
If you want to apply to a multinational company, how many brushes? Zhengzhou Coca-Cola HR said so!

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This is a perfect combination of a 202-year-old British company and a 132-year-old American company.

In Zhengzhou, their combination is called Zhengzhou Taiko Coca-Cola Beverage Co., Ltd.

Every spring, in the season of Taoli Fragrant, Zhengzhou Swire Coca-Cola will select a new class of “management trainees” among college graduates to enter a new force for a century.

Zhu Ximei, the chief human resource of the company, is one of the nine senior executives of the company. On April 18, she came to Zhengzhou University to explain the company's “Pipe Puisheng” plan and the company’s employment concept.

This is a special and interesting job title. Among the 9 executives, only this position is called “Chief”, which is equivalent to the “HR Director” of other companies.


Twenty-three years ago, Zhu Ximei joined the Swire Coca-Cola in Shaanxi by chance. Thirteen years later, she became chief of human resources for the company, screening her future managers as her predecessors interviewed her.

In 2016, she transferred from Taikoo Beverage’s Hong Kong headquarters to Zhengzhou Swire Coca-Cola. If you are looking for a job, do you also want to apply to a multinational company or join a larger talent development platform to hear about this HR?

Henan Business Daily Chief Reporter Jun Wangwei /wen reporter Zhang Yu /photo

【一】learning growth

[Staff Story] Ding Xiaoyu's "Gui Peisheng," who was promoted to manager all three or four years ago

In 2007, Ding Xiaoyu graduated from PLA Information Engineering University and joined Zhengzhou Coca-Cola in August of the same year. In January of the following year, he applied for examinations in five rounds of screening to become “Pipe Pui Sheng”. She began her rotation training in various positions at Swire Coca-Cola.

After 1 year of human resources and 10 months of marketing assistant, she moved to the KA department. Here, she experienced severe challenges that she had never experienced before. For example, on the first day of the job, the manager gave her a task: to go to the Shanghai Oscar Theater and talk about a free private movie.

After completing one task after the other, the manager said to the human resources department: “I’ve got a few more Ding Xiaoyu, and I have found infinite possibilities in her.”

Later, she settled in the KA department and became the senior director responsible for docking Dennis . In the next few years, in today's words, her job changes and job promotion are like “opening”. She has been assigned as the brand director of the Guomao and Shui brand; the brand director of Coca-Cola; the product manager of Coca-Cola; Water category manager; appointed as the consumer market manager responsible for all brands of Swire Coca-Cola in Zhengzhou.

Ding Xiaoyu said that Guan Peisheng, who was “in the same session” with her, had already been promoted to a department manager—the middle management post of Zhengzhou Coca-Cola Co., Ltd.—three or four years ago.

[HR Sharing] “Training Pellet” is to select and train the next generation of managers for the company

Zhu Ximei: The “Pipe Pui Sheng” plan of Swire Drinks aims to select and train the next generation of managers. It is a very important part of the company’s talent training system. Each year, five or more students will be screened from undergraduates and graduates. Right now, this year's "Pai Pui Sheng" is being selected. Up to now, 3 have been selected. “Tsei Peisheng” is the most important investment made by Taikoo Beverages in cultivating talents. After “Gai Peisheng” is admitted to the company, it must pass through the company’s management team for an overall interview. After entering the company, each person is managed by the management team as a mentor. They pay attention to and guide their work life, emotions, joys, sorrows and enthusiasm. They devote the greatest amount of investment to allowing them to study and grow in different core business positions. Boarding different management positions.

When I took up the post, I didn't have a "Pipe Pui Sang" plan. Now my children are really lucky.

【二】Comprehensive "heart" pay

[Staff Story] "I want to talk specifically about our one-child care leave"

In Swire Coca-Cola in Zhengzhou, of course, there will not be only one career promotion channel, Guan Peisheng. The starting point of Li Qian (actress) Ru, the manager of Zhengzhou Coca Cola's administration department, is not Guan Peisheng.

She graduated from Xi'an International Studies University. Before entering Swire Coca-Cola, there has been a short working experience. Her promotion in the past 12 years has gradually grown by jumping into the company one by one "potential pool."

These are not the points she wants to express. She said: "I would like to talk specifically about our comprehensive remuneration, especially our one-child care leave, which may not have been heard in other companies."

In 2016, Li Qian (actress) Ru's mother was ill and hospitalized. She did not expect that the company actually had a holiday called "only child care leave". It was a paid vacation and could last up to 20 days. She remembered that the company immediately approved the proposal.

According to the Henan Business Daily reporter, there is currently no national uniform legislation for the one-child care leave. It is Henan Province that made the earliest provision for the only-child care leave in local legislation. The newly revised "Population and Family Planning Regulations of Henan Province" in May 2016 stipulates that during the period of hospitalization after the 60-year-old is the only child's parent, the child shall be entitled to no more than 20 days of nursing leave per year, which will be counted as attendance during the nursing vacation.

