
Kk cheung' goodbye mr. wang xiansen 'thank you for meeting me and looking forward to the release

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Linkeddb News November 27& have spent Recently, starring KK Cheung filming for the movie "goodbye Wang Xiansen formally in xi 'an, nearly more than two months, excellent actress KK Cheung plays Wang Dafan, in this fantasy comedy film is a dog dealers" knight-errant "by Wang Xing people met after her own past master" leaf ", Wang Dafan pursuing with the actor's dream leaves, leaves help complete actor dream, to Wang Dafan mother filial piety, and ultimately help the leaves to find their own happiness.

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KK Cheung is" Soldiers Sortie Aki Takejo, the tough and competitive company commander of the seven "Aki Takejo", 38 lines "Wisdom brave" Johnson li ", "taihang sons" in all her life in poverty Samaritan "li", good for playing a variety of different types of roles will he choose through life experience and other ways to feel character features, and in this film KK Cheung also practiced tap, he call: "practice dance is too difficult!" He said: 'I would have done better if I'd been a few years younger.' I believe that such a sincere work will be liked by everyone.

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The movie goodbye wang xiansen is expected to be released next year. Xijing story, a TV series starring KK Cheung and Xiaoyi Chen, is currently running on shaanxi no.2.

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