
The evolution of love tv series' finale last night focused on reality and created new ideas.

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Star relations news: produced by xinli TV culture investment co., LTD., written by bao qing. Zhujian the An Director, co-director dong fulai, Huang Lan As producer, Zhang Ruoyun , Zhang Tianai , Xu Weizhou , Viva Starring, Zhao Dongze , Liang Po Ling , Di Xu , Song Sun , Lingxin Zhang Star, Ice The metropolis romance comedy Evolution of love "Has closed yesterday. Arauman (Zhang Tianai) makes a valiant effort to catch up with love, and expresses his feelings to lufei (Zhang Ruoyun). Based on reality, the play has a strong voice from the perspective of ordinary people and is also filled with golden sentences. The novel creation form makes the play unique in the film and TV drama market in 2018.

The stars cast a halo over the social landscape of evolution of love

Different from the creation forms of previous films and TV series, the evolution of love boldly integrates the questions and answers of ordinary people on love problems into the original film, and extracts them from the script. At the end of the show's nightly update, the show features an interview with the plain man as an Easter egg. The ordinary people will sit in front of the camera, as the object of the interview, to express their understanding of love-related issues. Through the plain and humorous interpretation of the drama, the fireworks added a lot. The creator no longer floats outside the life, but throws out the social hot topics through his own interpretation, and then interprets the "simple and rough" from the perspective of ordinary people, pointing out the maze, forming a feeling of being separated from the air. The responses of ordinary people were frequently highlighted. There was no lack of interesting discussions on mate selection criteria, how to spend valentine's day alone, how to meet the parents, how the parents are old, etc. To some extent, these discussions reflected the ecology of youth in contemporary society, and also depicted the positive features of independence, self-confidence and autonomy. The writing team of the TV series "evolution of love" broke the monotony of the script, listened to the value orientation of the current young people with an open mind, and also conveyed the equal and positive creation mentality and production sincerity. At the same time, the depth and breadth of film and television works are also enriched.

The blue sea "the road to evolution" is still far from Zhong Ren

电视剧《Evolution of love》的又一大亮点便是海量金句的高密度释放。据统计,全剧共出现了180条以上的好词金句,平均每集就有5句金句出镜,形成了在内容方面的极大充实。该剧虽然是都会爱情轻喜剧,但别出心裁地以金句击破题材创作的桎梏,融现实向人生感悟,家庭亲情,价值选择于一炉。剧中全能的暖男鹿飞一角背后的原生家庭随着剧情铺陈逐渐拉开,关于原生家庭背后的辛酸和苦楚,也较为新颖地呈现于此。艾若曼这个独立的职场女性不恨嫁,不做附庸,“再好的爱情都不值得让人失去自我”。与此同时她积极倡导财务自由,以独立的人格成为当下同龄人努力的目标,但各项完美但在感情中不得满分的她令人唏嘘。剧中角色各有特色但都不完美,或许正是这些角色丰满而立体的闪光之处。

Click to see: An introduction to the evolution of love

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