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Hu Guan TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hu Guan Works 29 ,And Feature 13 ,War 3 ,Action 3 ,Comedy 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Romance 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Crime 2 ,Year 1 ,警匪1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,Love 1 ,Suspense 1 ,东方神话1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,近代革命1 ,Resistance against Japanese aggression 1 。

Works Index

Hu Guan Filmography(29)


八佰 (Movie)[2020]


《八佰》是由华谊兄弟电影有限公司和北京七印象文化传媒有限公司出品,腾讯影业文化传播有限公司、北京光线影业有限公司和阿里巴巴影业(北京)有限公司联合出品,导演管虎执导, Huang Zhizhong 、 Tony Robbins 、 Oho Ou 、 Cheng Zhang 、 Qianyuan Wang 、 Jiang Wu 、 Yi Zhang 、 Du Chun 、陆思宇、 Youhao Zhang 、 Vision Wei 、 Li Chen 、白恩、 Ailei Yu 、 Haoming Yu 、 Ryan 等主演的战争题材影片。




我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。


外滩钟声 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《外滩钟声》剧情介绍:讲述了 Du XinSheng 和俞佩佩是同学,两个人感情深厚。俞佩佩的外婆何音是音乐学院的教授被红卫兵当成反动学术权威剧照给揪出来,经常被拉去批斗。 Du XinSheng 和弟弟杜心根对俞佩佩十分关爱。为保护俞佩佩家里的那把珍贵的意大利大提琴不被红卫兵抄走。 Du XinSheng 去找在海关钟楼工作的父亲帮忙,杜父将大提琴藏在钟楼里面。梧桐里迎来知青上山下乡的高潮,大妹妹杜心芳决意报名去安徽泾县插队, Lao HuZaoYeYe 收养的孙子阿大是独子不用下乡,但为了心芳,他也准备离开。胖嫂送走了大女儿曼娟,她要远赴云南。杜夫因病去世, Du XinSheng 顶替父亲成了海关大钟的守钟人。这样他就不用下乡了。苗师傅带领着这个徒弟每天维护大钟,讲解海关大钟的来历以及大钟的各个部件的构造和原理。心生每天和大钟为伍,深深地爱上大钟,擦拭大钟,维护大钟,以致到了痴迷的地步。心芳和阿大在农村劳作,相爱,偷尝禁果。心生接到泾县的电报,立即赶去乡下。原来心芳怀孕了,阿大因流氓罪被发配到原始森林去当护林员了。心生把妹妹带回了上海。毛阿大向心生发誓,争取好好表现早日回上海与心芳团圆。回到梧桐里的心芳因为未婚先孕遭到邻里议论。毛阿大在林中遭遇盗林匪徒不幸遇害。全家都瞒着心芳,心芳得知真相后绝食,在家人的安慰下决心平安生下孩子。心芳难产身亡,生下个女儿取名安安。杜家人陷入悲伤。 Du XinSheng 一直为妹妹的命运自责,她是顶替自己才下乡的。心生收养了安安当成亲生女儿来照顾 。


Uncle & Teenager (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Uncle and Teenager" recounts that Yang JinGang (Jiayi Zhang) who was released from jail found that Ren ShaoPeng (Zhang Yishan), whose daughter Yang XiaoYang (Yizhe Wang's) is going to marry, is as rebellious as he was when he was young, Again with the constant grudges, so strongly opposed to this marriage. When he discovered that the two young people really love each other and can not be separated, they also try their best to "reform" their son-in-law. Returning to society, Yang JinGang is out of step with society. However, he is unconvinced with his son-in-law and educates him to work hard to tell the difference between right and wrong. At the same time, he is also touched by his son-in-law and his genuine affection for his daughter. Lao Zhangren and son-in-law to transform each other, all the way stumbling, but full of warmth, the two eventually work together to resolve the knot two years ago, good people harvest happiness.

Wild search God remember (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the era of legendary and magical desertification in China's ancient history, the five major ethnic groups of gold, wood, water, fire and soil co-exist with many monsters in the magical and fertile "Great Wilderness." Wilderness world beeing everywhere, the plot and ambition of the black world invading the world to form turbulent whirlpool, so that everyone can no longer stay out. Expansion wild threatened by the death of God's exhortations, alone to the Free City-mirage to quell the war, from the Great Invasion of the storm. Fortunately, all the way to pull out wild encounter a common growth, life and death with friends and partners - rain concubine, Chi You, Ji Yuan Yuan and so on. From time to time, they fought side by side, sometimes against each other, and after a period of joys and sorrows, they gradually gained growth and became the heroic figures of their own. They also gained the love of each other.

Ghost blow lamp of yellow leather grave (TV)[2017]

Feature: Hu BaYi (Ethan Juan ornaments) is going abroad soon, when the old things are tidied out an old photo. At that time, he and fat (Paul Ryan ornaments) is as a college educated youth in the Greater Khingan Range mountain lineup. In the mountains, young and energetic children make their way into the water. In order to change several kilograms of fructose and go up the mountain to fight the yellow weasel (weasel), they did not expect the two to fall into a collapsed temple of yellow clan in order to give a cure to the victim. Several decades ago, a group of gangsters known as "mud children society" had dug a box of gold-embedded jade from the Temple of the Yellow Emperor. Later, the gang of robbers and boxes disappeared together in the desert northern grassland. At this time, coincidentally comrade Ding SiTian (Hao Hao ornaments) letter inviting them to visit the prairie, the two are pleased to go, I do not know catch up with the horse was frightened. In search of the lost herds, Lao YangPi, a trio of herders and herdsmen, enters the Baiyan Cave, commonly known as the Temple of Heaven. Here, there are some Japanese "water unit" remains, a room without a strange building, a number is "0" in the basement is even more frightening is that two full-bodied white pussy has been followed by their story & nbsp; .

RunForLove (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Su LeQi (Zhang Ziyi ornaments) and sushi master Feng YuJian (Eddie Peng ornaments) met in Otaru, Japan, just breaking up the music can cure the wound? Conflicting couples Zhou HongYi (Yi Zhang) and Tang Jing (Liang Jing) traveled to Istanbul with their daughter (Li Yiqing), leaving her little girl aware of each other's preciousness. False married Lu Jie (Qianyuan Wang ornaments) and Guan Yue (Wu Mochou ornaments) before the onset of the U.S. Route 66 "runaway" journey, the real love of fake couples saddened. In order to heal the wound Li Li (Michelle Chen ornaments) came to the town of Jjork in Norway, like Norway winter dusty heart can be a ray of artificial warmth warm? Back to the love of Saipan to end the love of Ye YiYi (Liya Tong ornaments), how to deal with her husband's lover Bai QieZi (Zhou Dongyu ornaments) entangled?

