
Get Free Reading' Haruki Murakami's Classical Music World on October 2!

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Haruki Murakami , the name I believe many people have heard, also read his works.

But not necessarily know that he is actually a fan of classical music and jazz.


Music is also part of Haruki Murakami's life, Haruki Murakami's study has an entire wall of records, and Haruki Murakami also frequently mentions music in his compositions. Often jazz, classical music, The Beatles and others in Murakami's book, such as Norway's People who ask are often immersed in jazz, the Kafkari classic dadong trio by the sea has even become a clue to character changes in mood. His novels are full of the aesthetics of classical music.


Books and music are the two keys to my life.

- Haruki Murakami

Whether in comments, essays or novels, music never absents. On October 2, a spectacular Haruk Murakami concert will be held at the Henan Art Center Concert Hall. Dr. Jiao Yuanpu (the most professional classical music promoter in Taiwan) will introduce Haruki Murakami's classical music in his novels Usage, and the musicians to perform their related works on the spot. The tracks include the classical music mentioned in the novel, but also the Murakami's unspoken but actually a no-nonsense musical piece of music, making Murakami's readers more profound To enjoy the clever clue in the novel, we all "listen to literature, music!"


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Haruki Murakami Description:


Haruki Murakami began writing at the age of 29, his first work, " Listening to the Wind, " won the Japan Group Portrait Award. In 1987, the fifth novel " Norwegian People also Ask " went public and sold 10 million copies in Japan in 2010, Domestic Simplified version of the total sales of 7.86 million in 2004, causing "Murakami phenomenon." The style of his work is deeply influenced by the writers in Europe and the United States. The tone is light and there are few gloomy writing styles in Japan after the war. It is called the first pure "writer after World War II" and is praised as the standard-bearer of literature in Japan in the 1980s. His works are widely known all over the world.


Jiao Yuan Pu Description:

Jiao Yuanyu, famous classical sound LELE critics, senior columnist, London King's College ( King 's College, London), Ph.D. He is Taiwan's most professional classical music promoters, since the age of 15 published music reviews, essays and essays.

He did a lot of programs related to classical music in Taiwan. He also wrote three series of "Vertical and Horizontal Views of Classical CDs", "Mozart Music CD Appraisal", "Entertainment Black and White: World Pianist Visits" etc.

Haruki Murakami The world of music in writing

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