
Hold live sister Evonne announced her marriage on her birthday: I'm also someone's request

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When he met Evonne because of the movie "Little Times", he was at first glance attracted by Tang Wanru's role and was absolutely a funny act of the entire play. Afterwards, the reason why I continued to chase after several parts was that it was for Evonne. It was for pleasure.

There are also many other films in the role of Tang Wanru, but they all feel that the actor is acting like a fake. Only Evonne gives me a real and natural feeling. It wasn’t until she saw the variety show that Evonne had participated in. She realized that she was the same character in real life, so she could be considered a performance! No wonder it will be so outstanding!

However, I must admit that my heart is worried about Evonne. The personality of girls with such a personality is bound to be extremely good. But boys or mother-in-law often prefer gentle and stable girls. Will anyone accept Evonne?

Nowadays, it turns out that Zhou Zhou really has nothing to do and thinks too much! On March 19, on the occasion of his 28th birthday, Evonne announced his marriage without any warning! Amazed not surprised? Not surprising?

At 0:12 in the morning, Evonne sung a comic and said: This year's birthday is different! Alin off the single! Yes, you did not miss it! I'm also someone who wants someone to dream again. I'm getting married. Congratulations to me for wishing me! Life is hard to brush with the presence of a wave of anger!

Through the expression package between the characters, we can see that holding her sister's heart is very excited and her happiness burst into tears. Evonne claims that he is going to get out of the singles. So is this the time of completion or future? Or do you want to license or hold a wedding today during the day?

The picture is a comic book. It should be Evonne and her husband. Not to mention that the author painted Evonne really vividly, capturing the characteristics of the characters, as for the man, because there is no comparison, so we can only look at the picture to imagine the man's appearance. The English name of the bridegroom should be called Green, which is thick and wide-eyed. Compared to Evonne, his character should be regarded as a relatively quiet and calm type.

With regard to this sudden news, the fans’ reactions were also very funny. All the small partners were stunned and left a message: What? My goodness! Almost can not believe it.

There are netizens actually used the expression of a small s mother and daughter four express their own inner shock: married? ? ?

Of course, there are certainly many fans of blessings, but the heart must not feel strange, and leave a message asking: Who is so happy to you?

Yes, Zhou Zhou is also full of curiosity about this lucky man! When will you show your love?

I said that Evonne has become more and more beautiful recently. It was love!

Many people who used to watch SHE had also worried about the neutral character. What Ella should look like as a boy? Today, her husband has been petting herself, and she has also given birth to a super cute son, which has become the happiest of the three. So I believe that Evonne will also have a beautiful and long-lasting love. He can have such a funny humorous wife. The handsome guy named Green must be happily and eagerly amused every day!

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