
Yang caiyu deng magazine's october cover micro film achievement shows “three-minute reversal”

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Star connection September 10Recently, Yang Caiyu Featured on the cover of the October issue of a magazine, the commemorative magazine "initial heart series" micro film achievement In the micro film,Yang Caiyuand xin jin xiao sheng Chen Feiyu Cooperation explains a story of adhering to the original intention and bravely giving up other choices for the dream.

Story to their phone conversation paved,Yang Caiyuplays an ever to give up school of painting dream offer young female painter, seemingly "discourage" on the phone with her make the same choice of Chen Feiyu, are actually "encourage each other to pursue" beginner's mind, gentle, tenacity, restraint and reason in her just a few words of crisscross, although is the micro film three minutes, her performance and lines is still "movie", a look back and smile between beauty and amorous feelings, also due to the full of the story more moving.

In the movie" Youth After impressing audiences with the beauty and danger of Lin dingding,Yang Caiyurecently played a more complicated contrarian character in the road suspense drama "the seven days of life" -- the doctor with a secret blood feud, janie Li Chen, , Qianyuan Wang In Las Vegas, a group of powerful actors staged a deadly cross-border rescue. Yang Caiyu's choice of roles has become more challenging and subversive step by step, and she has gained more audience recognition for her painstaking efforts to interpret these roles thoroughly. In terms of acting, she has the same attitude as the female painter in the micro film she plays.

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