
Yang Wei (gymnast) celebrates birth of a twin daughter in a pink ocean

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Yesterday, gymnast Yang Wei (gymnast) microblogging sent a group of happy twins to celebrate their first birthday. The picture shows Yang Wei (gymnast), a family of five surrounded by a sweet pink atmosphere, with two twin daughters Meng appearance. It is reported that the two were called Huan and LELE , Huan like father, LELE super like mother, together with Yang Yang Yang combined with the merits of the super warm heart big brother, a family of sweet and happy.

 Yang Wei (gymnast) 为双胞胎女儿庆生

 Yang Wei (gymnast) 为双胞胎女儿庆生

Yang Yun (gymnast) Wife Yang Yun (gymnast) Once praised Yang as his eldest brother in microblogging. Yang Yang has a great brother. Ever since her twin sisters, not only has Yang Wei (gymnast) become a daughter slave, Yang Yang Also change sister control, every day holding two sister coax non-stop, funny sister happy. Will also feed two sisters to drink water at the same time, coax two sister to sleep.

 Yang Yang 洋变身妹控

 Yang Yang 洋变身妹控

Now, Yang Yang Yang has been 7 years old, not only grow into a strength of warm men, but also inherit his father to practice a good gymnastics, 17 years Yang Yang Yang participate in the floor exercise, also won the third place good results. Good study can help parents to take care of my sister, Yang Yang Yang is the textbook good brother model.

 Yang Yang 洋

 Yang Yang 洋

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