
The greatest love rival in the history of mr. nanny swooped down on verna cp and faced her heart.

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Star relations September 7 news recently by Zongzheng Xu Directed, Li Xiaoran , Nicky Wu, , Di Xu , Zhidi Bai , Vivi Wang, , Aoyan Dong Etc. Mr. NANNY "In zhejiang satellite TV, dragon TV popular broadcast. Though the show is halfway through the air, it's still going strong. Li Xiaoran's nara has been praised quite a lot. Not only her kindness and straightness makes people love her, but also her clothes and clothes in the play become the matching model for the girl who knows little.

Click to see: An introduction to Mr. NANNY

The most powerful rival in history swooped down on vanna CP and faced her heart

Mr. NANNY tells the story of a troubled returnee who falls back to China and meets nana, a determined single mother, by accident. Shen xinwei was forced to make a living as the male monthly sister-in-law of nana, the two from tit-for-tat to the final love, the process of living hand in hand.

In the recent episode, na finally straightened her mind and prepared to face up to the feelings of two people. However, the relationship between the two of them is getting better and they are facing the "surprise attack" of their predecessors. How the two of them will solve this "big trouble" has become a big concern.Li Xiaoranplayed nara's state of dilemma very properly, and showed the emotional changes of the role in a subtle way.

Li Xiaoran: try to find the better side

The reality of the modern drama has always been welcomed by the audience. Xiaoran, played by Li Xiaoran, reflects the current situation of many powerful women in the workplace. They still encounter a lot of troubles when dealing with the workplace and family, and even have to bear more psychological pressure than ordinary people. How to achieve balance between work and life is one of the focuses of this kind of drama.

Li Xiaoran admitted that when shooting modern scenes, she would also put forward some opinions on the styling. "I will give some opinions, but I will also try the opinions given by the stylist. Because everyone may know what kind of clothes they are suitable for, and the modeling communication of each play is also a very pleasant time, and they may find a better side of themselves.

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