TheNewYearsEveofOldLee (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film talks about the generation gap between three generations of grandparents and grandchildren. After 14-year-old daughter of North drift heard of the precursor of Alzheimer's disease in Fu Qin, her granddaughter returning to study in the United States returned to her hometown and went to Beijing to live with her students who heard the news. Only elderly people living alone can see the daughter of "North drift" and their granddaughters studying abroad in the United States. Hope the stars hope the moon looking forward to a reunion, but also looking forward to the granddaughter's ABC Peng Peng You did not expect ridiculous story also started from this reunion.

Our best ten years (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jiang YiBo and Ma Ya have been childhood children, but Ma Ya doubts whether this is love or affection. Ma Ya met a young Fan Yang who was six years old. During her stormy and rampaging assault, the passion she had been depressing in Ma Ya's heart was inspired. The two men stole the account to register for marriage and were "low-keyed in the dormitory "Married. Fan Yang grew rapidly, and he started to make progress. However, Fan Yang's longing for a better life turned out to be a stubborn one that eventually brought himself to a prison. In the meantime, Jiang YiBo and Cong XiangXiang got involved and eventually got married, but this reluctant marriage is doomed to failure from the very beginning. The fate of the three horses, Fan and Jiang fluctuated, but fortunately everything is moving in a beautiful direction. Ma Ya and Fan Yang compound, and pregnant with twins. Jiang YiBo, who had lost Cong XiangXiang, finally knew what Cong XiangXiang meant to himself, and both returned to good ones. 2013 New Year's Eve, two children, three generations of people waiting for the New Year's bell sounded & nbsp ;.

Eight hundred (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The story of the film chose the 1937 Battle of Shanghai and Shanghai. In October 1937, our nation experienced the most traumatic disaster, which is closely related to each of us today. The film adapted from the anti-Japanese classic campaign, is a "born as a man, death is also a ghost" tragic story. In the face of the brutal war and national righteousness, Hunan recruits Erdogan and Xiao Changsha accidentally met with KMT troops left in Suzhou. All of them abandoned the avengers and united themselves to resist the aggression of the foreign enemies.

Mr.Six (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Liu Ye, an old artillery gun that once used to show the city in 1949, was hard to adapt to social changes, dormant in the depths of the alley, and lived a boring life with sloppy birds and negligence. One day, a huge emotional clash between Liu Ye and Xiao Bo, son of "Squadron", led the Squad to run away from home without being subject to any illegality and was illegally detained by newly rising generation Xiao Xiao. In order to save his son, and to repay their guilt of the son of the year, Liu Ye came back. With his own rules, Liu Ye tried to settle down the incident but found it frustratingly that this era, or his own body, has long gone. A parent-child hatred, old and new forces showdown can not be avoided. In the process of resolving the mess, the old gun found itself in problems, really powerless. But at the same time, they also grasped the handle of "Tricyclic Xijiro" in the process of inquiring about the cliches, and they both decided to come forward with a single challenge in the war.

Monthly Payment (TV)[2015]

Feature: Zhou ShuMing, an older literary housemate, and Su XiaoYa, the eldest daughter of the older generation, were matched on the Weibo by their common friend Li Na. Their promise made them succeed in flash marriage. After the marriage, the two men often worked irregularly to provide monthly rent and life Huge pressure, especially the emergence of He ShaoYong, Su XiaoYa's first love, added a lot of twists and turns to their lives. Su XiaoYa's mother Su Li Mei admitted to the hospital due to brain tumor, in the face of high hospital charges, Su XiaoYa frustration to seek help He ShaoYong, at the request of He Shaoyong, desperate Su XiaoYa and Zhou ShuMing divorced . After the divorce, Zhou ShuMing has been unable to let Su XiaoYa back to mobilize Nai Nai to sell the old house, to help Su XiaoYa hospital fees, Su XiaoYa was deeply touched, several requests for remarry but were rejected. A year later, Zhou ShuMing became a well-known local writer, and Zhou ShuMing's father also had feelings for each other due to taking care of Su Li Mei. Su XiaoYa can not forget Zhou ShuMing's affliction and affection, at the wedding ceremony with He ShaoYong, decided to leave. Eventually, the two young men and their parents came to a happy state, and they understood deeply that the first payment of love should be provided on a genuine marriage.

Life and death blood symbol (TV)[2015]

Feature: US Tigers Ben NiDa traveled to China to help resist the Japanese aggression. Killed by Japanese planes in an air combat. In order to obtain US military intelligence, the Japanese army launched a frenzied search in the area where the plane crashed. Li ShiZhang, the fifth division of the New Fourth Army, received rescue instructions from the U.S. military and immediately deployed a rescue plan. With the joint rescue by the local masses, guerrillas and the Fifth New Fourth Army, they successfully and tactfully broke through the blockade of the Japanese army and eventually successfully handed over the Flying Tigers Ben NiDa to the troops they came to pick them up. In the rescue operation, the Chinese people and the New Fourth Army have forgotten to protect Ben NiDa, a seriously injured individual. As a result, the host will extend the 60-year sincere friendship. Sixty years later, the group of U.S. guests along with their Chinese counterpart took a photo under the bank of the plane that landed the aircraft. & Nbsp ;.

TheChef, theActor, theScoundrel (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In the early 1940s, the bacteria put on by Japan's 731 army mutated. The "tiger lifts" ran rampant in northern China, threatening the Japanese. Japanese secret call emergency experts to bring the secret to disaster epidemic. Beiping City was sealed by the Japanese city. Plague outside the city, famine in the city. A hooligan is hungry and misses the two Japanese to a Japanese restaurant. There are only Chinese shopkeepers and an innocent resident in the shop singing Xi Zi. How to deal with these two Japanese became a problem. Chu Zi afraid to die, to be released immediately. Rogue in order to quickly throw away the two hot potato get out as soon as possible, falsely claiming that they are eight ways, we should store the two Japanese here the owner. Xi Zi will have to kill both Japanese and gangster, saving the Japanese offended eight-way, put eight offended Japanese. In order to let the other two listen to their own, the rogue pulled out a grenade, Chu Zi took a knife, Xi Zi held a spear. Three people deadlocked. Lao BanNiang turn two Japanese luggage, suddenly found the true identity of the two Japanese turned out to be sent to 731 relief biochemical experts. As a result, the rogue did not run, Xi Zi did not kill, the three reached a consensus: set out a secret recipe, make money and spoils. Rogue and Xi Zi forcing shopkeepers to translate, turn round to interrogate Japanese with all kinds of cynicism, and the traitor owner secretly helped the Japanese in the process of translation, at the same time, three pseudo-reconnaissance team members inexplicably involved In this incident. In fact, Chu Zi, Xi Zi, Pi Zi and Lao Ban Niang are graduating university students from Yanjing University. All they do is to get the element of the vaccine that Hulu.

