
Dead with laughter! ma rong reveals wang baoqiang net friend see 3 details, chen sicheng becomes big winner!

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Smile dead! Ma Rong fact Wang Baoqiang The net friend sees 3 details, Chen Sicheng Big winner!

It is common for celebrities in the entertainment industry to get married and divorce. Of course, some of the stars are out of the house peacefully, and some are in court for divorce. The couple we're talking about today are grassroots stars Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong, both of whom have been divorcing for two years, this past October Song Zhe After a sentence of six years, the row is over.

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Then, at 3:38 PM on nov 15, Ma Rong abruptly updated his weibo account, accusing Wang Baoqiang and issuing a statement: "I can't believe it. See you tonight at 8:00!" This news instantly lit up the circle of friends, net friends also changed to eat melon masses, sit back and wait for news, see Ma Rong and what to do?

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Sure enough, Ma Rong revealed the details of Wang Baoqiang's bill at more than eight o 'clock, claiming that the truth was true. He wanted to prove the lie that Wang Baoqiang borrowed money, accusing him of "no thief in the world, the thief shouted to catch the thief!" An attentive netizen found that Chen Sicheng transferred 3 million yuan to Wang Baoqiang in the first time after Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong broke up for divorce in 2016. This undoubtedly confirms Ma Rong's accusation that Wang Baoqiang's wealth is fake. However, netizens found that Wang Baoqiang was short of money and needed to borrow money to Sue.

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At the same time, netizens also saw the real brotherly love between Chen Sicheng and Wang Baoqiang, followed by a detail after Chen Sicheng transferred the money and the rune, "come on, brother! Come on, brother! . These eight words of encouragement, let Chen Sicheng from the talented person set up the marital storm, and now to the spirit of loyalty, Chen Sicheng again top the hot search. The net friend direct shout: so have the sentiment to have the righteous brother, give me a dozen.

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In Ma Rong's weibo comments section, many netizens accused her of being unfaithful. However, Ma Rong strenuously denied that he had been unfaithful. After the divorce, Wang Baoqiang put all his energy into making plays and left everything to lawyers. Ma Rong refused to give up.

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Now, Ma Rong has revealed three details about Wang Baoqiang, Chen Sicheng is the big winner! A net user cried out, laughing to death, Ma Rong became Chen Sicheng's god assist hand. Ma Rong no doubt lost badly in the marriage, but the editor expects her to put it down.

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