Uncle Drew(Movie)[2019]
《Uncle Drew》(Movie)[2019]

《Uncle Drew》Cast

De LuDaShu Kyrie Irving Play)


Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Andrew Irving (/ˈkaɪriː/, born March 23, 1992) is an American professional basketball player for the Boston Celtics of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was named NBA Rookie of the Year after being selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers with the first overall pick in the 2011 NBA draft. A four-time NBA All-Star, Irving was selected to the All-NBA Third Team in 2015. He won an NBA championship with the Cavaliers in 2016.

Da KeSi LilRel Howery Play)

Da KeSi 在少年时因被人“盖帽”而失去了征战篮球的梦想。长大后 Da KeSi 好不容易组建了球队,但辛苦培养的明星球员却被死对头挖走。处在人生谷底的 Da KeSi 遇见了功成身退的 De LuDaShu ,感到了久违的希望。

LilRel Howery


Da KuaiTou Shaquille O'Neal Play)

“金刚狼外祖父”武术道场馆长。他是被 De LuDaShu 招募进老年篮球队,准备打最后一场荣誉之战的队员。

Shaquille O'Neal

Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal, Ed.D (/ʃəˈkiːl/ shə-KEEL; born March 6, 1972), nicknamed "Shaq" (/ʃæk/ SHAK), is an American retired professional basketball player and rapper, currently serving as a sports analyst on the television program Inside the NBA. Listed at 7 ft 1 in (2.16 m) tall and weighing 325 pounds (147 kg), he was one of the heaviest players ever to play in the NBA, where he played for six teams throughout his 19-year career.

Xie Zi Nate Robinson Play)


Nate Robinson

内特·罗宾逊,1984年5月31日美国华盛顿州西雅图市,美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,绰号“小土豆”,效力于美国BIG3联赛Tri-State队。 内特·罗宾逊在2005年NBA选秀中于首轮21顺位被纽约尼克斯队选中,职业生涯辗转多支球队,曾先后效力过尼克斯、凯尔特人、雷霆、勇士、公牛和掘金,3次夺得NBA全明星扣篮大赛冠军。2017年4月3日,委内瑞拉联赛球队Guaros de Lara宣布签下内特·罗宾逊。 同年7月带领球队夺得委内瑞拉联赛总冠军并荣膺总决赛MVP。 9月14日,内特·罗宾逊参加了明尼苏达森林狼队的试训。 2018年,内特·罗宾逊加盟美国BIG3联赛Tri-State队。 内特·罗宾逊拥有超人的弹跳力,能帮助他在空中完成各种匪夷所思的动作。

More Uncle Drew Cast

Actor Name Play Role Introduction
Reggie Miller A Guang 是一个“看不见篮筐”的萌叔。戴着大大的运动护镜激情运球。
Nick Korl Mookie No introduction
Shaquille O'Neal Big Fella No introduction
Erica Ash Maya No introduction
Terrence Rosemore Customer No introduction
Jamel Chambers Angry Fan No introduction
Reggie Miller Lights No introduction
Chris Weber Preacher No introduction
Matt McHugh Security Guard No introduction
Tiffany Haddish Jess No introduction
(None) Footlocker kid No introduction
(None) Footlocker Mom No introduction
(None) Angelo No introduction

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