
Get my brother away' has played more than 700 million People and also asks the characters to warm their hearts and make them resonate.

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Star relationship news: byPeople also ask,A thousand,Xudong WangStarring in the marvel adaptationGet my brother away"Is on the air. So far, the show has exceeded 700 million viewers online. In this week's update, People also ask's time is still in the style of "funny ratio" and "middle two". Meanwhile, he turns to warmth with a happy and time-honored life line, and the resonance in his life has become a hot topic for discussion.

People also ask used the words "liberating nature", "letting go of oneself" and "grounding oneself" to describe his time role in the shooting story of the drama exposed by the star producer. And he also through the control of details, emotional processing, the charm of time and the two characteristics of the incisively and vividly, the degree of attentiveness can be seen. "People also ask is a very hard-working young actor," said huang xing, the producer of the play. And that's what youngPeople also askcan do.Youth is the best","FighterOfTheDestiny", "Get my brother away", "Get my brother away"The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre", and many other films and TV plays, by the industry affirmation of the reasons.

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