FireWire three brothers (TV)[2013]

Feature: FireWire three brothers stills In 1941, the Battle of Zhongtiaoshan in Shanxi played extremely tragic, the troops where Daelim almost annihilated. Dalin survived, but was cheated by the enemy to kill the closest comrade in arms, once the courage and faith have been destroyed. Burdened with guilty conscience, Stalin went to Peking to find his comrades-in-arms widow Wang Huiyun - Peking at this time has long been deeply invaded by the Japanese invaders. Escaped on the road, Dalin fortunate Miss Liang YaYou rescued, and she was indissoluble bond. In Beiping City, a restaurant to help cook the second forest Linlin, clever but ambitious, because of accidental rescue of a Japanese army hunted underground party, was underground party organizations fancy, overbearing into a party into my party Japanese restaurant eavesdropping intelligence lurking staff. Lin Er did not understand Japanese food, but to pretend to be a chef returning from Japan into a cook, the latent work from the outset of life, crises. Shandong suffered a drought in his hometown, in order to survive, Sanlin mother unbearable road to Peiping ran to brother, all but two Lin sound none. Any helpless occasion, again by the female liar Song Yajuan calculations. The dead end of Sanlin was bewitched to steal smuggling firearms for money and almost died, but he strayed into gangsters and followed Liang YaYou's father, Liang WenShan. After several twists and turns, the three brothers finally reunion reunion, the situation is so different: one is carrying the cross of the past heroes, just want to take care of his comrades-in-arms widow, in order to atonement; one is a ducks shelves "two knives" intelligence officer, fear of the day To deal with the mighty Japanese invaders; one is fledgling gangster, bent on trying to excel. When he found the widow of the Lao Qian, Wang Huiyun, and took full care of Wang Hui-yun and his mother and son as the top priorities, Dalin often faces the risk of being arrested and the status quo brought back to their lives. After encountering Liang YaYou, Liang YaYou, who is full of revolutionary enthusiasm, joined DaLin Lin in the anti-Japanese anti-Japanese back-advancing group of several blood-blooded youth organizations. Driven by Liang YaYou, Dalin took a step back to regain the courage to pick up arms again, fight the Japanese aggressors in the city of Peiping, and became invisible killers of the enemy. As the assassination rallies began, they turned their attention from the Japanese army to the traitors. The goal was to quickly lock up Tian ErLin, a pseudonym named Xiao QuanJingEr. Dalin did not know the hidden identity of the underground Lincoln and almost killed it. Experienced a test of life and death, two Lin gradually grow into a qualified underground party fighters, but true Junichiro appearing in the shop, so that the identity of two forest almost exposed, with the anxious two Lin temporarily saved his own safety, But it has also been buried this time bomb. The brother assassinated Japanese restaurant in the operation, but also make him lurk deep in crisis. To make matters worse, Wang Huiyun, who had originally become emotionally associated with Dalin, joined the underground party and shelled her for the purpose of covering two forests. Faced with the misunderstanding of their loved ones, two forest can only bite the bullet. Dalin, two Lin two brothers heart gap. Sanlin at this time in Peking City has been mixed, known as Sanye, holding important traffic arteries.In order to transport supplies to the base area, the last resort had no choice but to craft the name of Lin Sanlin take the goods, several thrilling escort, so that Sanlin suffered heavy losses, so Sanlin complained to the two forest. The fact that Sanlin, led by Gao Mu, head of Japan's extra-curricular course, threatened the father and daughter of Liang YaYou, possessed the leading position of Liang Jia-bang but was also caught in the predicament that he must act as a devil. In particular, he was forced to make Beat the parade students move completely annoyed the two forest. Two Lin, Lin three brothers want to oppose. Because of Sanlin's sake, Dalin entered Liang's factory and became the director. I did not expect so, let Liang YaYou reunited with Dalin. Although Sanlin and Songuojuan, the six-nation hotel foreman, are a pair of lovers, they are planning to marry Missy in order to quickly host. However, Liang YaYou simply can not see him, and all his thoughts are conspired with the "business" of Dalin, which makes Sanlin's heart is not taste. Gao Mu, head of Japan's extra-curricular course who intentionally supported Sanlin, found that Dalin was the secret of the invisible killer and smeared the traces of Lin in Dalin and Sanlin. When the operation of the espionage group came to light, Gao Mu arrested Dalin and, as a result of the craft of making parts in Dalin, was ascended to Asada's head of the Japanese secret plan. Dalin was acquitted. Dalin, who knew the identity of the underground forest party in the Second Forest, had the chance to flee the city of Peking. However, in order to work for his younger brother's underground party, he decided to stay in Peking to work on Asada to investigate the Japanese conspiracy. Gao Mu still clinging to Dalin, and therefore follow the example, so that the identity of two forest is also in jeopardy. At this point Sanlin eventually became the biggest gangster in Peiping, but it was the Japanese invaders who helped him secretly. In order to control the Tian family of three brothers, the enemy even attempted to start Tian Tian, ​​finally provoking the determination of San Lin's struggle. The three brothers urgently discussed the escape plan, but two forests finally learned a shaking secret - the enemy is planning to carry out an extremely tragic bacteriological warfare on northern China. In order to save millions of compatriots from being charcoal, the three brothers decided to meet difficulties and went to the FireWire to vow to fight the invaders in the end.

