
Something? wang sicong's hot dog eating was targeted by art students, and his eye chart, emoticons and so on were totally ruined."

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Make things? Wang Sicong's hot dog eating was targeted by art students, and his eye chart, emoticons and so on were thoroughly spoiled

Wang Sicong tweeted recently: "can you stop Posting pictures of me eating hot dogs? ! There was frustration in the words, accompanied by a blank picture, the text said, S sai TI slam I, the heart of no waves.

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It is said that the hottest news in recent days is that the IG won the S8 global finals. The champion of the IG is not only the dream of every player in the league of heroes, but also the youth of a generation. Wang Sicong, founder of the IG e-sports club, was sitting directly in the audience when the IG and FNC were playing. Even more embarrassing, wang may have been too much attention in the audience, a hot dog eating moments were directly captured by netizens.

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Sure enough, Wang Sicong's hot dog eating was the number one spot on the most popular search list for art students.

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Wang Sicong's family background alone will make him focus everywhere he goes. This, Wang Sicong eat hot dog photograph to be targeted by art, immediately after Wang Sicong eye chart, Wang Sicong expression pack, Wang Sicong sketch and so on thoroughly play bad, do matter? It's been a day of fun for everyone. Wang Sicong has also been praised as "the source of happiness today" by netizens, and has become the source of business opportunities. Mobile phone cases, small games and so on have been launched frequently. This operation is really Skr,Skr

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Wang Sicong tops the capital's sishao list and is the only son of Wang Jianlin, a wanda group director. In 2011, the weibo attack on south beauty's chairman Zhang Lanxin caused a heated debate and drew public attention to the fuerdai, who graduated from the philosophy department of university college London. Wang Sicong has little to do with the market and business on weibo. Most of the time, Wang Sicong is laughing, mocking and speaking casually . Young and outspoken, he is trying to become a young talent focused on progress and social development. Small make up to the national husband Wang Sicong upper capital of clothing!

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