
Cheng xiao brave world' weird girl online self-affirmation: i am super powerful!

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Linkeddb News October 15 Since the end of the large-scale live science fiction experimental program "brave world", the program has been favored by the audience with its high-intensity, high-randomness and high-challenge competition system and the quality of the guests' bravery and cooperation. In the latest episode of the show, cheng xiao takes on the role of a strange woman, and proudly affirms that "I'm so fierce now" causes the audience to laugh out their abdominal muscles.

Weird power girl turns into "clever diamond king" & NBSP; Self - affirmation: I am super now!

In the battle, cheng xiao has adopted the strategy of "playing against others to gain profits" and "joining hands with others" Sean Zhang Win the final victory together. Cheng xiao, who has been making rapid progress, is extremely brave. He takes charge with a firm and accurate shot, and takes down the high places in the bunkers Jiang Du Attract teachers San Wong Chun sighed: "so good? !" Cheng xiao's face is proud: "that must, I super fierce now!" Show off in an ostentatious manner's little expressions and lovely tone of voice cuddled the audience.

On the day of birth, cheng xiao tactfully found that the prop could be disassembled, so she was inspired to remove the rope and escape successfully. Her transformation into the god operation of "clever diamond king" drew netizens' laughter and thumb up: "cheng xiao is clever!! "More interestingly, cheng xiao, who managed to escape, went out of his way to teach his teammate Sean Zhang about" waiting for an opportunity to escape ". The "funny" remark caused Sean Zhang to cry and laugh, and complained to other brave people: "I did not want to escape".


Cheng yifan fly out of his own style "venomous tongue" variety sense laugh over the audience


As members gradually get familiar with each other, cheng xiao gradually turns himself into a "cheng grubi" lovely full point, the soul of variety can not block. In the selection process, facing his mentor San Wong chun's self-portrait, cheng xiao boldly and seriously said, "this is still abstract", causing audience to burst into laughter. In the face of teacher younger brother Lee right Zhe's self-portrait, cheng xiao asked, "don't you remember your teacher?" Instantly beat the opponent half way down. When told that Jiang Du's semi-final bonus was "eye of god", cheng xiaogeng joked: "will the strongest warriors go on the radio?" The blunt and lovely move draws the close mother fans one after another "slippery kneel" : "sorry, my baby is a bit drunk milk!"

Even more interesting is this episode of "confused xiao" and Joe Chan The have no sense of direction sisters lost their way and made the audience cute. Cheng xiao is disassembled prop by Chen He Catch a while, small act of coquetry immediately beg to keep secret appearance is very lovely; See through ding zeyen's blood package fraud after complaining "full blood!" "Oh dear cheng xiao is so cute!! "

JPG cheng xiao as pippi xiao


In the trailer for next season's finals, the teammate is determined to revenge by KO hsiao. In the farewell speech cheng xiao is more tears into tears, what is still wonderful, let us wait and see!

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