
Cherrie Ying Helps Charity Dinner Hopes to Have Jasper to Do Charity

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On May 10th, Cherrie Ying was invited to attend the 2018 “Beautiful Child” Xiamen charity dinner to help public welfare activities. In the evening, Cherrie Ying was honored with “Special Starlight Volunteer 001 of Yi Tong Project”.

The “Yitong Plan” public welfare project aims to promote the medical care, mental health and education of children in poverty-stricken areas, and to provide assistance and assistance in the aspects of living standards, education development, mental health, and medical assistance in the process of children’s plight in China.

As a co-founder of the “Er Tong Tong Project”, Cherrie Ying has been focusing on these children and called on more people to join the charity campaign with their own strengths. “It is a privilege to participate in the “Yi Tong Project” public welfare project. I hope to use it. My strength brings more and better help to these children, and I hope that I will have the opportunity to take Jasper to do charity in the future."

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