
Fangsheng lu crew qingsheng nie yuan brings surprise to audiences

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Linkeddb News November 6& have spent He's working on his new show, forensic of the mind Fangsheng Lu It's my birthday, starring Nie Yuan He and his crew planned a surprise birthday, and presented a huge birthday cake and flowers. Everyone sang the birthday song together, and the atmosphere was harmonious and happy.

 Fangsheng Lu 《<a data-id=Chang 'an twelfth hourJpeg "title=" Fangsheng Lu"Chang 'an twelfth hour"/>

Fangsheng Lu crew celebrate 04. Jpeg

Fangsheng Lu crew celebrate 01. Jpeg

"Lu's three years old" posted on weibo, boasting: "although I'm one year older, I'm eighteen forever," and poked fun at his role in Chang 'an twelfth hour Jackson ", fans commented: "you're approaching 40 today, wake up!" ", "ha ha ha and thousand xi younger brother when hair small, your heart really can calm?" ", "such a lovely elder brother, certainly want to wish a happy birthday ~"

Fangsheng Lu cast qingsheng 03. Jpeg

The show is set to star Fangsheng Lu in the southern Chinese city of shenzhen on "Chang 'an twelfth hour," "six murderers" and "the big ten." Listen to the snow building "And so on will also meet with the audience in succession, the strength deduction causes the anticipation.

Fangsheng Lu,

Fangsheng Lu birthday picture. Jpeg

Fangsheng Lu,

Fangsheng Lu cast qingsheng 02.jpeg

Fangsheng Lu & amp; Nie Yuan. Jpeg

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