
The level of appearance is not equal to liya tong, love road is more wonderful than drama, now the second marriage is happy to be so

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The appearance is not to lose Liya Tong Love road is even more wonderful than drama

Zhang Xinyi Born into an ordinary worker family, graduated from the performance department of the central academy of drama. Actress and director in mainland China.

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Show business is a great thing

2004年,出演个人首部电视剧《 The wind is moving ", thus into the entertainment circle. In 2007, he won the BQ annual red star list annual potential red star award . The spy drama "legend of the wind" won spring in 2011 ji dian 视剧互联网盛典最具号召力女演员奖.

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Zhang Xinyi从出道开始就很文艺,并且成功地演绎了许多不同类型的角色.2012年和 Liya Tong 《 BeiJingLoveStory ", which gained attention for its role as Lin xia, is as good as Liya Tong. She also earned her reputation as second sister.Zhang Xinyihas become one of the few actresses in mainland China who have both acting skills and fashion.

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She later appeared in the feature film AnInaccurateMemoir 》获得第4届英国万像国际华语电影节最佳女配角奖 .2014年凭借年代剧《 Big river children "Won the annual audience favorite actress award in the national drama awards.Zhang Xinyiloves challenging roles and is eager to break through. His acting ability has been recognized and praised by the audience. She has strong plasticity, can play the character's character's incisively and vividly, is a clever actor.

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Director's dream

Zhang Xinyi初次转型做了导演.她执导并主演的爱情片《 Miss Puff 》全国公映,她在片中饰演 Miss Puff ,这是她导演的首部电影作品,虽然票房口碑都不太好,但至少实现了自己的梦想.

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In addition to being an actress and a director, her emotional experience is more exciting than the drama.

The first relationship is like the real one." Ling Ling .

Zhang Xinyi and Zhifei Wang 因拍摄电视剧《The wind is moving》时相识相恋 .虽然,两人有16岁的差距,但迅速擦出了爱的火花.可这时的Zhifei Wang还是有孩子,有老婆的,但两个人还是义无反顾的在一起了.刚烈绝情的 Wang Zhiwen He and his wife, li jian, eventually divorced. When the two were dating, they worked together on five plays.Zhang Xinyirose through the ranks and became famous. Increasingly famousZhang Xinyiis dogged by scandal, and Jia Nailiang Li Chen, Yi Zhang, Chen Sicheng 都传过绯闻.为爱抛妻弃子的Zhifei Wang,怎能容忍Zhang Xinyi日渐膨胀的野心,本能的控制欲,让Zhifei Wang接受不了对方一丁点的三心二意.两人经常吵架,没能熬过7年,最终也没走进婚姻殿堂,以分手告终.据悉,两人分手是因为年龄差距导致生活观念和方式的分歧.

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Zhang Xinyi andZhang Xinyi2011 Yang Shupeng Met on the set of AnInaccurateMemoir. After that, they became friendly with each other. A year later,Zhang Xinyiadmitted to a relationship with Yang Shupeng. Zhang Xinyi and Yang Shupeng then got married in baoji city, shaanxi province, after a two-year marriage.

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Zhang Xinyi and Yuan Hong (actor) By filming PrincessJieyou At that time,Yuan Hong (actor)was very nice to Zhang Xinyi, but the source said thatYuan Hong (actor)'s character was just nice to everyone, so not many people saw it. November 2014 second co-production TV series La verite 》时,二人走得更近了一些,Yuan Hong (actor)开始追求Zhang Xinyi,真正走到一起应该是今年年后.之后,Zhang Xinyi andYuan Hong (actor)的恋情公开 .2016年5月30日,Zhang Xinyi andYuan Hong (actor)在德国斯图加特霍亨俊伦城堡举办婚礼 .两人的婚礼也备受关注,除了新娘新郎十分般配外,婚礼伴郎团堪称娱乐圈“最帅气的伴郎团”.婚后,两人微博经常互动撒糖,很是幸福.

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Recently, August break up season, the entertainment industry like a frying pan. Zi Yang Qin Junjie , Ni Ni Jing Thai Boran , Qingzi Kan 纪凌尘 Wait for all break up, net friend all express in succession, did not believe in love.Yuan Hong (actor): when Yuan's birthday gift comes, he asks if you are afraid. Net friend continuously shout: really August of a clear flow, blessing blessing.


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