible way to go to that kind of local work can be Yu Mei do not listen to persuasion. Occasionally, Xu ZhiPeng came to this and was deeply impressed by "No More Tears," making him feel that Yudeng has returned to her side. He then brought Yu-mei to the "Mingdu" nightclub and joined hands with the audiovisual company to hold her Queensland famous red singer. Soon Yu Mei became the darling of Xu ZhiPeng around, becoming the incarnation of Jade Butterflies ... Pop music jade Mei gradually lost the past innocent, innocent, and become arrogant, making Xu ZhiPeng more and more disappointed ...... At this time, Yu Mei has cherished Xu ZhiPeng children. Ben Ng, the biggest drug gang in Yunnan's Xishuangbanna border, provoked Xu ZhiPeng's treatment when Xu ZhiPeng and Yu Mei were engaged, causing both to misunderstand ...... Using the sister Yu Mei in the karaoke relationship and her familiar with selling drugs in Xishuangbanna of Yunnan. Yu Mei, under extreme pain, caused disfigurement and soon became addicted to drugs. She vowed to take revenge. When her sister was in danger, sister Jade Jiao saved her sister and wealthy businessman Xu ZhiPeng came forward ... In the struggle between Xu ZhiPeng and Jiu Ge, he fell into the trap of Jiu Ge and harmed him with drug trafficking . In the end, can he defeat this drug war? And what is the fate of the twin sisters? ............ Tao Hong one person decorated Dai two sisters role, a stewardess, a song girl, a ya a vulgar, also static and dynamic. The sisters were born in a single-parent family of the Dai nationality in Yunnan Province, whose father died prematurely and took on the burden of life.

Blackeyes (Movie)[1997]

Feature: Ding LiHua (Tao Hong (actress, born 1972)) is a blind person, but his physical disability has not damaged her mind. On the contrary, like ordinary people, she is strong and optimistic, independent and upward. After graduating from the blind school, relatives arranged a marriage for Ding LiHua, who had been married, and the other was a blind person like her. Ding LiHua, a very strong and healthy person, was not willing to start a long laborious family life as a married wife. On the contrary, she actively sought for the disabled team. In the training team, Ding LiHua demonstrated extraordinary athleticism, and therefore found the goals and hopes of life. Although the coach (Kai Jiang) was very strict with her on weekdays, Ding LiHua still loved her heart and soul slowly. In the meantime, a guy named Liu Yi (Ho Bing) showed Ding LiHua's favor. What would Ding LiHua choose between the two men?

KA ng Department incognito travel (TV)[1997]

Feature: "Kang Xi micro-service private visit record stills" Zhang Kangli decorated Kang Xi The play mainly describes the Kang Xi year successive years the Yellow River floods, people along the coast miserable, Emperor Kang Xi compassionate inspirational rule of the river, personally Jiuxia Jiangnan Yellow River disaster inspection, and even more Drew a scene of legendary story. The drama has completed shooting five. "Kang Xi micro-service private visit book 1" is divided into "Plowshare" "Eight Treasure porridge" "Tripod" "Purple Sands" four stories "Kang Xi Weiliuiji 2" is divided into "Steamed bun" Gui Yuan Ji "Three Stories" Kang Xi WeChat Private Comment 3 "is divided into" Jin Pao Ke "" Food Box "" Bell Kee "three stories" Kang Xi WeChat Private Record 4 "is divided into" Golden DART "" Aya Luo Xi "" Tea "three stories" Kang Xi micro-service private visit book 5 "is divided into" casting money "" prodigy "" rocket mind "three stories five story twists and turns, soul-stirring, rich and vivid characters, drama Bright structure, style witty properly.

The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (TV)[1986]