Shuidonglewodexingfu (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The head of a financial institution found the new life after wearing a pair of glasses with blurred vision after a car accident. Think carefully, in front of the financial crisis is not for a lot of white-collar workers is similar to a prepared car accident? Did not I find out after I lost something that these were the lives I wanted? Niu Fei, a well-known investment broker, lives in the best of the city and lives in the elite-class apartment, the most daring sports car, and the title of "Most Valuable CEO of the Year." Niu Fei Suddenly got the news of a lover when he was young and a car accident hit him on his way to Yang Qi's apartment ... Niu Fei woke up and found herself living in a shabbily room, , A little girl called him father, this woman is his young lover Yang Qi! And he himself, but it is a small boss of a large women's store, surrounded by two guys who can not expect. His senior sports car into a broken Xiali, his company mansion refused to him at the door, the original nod to his subordinates, acquaintances, no longer know him. He stuck in a circle of life: daily life filled with all kinds of bad things, bargains, buy specials dead shrimp, patience tolerant poor relatives, and Yang Qi deal with the endless quarrel. He tried to tell the people around him that he was not the Niu Fei but the Niu Fei, who went crazy and wanted to return to his original place of life. The people around him thought he had a bad condition and even he himself almost thought he was mentally disturbed. Only Du Du daughter that this father is not a real father, but the father from the outer planet. In desperation, Niu Fei began his bottom most life of the bottom, he did not feel awkward in ordinary life experience some subtle but real fun. He began to enter the role, training buddies, reorganization of the storefront, and even personally design their own clothing, apparel shops quickly gained a reputation, an endless stream of customers. In the process of selling clothes, Niu Fei met the original boss, he revealed extraordinary business skills, attracted the attention of the boss, the boss realized that Niu Fei is a rare talent, Niu Fei out of high prices, requirements Niu Fei immediately took office, provided that he had been abroad for two years and presided over the project that Niu Fei had been hosting before the accident. Niu Fei finally returned to his original place of life, excited to go with Yang Qi to visit the company's luxury apartments. However, Yang Qi did not feel as good as expected by Niu Fei, but thought it was a dangerous signal, which meant the end of ordinary but happy family life. Niu Fei into a choice. Niu Fei should come to the company, upscale suits, luxury office, exclusive secretary ... ... all this can not move him, he rejected the post. Niu Fei refuses to fly, but has a more real family life. Du Du quietly told Niu Fei that she felt her true father was back. Du Du suddenly fell ill and Du Du suffered from a serious congenital heart disease. The operation required a huge sum of money. Niu Fei was anxious to raise funds and run into trouble. This time, not wealthy friends reached out to aid. He finally understood what is the most cherished life ---- is the true feelings between people.Niu Fei is in a great deal of happiness, so much so that he does not dare to fall asleep. When Niu Fei woke up again, everything really disappeared. His family, friends, wives, and daughters returned to the elite business elites. They were merely business elites lying in bed. Everything he has gone through is a dream of the Yellow Emperor, the illusion that has arisen on the occasion of death or death after a car accident. Niu Fei ran madly out of the hospital to the home where he lived with Yang Qi. However, their nest was home to another young couple. At this moment, he finally understood that for years, his own thoughts, the greatest regret is that the original can not be the hand of your own, and grow old ...... Young Niu Fei and Yang Qi because of different life dreams, choose a different life Way, and parting ways ... Niu Fei rushed to Yang Qi rented apartment, but found Yang Qi has left. Niu Fei follows, he must grasp the ordinary but true happiness belonging to each other ...

Cow (Movie)[2009]

Feature: During the war of resistance against Japan, a group of Eighth Route Army came to the Ma Muchi, Fort Village in Yimeng Mountain, and accompanied them with cows donated by international friends. The villagers, who have lived in the mountains for many years, have never seen this kind of black and white cow with enough milk. They are amazed. Soon, the Japanese navy forces approaching, the Eighth Route Army emergency retreat, before leaving the cow entrusted to the villagers feeding. The poor and timid villagers feared that the cows would bring disasters. They selected the cattle-raising people by rubbing red beans and the widow Jiu Er helped to get rid of Niu Er. This finally made Niu Er a hapless "lucky boy." After the brutal bloody sweep, all the villagers were killed, only Niu Er and the cow becoming survivors. Before breathing, another Japanese unit passed by and left the wounded here. From that day, Niu Er, who shoulders the responsibility of protecting dairy cows, worked hard to get around the scenes with the Japanese, bandits, Lang Zhong and other people of all kinds, and his stubborn partner gave him a headache.

Cow (Movie)[2009]

Feature: This is a movie that inverts historical events, but characters grow in conformity with the laws of nature. An older boy and the free youth in his mind, a seemingly divorced couple and a group of Red Guards, a whistleblower, a detached wanderer who met and crossed between 1966 and 1976, Choose between choices to fight against fate or fate in different ways. The story reversed in 1973 when male teachers and Red Guards pedestrians entered an old factory where their revolutionary ideals had become relics and met with a ranger who communicated with them in an age-specific way, Questioning time: Is the revolution just over? Are we abandoned by the great era? Philosophical troubles did not hinder the violence of the Red Guards, who succeeded in overthrowing their teachers and bringing homeless people back to 1974's physical spacetime. All this was seen by the boy, and at the end of the film he wiped the blood on his face into a tall young man and proclaimed the arrival of a major event.

Urgent link (TV)[2007]

Feature: The peace of life is broken and the family is in danger, all of which originated from their own sons. The son of an anger linked to Yuan Kun (Yu Rongguang) was too obsessed with the Internet to commit suicide. This painful blow, such as a thunderbolt almost defeated his beloved father. In search of his son's death, marching on his son's footsteps wants to walk past the road his son had taken before he committed suicide. So he began day and night without access to the Internet, unconsciously, almost in a trance, took the place of his son committed suicide, son appeared in his mind illusion, almost could not control themselves jumped. But at the last minute, he woke up. Therefore, he also fully comprehended why his son would embark on such a road of no return. From then on, he began to talk about the pros and cons of using the Internet everybody, and warned people that Internet access must be given a certain degree of rejection. However, they should not be completely rejected, The "Green Internet preacher."

Yimeng (TV)[2007]

