
Quit hosting and become an actor, married to a german wife who has been quietly happy for 19 years, and has a daughter of mixed race who looks like hannah quinlivan

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She gave up hosting to become an actress, married to a German wife for 19 years, and has a half-blood daughter Hannah Quinlivan

Showbiz is a place where new faces emerge every day. Of course, some of the old faces will fade away and be forgotten. In order to achieve long-term development and impress the audience, besides appearance level, it is more important to rely on strength. Today, I want to introduce a strong actor to you, he is Chung Xiao Li .

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Chung Xiao Li's name is expected to be more or less unfamiliar to many viewers. Indeed, Chung Xiao Li is a bit of a misfire. Speaking of the actor, He Ping, a successful actor in the sister-in-law's three kingdoms, comes to mind for his TV series. I don't know what movie or TV series do you think of the actor?

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Aside from film and television, Chung Xiao Li's life story is admirable. Chung Xiao Li grew up in the countryside, where children need to work hard to get ahead. Chung Xiao Li was admitted to Beijing broadcasting institute with her own efforts. After graduation, Chung Xiao Li entered Beijing TV as the host of a life program. It's a pretty good job for the general public.

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But Chung Xiao Li's most coveted career was as an actor. So in 1994, Chung Xiao Li, 24, left what was seen as a promising TV station and turned to acting. It takes a lot of courage to leave a familiar job and start from scratch.

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Chung Xiao Li's career as an actor began as a walk-on. But Chung Xiao Li slowly introduced himself to the audience through her own efforts. Later, it was especially hot at that time Song Dandan To act together. , Chung Xiao Li starred in a lot of film and television works, such as "My youth who call the shots, the Harbin Enveloped in Darkness, and the Conflicts in ` Family"...

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As for Chung Xiao Li, there was also his devoted German girlfriend. The pair fell in love at first sight, when Chung Xiao Li left the Beijing TV station with no money and no name. But the beautiful German girl followed him with her heart and soul. Not long after this German girl came to China, she could not speak Chinese at all. Like her, Chung Xiao Li does not speak German. The two of them communicate in English, which is not very familiar to each other, and the funny thing is that English is mixed with Chinese and German, which is apples and oranges in many cases. But it wasn't long before Chung Xiao Li and his German girlfriend were married.

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Now, 19 years into their relationship, the two have kept a low profile. Although they have been in love for 19 years, they are still in love. And the two also have a very beautiful daughter, saw his daughter's photo, the netizens have expressed the spirit similar Hannah Quinlivan, do you think, welcome comments and messages!

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