
Dying to Survive' released: Yiwei Zhou hits the car at the camera Zhu Dan late at night to call

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" Dying to Survive " Released: Yiwei Zhou relies on the car lens Zhu Dan to call her husband late at night

"Dying to Survive" is a sacred 9.1 in Douban. It is not a good fire. It can be said to be rave reviews. The first day of the box office broke 300 million! In addition to the novel theme, the plot is compact and has no urine, and the performance of the starring performance is also Affirmed by the audience, Yiwei Zhou plays an upright policeman in the movie, and is also the nephew of the movie protagonist Cheng Yong . The retro style of the 1990s is matched with the temperament of Yiwei Zhou.


Zhu Dan On June 30th, late at night, Weibo confessed that her husband couldn't sleep, brushed Weibo, and suddenly wanted to see his lens leaning against the car.



What's going on with the camera on the side of the car? I believe everyone who has seen the movie knows that this is the scene where Yi Wei Zhou left Xu Wei to leave at the end of the movie. "He took the car out of the car, leaning on the door at random, copying his pocket, the sun shone on his half face, the wind blew his hair, and he half-squinted and watched Xu Xiaoyuan go." They all said, "Yi Wei Zhou relies on the one-second lens of the car, and instantly smashes it." "The last second is still crying, and the next second is slobber and handsome."




Zhu Wei and Yiwei Zhou, Zhu Dan is a famous host. The "I Love the Lyrics" that she presided over was once a fire in the north and south. When she and Yiwei Zhou were broke out, Yiwei Zhou was still a mysterious biography. The little actor, who has an acting skills, is not red. Yiwei Zhou played a lot of supporting roles, but even the very inconspicuous characters, Yiwei Zhou also carefully pondered until the broadcast of the "Sounding" program, the bright performance let the audience remember him in a moment, his past works It was also smashed by the audience, and the department was amazing. Today, netizens have said that "Zhu Dan must have saved the Galaxy in the last generation to marry Yiwei Zhou." 60ca8a58ly1fr5br8fo65j20rs0ijdx3.jpg

"Dying to Survive" is the most amazing movie in the first half of this year. It is directed at the theme, the plot, and this good actor. Xiaobian must also take a look.

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