Feature: In the autumn of 1938, in the small mountain village called Ma Muchi in the depths of Yimeng Mountain, Li A Zhong and her husband, Li ZhongHou, took the second son's wedding. Looked at the happy young couple, the aunt's daughter-in-law, "his sister" can not help but think of her wedding night her husband Li JiZhang escaped away. Er Nao, the eldest son of the village, came to tell you that he had come here. The village people ran into the ravines in panic. After the soldiers were gone, everyone returned to the village and found that the village was not only not being looted. The streets were also cleaned. Some families still left the ocean for compensation. The Eighth Route Army turned Yimengshan into resistance to Japan. Devils really came, the village people hid in the mountains. San Ni, the third daughter of an aunt, was cruelly killed after the Japanese devils were raped. The daughter-in-law of Li Jicai in the village was also victimized by the devils and committed suicide on the cliff. Angry villagers killed a dead team of devils. The mayor, Li DaTou, took everyone to discuss how to fight the revenge of the devils. The eldest son of the landlord Li ZhongFeng came home from the Kuomintang troops to visit relatives. Li DaTou urged him to help find the national army and ate the door. On the one hand, while preparing for their vow to resist resistance, Li DaTou dispatched Li JiCheng and his followers to look for the Eighth Route Army and the Kuomintang troops to give up their troops. In order to prevent the destruction of dead villages, young people in the village were caught up in the mountains and others were armed with soil-gun artillery and went to their own posts at the edge of the village. Hundreds of devils and puppet troops started to attack. Villagers led the village chief Li DaTou bravely fought well-equipped guerrillas to the teeth. There were heavy casualties. Li Jicai, who went out to rescue the soldiers, was arrested by the Kuomintang troops. Li JiCheng not only found the eight road "Yimeng" stills army, but also met the eldest brother Li JiZhang for many years. Broken Wai, the villagers desperate resistance to the massacre of devils, Devils also paid a heavy price. Eighth Route Army sent a platoon troops, Tiaohu away from the mountains, Devils dropped more than a hundred bodies retreated in a hurry. The villagers buried their loved ones, but also the devils corpse cremated. Li ZhongFeng sent the ashes of the devils to the county seat occupied by the devils. Li ZhongFeng's eldest brother, Li Zhongqi, lied to be the Japanese army that the Eighth Route Army had hit hard and did not retaliate to the village. After the Eighth Route Army returned home, her eldest son, Li Ji Zhang and his wife, Luo Ning, were sent back to the village for mass work. In the face of the newly married wife and husband who had just escaped from their lives, Sister Sao felt a bitter say. Luo Ning moved by his generous wife, became a good sister. Li JiZhang encouraged everyone to participate in the revolution, inherited all the good, entered the party, and was shocked at his aunt. Chen Tong named her aunt Yu BaoZhen, who had never had a name yet. Chen Tong convinced Li ZhongFeng that when the village chief perfunctized his devil, followed the good and became an organized militia, Yu BaoZhen took his daughter-in-law with her daughter to mobilize and organized the village women to form a women's society. Li JiZhou back to the village search and arrest Li JiZhang, Li ZhongFeng came to stop. After investigation, in the introduction of Chen Tong, Yu BaoZhen finally entered the party. Devils to grab food, inheritance and others with the Eighth Route Army to regain the food, following the daughter-in-law also want to join the party and found the referrer was actually her husband. Yu BaoZhen recognized his sister-in-law as daughter and named Xin Ai and named two daughters Xin Tian.Following the success of the Eighth Route Army led by the Militia along with the commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army, the devil was dropped and Li ZhongHou rescued the wounded along with Yu BaoZhen's Rescue Association against the door. Fighting victory, following into being sent to study, Luo Ronghuan lived to Yu BaoZhen home to keep injured, Yu BaoZhen meticulous care. Eighth Route Army strict discipline, loved by the people. In 1941, following the organization of the villagers to open the Senate, Yu BaoZhen and Li ZhongFeng were elected to the Qingzhaoshan Shandong Provincial Wage Labor Working Committee election. Xin Tian miscarries because she is too busy with women's salvage work. The mother-in-law said to her that she was a carpenter from neighboring village Shuan Zhu's house, and she was taken out of contact with her. At this time, anti-OECD students came, many of whom were female soldiers. The emergence of these female soldiers completely changed the lives of women in the village. Erni met Xia Yang, Xia Yang's persistent pursuit of love and freedom, which strengthened her determination to resist the arranged marriage. Erni himself changed her name to Li Yang, took a literacy class and went to the district with the support of Xia Yang, where Li Yang not only accepted new ideas but also met Meng Kui who changed her fate. Meng Kui came to the literacy class and Yu BaoZhen secretly taught Meng Kui to recognize him. At the wedding of Xia Yang and Chen Tong, Yu BaoZhen gave them the wedding gift "Xia Yang" written for the first time in her life. Li Yang's deepest feelings toward Meng Kui were unwilling to marry. She was sent a bride price and many Japanese sweets. Yu BaoZhen knew that Shuan Zhu was working for the Japanese and Yu BaoZhen was resolutely withdrawn. Danyi beaten every day in her mother-in-law, encouraged by her sister Li Yang literacy class and renamed as Li Yue. In the literacy class, life has been very painful face Dini smiled, but his husband Sun Wang in the instigation of her mother or not fight, although distressed daughter, but love the idea is still subject to the old Yu BaoZhen forced Daughter returns home, Li Yue fled. After Long and Luo Ning's children were sent back by Li Yue who worked at the District Women's Welfare Society, Xin Ai loved the older children as much as her own children. Eighth Route Army hospital with a group of wounded in Ma Mu Chi Village, some of the wounded were received villagers home injury. Chen Tong and Xia Yang returned to the village, but they brought one bad news. After Long and Luo Ning were captured by Li JiZhou, they fell into the hands of devils. Forces Li ZhongFeng help to find the devil when the translation of the younger brother Li Zhongqi rescue. After Patriotic Chen Lao and others dealt with the situation, the Japanese army agreed to release Luo Chang and Luo Ning, but only if they wanted to declare the surrender of the newspaper. Following the words of Luo Ning and Ning Ning, they refused to accept the last heroic will. Yu BaoZhen put the two men's spirit Prisoners in the backyard, swearing devils one day not to run, one day not to be buried for the son daughter-in-law. More than a dozen of Eighth Route Army cadres sent their children to the village. Yu BaoZhen scattered their children into families and raised them