Feature: Yuan Dynasty, the martial arts rumors, who can both have a dragon sword and sword, you will know that hidden a huge mystery, which in 2003 A-Su Ape Jing-wen version of martial arts in the sword for Sword and Heaven Sword fight. Yu DaiYan, the three disciples of Wudang founder Zhang SanFeng, ordered the downhill to help the poor and help the poor. However, he was inadvertently involved in the battle of Haiyan gang and the Haisha camp to snatch the Tulong Dao. Five disciples, Zhang CuiShan, met Yin SuSu, an evangelistic student, on his way to find the murderer. Both knew very well that the two religions are not altogether altruistic, but have no love for one another. On the Wupanshan Island in the East China Sea, the arena and people started fighting for the sword again. Both were people who saved the island and were coerced into the archipelago by Xie Xun, a golden lion king. The two married on the island and gave birth to son Zhang WuJi. Zhang CuiShan and Xie Xun also became brothers. Ten people returned to land four years later, but it was only after the Dragon Squad returned to battle. The combination of Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu also sparked a controversy between the two factions. For Xie Yixiong, Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu would not divulge the whereabouts of the dragon knife, both self-proclaimed. Young Zhang WuJi witnessed the death of both parents, but also by "Xuanming Erlao" injured. Zhang SanFeng with Zhang WuJi went to the Shaolin Temple in order to ease tendon detoxification, on the way through a variety of life and death test. Zhang WuJi with tough and honest learning superb technique, and access to the precious "Nine Yang true scriptures," except for the body Yin poisoning, and with superb martial arts in the Mingjiao Guangming Ding resolved the bloody martial arts, become a wise leader. Meanwhile, Zhang WuJi was overwhelmed with the actress Zhao Min of the Mongolian princess Zhou ZhouRuo, his cousin Yin Li, and his girlfriend Xiao Zhao. The great temptation of Sword Dragon Sword and Sword of Heavenly Sword made Wulitian people who are mercenary refused to let Xie Xun, Zhou ZhiRuo, Zhao Min and Zhang WuJi also become confusing. To save the father, but also to stop the conspiracy, Zhang WuJi Shi Ji Tulong Dao and Heavenly Sword with the present, two invincible weapon in the world both in the collision of each break, exposing the inside of the secret: Tulou Dao possession of " Wu Mu Suicide Note ", Heaven Sword in possession of" Nine Yin Scriptures. " Zhang WuJi realized the true meaning of "martial arts supreme, sword slaughtering dragon, order world, mohidaga, celestial beings, who and fight", if a person in the grip of wantonly, no matter how powerful, there will be some portrait Like a sword, stand up to contend with it. As a result, Zhang WuJi who deeply understood the true meaning of martial arts was forced to quit his position as a wise leader, and Zhao Min was walking away from the horizon.

Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (TV)[1978]

Feature: Yuan Dynasty, the martial arts rumors, who can both have a dragon sword and sword, you will know that hidden a huge mystery, which in 2003 A-Su Ape Jing-wen version of martial arts in the sword for Sword and Heaven Sword fight. Yu DaiYan, the three disciples of Wudang founder Zhang SanFeng, ordered the downhill to help the poor and help the poor. However, he was inadvertently involved in the battle of Haiyan gang and the Haisha camp to snatch the Tulong Dao. Five disciples, Zhang CuiShan, met Yin SuSu, an evangelistic student, on his way to find the murderer. Both knew very well that the two religions are not altogether altruistic, but have no love for one another. On the Wupanshan Island in the East China Sea, the arena and people started fighting for the sword again. Both were people who saved the island and were coerced into the archipelago by Xie Xun, a golden lion king. The two married on the island and gave birth to son Zhang WuJi. Zhang CuiShan and Xie Xun also became brothers. Ten people returned to land four years later, but it was only after the Dragon Squad returned to battle. The combination of Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu also sparked a controversy between the two factions. For Xie Yixiong, Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu would not divulge the whereabouts of the dragon knife, both self-proclaimed. Young Zhang WuJi witnessed the death of both parents, but also by "Xuanming Erlao" injured. Zhang SanFeng with Zhang WuJi went to the Shaolin Temple in order to ease tendon detoxification, on the way through a variety of life and death test. Zhang WuJi with tough and honest learning superb technique, and access to the precious "Nine Yang true scriptures," except for the body Yin poisoning, and with superb martial arts in the Mingjiao Guangming Ding resolved the bloody martial arts, become a wise leader. Meanwhile, Zhang WuJi was overwhelmed with the actress Zhao Min of the Mongolian princess Zhou ZhouRuo, his cousin Yin Li, and his girlfriend Xiao Zhao. The great temptation of Sword Dragon Sword and Sword of Heavenly Sword made Wulitian people who are mercenary refused to let Xie Xun, Zhou ZhiRuo, Zhao Min and Zhang WuJi also become confusing. To save the father, but also to stop the conspiracy, Zhang WuJi Shi Ji Tulong Dao and Heavenly Sword with the present, two invincible weapon in the world both in the collision of each break, exposing the inside of the secret: Tulou Dao possession of " Wu Mu Suicide Note ", Heaven Sword in possession of" Nine Yin Scriptures. " Zhang WuJi realized the true meaning of "martial arts supreme, sword slaughtering dragon, order world, mohidaga, celestial beings, who and fight", if a person in the grip of wantonly, no matter how powerful, there will be some portrait Like a sword, stand up to contend with it. As a result, Zhang WuJi who deeply understood the true meaning of martial arts was forced to quit his position as a wise leader, and Zhao Min was walking away from the horizon.

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