
Sunset Liang Jing Kang's relatives flowed out of Sunset Liang Jing Kang together?

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Sunset Liang Jing Kang's relatives flowed out of Sunset Liang Jing Kang together?

According to Taiwan media reports, Sunset starred in “ To our simple little beautiful ” and burst into action. Then she played uninterruptedly in the corner of “ Meteor Garden, ” and she was contacted by the same actress Liang Jing Kang on the 14th. The intimate photos also began to spread online. Are they two together?


Some netizens broke the news. When "Meteor Garden" starred in the album " HappyCamp " in Changsha, his friends followed the same plane and sat behind Sunset and Liang Jing Kang. They found that the woman rested on the man's arm and spent the whole process. A photo of Sunset Liang Jing Kang was provided, so the reporters suspected that Sunset and Liang Jing Kang were in contact.



In fact, the feelings of Sunset and Liang Jing Kang are still very good, but Xiaobian thinks that just talking on a backswing is to say that two people are falling in love is a bit far-fetched, and from the picture, Sunset may be asleep hand. But fans are actually open about this, and believe that if they are true, they will send their best wishes. Haha!


In real life, the relationship between the two is indeed still relatively close, do not believe please see below

Xiao Bian thinks that if Sunset and Liang Jing Kang are really together, they still need to announce themselves! We continue to wait! Haha

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