
Forensic qin ming survivor

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Star relations aug 29 news & NBSP;Recently, by the Zhou Lin Hao Director, jing chao, Xiaoqi Ai , Wide bangs Starring in Forensic Qin Ming Survivor The show, which is written by qin Ming, is currently on the air. In last week's update, the story involves the first girlfriend of qin Ming, and the jingling king, who is the CP member of qin Ming, finally had an emotional exchange with qin Ming last week.

According to the current update of the play, qin Ming and wang lingli must be the main line of CP. In the story updated last week, qin Ming's first girlfriend plot appeared, and as a companion to qin Ming who has been giving him inspiration to solve the case, wang lingli also found the photo of qin Ming with his ex-girlfriend in his home.Xiaoqi Aiplays a police officer named wang lingli, who is known for her interaction with qin Ming in the drama. Qin Ming takes care of people with a cold for one night and conducts investigation to help solve cases.Xiaoqi Aiis also the original voice in the drama. Hot Blood Academy In the novel, she is also a strange exotic princess with a strange accent. In this work, she becomes a staid police detective with amazing performances.

Xiaoqi Ai has been contributing a lot of excellent works to the audience since her debut. "Forensic Qin Ming Survivor" gives the audience a glimpse of her capable side. What surprisesXiaoqi Aiwill bring to us next, and what novel feelings she and jing chao will have in the drama?

Click to see: Forensic Qin Ming Survivor

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