for women. Two children were left in his family. A three-year-old boy gave Xin Ai a newly born child Baby named Dawn gave Xin Tian. Xin Tian a cruel to his newly born cow cut off the milk, while the boy Yi Xinyi Xin Xin another heart baby. Yisheng sick, Xin Ai hugging Yisheng looking for troops hospital treatment. Yisheng's biological parents Minister Xu couple feel that his son has failed, so that hospitals do not waste the troops medicine for him.The troops to leave, Minister Xu couple mercilessly gone. Doctors also gave up treatment, Xin Ai how not willing to give up, the medicine in your own mouth, mouth to mouth to feed their children, overnight at night by the child. Miracles appeared, Yi lived over. In 1941, the Japanese invaded the Yimeng base to conduct a large raid, the situation suddenly became nervous. The troops have finally shifted away. A large number of military and military supplies that were too late to be taken away are hiding in the village. Some of the wounded people are also covered in the village. There is also a Dutch cows shelter for the wounded. Devils into the village, in addition to food and the wounded soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, they want people to hand over the eight-way child. In order to keep the Eighth Route Army child Yisheng, Xin Ai eyes staring a shit a urine pull big, as a flesh and blood rather Ning Er, but Yisheng collar back, and then she fainted at once. The devils should take Ning Er away and be ambushed by Liu HeiQi's bandits. Ning Ning also landed in the hands of the bandits. Liu HeiQi asked for a thousand ocean ransoms, but Liu HeiQi personally sent Ning Ning back after knowing everything about it. Anti-OIC Colonel Liu sheltered Yu BaoZhen's home and saved him. After he agreed to the revolution, he would definitely visit her. Li Yue brought a chief to a cave dug in her husband's Sun Wang, and in order to heal the head, Li Yue went to her mother-in-law for help. Li Yue reunited with her mother-in-law, met the simplicity and kindness of her mother-in-law and Sun Wang, and sacrificed her mother-in-law to cover the head. Sun Wang pushed the injured chief into the army with a small cart and took part in the Eighth Route Army himself. In order to send letters to arrested Zhong Hui, Li JiCun was captured by the devils. When Xia Yang was arrested, Li Yang visited the prison, and Xia Yang died in a violent sacrifice. Li Yang went through the events to find the Eighth Route Army, but found out that Xia Tong's husband, Chen Tong, was also sacrificed. At the army, Li Yang met Meng Kui and smoothly took the troops out of the woods. Devils again to raid, Er Nao shamelessly hit the tree died, Li ZhongFeng in the devil eat porridge poison poisoned the devil, also gave his family's life. Loyal, following the good with the villagers to send food to the Eighth Route Army, would rather starve to do not want to move a grain. The Kuomintang troops of Li JiZhou were surrounded by devils and were relieved of the Eighth Route Army on the occasion of their grain shortage. Li JiZhou was injured, Yu BaoZhen and his loyal and complacent, looking for a military hospital so he cured and hid in his own home. Li Yang led more than 20 warriors to cover the transfer of large forces, Meng Kui jumps the cliff, and Li Yang is captured. Shuan Zhu, who was a prisoner of devils, rescued Li Yang. Li Yang was guilty and went to find Shuan Zhu after she found herself hitched and her mother killed. Devils to search mountains, awakening following the week alone to kill a dozen devils after the heroic martyred martyrdom. Eight oak cattle were found, and in order to get rid of the devil, Lao Si put a knife into the neck of his own cow, who was not willing to pump whips on weekdays. The Lao Si ran and died while the eight-way cow was kept. Lao Si was Whole village people solemnly buried. The Eighth Route Army came back and the children fostered at fellow families were picked up and Xin Ai and the women in the village were very upset. Many young people joining the army are back in the village, but they do not see success. 1945 Shandong Provincial Government was established. Ma Muchi village elect village head, Yu BaoZhen did not choose, complain loyalty to vote for the following good.Victory in the war, full of people celebrate the victory. After Yu BaoZhen and Zhong Hou prepared to wait for success, Luo Ning and San Ni were buried. When the Kuomintang troops attacked the liberated areas of Yimeng Mountain, they received an order to return to their homeland without entering the house. In 1946, the civil war broke out completely. Yu BaoZhen led the village men and women actively supporting the army, the women regardless of pancake day and night, making military shoes, rub twine, preparing forage. A force had to cross the river to carry out an emergency combat mission. Xin Tian Xin Ai and dozens of girls in village literacy classes jumped down the icy river and set up a fire-line bridge over the door with their shoulders. Menglianggu campaign victory, the PLA massively southbound, requiring a large number of migrant workers in advance, Yimeng Mountain base can be described as the last meter, when the military grain; the last piece of cloth, so uniform; last son, on the battlefield. Loyally push up his cart to the front line, saw the People's Liberation Army thousands of boats across the Yangtze River, loyal tears, he finally understood why his sons go forward, loyal to die at the end of crossing the battle of the moment . New China was finally established, Li Yang returned to the village, and Yu BaoZhen decided to give her family a funeral for her dead relatives. Sunwang Wang and Yue Wang, fighting heroic professionals, rejected the arrangements for them in the village and both went to the cemetery of martyrs who wanted to keep their sacrificed comrades through their ordinary lives. Finally, Li Yang found the disabled Meng Kui in Invalides Hospital and pulled her home with a trolley. Proceed to send a divorce agreement. Yisheng and Ning Ning was a minister picked up. Time came to the Cultural Revolution. Yu BaoZhen, a cadre of overseas cadres, investigated Yu's home-injured Liu and was very angry with his ungrateful man. Yu BaoZhen gave him proof. Has been ill into the slightest successor returned home, Xin Tian accepted him, and finally died in the arms of Xin Tian. Time is up. An elderly general to be sent to find and visit his own benefactor of the year. Yu BaoZhen is now over a hundred years old, somehow unclear. But when I came outside, I ordered Xin Tian to kill the chicken. The veteran carefully identified for a long time, Yu BaoZhen is still not the person he is looking for. The old general turned for a few days in Yimengshan, and in the end did not find the person he was looking for. Before leaving, he devoted his entire lifetime savings to Yimeng Mountain and built a Hope Primary School. The old general did not find the person he was looking for, but he met a lot of people like his benefactor. They are the ordinary Yimengshan people, the most ordinary people in the bottom of China. Yu BaoZhen is dead, the whole village is giving her solemn burial. The general watched the funeral procession and made a solemn march toward that party.

