
Zhao Benshan Rarely Stands Behind Xiaoshenyang to Call the Northeast Comedy "Moths crossing the river"

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Zhao Benshan Rarely Appears to Support Xiaoshenyang to Call the Northeast Comedy “ Moths crossing the river

The action-comedy film “Moths crossing the river” produced by Star Film Studios will officially land on the National Theatre on June 15. The film was directed and starred by Xiaoshenyang for the first time. Binlong Pan , Vivian Sung , Hot Dog, Shijie Jin , Liu Hua (actor) , Yang Xiao , Ming Hu , Cao Rui , Li-Chun Lee and many other people sent bursts of laughter. Recently, “Moths crossing the river” has exploded again. Zhao Benshan, who has not been out for a long time, is rarely seen by the lover Xiaoshenyang. He personally goes to the story of “ Country love ” and plays the North West comedy “Moths crossing the river” directed by Xiaoshenyang. Crazy call, shooting "Xiangai" version of advance notice.

Zhao Benshan smashes heart for the Xiaoshenyang hit the northeast comedy "Moths crossing the river"

"Moths crossing the river" was directed by Xiaoshenyang as a debut artist. She received full support from Zhao Jiaban. Zhao Benshan, who had not appeared before the masses for a long time, also returned to the lake to shout for the lover Xiaoshenyang, and he even led the entire Zhao family. For the movie, the script was written to renew "Country love". In the notice, Zhao Benshan did not shy away from the love for Xiaoshenyang: Wang Daya (Zhao Benshan) bought RMB 100,000 to support Wang Tianlai (Xiaoshenyang decoration). He took this money for a film dream, and then worried about it. At the box office, Dazhong took out the "sweat money" again, which helped the box office to cheer for the box office. But in this way, the over-preference of Dana to his son has caused dissatisfaction from other people. Even "pro-son" can't stand spuriously, and Liu Neng immediately opened the diss mode, but even then it does not affect the big. Take unconditional support for heaven. Zhao Benshan’s affection for the apprentice must overflow the screen. When he saw this scene, many netizens sighed: “One day is the teacher's life-long father, Zhao Benshan is Xiaoshenyang's heartbreaking!” at the call of Zhao Benshan. , Ivory Mountain, people all the way to "Moths crossing the river" hit C Al Walser L, this summer "mite" is undoubtedly the biggest topic of the Ivory Mountain.

The strongest northeast-made comedy comedy "Moths crossing the river" bears the brunt of summer

The action-comedy movie “Moths crossing the river” is a debut novel directed by Xiaoshenyang. Many comedians join in the pure Northeast style. They describe the hilarious comedy stories of two rural youths who inherited huge inheritance from the city. In addition to Xiaoshenyang himself and the director, the film invited Binlong Pan, Vivian Sung, Hot Dog, Shijie Jin, Liu Hua (actor), Yang Xiao, Ming Hu, Cao Rui, Li-Chun Lee, Jiu Kong, Han Dian Chen , Lin Yu-Chih , Shen Chun-yang, and many other actors contributed to the show, together with the authentic biography of Northeastern comedy Zhao Benshan. A hilarious comedy movie made in Northeast China was born. It was also rated by many netizens as the most anticipated Northeast comedy in the second half of the year. . "Moths crossing the river" will formally meet with the audience on June 15. As the summer holiday's first film, it is regarded as the only one of the comedy-type movies in June. It is naturally of great concern. At the same time, the Hollywood blockbuster " Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom " will also face the hornworm on the same day. In the face of such an enemy, the director has shown a very light performance: "The Moths crossing the river" is The story of a pair of young people attacking in a small way, though small, is a worm with infinite potential. Although the industrialization of Hollywood movies is indeed in a leading position in the world, we cannot blaspheme and we must carry out the spirit of worms in the end! After all, radish and vegetables have their own Love."

The most authentic Northeast comedy, the most authentic Northeast manufacturing, June 15th "Moths crossing the river" is about to contract the country laugh.

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