
The True Love's Lies' Climax Vivy Yusof Luo Jin Will Be Married Feeling Jealous

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"Lies of True Love" is starring Luo Jin , Feeling and Vivy Yusof . The city’s criminal relic “ The Icebreaker of True Love ” has achieved good results both in terms of ratings and reputation since it was aired. This has led to heated discussions among the audience. As the story progresses, Luo Jin’s “Dr. After the crisis, the suspect decided to marry Anna Thalbach , played by Vivy Yusof, under the scrutiny of Dagu Chen Bing ( Decoration of Chenguang Zhang ). This action triggered Tan Larva (Feeling) to make a big deal.

As a realistic work that closely integrates plots, emotions, and feelings, The Icebreaker of True Love sets off an ups and downs of “ice-breaking trips” with exciting plot settings, confusing personalities, and twists and turns of story development. The drama has achieved an upsurge of dramatization through fast-paced, strong plots and multi-line narrative techniques to achieve innovations of the same genre.

In the play, Anna Thalbach, played by Vivy Yusof, is a confidante of Suiyuan. He has been behind him to help him inquire about the news. However, Sui Yuan’s ability to work is very strong. The big drug addict Chua Bingkun observed him for five years and he still does not leak it. In order to create weaknesses, Suanyuan decided to marry Anna Thalbach. On the one hand, he dispelled the doubts of Cai Bingkun and on the other hand eliminated the potential danger to Tan Larva. Anna Thalbach, however, was still reluctant to assist Sui Yuan and became a childhood he had just returned from abroad.

From the time Yuanyuan protected Anna Thalbach from a bottle, Anna Thalbach looked at him as his own. He did not scruple to help Luo Jin with his own safety. Such a beautiful and affectionate confidante not only captured the love of a large number of users. Vivy Yusof, Anna Thalbach's playwright, is also very well-known for his outstanding performance.

It is reported that the hit drama " Mr. Lingerie " performed by Vivy Yusof has just ended. In the play, she plays stellar and cold Stella. In addition, many dramas to be performed by her will be broadcast soon. out, for example, " at the Abyss " in the range do not spend, " Facing at the Ocean, and the Spring blossom " in the Victoria , and the movie " Dark Maze " in the female lead Tang Xinyu, "fog Detective," the female one Li Jian Autumn will also be shown at the national cinema this year, so stay tuned.

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