Alive, nice (TV)[2006]

Feature: Big daughter Ding Jiali has been living with her father for years, while her daughter Jian Ning (Wang Jin-Hua) and her daughter role image Jian Xin (Liang Jing) have been following Mu Qin (Gua Ah-leh). Jian Ning, a hotel guest room manager, is competing with rival operations director; her daughter Chen Huan mid-term exams soon; her husband Chen LiSheng (Luoyong Wang) is director of the department of Chinese at university. Jian Ning accidentally discovered a lump in her breast during a bath. Perfectionism of Jian Ning can not face the incomplete themselves, after surgery, began to uncontrollably suspect her husband Chen LiSheng and student Tian Xiaoli. Jian Ning repeatedly hurt Chen LiSheng, disappointed with the marriage, and finally had a relationship with Tian Xiaoli, but also on the bad news, became a "public enemy of social morality." Jian Xin, a well-established TV host, has the best of luck with her husband, Shao Zhuren (Gao Jingwen) and her boyfriend Ding Yi Nuo (Hai Yi Tian). From the day she learned that her breast was lumpy, Jian Xin was hospitalized soon, her boyfriend Ding Yi Nuo gave up her chance to go to Europe and took full care of her. She could not endure tremendous pressure and finally broke up with Jian Xin. Jianxin was greatly shocked when he met the reed of the patients with small bone cancer in the torment of hospitalization. The painful Jian Xin began to re-understand the meaning of life. Jian Xin was determined to be discharged and went to Tibet to search for Dorje. The trip to Tibet made Jian Xin reborn. At the temple fair, Chen LiSheng and Jian Ning, who had not seen them for two years, met again. Big sister Jian Jie has always been resentful to her family, but she always insisted on Mu Qin and her two sisters. Jian Jie and good man Ju Li (Zhao Jun ornaments) teahouse management together, the two together for many years, but never married. Jian Qin picks Mu Qin, who is picky and picky, at home, living in a narrow space with friction. On the day Jie Jian was ready to marry Ju Li, Jian Jie's ex-husband, Ran Yang, a young man of art, suddenly appeared. Jian Jian had to find a place to stay and to take care of him and his children. Ju Li and Jian Jie relationship crisis, in the face rival Ran Yang, Ju Li will react. Mu Qin untied the knot about father and marriage, Ju Li and Jian Jie finally married,

ZuoRiNiHong (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Gao Ning is a taxi driver. A dispute with the operation, female college student Shu Yi to rescue, the two met. Gao Ning is attracted by the temperament of Shu Yi. Shu Yi is impressed by Gao Ning's pristine personality. The two have established a profound friendship. A foreign teacher in the school is also pursuing Shu Yi, so there is a strong collision between the triangle of love and the inequality of life. Shu Yi Kaoyan fails, she faces a new choice for the future ...

Migrant workers (TV)[2005]

Feature: Ju GuangDa (Fan Ming ornaments), a middle-aged farmer who is still optimistic about migrant workers, is one of millions of migrant workers in China. In order to improve his life, in order to let his son concentrate on reading a person, he is diligent in the field, hard working. Although save a lot of money, but the bitterness of several people know? The vast majority of son dual (Chen Sicheng ornaments) three years college entrance examination, three years off. Love known to work hard in the majority of the city severely forbidden son embarked on this hard road, but the duality of academic disappointment finally stampede bound for the county train. Outside the world of flowers that always hold the dual in the country at a loss, he accidentally helped a man beaten old Zang, for the table of gratitude, Zang introduction of dual into a site. The so-called innocence book, the majority also work in this site. Father and son quarrel with the workforce, or even cut off the relationship. Soon, the dual encounter also came from rural woman Li Ping (Yuchen Pan). Li Ping, who has an unlucky love experience, walks slowly into love with the dual element of longing for love, but then a good love must face the cruel reality of the test.

Living migrant workers (TV)[2005]

Feature: In Songjiang, a small town on the northeast border, a group of migrant workers from all over the country came here to survive, soaking sweat on the construction site of one of the city's most modern high-level apartments. In the shanties next to it, hundreds of migrant workers questioned the workers for work payments around the head of the labor department, Xie LaoDa, Xie LaoDa reluctantly told everyone that the responsible person who promised to pay today did not appear. Angry migrant workers do not believe Xie LaoDa words, they broke the office door, but found it empty. Sweat wages have been mercilessly appropriated illegally. The wages of migrant workers who live on their families are being procrastinated indefinitely. In order to make a living, they are forced to recover collectively. However, they are threatened by violence and deadly intimidation. The vulnerable groups that lack humanistic care Suddenly life at stake. After discussion, everyone decided to go home for the autumn harvest and leave five people, Wang JiaCai (Song Sun), Lu ZhangYou (Tao Zeru), Yang ZhiGang, Xie LaoDa and Shuan Zi (Ding Ning) Migrant workers to negotiate wages.

seven days (TV)[2002]

Feature: Linhai Customs seized a batch of RMB ready to be smuggled into the country by sea. The amount of the "Seven Day" stills was so strange that the mode of delivery was dubious. However, it seems seemingly deadlocked as the person transporting the money has been killed during the armed arrest. Finally, Xiao Lei, captain of the Linhai Criminal Police Force, discovered the distinctive system of knots on the ship and found clues. Wang Lei suspects arrested, he was out of customs is intercepted by the RMB is actually counterfeit money, and before this batch, there have been two counterfeit money arrived Linhai. At the same time, the Interpol team inspection department came the news, with the existing technology, simply can not identify the authenticity of these counterfeit coins. The police sent female police officer Shao JingRan (Ma Yi Li ornaments) undercover, into the criminal syndicate companies to investigate. Jiang ShaoWei (Huang Lei), a Hong Kong anti-smuggist who was framed by the criminal group, came to the town to find out the truth and at the risk of being wanted. Two people from mutual suspicion to gradually trust, and have feelings, common and counterfeit money crime group actress Zhong MeiLing (Jie Pan ornaments) in full swing. Provincial Public Security Bureau issued a resolution within 7 days of the order, City Criminal Police Captain Xiao Lei (Geng Le ornaments) to solve the case, left his girlfriend, mayor daughter Zheng FeiEr (Huaqiong Chi ornaments). Zheng FeiEr has become a tool used by counterfeit bank groups without their knowledge.

Black hole (TV)[2002]