[HR Sharing] 14 benefits per year, 13 kinds of vacations, 6 kinds of allowances, 4 types of gifts!

Zhu Ximei: At Swire Coca-Cola in Zhengzhou, the salaries of employees are not only reflected in simple figures on the payroll. We emphasize comprehensive “heart” pay and care for the lives and professional development of employees. Overall, there are 14 types of benefits, 13 kinds of holidays, 6 types of allowances, and 4 types of gifts. For example, holidays: marriage leave, maternity leave, breastfeeding leave, family planning leave, paternity leave for male employees, one-child care leave, corporate social responsibility leave, paid sick leave and so on. Every year, the company organizes participation in social welfare undertakings to give back to the community. Some employees, in addition to participating in public welfare activities organized by the company collectively, are also involved in other community services. The company encourages employees to participate in community services, and employees who participate in community services can serve according to specific communities. The number of days to make up for paid “corporate social responsibility leave” will not allow him to reduce his salary because of his social responsibility. In terms of welfare, such as Children's Day Children's Day benefits, children's birthday celebrations, graduation gifts, birthday benefits, commercial insurance, children's commercial insurance, book reimbursement and so on. In addition to purchasing commercial insurance for employees, we also purchase commercial insurance for children of employees within the second child eligible for birth policy. In the first year of the first-line employees, we will also grant 5,000 yuan in grants to children in the first year of university entrance. This is also to reduce Front-line employee spending pressure. Of course, for employees who have difficulties in the family, the company’s labor union will have financial support from the Loving Fund in the event of a major accident.

[3] Recognized Culture

[Staff Story] "I just rewarded for four days in Hong Kong and went to Xiamen again to bring my family members this time!"

In the interview, Muhaike at the other end of the phone sounded honest and even with a certain amount of enthusiasm. This is a bit misplaced with the image of salespeople in everybody's eyes. However, in 2017, Mu Haike, its sales performance can be described as "super" excellence - in the Taizhou Coca-Cola Anyang District, Zhengzhou, there are 9 sales directors, he is mainly responsible for business development in the suburbs of Qiyang, he led the team in 2017, Both the customer visit rate and the agreement customer success rate are among the best. The sales volume of the team is ranked at the top of the 8 teams in 11 months in 12 months, and it is ranked only second in 1 month. .

Because of his outstanding performance, he became one of the company's 20 "superheroes." A few months ago, the company rewarded him for visiting Taikoo Beverage Hong Kong headquarters and deliberately gave them one more day for sightseeing. “This week we also arranged for our 'superheroes' to play in Xiamen for four days. This time, we can also bring my family together. My wife is also happy to be broke!”

[HR Sharing] "Super Hero" is only part of our recognized culture

Zhu Ximei: Swire Coca-Cola has a complete recognition mechanism to help employees feel a positive, positive and timely atmosphere of approval. There are supervisors who verbally approve, and there are written approvals. The highest level of recognition is "superheroes." Everyone can recommend super heroes in his mind. They can be recommended within the department or cross-departmental recommendations. You think colleagues in other departments are excellent in the connection with your work and can be elected in a timely manner. In the end, the "Super Hero of the Year" will be born that year. Our management emphasizes that positive incentives are the main factors. Instead of correcting employee behavior through post-punishment, we encourage employees to avoid negative behaviors. It can be seen that the accreditation culture has created a positive and happy working atmosphere for our employees. In this atmosphere, employees are willing to become the main responsibility bearers.

[4] HR Chief Interview Record - For Graduates Who Are Looking For Jobs

Zhengzhou Socco Coca Cola selected university graduates to pay attention to organizational planning ability, communication skills, creativity and learning ability, and valued the spirit of teamwork, practical diligence and the pursuit of excellence.

We are recruiting and we do not emphasize "985" or "211" nor do we deliberately select graduates from well-known universities outside Henan. Employees come from all over the country, but Henan colleges and universities mostly graduates. From the list, they are evenly distributed among various colleges and universities. They do not show which colleges have a large number of graduates. We will go to different colleges and universities to do special recruitment.

In the workplace, we must have a boss mentality, keep learning until the best attitude, challenge the impossible mentality, and continue to improve the standard of mind. Have you ever seen the “ Jstars courtyard ”? The horse in the play, Joe Changyong’s long- term worker , who is responsible for planting crops, when he saw the diseases in the crops, he ran to advise the housekeeper, and he couldn’t make sense, but also persuaded Joe Zhiyong. To hoard food. This is the attitude of the boss. Ask yourself: How far am I from the stable?

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