
"Animation film ANIMAL WORLD" released 3D special series Han Yan called cinema to provide viewers with the best 3D experience

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Presumably we have recently been tyrants of the ANIMAL WORLD news. The opening night premiere of the film festival bursts in popularity, Weibo night won the "most anticipated type of film", the film's highlights have also been slowly opened. As the first domestic film to complete late modulation on the Lưu Hi Viên D 3D system and the ultimate screen, ANIMAL WORLD, which will be released on June 29th, will be a brand new attempt on the subject matter and concept, creating a precedent for Chinese-language films and a high level of industrialization. The process guarantees a high degree of completion of the movie on the special effects screen, giving the movie a more perfect visual and audio effect. What makes 3D different in the end? In the newly exposed 3D special, Han Yan directed and Gener8's 3D production director Benedict Murry gave a detailed explanation.

Talk about the original intention

Super immersive service narrative to show the audience the real 3D charm

The first director, Han Yan, answered the original intention of insisting on doing 3D: It was decided to make 3D from the narrative of the film and the story itself. 3D enables the audience to better immerse themselves in the film environment, participate in the game, synchronize the heartbeat with all players, and synchronize the tension. And creating 3D will more clearly show the more brain-burning and logical reasoning of the film, allowing the audience to see the most effective amount of information to be conveyed at the first time.

Gener8's 3D production director Benedict Murry also said that the director's demand for 3D production of the film is very high, and the film is produced entirely in international blockbuster standards. And added that because the movie itself is awesome, visual effects are great, and the style of the director is great, 3D conversions are meant to add coherence to the production team that gives depth to the images and give some meaning to the stereo scripts.

The director Han Yan emphasized that “ANIMAL WORLD” is a 3D movie that is full of narrative logic and emotional fullness. He said that his idea of ​​3D is not just to make the audience have a visual impact, but just think that it is so cool to look at, and something that can be remembered is not much to memorize. The production level and overall quality of this movie will show the audience the true 3D charm.

Talk about harvest

Lưu Hi Viên D 3D assists late dimming to bring full brightness and transparency

Benedict Murry specifically stated that what 3D did was try to superimpose the depth of field. For example, in real life, I can see you, the table behind you and the back door. I can see a lot of superimposed depth of field. We often see that many 3D images are too compressed. So the key to 3D production is how to get the audience into the film environment. And as an example: "When Michael Douglas and Zheng Kaishi appeared together, we actually did the reverse zoom. So in the stereoscopic picture, Michael Douglas pulled far more negative depth, that is, more towards the audience. Then we pushed the background more Deeper and deeper."

Director Han Yan also added: "The film has a lot of stratification, especially fighting on the subway. Because of the colorful blood of a lot of monsters, that may have to be pulled out bit by bit and then go to the level." Director Han Yan also mentioned the gains from the late dimming on the Lưu Hi Viên D 3D system and the ultimate screen. “Every time I sit in the hall, I see the brightness and transparency of the picture, and I particularly hope The audience can see the same picture.”

The last two also called on the cinema to provide viewers with a better 3D viewing environment. Director Han Yan said: “I hope the theater can still actively replace equipment and update its equipment, including some bulbs that are not bright enough to be replaced in time. There must be a standard.” Benedict Murry also bluntly said: “I think the Chinese film market is mature enough to accept high-quality 3D, and the audience deserves a good 3D experience.”

At present, the pre-sale of ANIMAL WORLD has been fully started. The film will be released worldwide on June 29th. Take advantage of the scheduled Lưu Hi Viên D 3D movie theater to experience the best viewing effects!

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