The TV series "Black Hole" tells about a typical medium-term emerging industrial city in China, Tiandu. Nie MingYu, the son of Nie DaHai, chairman and deputy mayor of Tiandu Dragon Group, is a well-known young entrepreneur in the province, but secretly, he manipulates the largest underground gang activity in the city. He set up a casino and planned to draw a team of cadres who corrode the city in a premeditated manner. He also used his father’s mayor’s background to buy up customs officers at various levels, smuggled and traded privately, and took profits. Zhang Feng, his deputy, even thought that he was known for his insults and illicit measures. Under these people's "bitter efforts", Long Teng Group has gradually grown, but it is clear that this is actually a criminal syndicate with an undisclosed nature. Case starring Tao Zeru While Nie Ming Yu, Zhang Feng, etc. were very proud of their brilliant "performance", an anonymous letter was suddenly sent to the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department. The anonymous letter reported the illegal acts of Nie MingYu and others and caused the provincial party committee leaders to attach great importance to it. They ordered the Metropolitan Municipal Committee to quickly find out the case! However, some people of the municipal party transferred the Nie Ming Yu's righteous brother and former vice captain Liu ZhenHan to the Interpol team for the purpose of some ulterior motives. At this time, the newly appointed Customs Officer of the Customs Service, He QingMing, inadvertently seized a batch of smuggled vehicles of the Dragon Group, from which the dragon smuggling group’s smuggling scene opened. The vice captain Liu ZhenHan and the Nie Ming Yu family have a blood-loving relationship, which undoubtedly added invisible difficulties to Liu ZhenHan's reconnaissance work. Whether it is for affection, friendship, or justice and conscience, Liu ZhenHan's heart began a fierce ideological struggle. As the case unfolded, one piece of murder made Liu ZhenHan step by step understand the true colors of Nie MingYu. He resolutely disregarded the entanglements of his family and decided to devote himself to tracing the reconnaissance work of the criminal gang of Nie MingYu. However, the reconnaissance work encountered a lot of resistance at the beginning: the dark line developed by the deputy captain Wang Ming was murdered by the minions of Nie MingYu; Liu ZhenHan tried to intercept all the people's cards that were obtained by all means; the son of Liu ZhenHan was suddenly kidnapped. At this moment, all levels of cadres who were brought up by Nie MingYu in Tiandu City again exerted pressure on Liu ZhenHan secretly, forcing him to abandon the investigation work. Liu ZhenHan's wife, Wang LiMin, was recruited by Nie MingYu as the financial controller and Nie MingYu's sister, Feng LeiLei, also returned from the United States at home and persuaded Liu ZhenHan to pass Nie MingYu. What was even more unexpected was that in the face of the test of affection and law, the mayor Nie DaHai gradually changed from an honest and old party member and veteran cadre to a changemaker who helped his son cover up the facts of crime and condone his son's crimes. Tensions of the city’s high-level leaders have become even more difficult for the City Council and the Interpol team. The culprit Liu ZhenHan himself was also falsely accused of being jailed in this fight. However, the evil is not upright and the righteous people of the capital have come forward to make a complaint for Liu ZhenHan. The comrades of the Interpol team did not relax the investigation of the case in the next step. The old public security chief Pang TianYue resisted the pressure of all parties to visit Beijing and submit the case materials to the Central Government.Under the high concern of the central leadership, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, and some leaders of the provincial party committee formed a joint investigation team to come to Tiandu. In the end, this rare case of smuggling ended with justice over evil.


Get in (Movie)[2000]

Feature: With great joy and hope, two young men from rural Shandong, Liu ChengQiang and Gao Ming, came to Beijing, a city they always wanted in their hearts. The cousin who went to the south left a bus for them. With the help of Jian Gang, they successfully became part of the "mini-public" along 302 North Third Ring Road. "Minibus" competition is fierce, between the same opponents. They first arrived, do not understand the doorways, will inevitably be bullied. The word "forbearance" came to an end. Both of them persevered in their efforts. In addition, some well-intentioned people, such as Jian-gang and others, started to fire their business day by day. Even the inconvenience of foreign accent has become their favorite advantage. Gao Ming upright and straightforward has been a lively and beautiful Chuan Mei "Xiao BianZi" love, Liu ChengQiang also beautiful and quiet Beijing girl make friends, full of sunshine in life ... ... may not always be smooth sailing. They have offended local counterparts such as the "big head" because of the red-hot business, and two young and energetic Shandong boys are unwilling to always be insulted, for a time plotted to fight you to me. Although the construction of just brother from mediocre efforts, but Eneng grudges eventually ended up being a lose-lose, one into the house, one car wounded ... ... and Gao Ming and Xiao BianZi's love because one party became the karaoke lady and ended. Faced with the hardships and pains of life, Gao Ming can no longer afford all the feelings brought about by the big city, choose to return home. And Liu ChengQiang in order to find their own dreams, decided to stay in Beijing to continue fighting. The two grown up together quietly bid farewell to the train station, began their new life ...

VioloncellooftheStreet (Movie)[1996]

Feature: On the day of September 1992, Fa Zi (Xie Dongshen), a driver of the noodles, drove his girlfriend in the night shift and his girlfriend's poor clothing made Fa Zi suspicious. He left his girlfriend in urgent need to go downstairs. Downstairs, Ying Zi (Kong Lin), a cellist who missed the shuttle, sent Ying Zi to find out that his pager was forgotten in his car, which showed him asking him to send the pager somewhere. Unexpectedly, a mentally handicapped child Being knocked down, Fa Zi hurriedly sent her to the hospital, and her parents were mistaken for Fa Zi to be the culprit, who would not allow him to leave the hospital. Ying Zi, a tutor, rushed to the hospital to relieve Fa Zi. Fa Zi Ying Zi dinner to thank you, the two men on the train at the moment that they want to go to a certain place, driving to a secluded place, the two exposed robbers, Fa Zi hurry to RBI. After the more the more and more useless, determination and Ying Zi to find these two evil gangsters ... This is an ordinary taxi driver an extraordinary day. This day happens to be a day when the World Olympic Committee will announce the city hosting the 2000 Olympic Games. Fa Zi, the driver of "Face", got up early in the morning and went to Lingling, his girlfriend in the evening at the China Hotel Boutique House. Fa Zi see Lingling clothes out of the inside out, it is angry, do not listen to her explanation, hurried downstairs. Female cellist Ying Zi missed her car and Fa Zi volunteered to send her to the factory. Ying Zi forgot to BP machine in Fa Zi's car, the above shows Fa Zi sent to the opera door. When called on Ying Zi at the Opera House entrance, a bicycle knocked a mentally handicapped child in front of Fa Zi and Fa Zi quickly sent her to the hospital. Ying Zi did not get a BP machine and took a bus to a resident's home to teach the child to play the cello, which turned out to be her second career. Ying Zi called Fa Zi to send her a BP machine and Fa Zi came to let Ying Zi go to the hospital to rescue him. Ying Zi dropped the student, went to the hospital to explain to the parents of the handicapped child that the child was not hit by Fa Zi and she witnessed the passing of things. To thank Ying Zi, Fa Zi asked her to eat, when two men sit on Fa Zi's car. Open to a secluded place, the two fierce and blunt, to Fa Zi to pay the money, Fa Zi afraid of Zi Zi loss, quickly took out the money to them. Fa Zi and Ying Zi can not be reconciled, they looked for the two criminals one by one hotel and finally found. Two criminals were drunk, Fa Zi astutely let them on their car, pulled to the police box side, with the police uniforms criminals, money also got back in half. Fa Zi send Ying Zi back to the theater, go halfway car no oil, and they had to get off and walk. Ying Zi recalled his experience, not help but sad, she picked up the piano, in the streets of Beijing late autumn night, played for Fa Zi. .

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