
Photo of Michelle Chen Sun and Rainie Yang User: Two Anhui Wives

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Photo of Michelle Chen Sun and Rainie Yang

On May 14th, Rainie Yang sung a photo with Michelle Chen on the social networking site and distributed the text: “I haven’t seen it for a few months. Even if it was only an hour, I’m very satisfied. Talk about the situation and care about the other person’s work. And life, it's good.” Michelle Chen once again took photos with Rainie Yang on Weibo this morning and distributed the text: “Even if I just rushed to meet my baby for an hour, I was very happy!” In the photo, Rainie Yang and Michelle Chen look very close together. The two people smiled sweetly towards the camera, and they also dipped their mouths together. It looks like there is a lot of friendship?



Rainie Yang and Michelle Chen once appeared in the idol drama MissNoGood . Netizens said: "There is no wrinkle, it's not fair," and "all the stars in the entertainment world know each other." There is also a more clever thing. Both are from Taiwan Province, the motherland of Taiwan, and Rainie Yang's boyfriend Li Ronghao and Michelle Chen's husband Xiao Chen are from Anhui Province. The netizen sighed: "Too smart" and " The two Anhui daughter-in-law "ha" and "they married one to married Hefei."


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