
Lou Yixiao led an amazing team tacit love apartment team to win the KPL star game

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On July 8, the 2018 KPL Spring Finals was launched in Shanghai. The love apartment team composed of Lou Yixiao , Li Jinming , Mengmeng Liu , QGhappy•Cat, RNG.M•Yecheng easily won the star show competition and showed an amazing team acquaintance, cheers and applause at the show. One after another.

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Lou Yixiao led an amazing team tacit love apartment team to win the KPL star game

On July 8, the 2018 KPL Spring Finals was launched at the Shanghai Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center. The love apartment team composed of Lou Yixiao, Li Jinming, Mengmeng Liu, QGhappy•Cat, RNG.M•Yecheng easily won the star show competition and showed an amazing team acquaintance, cheers and applause at the show. One after another.

Love apartment team brings surprise performance, super tacit understanding, invincible strength, easy to win

Yesterday, the KPL finals formed a spectacular "red and blue ocean", the first show against the star show in the KPL finals stage. The love apartment team consisting of Lou Yixiao, Li Jinming, Mengmeng Liu, QGhappy•Cat, RNG.M•虔cheng defeated the speedy king group consisting of Lu Han , Lang Lang , Pan Xiaoting , XQ•AT, GK•Wong Taixian. .

In this star game, members of the Love Apartment team, Lou Yixiao, Li Jinming, and Mengmeng Liu, brought an outstanding performance. The three girls were able to fight alone and in groups. Lou Yixiao used the wizard's beautiful operation to get the blood. Li Jinming used the tank to fight against the rhythm. Mengmeng Liu used the auxiliary road to kill the team. Compared to the amazing game operation skills, the love apartment team is even more impressive is the unmatched team tacit understanding. The teams with their respective roles cooperated, and the teammates were quickly supported by the team when they were arrested. The professional players QGhappy•Cat, RNG.M•Yucheng also praised the wonderful performances of the three girls.

The high level of tacit understanding in the game comes from the deep friendship in life. Since the opening of the " Love Apartment " TV series in 2008, the friendship has been ten years since the filming of Lou Yixiao, Li Jinming, and Mengmeng Liu.

Four years of grinding a movie, happy and doubled, and the "Getting Things" version of the preview has triggered more expectations.

In yesterday's KPL finals, in addition to Lou Yixiao, Li Jinming, Mengmeng Liu's eye-catching performance is impressive, the first "playing things" trailer in the movie "Love Apartment" played before the start of the star game is also firmly Locked the eyes of the audience. This trailer is only 30 seconds, but the time is short but the amount of information is a lot. Familiar with faces wearing strange costumes, fighting fiercely against mysterious opponents in an unknown space. The "Love Apartment" series that has not been updated in four years, this time returning in the form of a big movie, in addition to the development and continuation of the mainline plot, will bring more fresh and unknown elements.

The "Getting Things" version was officially released on July 5, and the online platform broadcast volume exceeded 18 million in 48 hours. The topic of "Love Apartment Movie Edition" was ranked first on the Sina Weibo topic movie list. Up to now, the movie "Love Apartment" has more than 680,000 people on the cat's eye platform, and at this moment, it is still a month away from the film. According to this trend, the movie "Love Apartment" is expected to become the first film in China to see more than one million people.

The film "Love Apartment" was directed by TV drama director Zheng Wei and screenwriter Yuan Wang . Zeng Xiaoxian, Hu Yifei, Tang Youyou, Lu Ziqiao, Da Zhangwei , Vanessa-Mae gathered together, old friends brought new plots, the film was fixed August 10 Day, in the summer file and the audience theater.

The film "Love Apartment" is produced by Shanghai Tencent Film Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Shanghai Film (Group) Co., Ltd., Handan Film (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., Lianrui Film (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Gaoge Film & TV Production Co., Ltd., Nanpai Pan Entertainment Co., Ltd., Horgos Mobile Film Co., Ltd., Legendary Film Investment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Oriental International Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Shanghai Daguan Equity Investment Fund Co., Ltd., Nanjing time Hai Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Dadi Times Culture Communication (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Hengdian Film Co., Ltd., Khorgos Jinyi Film Co., Ltd., Shanghai Amoy Tickets Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Tianjin Cat Eye Micro Culture Communication Co., Ltd. , Shanghai Yukai Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Tianjin Wuba Tongcheng Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yu Culture Media Co., Ltd., Huocheng Forest Cinema Culture Media Co., Ltd., Khorgos Lianrui Film Co., Ltd., Beijing He Ruiying Industry Culture Co., Ltd., Beijing Crystal Jin Bay Investment Management Co., Ltd. Produced.

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