
Tianyu ma was nominated for best supporting actor at the hundred flowers awards.

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Linkeddb News November 8& have spent Recently, the 34th popular film hundred flowers awards announced the best supporting actor nomination, actor Tianyu Ma In the film The Founding of An Army "The bright-eyed performance of" the list of nominees. In recent years, Tianyu Ma has continuously proved to the audience the strong advancement of a powerful actor with her active performance in several TV series and excellent acting ability. "When you look at Tianyu Ma's character, it's not hard to see that the character he's trying to play is both broad and challenging," said industry insider thumb up. & have spent & have spent

Tianyu Ma was nominated for best supporting actor at the hundred flowers awards. Jpeg

Indeed, the "challenge" of Tianyu Ma's acting should be seen from the characters he interprets. Tianyu Ma has always been a warm and easygoing figure, but the characters he interprets are not. Suprise In the novel, the pity for all beings is abandoned by all beings. Revolutionary heroes who fought valiantly and fought The enemy in The Founding of An Army; In the secrets of The Three Kingdoms, Yang mou pacifies the world Liu Ping ; " Swords of Legends "In the lively naive fang lansheng and stomach black and spicy jin lei; " IceFantasy "In the powerful and indomitable sakura kong shi; "Liang sheng, can we not be sadIn the film, the national "elder brother" who is loyal and persistent in love leaves a deep impression on the audience. There is a drama in his eyes and a drama in his hands, and he completes the most authentic feeling of being close to himself in his own character.

Tianyu Ma The Founding of An Army. Jpeg

Tianyu Ma was nominated for best supporting actor at the 34th annual popular film awards, part of a steady and steady effort in the entertainment industry Sean Zhang The eye's "report card", the nomination is the confirmation, the work many horse actor future may period.

Tianyu Ma's advanced acting. Jpeg

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